The Legacy of Pāḷi Literature Polished by

the Sixth Buddhist Council


 Tipiṭaka (40 Volumes)

 Aṭṭhakathā (52 Volumes)

 Ṭī (26 Volumes)


List of Abbreviations

                                                                                             Advisory Board and Staff

This Piṭaka CD-ROM is sponsored by Venerable Aggasāmi, Mr. Trần Minh Lợi, Mr. Từ Sơn, Tathāgata Meditation Centre, Paññārāma Meditation Centre and Devotees of Myanmar and Vietnam.

 The CD is released by Ministry of Religious Affairs, Myanmar, for free distribution as a Gift of Dhamma.
Permission is granted to duplicate it for distribution on a non-profit, non-commercial basis.

Comment and suggestion sent to the following email address are warmly appreciated.


Version 01
Date: November 10, 2008