-gū Going; being -go Going; being -jo Born, produced, proceeding from, caused by a and before a vowel an-, A negative particle, used only as an inseparable prefix, compounded with nouns and adjectives aṃsu A thread; a bit of thread; a filament; a ray, a sunbeam aṃsukaṃ Cloth, fine cloth aṃsumālī The sun aṃso A part, portion, share; a period of time aṃso The shoulder akaṭo Not done, left undone; not made; not artificial, natural; not cultivated, waste akaṇo Free from kaṇa, viz. rice freed from the red coating which underlies the husks akataññutā Ingratitude akataññū Ungrateful akataññū Knowing nirvāṇa, an epithet of an arahā akato Not done, left undone; not made; not artificial, natural; not cultivated, waste akatvā see karoti akathaṅkathī Free from doubt akaniṭṭho Greatest, highest akappiyo see kappiyo. Unsuitable, improper, wrong akammako Intransitive akaraṇaṃ Not doing, omission, abstaining from akaraṇīyo Not to be done, to be left undone, to be abstained from or avoided akari see karoti akallaṃ Illness, disease akallo Impossible akā see karoti akāmako Unwilling akāmo Unwilling akāraṇaṃ Without cause, unreasonably, unjustly akāriyo That ought not to be done, that may not or cannot be done akāro The vowel a akāliko Without delay, immediate akālo Unseasonableness, wrong time akāsi see karoti. akāso The sky, air, heavens, the open air, space ākasaṃ The sky, air, heavens, the open air, space akicco That ought not to be done, wrong akiñcano Having nothing, poor, destitute akiñci Not a little, much, considerably akiriyo Unpractical, useless, foolish akilāsu Diligent akutobhayo Having nothing to fear from any quarter, quite safe akuppo Fixed, immovable, sure, certain akusalakammaṃ Unwholesome action, evil action, bad works, demerit, sin akusalakammapatho Course or path of sinful action, sinful course akusaladhātu Element of sin, sinful principle akusalamūlaṃ Root or principle of sin, immorality, evil principle akusalavitakko Sinful thought, immoral thought akusalasaṅkappo Sinful resolve, immoral resolve akusalasaññā Sinful idea, immoral idea akusalo Unskilled, unable; bad, evil, sinful, unhealthful, immoral akkanto Stepped upon, mounted akkamati To step upon, mount upon, tread upon, walk upon akkamanaṃ Stepping upon, walking upon akkuṭṭho Reviled, cursed akko The sun; the plant swallow-wort, or asclepias gigantea akkocchi see akkosati akkodhano Not angry, not passionate, mild akkodho Freedom from wrath, mildness, conciliation akkosati To abuse, to revile akkosanaṃ Reviling, abusing; curse, imprecation akkoso Abuse, reviling akkhaṃ An organ of sense; the eye akkhaāvati To be proclaimed, to be reported akkhako The collar-bone akkhaṇā Lightning akkhaṇo Wrong moment or occasion, unfavourable time akkhataṃ Unhurt, without fault, in safety akkhadasso A judge akkhadevī A dicer, gambler akkhadhutto A dicer, gambler akkhanti Ill-will, grudge, envy akkhayatā Imperishableness, endlessness akkhayo Undecaying, unfailing, endless akkharaṃ The Imperishable or eternal, viz. nirvāṇa akkharaṃ A letter of the alphabet akkharo A letter of the alphabet akkharappabhedo Distinction of letters, etymological science akkharasamayo Letters, reading and writing akkharaso Letter by letter akkhātā One who tells, repeats, or relates; one who proclaims or preaches, a teacher akkhāti To tell, to relate, to announce, to proclaim, to teach, to preach akkhātī Telling, relating, announcing akkhāto Told, related, announced, reported, proclaimed, preached, called, named, denominated akkhānaṃ Telling; recitation; telling tales or legends akkhāyikā A tale, story akkhi The eye akkhiko A dice-player akkhigaṃ The eyelashes akkhitto Not blamed, not reviled, blameless akkho A die; the plant terminalia bellerica; weight equal to two and a half masakas; the axle of a wheel akkhohiṇī A complete army; one of the high numerals, 10,000,000(to the 6th power), or 1 followed by forty-two ciphers akhaṇḍo Unbroken, intact, entire akhātaṃ A natural pond or tank akhilo Entire agati Wrong course, evil course or state, misfortune agato Not gone to, not attained agado Medicine, drug, medicament agandhako Devoid of perfume agaru Light, not heavy, unimportant, not disagreeable agalu Aloe wood, or aquilaria agallochum agādho Bottomless, unfathomable agāmako Without villages, uninhabited agāravo Want of respect, disrespect, disregard agāravo Disrespectful, disregarding agāriko One who lives in a house, a householder, layman agāriyo A householder, a layman agārī A householder aguṇo Bad quality, badness ago A mountain, a tree agocaro That which ought not to be gone to or frequented, wrong sphere, improper or sinful place or object aggaṃ see aggo aggaṃ House, hall, apartment aggajo First born, eldest, elder brother aggañño Chief, leading, principal aggatā Superiority, height, perfection aggato Before, in front of, in the presence of aggappatto Having attained perfection, reached the height aggabījo Propagated by slips or cuttings aggamahesī The chief wife of a king, queen, consort aggalo A wooden bolt or pin for fastening a door aggaḷaṃ A wooden bolt or pin for fastening a door aggalā A wooden bolt or pin for fastening a door aggasāvako Chief disciple aggaheti To seize, to take aggi Fire, sacrificial fire, deity of fire aggikkhandho Mass of fire, blazing or flaming fire used figuratively of a person of brilliancy and distinction aggini Fire aggimantho Name of a plant, the premna spinosa agge Before, in front aggo First, foremost, chief, pre-eminent agghako Having value of, worth agghati To be worth, to cost agghanako Of the value of, costing, worth agghāpeti To get valued or appraised agghiyaṃ A respectful oblation aggho Price, cost, value, a mode of worship or reverence consisting in an oblation of rice, etc. agghaṃ Price, cost, value, a mode of worship or reverence consisting in an oblation of rice, etc. aghaṃ The sky, the air agham Evil, sin, grief, suffering aghoso In gram. surd or hard consonants aṅkito Marked; adorned, furnished, supplied with aṅkuro A shoot, a sprout aṅkuso A hook to guide an elephant with aṅko A mark; the flank or side aṅkolo The plant alaugium hexapetalum aṅkyo A sort of tambourine aṅga Indeed! Oh! aṅgaṃ A limb, a member; the body; a portion, division; a means, a cause; a requisite; a quality, attribute aṅgajātaṃ Membrum virile aṅgaṇaṃ A court, a yard; lust, impurity, sin aṅgati To go aṅgadaṃ A bracelet aṅganā A woman aṅgavikkhepo Gesticulation, meaningful movement of limb or body aṅgavijjā One of the low arts enumerated in brahmajāla sutta, prognostication of a person's future from the appearance of his body aṅgahāro Gesticulation aṅgānūsarī Pervading the limbs. This is the name of one of the vayus or airs contained in the human body aṅgāro Charcoal; live coals, embers aṅgī Having limbs; having parts or divisions aṅgīraso A name of Buddha; name of a ṛishi aṅguṭṭho The thumb aṅguttaranikāyo Name of the fourth division of the suttapiṭaka aṅgulaṃ A finger's breadth, an inch aṅguliko Belonging to a finger; an inch in length aṅgulimuddā A signet ring aṅgulī A finger aṅgulīyakaṃ A finger ring aṅgulyābharaṇaṃ A finger ring aṅgo The name of a country, the organ of a body, limb acalo Firm, steady, immovable acintiyo Beyond the reach of thought or reason, inconceivable, incomprehensible, infinite acinteyyo Beyond the reach of thought or reason, inconceivable, incomprehensible, infinite aciraṭṭhāyī Of short duration acirappabhā Lightning aciravatī Name of a river in India aciro Short, brief, soon, ere long acetano Unconscious, insensible, senseless acelako Unclothed, naked accagamā see atigacchati accagā see acceti accati To offer, to make a religious offering; to honour, to revere accanā Offering, worship accanīyo That ought to be offered, worthy of being offered accantaṃ Very, exceedingly accanto Exceeding, excessive, endless accambilo Very sour accayo Passing away, lapse, of time; death; transgression, offence accādahati To put upon or over accādhānaṃ Putting upon accāyiko Unexpected, out of the usual course or time; pressing, urgent accāraddho Very eager, very strenuous accāsannattaṃ Too great proximity, nearness accāsanne Too near acci A ray of light, sunbeam, flame accito Revered, honoured accimā Fire accukkaṭṭho Very high, too high accuggato Raised, elevated, lofty accuṇho Very hot accuto Immovable; everlasting, eternal accuḷāro Magnificent acceti To pass beyond, to surpass; to overcome, to conquer accokkaṭṭho Very low, too low accodato Very white acchati To stay, to remain, to settle down acchanno Covered, hidden acchambhī Undaunted, undismayed accharā A celestial nymph accharā A moment, the snapping of a finger, the twinkling of an eye acchariyo Wonderful, marvellous, extraordinary; astonished acchādanaṃ Covering, lid, curtain; clothes acchādeti To put on acchi The eye acchiddo Uninjured, intact, faultless acchindati To take away, to remove forcibly acchinno Taken away, removed accheko Unskilful, ignorant, clumsy acchero This is a contracted form of acchariya accho Clear, transparent accho A bear ajagaro A boa constrictor ajaññaṃ A portent of nature, as an earthquake, an ominous occurrence ajati To go ajapālakaṃ The plant costus speciosus ajapālo A goatherd ajarāmaro Free from decay and death ajaḷo Not stupid, not an idiot ajā A she-goat ajātasattu Name of a king of Magadha, a contemporary and convert of Buddha ajikā A she-goat ajinaṃ The hide of an animal, especially of the black antelope ajinapattā A bat ajinappaveṇī A counterpane or rug made of skins sewn together ajinayoni An antelope ajinasātī A garment of skins worn by an ascetic ajimho Straight, straightforward, honest ajiraṃ A court, a yard ajī A she-goat ajeyyo Invincible, impregnable ajeḷakaṃ Goats and sheep ajo A he-goat ajja Today, now ajjatagge From this day, henceforth ajjatano Of today, of the present time, contemporary, modern ajjuko Name of a plant, the white parṇāsa ajjuno The tree terminalia arjuna ajjhakkho A superintendent ajjhagā see adhīte ajjhattṃ Individual thought, an object of sense, an object for the mind to dwell upon, sphere or province of intent thought ajjhattaṃ Relating to the individual, within the individual, internally, subjectively ajjhattiko Relating or belonging to the individual or self, personal, internal, subjective ajjhabhāsi see adhibhāsati ajjhāgato Having approached, come into the presence of ajjhāgamā see adhigacchati ajjhācarati To practise, to perform, to enjoin ajjhācāro Transgression, excess, offence ajjhāciṇṇo Enjoined, ordered ajjhāpanaṃ Instruction ajjhāpanno Fallen into, having incurred or become guilty of ajjhāpeti To teach, to instruct ajjhāyako Engaged in study ajjhāyo Reading, a chapter, section ajjhārāmo A garden ajjhāropeti To cause to ascend, to raise, to transfer, to apply ajjhāroho Name of a fabulous sea monster ajjhāvasati To inhabit, to dwell in ajjhāvasatho A house, dwelling ajjhāsayo Intention, meaning, thought, inclination, wish ajjhāseti To lie or rest upon ajjhesati To request, to invite ajjhesanā Request, invitation, solicitation ajjhokāso The open air, an open space ajjhogāḷho Plunged, sunk, immersed ajjhogāheti To plunge into, to enter ajjhotthato Overwhelmed ajjhottharati To overwhelm, to overspread ajjhosānaṃ Being bent upon, application, cleaving to ajjhosito Bent upon, cleaving to ajjhohaṭo Eaten, swallowed ajjhoharaṇaṃ Eating ajjhoharati To eat, to swallow ajjhohāro Eating, swallowing ajlādhāro A tank, a reservoir añcati To honour añjati To anoint, to smear añjanaṇ A collyrium applied to the eyelashes to darken them añjali The hollow of the joined hand; a respectful salutation performed by raising the joined hands to the forehead añjasaṃ A road aññataro One, a certain, some; some other, another aññattha Elsewhere; in another case aññatthattaṃ Variation, contrariety aññathattā Differently aññathā In another way, differently, otherwise aññadatthu Surely, certainly, truly aññadā At another time aññamaññaṃ Mutually, towards each other aññamañño Each other, one another aññavādako Talking irrelevantly, prevaricating, speak or act evasively or misleadingly aññasatthuddeso Adopting another teacher aññā Knowledge; perfect knowledge, arahattaphala aññāṇaṃ Ignorance aññātako Unknown, unrecognizable aññātako Not related, not a kinsman aññātabbo That ought to be known or learnt aññātavesavā In disguise aññātā One who learns or understands aññāti Not a relative aññātuṃ see ājānāti aññāto Known, understood aññāto Unknown, unrecognized, in disguise aññāto Not related, not a kinsman aññādiso Different aññāyamāno Unrecognized aññāyo see ājānāti and añño aññāsi see ājānāti añño Other; other than, different from aññoñño Mutual añññatamo One of several, a certain añññatra Without, except, besides aṭaṭaṃ One of the high numerals, 10,000,000(to the 12th power), or 1 followed by 84 ciphers. aṭati To roam aṭanī Name of a part of a bedstead aṭavī A forest aṭṭako Name of a ṛishi aṭṭahāso A horse-laugh aṭṭālako A watch tower aṭṭo A watch tower aṭṭo Hurt, distressed, afficted aṭṭo A case, cause, lawsuit aṭṭha Eight aṭṭhaṃsu see tiṭṭhati aṭṭhaṃso Octagonal aṭṭhakaṃ An octad, a collection of eight things aṭṭhakathā Exposition of meaning, explanation, exegesis; a commentary aṭṭhaṅgaṃ Eight divisions or parts; eight qualities aṭṭhaṅgasīlaṃ The eightfold moral practice, the eight precepts aṭṭhaṅguposathī Keeping the eight-fold uposatha, viz. the aṭṭhaṅgasīla aṭṭhaṅgulo Eight inches long or thick aṭṭhadhā Eightfold, in eight ways aṭṭhangiko Having eight parts or divisions, eightfold aṭṭhapadaṭṭhapanaṃ A mode of dressing the hair aṭṭhamo Eighth aṭṭhavidho Eightfold aṭṭhādaso Eighteen aṭṭhānaṃ Wrong place aṭṭhāpadaṃ A chequered board for draughts, dice, etc. aṭṭhāpado A chequered board for draughts, dice, etc. aṭṭhārasa Eighteen aṭṭhārasamo Eighteenth aṭṭhi A bone; a kernel or stone of a fruit; a seed aṭṭhikaṃ A bone; kernel, seed aṭṭhito Not standing; not staying aṭṭhimiñjā Marrow aṭṭhena On account of, by reason of aḍḍhatiyo Two and half aḍḍhateyyo Two and half aḍḍhayogo Name of a sort of house. Said to be a house shaped like a garuḍa bird aḍḍhuḍḍho Three and a half aḍḍho Half, halved aḍḍho Wealthy, rich aḍhamāso Half a month, a fortnight aṇu Small, minute; subtle aṇuṃthūlo Small and great aṇuko Small, minute aṇumatto Small, least aṇḍaṃ An egg: a testicle aṇḍakaṃ A bird's egg aṇḍajo Oviparous aṇḍūpakaṃ A roll of cloth to serve as a stand for a vessel aṇṇavo The sea, the ocean aṇṇo Water; a wave, flood atakkāvacaro Beyond the range of thought, unthinkable atakkito Unexpected atati To go atandito Unwearied, unremitting atappo Inaccessible to suffering atalamphasso Bottomless, unfathomable atasī Flax ati Over; beyond; exceedingly; too much atikkanto Past; surpassing atikkamati To escape from; to go beyond, to pass, to cross; to transgress; to elapse; to excel, to surpass atikkamanaṃ Going beyond, passing atikkamo Passing away, transgression atikkāmeti To go beyond, to exceed atikhīṇo Not harsh, gentle atigacchati To overcome atigato Escaped from atigo Escaping from; going beyond aticarati To transgress; to commit adultery aticariyā Adultery aticārī Transgressing aticāro Transgression, adultery aticiraṃ Too long aticirāyati To tarry long aticchatha This is the formula for civilly refusing alms to a bhikkhu. "Go and beg further on". atitarati To excel atitulo Unrivalled atitto Unsated atithi A guest, a stranger atithoko Very little, too little atidassano Beyond ken, invisible atidure Very far, too far atidhonacārī This word is explained to mean "one who lives transgressing the paccayasannissitasīla". atināmenti To cause to pass, to let go by atindriyo Beyond the reach of the senses atipāteti To cause to fly, to shoot an arrow atipāto Very early atipāto Injuring, destruction; transgression atippage Too early atippasattho Very excellent atibalo Very strong atibahu Too much, too many, very numerous atibbīto Much alarmed atibhāyati To be much afraid atimaññati To despise, to dislike atimatto Exceeding, excessive; atimattaṃ, exceedingly atimānī Vainglorious, conceited atimuttako Name of a tree atimutto The creeper gaertnera racemosa atirittako In excess, superfluous atiritto Exceeding, in excess, extra, superfluous atirekataro More excessive, more abundant atirekalābho Extra allowance atireko Exceeding, excessive atirocati To outshine ativattati To go beyond, to pass; to overcome; to transgress ativaso Subject to, in the power of ativākyaṃ Bad language, abuse, opprobrious speech ativiya see ativa ativisā Name of a plant ativuddho Very old ativelo Unseasonable atisayo Excess; excellence atisāyaṃ Very late in the evening atisuno A mad dog atisūratā Great heroism atihatthayati To cross on an elephant atītaṃso Past time atīto Past, elapsed; passed; having transgressed atīva Very, exceedingly atulo Incomparable,admirable ato Hence; now; therfore; accordingly attajo Proceeding from oneself; self-begotten attaññī Knowing oneself attato According to the attā or self attattho One's own good, self interest attadaṇṇdo Using the stick or punishment attadattho One's own advantage or good attadutiyo With one companion attanā see attā attaniyo Belonging to oneself, own attanopadaṃ A grammatical term meaning "intransitive" attantapo Self-mortifying attabhāvī Having a body attabhāvo Person, self, individual, personality attamanatā Rapture, delight, see attamano attamano Rapt, delighted, joyful attavādo Assertion of self or individuality attā Self, body, person, individuality; life, mind soul; in a non-buddhist sense the paramātman or Universal Soul attāṇo Unprotected attādhipateyyaṃ see adhipateyyaṃ attādhīno Independent atto Thrown attha Ye are attha Here, see also atra atthaṃ Disappearance, destruction atthaṃ For the sake or purpose of, on account of, for atthakaro Beneficial, advantageous, atthakkhāvī Telling another what is for his good, giving good advice atthagamanaṃ Setting, of the sun; destruction atthagamo Setting, of the sun; disappearance, perishing, destruction, annihilation atthaṅgacchati To set; to perish, to vanish atthaṅgato Set, disappeared atthaṅgamo Setting, of the sun; disappearance, perishing, destruction, annihilation atthacariyā Wise or beneficial conduct atthacaro Acting for a person's benefit, benevolent atthatihaṃ For the good or advantage of atthato According to the sense or meaning; intelligently, sensibly atthato Spread, laid out atthadassī Name of one of the twenty-four Buddhas atthaddho Not stupid, sensible, wise atthanā Request, begging atthapaccatthika Friends and foes, lit. seeking your advantage and disadvantage. The term belongs to the whole compound atthamito Set, gone down atthameti To set, of the sun attharaṇaṃ A covering, a coverlet, a rug, a carpet attharati To spread, to lay out, to cover attharāpeti To cause to be spread atthavaṇṇanā Explanation of meaning, a commentary atthavādī Speaking sensibly or truthfully atthasatthaṃ Ethics atthaso According to the sense, according to the spirit as opposed to the letter atthāya For the good of; in order to, on account of, for the sake of, atthāro Spreading atthi To be, to exist atthiko Connected with existence atthiko Desirous of atthitā Being, existence atthittaṃ Existence atthibhāvo Being, existence atthī Desirous, wishing for atthu It may be used as an exclamation, conveying the sense of reluctant acquiescence, "Let it be", "It cannot be helped" atthuddhāro Exegesis, explanation attheti To request attho Setting, disappearance, destruction; the western mountain behind which the sun sets attho (aṭṭho and aṭṭo)Desire, want, need, occasion; cause, reason, purpose; object, aim; substance, object, thing; property, wealth; advantage, good, wdlfare; meaning, sense, significance atmāpeti To injure, to destroy atyappo Very small atra Here atrajo Offspring, son atha And; but; then; now athabbanavedo The atharva veda athavā Or atheno Not a thief, honest atho And; also; then adanaṃ Eating adassanaṃ Not seeing, not meeting with, disappearance, not showing adāso Not a slave, a free man, a freed man adiṭṭho Not seen, unseen aditi The mother of the gods adinnādānaṃ Taking what is not given, appropriation, theft adinnādāyī One who takes what is not given, a thief adinno Not given adissamāno Invisible aduṃ see amu adukkhamasukhā Indifference, indifference to pain or pleasure, neither pleasant nor painful ado Eating, feeding on adoso Not an offence, absence of guilt adoso Absence of hatred or anger addakaṃ Green ginger addakkhi see passati addabbo Immaterial, abstract addasa see passati addā Name of one of the nakkhattas addi A mountain addito Afflicted, oppressed addo Wet, moist addhagato One who has made a long journey, advanced in years, aged addhagū A traveller addhaniyo Lasting, going on, continuing addhamāso Half a month, a fortnight addharatto Midnight addhā Truly, certainly, surely, evidently addhā A road, distance, time addhānaṃ A road; a long distance; a long time addhiko Journeying, travelling addhuvo Impermanent addho Half, halved adhamaṇṇo A debtor adhamo Lowest, very low, meanest, vile, contemptible adhammiko Irreligious, impious, wicked adhammo Wrong, injustice, unlawfulness, false doctrine, impiety, unrighteousness adharo Lower, inferior adharoṭṭho The lower lip adhi Above, over, superior to adhikataro Greater, superior adhikato A superintendent, overseer adhikaraṇaṃ Relation, reference, circumstance, matter, subject, case, subject of discussion, matter of dispute, cause, suit adhikaraṇasamatho Settling questions, or cases that have arisen adhikaraṇī A smith's anvil adhikāro Office, authority, function, chapter adhikicca Referring to, relating to adhiko Exceeding, surpassing, better than, superior to adhikoṭṭanaṃ A chopping block, executioner's block adhigacchati To enter upon, to reach, attain, to acquire adhigato Having attained or arrived at, attained, acquired adhigamanam Obtaining, attainment, arriving at, attaiment of arahatta adhigamo Attainment, study adhiggahīto Taken, occupied by, in the possession adhicittaṃ Lofty thought or contemplation, meditative state adhiccakā Land or plateau on a mountain adhiccasamuppanno Uncaused, sprung into existence without a cause, spontaneous adhiṭṭhahati To stand on, to stay, to remain firm in, to inhabit, to appoint, to fix, to determine, to resolve, to will, to command, to devote oneself to, to practise, to perform, to undertake, to be set upon, to fix the mind upon, dwell upon adhiṭṭhāti To stand on, to stay, to remain firm in, to inhabit, to appoint, to fix, to determine, to resolve, to will, to command, to devote oneself to, to practise, to perform, to undertake, to be set upon, to fix the mind upon, dwell upon adhiṭṭhānaṃ Resting-place; staying, stopping; appointing, fixing, appointment, order; determination, resolution, resolve adhiṭṭhāyako Superintendent, director adhiṭṭhito Appointed, fixed, determined, willed adhitiṭṭhati To stand on, to stay, to remain firm in, to inhabit, to appoint, to fix, to determine, to resolve, to will, to command, to devote oneself to, to practise, to perform, to undertake, to be set upon, to fix the mind upon, dwell upon adhitthi Relating to a woman, with reference to a woman adhinātho Lord, chief, governor adhipati Lord, chief, sovereign, master adhipanno Caught, seized, assailed adhipāteti To knock off, remove adhipo Lord, king, ruler, master adhippāyo Intention, wish, meaning, thought adhippeto Meant, intended, desired adhibhavanaṃ Subjection adhibhāsati To address, to speak to adhibhū Lord, master, chief, king adhibhūto Overcome, mastered adhimattaṃ Exceedingly, excessively adhimatto Excessive adhimāno Undue confidence, undue estimate of oneself adhimuccati To be inclined to, intent upon, to be set upon, have confidence or faith in, to be resolved, determined adhimutti Inclination, disposition; intention, resolution, resolve, will, confidence, faith adhimutto Inclined, disposed, intent upon, resolved for, bent upon adhimokkho Steadfastnes, determination, certainty, confidence, faith adhirohiṇī A ladder adhivacanaṃ Denomination, designation, name, appellation adhivattho Dwelling, residing adhivasati To dwell in, to inhabit adhivāsanaṃ Consent, assent, acceptance adhivāseti To consent, to assent, to comply with, to bear with, to accept, to approve, to favour, to receive favourably, to accept with resignation, to bear, to endure adhivāso Dwelling, residence, consent, acceptance adhivāso Perfuming the person adhivāhano Carrying or conveying to adhisakkāro Honour, hospitality, festivity adhiseti To lie down upon; to lie, to rest, to sleep; to inhabit adhīte To read, to study adhīto Learned, read; having learned adhīno Subject, dependent, servile adhīyate To read, to study adhīro Confused, embarrassed, timid, irresolute adhunā Now, just now adhunāgato Just arrived, newly come adho Under, underneath, below, down, low down adhokato Knocked down, upset adhogamo Going downwards, descending adhogāmī Going downward, descending adhoṭhito Standing below, situated below adhobhāgo The lower part adhobhuvanaṃ The lower region, pātāla, the nāga-world adhomukho Looking downwards, with the head bent down adhosākho Having the branches downwards adhosiro Head-downwards anaṃ A cart anakkhāto Not described, ineffable, an epithet of nirvāṇa anakkhiko Without eyes, sightless anagāriko One who does not live in a house, an ascetic anagāriyā The houseless life of an ascetic anagārī Anagāriyā anagghako Priceless, invaluable anaggho Priceless, invaluable, inestimable, precious, costly anagho Sinless, blameless, pure anaṅgaṇo Free from lust or impurity, pure anacchariyo Not wonderful anaccho Not clear, turbid anaññāto Undistinguished, unrecognized anañño Without another, alone anati To breathe, to live anattamano Displeased, discontented. See attamano anattā Not a self, not a soul anattādhīno Not one's own master, dependent anatto Without individuality, unreal anatthako Unmeaning, senseless, foolish anattho Foolish, vain anattho Disadvantage, evil, misfortune; injury anadhiko Without additions or superfluities, not redundant anadhivaro Without a superior, - an epithet of a Buddha ananucchaviko Unsuitable, unworthy, improper ananussuto Unheard anano Free from debt anantaraṃ Immediately after, next anantaro Immediately following, next; adjoining, next ananto Endless, eternal; boundless, infinite anapāyī Not departing, lasting anapekkho Indifferent anapekhī Free from desire anappako Much, great, considerable anappo Much, great; numerous, many anabhijjhā Absence of covetousness or desire anabhijjhito "Not coveted" anabhirati Dissatisfaction; affliction, sorrow anabhiraddhi Anger, wrath, rage anabhissaro Not a master, powerless anamalaggo In the countless existences that have no beginning anayo Sin, wrong; distress, misfortune anarahā One who is not an arhat anariyavohāro Unworthy practice anariyo Not noble, not venerable, mean, dishonourable, low anaro Not a man, other than human analāso Industrious, diligent analo Fire anavajjatā Blamelessness anavajjo Blameless, harmless, not sinful anavaṭṭhiti Unsteadiness anavatatto see anotatto anavayo Perfectly acquainted with, versed in anavarataṃ Incessantly anavaseso Without any remaining, all, everyone, the whole anavassavo Not flowing in, non-influx anavassuto see avassuto anasanaṃ Fasting anassavo Disobedient anākulo Untroubled, quiet, peaceful anāgato Not come, not arrived; future anāgamanaṃ Not returning anāgāmiphalaṃ Fruition of the state of anāgāmī anāgāmimaggo The path of one that does not return anāgāmī One who does not return. This is the technical term for one who has entered the third of the four maggas, or paths to nirvāṇa. He is so called because he cannot again be born in the world of men or of devas, but only in a brahma world, from which he may attain nirvāṇa. anāgāriyo Not living in a house, houseless, homeless, recluse anāgāro Houseless, homeless anācariyako Without a master or teacher, self-taught anācāro Bad conduct, bad manners anāturo Healthy anāthapiṇḍiko Feeder of the poor, surname of an eminent lay disciple of Buddha; his name was Sudatta. anātho Helpless, forlorn, destitute anādariyam Disregard, disrespect, unkindness anādaro Disregard, disrespect, contempt, carelessness, indifference anādaro Disrespectful, careless, reckless, bold anādāno Free from attachment or desire anādiyanto Without minding, without attending anāpatti Free from guilt, innocent anāpattiko Free from guilt anāpucchā Without asking leave, without permission anāmayo Free from illness, healthy anāmikā The ring finger anārato Continual anālayo Free from desire or attachment anāvaṭadvāratā Not closing the door against another, accessibility, open handedness anāvaṭo Unobstructed, unlimited anāvatti Non-return anāvilo Clear, pure; untroubled, serene anāsakā Fasting anāsavo Free from human passion anāhāro Without food, fasting aniccatā Impermanence, instability, mortality, death anicco Not lasting, transitory, perishable anicchito Not desired, disliked, unpleasing aniṭṭho Unpleasant anidassanaṃ The unseen, viz. nirvāṇa anipphalo Not fruitless, not without reward anibbiddho Not traversed, not a thoroughfare animitto see nimittaṃ animiso Not winking the eyes aniyato Uncertain, doubtful aniyamo Uncertainty anilo Wind anisammakārī Acting inconsiderately or recklessly anissayo Without supplies, barren, desolate anissāmanako Not envious anīkaṭṭho One of the king's body guard, a lifeguardsman anīko and (anīkaṃ)An army, a host anīgho Free from suffering, uninjured, calm, not humbling scatheless anītiko Free from distress or calamity anu After under, less than, for, according to, along, again, in consequence of anukaḍḍhanaṃ Referring back anukantati To cut anukampati To pity anukampanaṃ Compassion anukampā Compassion, kindness anukampī Compassionate anukaro Imitating anukāro Imitation, resemblance anukiriyaṃ Imitation anukulo Suitable, agreeable anukkamo Regular order, succession anugacchati To follow, to accompany anugaṇhāti To favour, to protect anugati Following anugato Conformable to, following; relating to, concerning anugāmiko Following, accompanying anugiddho Greedy anugo Following, conforming to anuggato Not gone up, not gone out anuggahīto Favoured anuggaho Favour, patronage; help, assistance anucaṅkamati To walk about anucarati To wander about in, to haunt anucaro An attendant, companion anuciṇṇo Pursued, practised anucchaviko Suitable, fit, proper, appropriate, worthy, conformable, proportionate anujānāti To grant, to permit, to consent to anujānāpeti To ask permission, to obtain the consent of anujīvī A servant, retainer anuju Crooked, depraved, wicked anujo Younger, junior anuññā Permission, sanction anuññāto Permitted, sanctioned, ordained anuṭṭhahāno Not exerting oneself, sluggish anuṭṭhānaṃ Want of energy, inactivity, supineness, indolence anutakketi To consider, to bear in mind anutappati To suffer, to feel remorse, to repent anutāpo Repentance anutīre On the bank of a river anuttariyaṃ Pre-eminence, supremacy anuttaro Unrivaled, preeminent, incomparable, supreme second to none anutto Not uttered, unexpressed anutthunāti To bewail anutheraṃ Succession of elders, apostolic succession anudisā An intermediate point of the compass. The four anudisa are north-west, north-east, south-west, south-east; puratthimā anudisā, the south-east anudūto A person sent with another, a travelling companion anuddayā Compassion, mercy, pity anuddhaṃseti To vex, to harass, degrade anuddhato Not puffed up, calm, subdued anudhāvati To run up to; to pursue anunayo Endeavour to be friendly, courtesy, compliance, fawning anunāyako Sub-chief, vice-president anunāsiko Nasal anupakkuṭṭho Not censured anupaghāto Not injuring, not hurting anupacchinno Regular, unbroken, uninterrupted anupatati To follow, to meet with, to fly up to anupadaṃ Immediately after, after, behind anupaddavo Uninjured, safe, intact, free from danger anupabbajati To give up the world, to leave home, for homelessness after or in imitation of another anupamo Incomparable anuparigacchati To walk round and round anuparipphuṭo Filled or pervaded in every part anupariyati To walk round and round, to watch over anuparivatto Directed, turned anuparodho Non-disturbance, not injuring anupalitto Untainted, unpolluted anupavajjo Not censurable anupavatteti To set on foot after another, or in imitation of another anupavādako Not speaking ill of anupavādo Not speaking evil, not reviling anupavisati To enter upon, to enter, to occupy anupasampanno One not yet fully ordained, a sāmaṇera or novice anupassati To look at, to contemplate, to observe without reacting anupassanā Looking at, contemplation anupassī Looking at, contemplating, observing anupādāno see upādānaṃ anupādāya see upādāya anupādiyāno see upādiyati anupādiseso see upādiseso anupāpuṇāti To reach, to attain anupāyo Wrong means anupāleti To observe, to maintain, having encroached, having intruded anupīḷito Trodden upon, oppressed anupubbaṃ Regular succession, series anupubbikathā Successive or regular narration anupubbī Regular succession, order, series anupubbena In regular order, successively, gradually, one by one, in due course anupubbo Regular, successive anupo Watery anuppaññatti Secondary or additional enactment anuppatto Having arrived at, having attained anuppadajjati To give in return anuppadānaṃ Giving anuppadinno Given, bestowed anuppanno Not arisen, not born, not appeared anuppavecche Should enter anuppādanīyo That ought not to be produced anuppādo Not arising, non-appearance anuppiyabhāṇī Saying pleasant things, flattering anubandhati To follow, to pursue; to wait upon, minister to anubandho Uninterrupted succession; consequence anubuddho Under-Buddha, lesser Buddha, apostle anubuddho Learnt anubrūheti To cause to grow or increase; to make much of, devote oneself to anubhavaṅaṃ Partaking of, enjoyment anubhavati To feel, to enjoy; to partake of; to obtain, receive anubhoti To feel, to enjoy; to partake of; to obtain, receive anumati Consent, assent, sanction, command anumato Approved; agreeable to, beloved anumasati To touch anumānaṃ Inference anumodati To approve, to receive with satisfaction, to rejoice at, to express gratitude, to thank anumodanā Rejoicing, satisfaction, approval, thanks anumodanaṃ Rejoicing, satisfaction, approval, thanks anuyuñjati To practise, to be addicted to, to devote oneself to, to be zealous, to exert oneself anuyutto Addicted to, devoted to anuyogī Devoted to, applying oneself to anuyogo A question; being addicted or devoted to, applying oneself to, practising, zeal, exerting oneself anurakkhaṇā Guarding, preservation anurakkhaṇāṃ Guarding, preservation anurakkhati To guard, to preserve; to observe anurakkhī Guarding, watching over anurājā Following king, successor anurādhā Name of one of the nakkhattas or lunar mansions anurujjhati To approve, to be pleased anuruddho Name of a cousin and eminent apostle of Buddha anurūpaṃ According to anurūpako Suitable anurūpo Suitable, conformable, proper anurodho Knowledge, understanding anurodho Compliance, satisfaction anulāpo Tautology, repetition anulitto Anointed anulomaṃ In direct order, with the grain, straight forward anulomaṃ Direct order, succession anulomato In accordance with anulometi To be in accordance with anuvattako Follower, attendant, disciple anuvattati To follow; to conform to; to attend to, to associate with anuvattanaṃ Compliance anuvatti Acting in conformity with anuvattī Conforming to, obedient to, following anuvatteti To carry on after another anuvadati To blame, to censure anuvasati To inhabit anuvassaṃ Yearly, annually anuvassako Yearly, annual anuvātaṃ In the direction of the wind, with the wind anuvādo Blame, censure, admonition anuvicarati To walk through anuvicinteti To meditate upon anuvijjotati To shine on in succession anuvitakketi To reflect upon anuviloketi To take a view of anuvyañjanaṃ Minor characteristic anusaṃvaccharaṃ Yearly anusaṅgīto Rehearsed again or subsequently anusañcarati To traverse, drive up and down anusandhi Connection, application anusayo Inclination, thought, desire, bias, latent disposition anusarati To follow anusarito Going, running anusārī Following anusāro Following, conformity anusāsako A teacher, preceptor, mentor anusāsati To teach, to instruct; to admonish; to command; to govern anusāsanaṃ Instruction, admonition; government anusikkhitabbo That ought to be studied anusikkhī Studying, learning anusiṭṭhi Admonition, command anusiṭṭho Instructed, admonished, ordered anusūyati To be heard, to be reported anusocati To bewail anussati Recollection. For the ten annussatis see kammaṭṭhatnaṃ anussarati To remember, to call to mind anussaviko Traditional anussavo Report, tradition anussāveti To cause to be heard; to proclaim, to announce anussuko Free from desire anussuto Heard anūnako Complete, not deficient anūno Entire, complete, without deficiency anekadhā In many ways anekavidho Of many sorts, various anekaso In many ways aneko Several, many; manifold, various anejo Free from desire anena see ayaṃ aneḷamūgo Not deaf and dumb anesanā Impropriety anesano That should not be sought or desired, improper anokaṃ Being houseless; freedom from attachment to the world anokaṃ Name of one of the seven great lakes anavatatto Name of one of the seven great lakes anottappaṃ Absence of fear of sinning, recklessness, hardness of heart, shamelessness anottappī Reckless, fearless of sinning, shameless anomo High, illustrious, lofty anovādako Not listening to admonition, untutored antaṃ An intestine, the bowels antaṃ see anto antakaṃ Extremity, border antakiriyā Bringing to an end, putting an end to antako Death, Māra antaguṇaṃ The mesentery antaggato Gone into, being in, contained in antamaso Even antara Within, between, among, in antaraṃ Interior, included space, midst; interval; opportunity; instant; difference, other; peculiarity; a hole; an inner garment; the heart or mind antarakappo see kappo antaradhāpeti To cause to disappear, to render invisible antaradhāyati To vanish, to hide oneself antarantarā From time to time, at intervals antarantare From time to time, at intervals antarantarena In the intervals of, among, between antaravassaṃ see anto antaravāsako An under-garment antaravīthī see anto antarahito Vanished, disappearing, hidden antarā Between, on the way antarādhānaṃ Disappearance, covering antarāpaṇato From a shop, from the bazaar antarāparinibbāyī Technical name for one of the five sorts of anāgāmī, which see. Explained to mean one who dies and attains nirvāṇa before half the age he should have lived in a brahma world is expired antarāyiko Causing an obstacle, impeding, injurious antarāyo Obstacle, prevention, hindrance; danger, accident; end antarārati To run into danger antarito Hidden antarīpaṃ An island antarīyaṃ An under garment antare Between; among; during, while; within, in antarena Between; except antalikkhaṃ The sky, the air antavaṇṇo A sudra, shūdra or sūdra antikaṃ Vicinity antiko Last, final antimako Final, last antimo Final, last antiyo Final, last antepuraṃ Royal precincts, royal citadel or palace; that part of the palace set apart for the royal ladies, harem antepuriko Belonging to a royal gyneceum antevāsiko A pupil antevāsī A pupil anto End; limit, boundary; proximity, side; destruction, death; lowest, inferior; interior antaṃ End; limit, boundary; proximity, side; destruction, death; lowest, inferior; interior anto Within, in, inside antara Within, in, inside antokappo see kappo antogato Contained in i.e. antaggato antogadho Contained in, being among, see ogadha antorukkhatā Being among trees antovisati To enter andu A chain anduko An elephant's foot chain andhakāro Darkness andhakiyo and (andhako)Belonging to the Āndhra country andhantamaṃ and (andhantamo)Thick darkness andhabālo Silly, stupid, doting andhabhūto Blind, in darkness, unenlightened andho Blind annaṃ Food; boiled rice annā A mother anvagā see anveti anvaḍḍhamāsaṃ Every fortnight, twice a month anvaddhamāsaṃ Every fortnight, twice a month anvayo Connection, race, lineage, family; succession anvavasito Situated on or near anvācayo Adding an object of secondary import, a function of the particle ca anvāya It seems to mean following upon, in consequence of, after, attaining udergoing, experiencing anvāssavati To flow from, to result from anvāhato Struck, agitated anvito Possessed of anveti To follow anvesati To seek; to search anvesanā Search anho and (-aṇho)A substitute for ahaṃ, "day", in the latter part of a few compounds, pubbanho, forenoon; majjhanho, noon; aparaṇho, afternoon; sāyaṇho, evening apa Away; from, away from apakaḍḍhati To remove, to put away apakassati To remove apakkamati To depart apakkamo Departure; retreat, flight apakko Unripe apagacchati To go away, to depart from apagato Gone away from, departed apagabbho Free from rebirth apagamo Departure apacayo Loss, decay apacāyati To honour apacāyanaṃ Reverence apacāyito Honoured apacāyī Honouring apaciti Offering, worship; loss, decay apacito Honoured apaccaṃ Offspring apaccakkho Unseen, indefinite apañño Without wisdom, foolish apaṭu Awkward apaṇṇako Certain, true, absolute apaṇṇattiko Not appearing, not existing apattako Not having a bowl apattho Laid aside, thrown away apathaṃ No road, absence of a road apadadāti To take away apadānaṃ Breaking off, removing; a deed, heroic action; a tale, a legend apadisati To tell of, to show apadeso Stating; pretext, deception, stratagem; cause apado see padaṃ apadhāraṇaṃ Covering apanayanaṃ Removing apanāmeti To remove, to carry off apanidheti To hide away, to conceal apanīto Removed, put away apaneti To remove, to put away apamāro Epilepsy apayāti To depart apayāto Fallen away, departed apayānaṃ Going away aparaṃ Moreover, further aparagoyānaṃ Name of one of the four mahādīpas or great continents aparajju On the following day, next day aparajjhati To offend against, to injure, to sin aparajjhanaṃ Injury aparaṇṇam A name given to certain sorts of vegetables aparaṇho The afternoon or evening aparaddho Having sinned, guilty aparanto The future, futurity aparabhāge Afterwards, subsequently aparaselo The western mountain behind which the sun sets aparājito Unconquered aparādho Offence, guilt, crime, sin aparāparaṃ On and on, successively; up and down, backwards and forwards aparāparo Following, successive aparitassī Undaunted aparimāṇo Undefined, indefinite, boundless, immense aparimito Boundless, immense apariyanto Boundless, unlimited; indefinite apariseso Without remainder aparo Other; subsequent, following; western apalāpo Keeping silence about, secrecy apalokanaṃ Giving notice of an intention, obtaining leave apaloketi To give notice of, to obtain consent or permission, to look ahead, to look before apavaggo Completion; renunciation, abandonment; final deliverance, nirvāṇa apavajjanaṃ Giving away, giving up, sacrificing apavahati To carry away apavādo Blame, abuse apavāraṇaṃ Covering, concealing apaviddho Thrown away, discarded apasakkati To depart apasavyo Right, not left; contrary apasmāro Epilepsy apahāro Taking away apāṅgo The outer corner of the eye; a sectarial mark on the forehead apāṅgaṃ The outer corner of the eye; a sectarial mark on the forehead apācī The South apādako Having no feet apādānaṃ Taking away, removing; in gram. the ablative relation apānaṃ Breathing out, respiration, see ānāpānaṃ apānudati To remove, to dispel apābhato Brought away apāmaggo The plant achyrauthes aspera apāyo Going away, departure; disappearance, loss; misfortune, ruin apāraṃ Not the further bank, this side api Also, even, though, merely pi Also, even, though, merely apidhānaṃ Covering, concealment; a cover, a lid apuññaṃ Demerit, sin aputtakattaṃ Not having a son, childlessness aputtako Sonless aputto Sonless aputhujjano see puthujjano apūpo A cake apekkhati To regard, to mind; to look for, to expect; to look at apekkhā Desire, longing, affection, care, regard apekhā Desire, longing, affection, care, regard apeti To go away apeto Having departed; free from, deprived of apo Water appakicco Having few duties, free from care appako Few, little, trifling appagabbho Free from boldness or impudence, retiring, modest appaggho Of little value, cheap appaccayā Without a cause appaccayo Mistrust, heartburning, discontent appañño Unwise, foolish appaṭigho Free from anger appaṭipuggalo Without a rival or equal appaṭibāhiyo Not to be put away or averted, see paṭibdheti appaṭibhayo Free from danger, safe appaṭisandhiko That cannot be reunited appaṭisso Disobedient, rebellious appaṭhato Meeting with no obstacle, unopposed appaṭhamo Not first appaṇihito Free from longing or desire appataro Fewer, less appatirūpo Unsuitable, improper appatīto Dissatisfied, angry appatto Not obtained, not having arrived, not having obtained appadīpo Without a lamp appaduṭṭho Undepraved, innocent appadhāno Secondary, subordinate appanā Thought, reasoning, resolve appabhāvo Fewness, paucity appabhikkhuko Containing few monks appabhogattaṃ Poverty, see pabodhati appamaññati To underrate, to despise appamaññā There are four appamaññās, consisting in an unlimited or perfect exercise of the qualities of friendliness, compassion, good will, and equanimity, metta, karuṇa, mudita, upekkhā appamattako Little, slight, trifling appamatto Little, slight, moderate appamāṇasubho Of infinite beauty appamāṇābho Of infinite splendour appamāṇo Unlimited, boundless, infinite appamādo Vigilance, carefulness, thoughtfulness, earnestness, zeal; diligence, haste, despatch appamāriso The plant amaranthus polygamus appameyyo Unlimited, boundless, innumerable appalābho Receiving little appavatti Non-existence appavatto Non-existent appavārito Uninvited appasattho Bad, inferior appasattho With a small caravan, having few attendants appasaddo Free from noise, quiet; making little noise appasanno Dissatisfied, discontented; not having faith, unbelieving appasādo Dissatisfaction appassādo Insipid appassuto Having learnt little, possessing small knowledge, unlearned, ignorant appaharito Having little grass, free from grass appahīno Not destroyed, not got rid of appāaādho Slight illness, tolerable health appāṇako Free from insects appāṇī Inanimate appātaṅko Light ailment, freedom from bodily suffering or fatigue appābādhattaṃ Freedom from illness appābādho In good health appāyuko Shortlived appicchatā Contentment, frugality appiccho Wanting little, contented, frugal appito Fastened, fixed, applied, concentrated appiyo Not dear, not beloved; not pleasant, disagreeable; unfriendly, unkind, inimical appīyo Less appekadā Now one day appeti To fit, to fasten; to deliver, to hand over, to assign, to insert appeva Perhaps appevanāma Perhaps appesakkho Having little power or majesty appo Little, moderate, slight, few appoṭheti To snap the fingers, clap the hands, in token of pleasure appodako Having little water appossukkatā Reluctance, hesitation; inaction, rest appossukko Having little desire for exertion, having little zeal, reluctant to act; living a life of ease or enjoyment, inactive, resting from work, taking one's ease apphoṭā Name of a sort of jasmine aphalo Without fruit, unproductive, barren, unprofitable aphāsu Discomfort, uneasiness, ailment, sickness aphāsukaṃ Discomfort, uneasiness, ailment, sickness abaddhamukho Foul-mouthed, scurrilous, obscenely abusive abaddho Not bound; unmeaning, senseless ababaṃ One of the high numerals, representing 10,000,000(to the 11th power), or 1 followed by seventy-seven ciphers abalo Weak, feeble; abalā, a woman abbaṇo Unwounded abbati To go abbahati To take away, to remove abbuto Undisciplined abbudaṃ One of the high numerals, 10,000,000(to the 8th power), or 1 followed by fifty-six ciphers; a canker, stain abbocchinno Unbroken abbhaṃ A cloud; the sky, air abbho A cloud; the sky, air abbhakaṃ Tale abbhakkhānaṃ Accusation, slander, calumny abbhañjanaṃ Annointing abbhatthaṃ Setting, declining, perishing abbhanumodanaṃ Rejoicing, thanksgiving abbhantaraṃ Interval, interior abbhantaro Internal, inner abbhākuṭiko Unfrowning, genial abbhāgamanaṃ Approaching, going to, visiting abbhācikkhati To accuse, to slander, to calumniate abbhānaṃ Rehabilitation of a monk or a nun who has undergone parivāsa, or penance for an expiable offence abbhāso Repetition, practice abbhāhato Afflicted abbhuggacchati To go to meet; to ascend, to go up abbhuggato Gone to meet; ascended abbhujjalanaṃ Spitting fire, a juggler's trick abbhutadhammo Mysterious or supernatural phenomenon or condition abbhuto Mysterious; wonderful, portentous abbhuto The Marvellous, one of the nāṭyarasas; a gambler's stake abbhudīrito Uttered abbheti To restore a priest, a monk or a nun, who has been degraded for an offence abbhokāsiko Living in the open air, or in an open unsheltered space abbhokāso The open air, an open space abbhokkiraṇaṃ Covering, bedecking aby for words beginning thus see avy abyākato Undefined, unexplained abyāpādo Absence of desire to injure another person, absence of malice abypajjho Free from suffering abhabbatā Non-liability; inability, an impossibility abhabbo Not liable; unable, impossible abhayaṃ Safety; protection from danger abhayā The plant terminalia citrina abhayo Fearless abhāvo Decrease, decay, misfortune abhāvo Non-existence; absence abhāsanaṃ Silence abhikāmī Desirous abhikirati To overwhelm, to cover; to sprinkle abhikkanto Advanced, having approached abhikkanto Beautiful; excellent, abhikkanto Withered; exhausted abhikkamati To go forward, to advance, to approach abhikkamo Advancing, advance abhikkhaṇaṃ Repeatedly, very often abhikhānaṃ Name, appellation abhikhyā Beauty, splendour, glitter abhigacchati To go to, to approach abhigamanaṃ Approaching abhigito Sung or recited to abhighāto Striking, violent shaking abhicchā Desire, longing abhijaneti To call into existence, produce abhijano Race, tribe, family abhijappanaṃ Muttering spells, incantation abhijāti Origin, race, birth abhijātiko Belonging to origin or race abhijāto Well-born, noble; learned abhijānāti To know by experience, to learn, to admit, to acknowledge abhijjhā Covetousness abhijjhālu Covetous abhiññā Higher knowledge, transcendent or supernatural knowledge or faculty abhiññā Having known, become cognisant of abhiññāṇaṃ Sign, token abhiññāto Known, well-known, distinguished, remarkable abhiññāya see abhijānati abhiññeyyo That ought to be known, or that can be known abhiñño Knowing, conversant with abhiṭhānaṃ Crime, deadly sin abhiṇhaṃ Repeatedly abhiṇhaso Frequently abhitatto Scorched; tormented abhitappeti To satisfy thoroughly abhitunno Struck down abhito Near, in the presence of; on both sides abhitoseti To gratify, to reward abhittharati To make haste abhitthavati To praise abhitthuto Praised abhitthunati To praise, laud abhidosiko Belonging to the evening abhidoso Evening abhidhammo Higher doctrine, transcendental doctrine, higher teaching abhidhammaṃ Higher doctrine, transcendental doctrine, higher teaching abhidhātabbo That ought to be declared or named abhidhānappadipikā This is the name of a well-known vocabulary of pali nouns, compiled on the model of amarakosha by Moggallāna the grammarian at the end of the 12th century abhidhāreti To hold up, raise aloft abhidhiyati To be declared, to be pointed out abhidheyyo To be declared, pointed out, denoted, meant abhinadati To roar abhinandati To be pleased with, to approve of, to rejoice at, to delight in abhinayo A dramatic representation abhinādeti To fill with noise abhinikkhamati To go out, to depart abhinikkhamanaṃ Going out, departing; retiring from the world, giving up the world to devote oneself to an ascetic life abhinikkhamo Going out; retiring from the world to devote oneself to an ascetic life abhininnameti To turn, to direct abhinipajjati To lie down abhinipphādeti To effect, to accomplish, to succeed abhinibbattati To be re-born in another existence abhinibbatti Re-birth in another existence abhinibbatto Reborn in another existence abhinibbuto Calmed abhinimanteti To invite; to present with abhinimmāti To create, to cause to appear by supernatural power abhinimmānaṃ Creating abhinimmināti To create, to cause to appear by supernatural power abhinilīyati To hide oneself, to lie hid abhinivisati To settle down; to devote oneself to abhiniveso Adhering to; inclination abhinisīdati To sit down abhinīlo Very black abhinīharati To turn, to direct abhinīhāro Earnest wish or aspiration abhineti To bring to, conduct to abhinnako Not schismatic, orthodox abhinno Undivided; not different abhinvo Quite new; new abhipattheti To desire, to long for, to pray for abhipīḷito Oppressed, afflicted abhipūjeti To offer, to present with abhippakiṇṇo Completely strewn or spread abhippasanno Greatly pleased abhibhavati To overcome; to master; to surpass abhibhavanaṃ Overcoming, vanquishing abhibhavo Being overcome, defeat abhibhāyatanaṃ Place or region of the vanquisher abhibhāsati To speak, address abhibhāsito Illumined abhibhū Overcoming, mastering, vanquishing, surpassing abhibhūto Overcome, overpowered, subdued, vanquished abhimaṅgalaṃ High festival, solemnity abhimatthati To grind, to crush abhimaddito Crushed, trampled, overthrown abhimāno Pride; wisdom abhimukho Facing towards, opposite abhimudā Joy abhiyāati To entreat, to ask, to request abhiyāti To approach; to attack abhiyogo Charge, accusation abhirati Delighting in, delight abhirato Delighting in, devoted to abhiramati To delight in abhirammo Delightful abhiravati To sound loudly abhirājā A supreme king abhirādheti To content, to satisfy, to please, to make happy abhirāmo Delightful abhirucito Pleasing, agreeable, liked abhirutaṃ Sound abhiruhati To ascend, to mount abhiruhanaṃ Ascending, mounting abhirūpo Beautiful, handsome abhirūhati To ascend, to mount abhirohati To ascend, to mount abhilakkhito Marked, characterized, distinguished abhilabhati To obtain, receive abhilāpo Speaking to, talking abhilāvo Smearing; pollution abhilāsī Desirous, wishing abhilāso Desire, wish abhilitto Smeared; stained, polluted abhilepanaṃ Cutting, reaping abhivaḍehati To increase, to grow abhivadati To say, to declare abhivandati To salute respectfully, to pay homage abhivandanaṃ Respectful salutation, homage abhivassati To pour down abhivādanaṃ Respectful salutation, homage abhivādeti To salute respect fully, to salute, to greet, to pay obeisance abhivijayati To overcome, to conquer abhivijinati To conquer abhivinayo Higher discipline, the subtleties or refinements of Vinaya abhivuddhi Increase, growth, prosperity abhisaṃyuto Fitted out, equipped abhisaṅkhato Prepared, formed abhisaṅkharoti To prepare, to form, to effect, to perfect abhisaṅkhāro Forming, effecting, perfecting, accumulation, collection, conception abhisaṅgo Curse, imprecation abhisajjati To be angry; to scold abhisaddahati To have firm faith, to believe fully abhisaddahanaṃ Firm faith or belief, see abhisankharaṇaṃ abhisankharaṇaṃ Preparing, forming, effecting, perfecting, accumulation abhisanṅo Rained on, drenched abhisandati To trickle, flow abhisandeti To rain upon, to drench abhisandhi Intention abhisamayo Penetration, comprehension, clear understanding abhisameti To penetrate, comprehend, gain a full knowledge of abhisamparāyo Future state, futurity abhisambujjhati To gain perfect knowledge abhisambujjhanaṃ Attaining Buddhahood abhisambuddho Thoroughly understood, perfectly known; enlightened, knowing fully abhisambodhi Perfect understanding, infallible knowledge abhisambhavo Meeting with, finding, getting abhisammato Fully approved; honoured, prized abhisamhuṇoti To obtain abhisavanaṃ Oozing, trickling, flowing abhisārikā A woman who carries on an intrigue abhisiñcati To besprinkle, to inaugurate a king by sprinkling with sacred water abhisitto Besprinkled; inaugurated a king abhisuṇoti To hear, to listen to abhiseko Sprinkling abhisecanaṃ Sprinkling; inauguration of a king abhiseceti To cause to be sprinkled, or inaugurated abhisobhito Adorned, beautified, resplendent abhissaṅgo Attachment abhissajjanā Being angry abhissavanaṃ Flowing, dripping abhihaṭo Brought abhihanti To strike abhiharati To bring to; to acquire, to gain; to attack physically abhihāro Bringing, offering abhihito Called, named; spoken, said abhūto That has not been, that is not; false abhūmi Wrong place abhyāso Repetition, practice abhyāso Near amaggo Wrong way, wrong path amacco A companion; a king's minister, a privy councillor amajjapo Not drinking strong drink, practising total abstinence amataṃ The drink of the gods, nectar or ambrosia; nirvāṇa; water amatapo One who drinks nectar, a deva or god amatā Emblic myrobalan amati To go amati Foolish, mad amato Eternal, everlasting amattaṃ A pitcher, vessel amadhuro Sour, bitter amanasikāro see manasikāro amanāpo Unpleasant, disagreeable amamo Uncovetous, unselfish amarāvatī Name of Indra's city amaro A deva or god amalo Pure, clean, spotless, white amā With, present with, near amāṭako The hog-plum, spondias mangifera amāvasī The day of the new moon amāvāsī The day of the new moon amito Boundless, immense amitto An enemy amilāto The plant globe amaranth, or gomphraena globosa amisaṃ and (amiso)Flesh, meat; food; object of enjoyment, bait, temptation, lust, desire amu see asu amuko This; that amukhyo Not principal, secondary amuto see muto amutto Not shot or darted amutra In that place, there; in another world, another state of existence, hereafter amūlako Unreal, unfounded, false; unpaid amūlo Without payment, unpaid amūḷhavinayo see vinayo amogho Unfailing, unerring amoho Absence of ignorance or error or delusion amnnusso Not a human being, a demon or evil spirit, a yakkha ambati To gob ambaraṃ The sky; cloth ambā A mother ambilo Sour, acid ambu Water ambujaṃ A lotus ambujākaro A pond or tank ambujinī A lotus-lake ambujo A fish ambudo A cloud ambudharo A cloud ambunidhi Sea, ocean ambo The mango tree, mangifera indica ambho The plant clypea hernandifolia ambho A stone, a pebble ambho Oh! I say! ambhojaṃ A lotus flower amma Mother! Daughter! Lady! Madam! used by a son or daughter to a mother, by a father to his daughter, by a grandfather to his granddaughter, by a brahmin to a young lady of rank, by a merchant to a lady ammaṇaṃ A canoe, a measure of capacity equal to eleven doṇas; a superficial measure equal to four karisas ammattaññū Immoderate, intemperate ammā A mother amha see atthi amhaṃ see ahaṃ amhākaṃ see ahaṃ amhe see ahaṃ amhamayo Made of stone, stony amhādīso Like us amhi see atthi ayaṃ This ayaṃ Iron, see ayo ayati To go ayanaṃ A road; going, motion ayapotthakaṃ Account book, ledger ayabbayo Gain and loss ayaso Ill reputation, disgrace, see yaso ayutto Improper, wrong ayo Iron ayoguḷo An iron ball ayogo Wrong occupation, sinful practice; wrong occupation of the mind ayoggo An iron-tipped pestle for husking paddy ayoghano A seldge-hammer ayoniso see yoniso ayomayo Made of iron ayyako A grandfather; an ancestor ayyaputto Young master. Designation by a servant or retainer of the eldest son of the master of the house. Also of a husband by his wife ayyo A lord, chief, master; a Buddhist monk araṃ Speedily, presently araññaṃ A forest, a wood araññātī A large forest araṇī Wood for kindling fire by friction arati Dislike; discontent; abstinence from aravindaṃ A lotus arahaṃ Worthy, venerable, sanctified, holy arahatā Worthiness arahati To deserve, to be worthy of, to be able, to be fit, to honour arahattaṃ State of being an araha, arhatship, final sanctification arahattaphalaṭṭho One who is in the full fruition of arhatship arahattamaggaṭṭho One who is walking in the path of arhatship arahaddhajo The robes or dress of a Buddhist monk arahā A venerable person, a holy man, a saint; one who has attained final sanctification, an arhat arahaṃ A venerable person, a holy man, a saint; one who has attained final sanctification, an arhat arahito Deserving, worthy, fit, worth arājiko Without a king arāti An enemy ari An enemy ariṭṭaṃ Buttermilk or whey; bad symptoms, signs of approaching death; good luck; bad luck ariṭṭho The soap-berry plant, sapindus saponaria; the nimba tree; a crow; a sort of spirituous liquor arittaṃ A rudder arindamo Victorious ariyako Aryan as opposed to milakkha ariyadhanaṃ Noble or sublime treasure ariyapuggalo Holy personage, i.e. one who is in one of the four Paths or four Fruitions, see ariyo ariyaphalaṃ Sublime fruition, viz. arahattaphala ariyamaggo Sublime path, noble path viz. arahattamagga ariyavaṃso Noble family ariyavāso Noble or holy state ariyavohāro Noble or honourable practice ariyasaccaṃ Sublime truth, Noble truth ariyasāvako Holy disciple, noble disciple. The ariyasavakas are the disciples of Buddha who are walking on the Four Paths, sotāpannas, sakadāgāmis, etc. ariyo Honourable, respectable, venerable; noble; excellent, eminent; holy, sanctfied ariyo A venerable or holy man, a saint; one who has entered on the four Paths, a converted man arisaṃ Hemorrhoids, piles aru A wound aruṇo Light red; dark red aruṇo The dawn; the sun aruppo Formless, incorporeal, belonging to the arūpabrahmaloka arūpaṃ Absence of form arūpadhātu see dhātu arūpabrahmaloko Formless brahma heaven arūpabhavo Formless existence, existence in the arūpabrahmaloka, see bhavo arūpāvacaro Belonging to the arūpabrahmaloka arūpāvcaro Realm or world of Formlessness arūpī Formless, incorporeal, immaterial arūpo Without form, incorporeal, immaterial are Here! I say! Sirrah! arogo Free from sickness, healthy alaṃ Fit, able, adequate, sufficient; hold enough alakko A mad dog; name of a tree alakkhī Bad luck, misfortune alagaddo A snake, serpent alaggatā Detachment, freedom from attachment to the world, freedom from human passion alaṅkato Adorned, decorated, embellished alaṅkammaniyo Suitable for coition alaṅkaraṇaṃ Decoration alaṅkaroti To adorn, to embellish, to decorate alaṅkāro Ornament, decoration; trinkets, ornaments; rhetorical figures, rhetoric alajjī Shameless, bold, rebellious alattako Lac, a red animal dye alatto Lac alattha see labhati aladdhā see labhati alambusā Name of a certain apsaras or goddess alasandā Alexandria, a city in the Yon country alaso Idle, lazy, slothful, languid alassaṃ Idleness, sloth alahuko Heavy alātaṃ A firebrand alāpu A gourd, a pumpkin alābu A long gourd, a pumpkin alābho Not getting loss, detriment, injury ali A bee aliko Disagreeable, unpleasant; untrue, false alīno Free from attachment or desire alobho Absence of covetousness or desire, absence of greed allāpo Speaking to, talking allino Attached, adhering alliyati To be attached, to adhere, to be bent upon, to stick, to cling allo Wet, moist aḷāro Crooked, wide, thick ava Away, off; down ava For many words beginning thus see under O- avakaṃso Inferiority, abasement avakaḍḍhati To drag down, to remove avakāso see okāso, place, room, space; interval; occasion, opportunity; leave, permission; leisure; cause avakujjo Lying on one's face, prone avakkanti Introduction, descending into avagaṇeti To neglect, to disregard avagaṇḍo A protuberance on the cheek, puffing out the cheeks avagato Known, understood avaggaho A drought avaggo Unclassed avacarati To go through, to traverse, to occupy, to make one's home avacaro Sphere, realm, home avajahati To leave, to abandon avajāto Base-born, born of a mother lower in caste than her husband avajānāti To despise avajiyyati To be conquered avajīyati To be conquered avajjaṃ Blame avajjo Not to be shunned, not forbidden, not wrong, harmless avajjhāyati To waste away, to perish avañāto Low-born avaññā Disrespect, contempt avaññāto Despised avaññito Despised avaṭṭhiti Abiding, steadiness avaṭṭhito Abiding, steady, firm avaṇṇo Dispraise, blame, reproach avataṃso A crest; an earring avatarati see otāro, to descend; to disembark; to depart; to betake oneself to, go to, enter avataranaṃ Descent, entrance into, going down into avatāro see otāro, descent; entrance; a landing-place; a defect, fault avati To protect avatiṇṇo see otiṇṇo, gone down, descended; disembarked; having entered avattabbata Ineffability avattharati see ottharati, to spread; to cover; to scatter; to overspread, pervade avatthā State, condition; time, period avatthānaṃ Standing-place; state; abiding avatthāpanaṃ Fixing, settling avatthu A wrong object avattho Naked avadāraṇaṃ A spade or hoe avadhānaṃ Attention avadhāraṇaṃ Ascertainment; affrmation, emphasis; restriction avadhāreti To ascertain avadhi Limit avanaddho see onaddho, Covered, bound avani The earth avanti Name of a country and its people avabodhanaṃ Instruction avabodho Full knowledge or understanding avabh To speak to, address avabh Lustre, radiance, light; appearance, manifestation; reach, range avabhāsī Shining avamānaṃ Disrespect avamānanaṃ Contempt avamāneti To despise avamsiro Head downwards, head foremost avayavo A limb, a member; a part avalambanaṃ Hanging, depending from avalitto Smeared avalepo Anointing; pride avaloketi see oloketi, to look, see, look at, behold, look down upon; to look for, await, watch; to consider, regard avasanno Depressed, languid avasarati To go to, resort, repair, approach avasaro Opportunity, occasion; turn avasānaṃ see osānaṃ, end, conclusion avasiṭṭho Remaining, left avasito Finished; determined, known avasissanaṃ Being left, remainder avasussati To dry up avaseceti To leave, to spare avaseso Remainder avaseso Remaining avaso Unsubdued, independent; powerless avassaṃ Certainly, surely avassabhāvī Inevitable avassayo Support, help, protection, refuge avassuto Filled with desire, lustful avaharaṇaṃ Taking away, stealing avaharati To take away, to steal; to draw down avahāro Taking away avāpuraṇaṃ A key avāpurati To open avāpurati To open avi A ram, a sheep avikkhepo Equanimity, calmness aviggaho The god of love avijjamāno Not existing, non-existent avijjā Ignorance, error aviññāṇako Without intelligence or consciousness, inanimate aviññū Ignorant, foolish, stupid avitatho True avidūro Not very far, near aviddasu Ignorant avinayo Wrong or false vinaya: misconduct, sin avirato Uninterrupted, continual aviruddho Not contrary; unobstructed, without difficulties, certain, absolute avirūḷho Not grown avilambito Speedy avisesena Not specially, generally avihiṃsā Mercy, humanity aviho The aviha devas are the inhabitants of the twelfth brahmaloka avīci Name of one of the eight narakas or hells avekkhati To look down upon; to look at; to consider; to perceive; to foresee; to contemplate avecca "Clearly", certainly, definitely, perfectly averaṃ Friendliness, mildness, kindness averī Free from hatred, mild, peaceable avero Peaceable avelāya At a wrong time avoca see vatti avyayībhāvo Indeclinable compound, a grammatical term avyayena Without loss, safely avyayo Unchangeable avyākato see abyākato, Undefined, unexplained avyāpajjho see abypajjho, Free from suffering avyāpanno Free from desire to injure, free from malice avyāpādo see abyāpādo, Absence of desire to injure another person, absence of malice avyāseko Charming, fascinating avhayanaṃ Invocation, summons avhayo Name; calling, invocation avhā Name, appellation avhānaṃ Calling, addressing avheti To challenge asaṃcicca see asañcicca asaṃvāso Deprived of co-residence, expelled from the monkhood asaṃvuto Unrestrained, intemperate asakiṃ More than once, repeatedly asakko Unable asakyaputtiyo Not a son of sakya, not a true disciple of Buddha asaṅkito Without hesitation or doubt, fearless asaṅkhatadhātu The unconditioned or immaterial element or principle, nirvāṇa asaṅkhiyo Innumerable asaṅkheyyo Incalculable, innumerable. The neut. asaṅkheyyaṃ is the highest of the numerals, and is equal to 10,000,000(to the 20th power) or 1 followed by 140 ciphers, see katto asaṅgo Detached, free, absolute asacco Untrue, false asajjhāyo Non-repetition asañcicca Inadvertently, unintentionally asaññato Unrestrained, intemperate asaññasatto Unconscious asaññī Unconscious asataṃ see asanto asatā see asanto asatiyā Heedlessly, unintentionally asattaṃ Non-existence asatto Free from attachment or desire asatthena Not by the sword, peacefully asadiso Unexampled; incomparable asaddhammo Evil state, sin; sexual intercourse, fornication asanaṃ Shooting; an arrow asanaṃ Eating; food. The four asanas are khajjaṃ, bhojjaṃ, leyyaṃ, peyyaṃ asani Indra's thunderbolt asanī Indra's thunderbolt asano The tree terminalia alate tomentosa asankhato see saṅkhato asantāsī Free from fear asanto Not being, not existing; absent; false; bad, wicked asabbho Improper, wrong, sinful asamayo Wrong time, see akkhaṇo asamāno Unequal, dissimilar asamo Uneven, unequal; unequalled, peerless asayho Invincible asassatiko Not eternal, finite asādhāraṇo Uncommon, special, peculiar, unrivalled asādhu Bad, wicked asāro Unreality, vanity, worthlessness asāro Vain, unsubstantial, unessential, unreal asi Thou art asi A sword asitaṃ A sickle asito A sickle asitabbo To be eaten asito Black asito Eaten; enjoyed asito Not resting upon, not clinging asiputtī A knife asilesā Name of a nakkhatta asīti Eighty asīlako Immoral, impious asu Breath, life asu This; that asuko Such a one asuci Impure. Masc. asuci, semen virile asutto Without seam asuddho Impure asubho Bad, ugly, disagreeable, nasty, disgusting, offensive asuro An asura, a titan or fallen angel asekho and (asekkho)Belonging to an asekha, see next asekho and (asekkho)One who is no longer a sekha, one who has nothing to learn, who is perfect in knowledge, an arahā asecano Charming, captivating, bewitching asesako All, entire asesato Without omission, entirely asesito All aseso All, every asoko Free from sorrow masc. asoko, the shrub jonesia asoka; name of a famous Indian king asppamatto Vigilant, careful, thoughtful, heedful, earnest, zealous, strenuous, diligent, quick, active asma We are, see atthi asmarī Name of a plant asmā see ayaṃ asmā A stone asmi I am, see atthi asmiṃ see ayaṃ asmimāno The pride that says I am, the pride of self assa Opt. atthi assa Of him, his; to him, to it, etc. assaṃ see atthi assakaṇṇo One of the seven circles of rock that surround Meru; the tree vatica robusta assataro A mule; name of a nāga assattho The bo tree, ficus religiosa assattho Encouraged, comforted assatha see atthi assaddho Without faith, unbelieving; not credulous assamaṇo Not a samaṇa, not a true monk of Buddha assamārako Oleander assamedho The acvamedha. Name of a sacrifice in which horse is sacrified assamo A hermitage; a religious order assamaṃ A hermitage; a religious order assayujo Name of a nakkhatta; September-October, name of a month assaro Not a vowel, a consonant assavanaṃ Not hearing assavo Discharge, matter, pus assavo Obedient assasati To inhale air, to inspire, draw in the breath assā A mare assā see ayaṃ assādanaṃ Tasting assādo Tasting, enjoyment, happiness assāma see atthi assāmiko Without a master or owner assāseti To refresh, to comfort, to encourage assāso Inhaled air, inhalation; comfort, consolation assu A tear assu Let them be assutavā Not learned, ignorant assuto Unheard asso Corner, edge asso A horse assosi see suṇoti ahaṃ A day ahaṃ I, myself ahaṇkāro Selfishness, pride, arrogance ahataṃ A new cloth or garment before it is washed ahamahamikā Conceit of superiority, arrogance, egoism ahaha Alas! Oh! ahahaṃ One of the high numerals, 10,000000(to the 10th power), or 1 followed by seventy ciphers. ahāsi see harati ahi A snake ahiṃsako Not injuring others, harmless, humane ahiṃsanaṃ Not injuring others, humanity ahiṃsā Not hurting, humanity, kindness, non-violence ahiguṇṭhiko A snake charmer ahituṇḍiko A snake-charmer ahito Bad, prejudicial, an enemy ahirikā Shamelessness ahiriko Shameless ahu see hoti ahuvā see hoti ahesuṃ see hoti aho Oh! ah! ahoratto A day and night ahosi see hoti ā Until; as far as compounded with nouns: Much used in combination with verbs and their derivatives. ākaṅkhati To wish, to desire, to long for ākaḍḍhati To draw towards, to drag along ākaḍḍhanaṃ Drawing, attraction ākaṇkhā Desire, longing ākappo Decent or elegant attire, ornament, embellishment, disguise ākaro A multitude, a mine ākāro The wowel a ākāro Appearance, mien, countenance; form; sign, token; way, manner, means; cause, reason, object, purpose; a coustituent part of the body ākāsaṭṭho Standing or staying in the sky: resting in space ākāsānañcāyatanaṃ Realm of infinity of space ākiñcaññaṃ Poverty, destitution; nothingness ākiñcaññāytanaṃ The Realm of Nothingness ākiṇṇo Crowded; confused, troubled ākirati To scatter, to sprinkle ākuñcito Bent, curved ākulo Crowded, confused, troubled, perplexed, distressed ākoṭeti To beat, to beat down ākoṭṭeti To beat, knock ākhu A rat or mouse ākhyā Name ākhyāto Said, told, announced ākhyāyikā A tale, story, legend āgacchati To come, to approach, to arrive, to return āgato Having come, having arrived, having returned, having attained, contained in, existing in, found in āgantu Coming, arriving, occasional, adventitious, incidental, foreign āgantuko, a guest, a stranger āgamanaṃ Coming, arriving, approach āgamanīyo That should be attained āgameti To cause to come; to communicate to, to impart; to wait āgamo Coming, advent, arrival, income, influx, knowledge, sacred book, the Buddhist scriptures, doctrine, religion āgamma Having come to, having gone to, having arrived, having returned, by means of, on account of, according to, for the sake of, on behalf of, for āgahito Seized, held, pulled āgāiī Coming, future āgāmiko Coming, approaching, next āgāraṃ A house, a building, an apartment, a hall āgilāyati To be tired, to ache āgu Guilt, offence, crime āghātanaṃ Slaughter-house, place of execution āghātuko Injuring, hurting āghāto Anger, ill-will, hatred, malice ācamanaṃ Rinsing the mouth, washing, cleansing ācarati To live; to act; to perform; to treat; to practise ācariyo A teacher or master; a scholar professor ācāmo Scum of boiling rice ācāro Conduct, practice; right conduct, good manners ācikkhati To tell, to announce; to point out, to show ācikkhanaṃ Telling, showing āciṇṇo Practised, performed, enjoined ācito Heaped up, collected ācinati To heap up, accumulate ājañño This is another form of ājāniyo, with the same meaning ājānanaṃ Knowing, understanding ājānāti To perceive, to understand, to learn, to know ājānīyo Of good race or breed ājāneyyo Of good race or breed āji Battle, strife ājīvako One belonging to a Hindu sect of naked ascetics, a religious mendicant ājīvanaṃ Livelihood, subsistence ājīvī Living ājīvo Livelihood, living, subsistence, profession, occupation, life, conduct ājjavaṃ Rectitude, moral uprightness āṭo Name of a bird āḍhyo Belonging to a wealthy family, well born, of good family āṇatto Commanded, enjoined āṇā An order, a command; authority āṇāpanaṃ Ordering, commanding āṇāpeti To order, to command āṇi The pin of a wheel-axle, a linch-pin; a peg or pin āṇyaṃ Being in debt ātaṅko Sickness, affiction, pain ātataṃ Generic name for drums covered with leather on one side ātatāyī A felon, murderer, highwayman ātapattaṃ A parasol ātapo Sunshine, sunlight ātappaṃ Ardour, zeal, energy, exertion ātāpanaṃ Sunshine; burning ātāpī Ardent, zealous, strenuous, active ātāpo Heat, burning; ardour, zeal, exertion, ātumā A rare form of attā ātumā Self, body, person, individuality; life, mind soul; in a non-buddhist sense the paramātman or Universal Soul āturo Ill, diseased; affected ātojjaṃ A musical instrument āttadiṭṭhi Same meaning as attavādo ādadāti To take, to receive, to seize, to take away ādaraṇīyo Estimable, deserving of respect ādaro Esteem, regard, respect, interest, care, devotion, affection ādātabbo That ought to be taken ādātā One who takes ādāti To take, to receive, to seize, to take away ādānaṃ Taking, appropriating, attachment, clinging to the world ādāyī Taking ādāso A mirror ādi Beginning, starting-point ādiko Beginning with, first, initial ādiccapatho The sky, the heavens ādiccabandhu Kinsman of the sun, a name of Buddha as a member of a family of the solar race ādicco The sun ādito From the beginning, first āditto Blazing, burning ādippati To blaze, to burn, to glow ādibrahmacariyaṃ Primary or fundamental morality, as opposed to the details of practice and ritual ādimo First, initial ādiyati To take, to receive, to obtain, to take to heart, to attend to ādisati To show, to point out, to tell ādīnavo Distress, suffering, evil result or consequence, evil, guilt, sinfulness, disadvantage ādeti To take, to seize, to receive, to obtain ādesako Telling, informing ādeso Information, direction, order, injunction ādo A locative of ādi, ādo bhasanaṃ, speaking at first ādhārakaṃ A seat, stool ādhāro Support, stand, a basin round the foot of a tree to retain water, a receptacle ādhikāriko An official, office-bearer ādhipaccaṃ Sovereignty, lordship, supreme rule ādhipateyyaṃ Influence, rule, supremacy ādhūto Shaken ānaṃ Inhaled air, inhalation, inspired breath ānañcaṃ Infinity, immensity, boundlessness ānaṇyaṃ Freedom from debt ānanaṃ The mouth ānantariko Uninterrupted ānandanaṃ Friendly greeting, welcome ānando Joy, delight, happiness; name of a famous disciple of Buddha; name of a fabulous sea-monster ānayanaṃ Bringing near; escorting ānāpānaṃ see kammaṭṭhānaṃ, Inhaled and exhaled breath, inspiration and respiration ānāpeti To cause to be brought, to send for ānāyo A net, a fish-net ānisaṃso Advantage, profit, good result, blessing, reward, merit ānīto Brought, conveyed ānukampako Compassionate, kind ānukulyaṃ Suitability, agreeableness ānupadiko Following in the footsteps of, immediately following ānubhāvavā Possessing power, gifted with supernatural power ānubhāvo Dignity, authority; power, might, supernatural power, efficacy ānulomiko Suitable ānejjaṃ Immovability, impassibility āneti To bring, to bring home; to fetch, to procure; to carry, to convey āpaṃo A bazaar or market, a shop āpagā A river āpajjati To enter, to fall into, to undergo āpajjanaṃ Entering, falling into āpajjitā One who falls into, is guilty of āpaṇiko A tradesman āpattādhikaraṇam Question of guilt āpatti Offence, guilt, sin, crime āpattikusalatā Skill in offences, i.e. skill in determining to which class an offence belongs āpattikkhandho Group or class of offences āpadā Misfortune, necessity āpanno Entered upon, fallen into; unfortunate āpabbato Reaching to the mountain āpādi see āpajjati āpādeti To put into a certain state; to inflict āpānaṃ A place where people drink together, a tavern āpāyiko One suffering in an apāya āpucchati To take leave of, to bid adieu; to ask leave āpucchanaṃ Salutation, adieu āpūrati Tobe filled, to increase ābajjhati To be bound, fettered, held fast ābaddho Fastened, joined, united, attached ābādhiko Affected with illness, sick ābādho Illness, sickness, disease ābu A long gourd, a pumpkin ābhato Brought, carried, conveyed ābharaṇaṃ Ornament, decoration ābhassaro Shining, radiant; the ābhassarā deva, or radiant gods are the inhabitants of one of the brahma heavens ābhā Splendour, radiance, light ābhākaro The sun ābhāti To shine ābhidhammiko Connected with abhidhamma; versed in or studying the abhidhamma ābhimukhyaṃ Front, direction, towards ābhisamācārikaṃ Least duties, minor duties ābhujati To bend, to turn in ābhujanaṃ (ābhujo) Bending, turning ābhujī Name of a tree, the bhūrja or bhojpatra ābhogo Fullness, plenty; thought, reflection āma Indeed, truly, yes āmako Raw, uncooked āmaṭṭho Touched, handled āmaṇḍo The castor-oil plant āmantaṇaṃ Calling, speaking to, addressing āmantanā Taking leave āmantā Yes, certainly āmanteti To address, to speak to; to call āmayo Sickness, ill-health āmalakī Emblic myrobalan āmalako Emblic myrobalan āmasanaṃ Touching, handling āmānuso Not human, inhuman, demoniacal; more than human, superhuman, celestial, spiritual āmutto Dressed, adorned with, equipped āmeṇḍitaṃ Repetition āmo Raw, uncooked āmodanā Rejoicing āmodito Pleased, delighted āmodo Pleasure, joy; a strong perfume, fragrance āyatanaṃ Place, dwelling-place, abode, home, seat, rendezvous, haunt, receptacle, mine; altar, shrine; place of origin, source, fount, cause, origin āyati Futurity, the future; length; majesty āyatiko Future āyato Long āyattatā Dependence āyatto Dependent, belonging to āyamati To draw, to stretch, to extend āyasakyaṃ Dishonour āyaso Made of iron āyasmā Old, venerable āyācati To ask, to request āyācanaṃ Request āyāti To go; to approach, to return āyāmato In length āyāmo Length āyu Life āyuko Living āyuto Endowed, furnished with āyuttako An agent, manager, superintendent āyutto An agent, trustee, manager āyudhaṃ A weapon āyusaṃ Duration of life āyo Gain; revenue; coming in, entrance āyogo Occupation āyodhanaṃ Battle ārakattaṃ Being far from ārakā Far off, from a far ārakūṭo Brass ārakūtam Brass ārakkhati To guard, to protect ārakkhiko A guard, a keeper, a policeman ārakkheyyo That ought to be guarded ārakkho Guard, protection āraggaṃ The point of an awl ārañjaro A water-jar āraññako Belonging to the forest, situated in the forest ārati Leaving off, cessation, abstinence āraddho Having begun; striving, exerting oneself āraddho Accomplished, won, provided āranālaṃ Sour gruel ārabbha Beginning with, from; concerning, with reference to; with a view to, for ārabhati To begin; to undertake; to attempt; to exert oneself; to obtain by exertion ārabhāpeti To cause to be commenced or undertaken ārambhanaṃ Commencement ārambho Commencement; exertion, effort; mischief, injury ārammaṇaṃ That on which anything rests or dwells, a support, stay, basis, ground, cause, material, object; an object of sense; a thought, an idea ārā An awl ārā Far off ārācārī Living far from sin, leading a virtuous life ārādhanaṃ Satisfying, propitiating; winning, accomplishing ārādheti To propitiate, to conciliate, to make favour with; to win, to attain, to accomplish ārāmiko One employed about the grounds of a Buddhist monastery ārāmo Pleasure; a pleasure garden, a park; the gardens or wooded enclosure surrounding a Buddhist temple; a vihara, a Buddhist monastery or temple ārāvo Sound, noise ārissaṃ Ṛishiship āruyha see āruhati āruhati To ascend, to mount, to go up into ārūḷho Having ascended; having put; put; rendered, transferred ārogo Healthy, well ārogyaṃ Health ārocāpeti To cause to be announced; to announce āroceti To tell, to announce, to delare ārodanaṃ Lamentation āropanaṃ Raising; establishing, see āropeti āropeti To cause to ascend, to raise, to lift up to or upon; to put; to establish, to set on foot, to introduce; to transfer, to render, to turn into ārohako A rider ārohaṇaṃ Ascent, ascending; a ladder, stairs ārohaṇīyo Fit for mounting ārohati To ascend, to mount, to go up into ārohā An elegant woman āroho A rider; ascent; length ālakamandā The city of Kuvera ālakā The city of Kuvera ālapati To speak to, to address ālapanaṃ Speaking to, addressing; the vocative case ālambati To lean upon; to take hold of ālambanaṃ Support: an object of sense ālambo Support; object of sense ālayo Dwelling, house, abode; longing, desire, attachment, lust ālavālakaṃ A basin or trench round a tree to retain water ālaviko Dwelling in forests ālavī Name of a city in India ālasiyaṃ Idleness, sloth ālasyaṃ Idleness, sloth ālānaṃ A stake or post to which an elephant is tied ālāpo Speaking to, addressing; speech āli A woman's female friend; a line; a dike, an embankment āli A scorpion ālikhati To draw, delineate āliṅgati To embrace, to enfold āliṅganaṃ An embrace āliṅgo A small drum ālindo A terrace or verandah outside a house ālulati To agitate, disturb, confuse ālekho A drawing, painting, picture ālokanaṃ Seeing, looking ālokasandhi A window ālokitaṃ Looking at, regarding, seeing āloko Sight, look; light ālopo A fragment, a bit, a morsel; a mouthful of rice or other food taken up with the hand, a lump or ball of food; plundering or harrying āloḷāpeti To cause to be mixed or jumbled up together āloḷeti To mix; to shake or stir together; to jumble, to confuse āḷambaro A drum; ride, arrogance āḷāriko A cook āḷāhanaṃ A place where the dead are burned, a cemetery āḷimpāpeti To cause to be anointed; to cause to be plastered or smeared āḷhako A certain measure of capacity; the stake or post to which an elephant is tied āḷhakam A certain measure of capacity; the stake or post to which an elephant is tied āvajjati To reflect, to consider āvajjanaṃ Meditation āvajjeti To bend, to incline; to upset āvajjo Low, bad, inferior āvaṭo Covered, enveloped, shrouded āvaṭṭato In circumference āvaṭṭo Turning; a whirlpool; circuit, circumference āvattati To turn; to return āvattī Returning āvantiko Belonging to the Avanti country āvaraṇaṃ Covering; obstruction; restraint, interdiction, prohibition āvalī A row or range āvasati To dwell, to inhabit āvasatho Dwelling-place, abode, house, dwelling āvahati To bring āvahanaṃ Bringing āvaho Bringing, causing āvāṭakaṃ A pit, see āvato āvāṭo A hole in the ground, a pit āvāsiko Resident, in residence, living at home āvāso Residing, dwelling; a dwelling, a residence; a monastery āvāhanaṃ Getting a wife for a young man āvāho Marriage āvi Manifestly, in full view, close before the eyes āvikattā One who manifests āvikaroti To make manifest, to show, to explain āvito Guarded, protected āviddho Thrown āvibhavati To become visible or manifest, to appear, to be evident āvibhāvo Appearance, manifestation āvilo Turbid; stained; agitated āvisati To approach, to enter āvuṇāti To cover, to enclose; to put a string through, to string āvunoti To cover, to enclose; to put a string through, to string āvuto Covered, hedged, inclosed, surrounded; strung āvuttho Inhabited āvudhaṃ A weapon āvuso Friend! Sir! Brother! āveṇiko Free from contact, detached, independent āveḷm A garland worn on the crown of the head āvesanaṃ A workshop; a dwelling; fury; entrance āvesiko Entering, arriving, adventitious āsaṅkati To fear, to suspect, to doubt āsaṅkā Fear, apprehension, anxiety, suspicion, doubt āsaṅkī Apprehensive, anxious āsaṅgo Attachment āsajja Having approached, having attained āsajjo Attainable āsatti Attachment, desire āsatto Attached, clinging; intent, attentive, diligent āsanaṃ Sitting; a seat āsandi A long or easy chair āsanno Near āsabho Belonging to a bull, taurine āsayo Meaning, intention, inclination; dependence; support; abode, retreat, haunt āsavakkhayo Extinction or cessation of human passion or defilements āsavati To trickle, to flow āsavo Distilled spirit āsavo Oozing, scum; misfortune; human passion, sin, corruption, depravity āsā Desire, longing āsāṭikā A fly's egg, nit āsāro A heavy shower āsāḷhā Name of a month, June-July, and of a nakkhatta āsāḷho Name of a month, June-July, and of a nakkhatta āsi He was, it was, there was āsi Blessing āsiṃsanā Wish, hope, benediction āsiṃsā Wish, hope, benediction āsiṃsu see atthi āsiñcati To sprinkle, to moisten, to anoint āsiṭṭho Wished, prayed for āsitto Sprinkled; anointed āsivādo Blessing āsī Fang of a snake āsīno Sitting āsīviso A snake āsu Quickly āsuṃ They were āsuṇāti To hear, to listen to āsuṇānti To hear, to listen to āsevati To practise āsevī Addicted to āso Eating āha To say, to speak, to call, to tell, to say to. This word is a perfect tense, no other tenses of ah being used. Only the 3rd pers. sing. and plur. are in general use. āhacca see āhanati āhaccapādo Name of a particular sort of bed or chair, one the legs of which can be easily removed by drawing out a pin. āhacco To be brought forward, to be adduced; removable āhato Brought, carried, obtained āhanati To strike, to throw, to beat, to pound, to reach āharaṇaṃ Bringing, accomplishing āharati To bring, to fetch, to take, to plunder, to tell, to relate āharo Bringing āhavanīyo Sacrificial āhavanīyo Sacrificial fire, aggi āhavo War, battle āhāro Food, nourishment, cause āhāvo A trough or watering-place by a fountain or well āhiṇḍati To roam, to wander āhitaggi One who offers sacred fire āhu see āha āhuti Offering, oblation āhuneyyo Sacrificial, worthy of offerings, worshipful āhūya Having summoned ikko A bear ikkhaṇaṃ Sight, looking ikkhaṇiko A fortune-teller ikkhati To look, to see iṅgati To move iṅgudī The plant terminalia catappa iṅgo Gesture, sign iṅgha Come! pray! icc see iti icchati To wish, to desire; to approve, to like; to endeavour, to obtain, to seek icchā Wish, will, desire, lust, covetousness icchācāro Wish, desire, covetousness, ambition icchāpeti To cause to desire icchito Wished, desired ijjati see yajati ijjā Sacrifice ijjhati To prosper, to succeed, to be accomplished iñjati To move, to be shaken iñjanā Motion iṭṭhaṃ As one wishes iṭṭhakā A brick, a tile iṭṭhagandho Fragrant iṭṭhikā A brick or tile iṭṭho Desired, good iṭthakamayo Made of bricks iḍaṃ This iṇaṃ Debt iṇāyiko A debtor, a borrower itarathattā In another way itarathā In another way itarītaro One and another, this and that, any whatever, of all sorts itaro Other; different iti Calamity, accident itivuttaṃ A legend or traditon itivuttakaṃ This is the name of the fourth book of Khuddakanikāya itihā Oral tradition itihāso Legendary lore, tradition, history ito Gone ito Hence; from this world; from this time; ago; here ittaro Low, poor, mean itthaṃ Thus itthattaṃ The present condition, existence in this world itthannāmo Having such and such a name, so and so itthambhūto Such itthāgāraṃ Women's apartment, harem, seraglio itthi A woman; a female itthī A woman; a female itthikā A woman itthindriyaṃ The female principle or sex itthiratanaṃ Beautiful or noble woman itthiliṅgaṃ Female sex; feminine gender ida see idha idaṃ Here, now, even idattayaṃ These three idappaccayā From an assignable cause, from an ascertained cause idāni Now iddhi Prosperity, power, majesty; supernatural power, magical power, miraculous faculty; a miracle iddhipādo Constituent or basis of magic power iddhippatto Possessed of miraculous power iddhippabhedo The different sorts of magic power iddhimayo Created, or made to appear by supernatural power iddhimā Possessed of supernatural power iddhividhā The various sorts of iddhi iddhivisayo Range, power, or extent of iddhi idha Here; hither; in this world idhaloko This world, this state of existence idhāgatattaṃ Fact of having come idhumaṃ Firewood indakhīlo A threshold, a large slab of stone let into the ground at the entrance of a house; a pillar in front of a city gate indagopako A sort of insect indajāliko A magician, juggler, conjurer indadhanu The rainbow indanīlo A sapphire indanīlaṃ A sapphire indapattaṃ Name of a town indayavo The seeds of wrightia antidysenterica indavāruṇī Coloquintida indasālo Name of a tree indāyudhaṃ The rainbow indīvaraṃ The blue water-lily; the cassia fistula indu The moon indo Chief, lord; a king; Indra indriyaṃ An organ of sense; a power, faculty, function, organ; a moral quality; sense, perception, acquisition; sex indriyaggayho Perceptible to the senses indriyasaṃvaro Restraint or subjugation of the senses indhanaṃ Firewood, fuel ibbho Wealthy, menial ibho An elephant imā see ayaṃ imaṃ see ayaṃ ime see ayaṃ iritvijo An officiating brahminical iriyato After the manner of, according to the custom of iriyā Movement, posture, deportment iriyāpatiho Way of deportment. There are four iriyāpathas or postures, viz. walking, standing sitting, lying down. iru The Ṛigveda irubbedo The Ṛigveda illī A sort of weapon, a short one-edged sword iva Like, as viya Like, as va Like, as isi A ṛishi, a saint, a sage, a holy man, an anchorite isikā A reed isigili Name of a mountain in Magadha isipatanaṃ Name of a place near Benares isipabbajjā The life of an anchorite iso A sort of bear issayati To envy, to be jealous issariyaṃ Dominion, supremacy issaro Lord, ruler, chief, king; civa issā Envy, jealousy, ill-will issāsaṃ A bow issāso A bow; an archer issukī Envious, jealous isseraṃ Dominion, supremacy isso A sort of bear iha Here ihalokiko Belonging to this world īdikkho Such īdisako Like this, such īdiso Like this, such, of such a sort, so great īdī Like this, such īriṇaṃ Barren soil, a desert īrito Thrown; uttered, spoken, said īriso Like this, such, of such a sort, so great īreti To cause to move, to shake; to cause to utter īsaṃ A little īsakaṃ A little īsakkaro Easy to do īsadharo Name of one of the kulācalas, or concentric circles of rock that surround Meru īsā The pole of a plough īso Lord, master īhati To endeavour īhā Exertion, endeavour ukkaṃseti To exalt, praise, extol ukkaṃso Excess; excellence; exaltation ukkaṭṭhā Name of a town. ukkaṭṭho High, eminent; exceeding, excessive; excellent, superior ukkaḍḍhati To cast out, remove ukkaṇṭhati To regret, pine, be unhappy, distressed, discontented ukkamanaṃ Stepping aside, passing ukkamāpeti To cause to step aside or get out of the way ukkalāpo Sweepings, rubbish ukkā A torch, firebrand; a meteor ukkāro Dung, excrement ukkāsati To hem, clear the throat, to call attention by slight cough ukkujjanaṃ Setting up again ukkujjeti To set up again what has been overturned ukkuṭiko Sitting on the hams, squatting, crouching, kneeling ukkuṭṭhi Crying out, shouting ukkuso An osprey, a large bird preying on fish ukkoco A bribe ukkoṭanaṃ Crookedness, perverting justice ukkoṭeti To disturb what is settled, to open up again a question that has been set at rest ukkhali A pot to boil rice in ukkhittakā Tucking up the robe in wet weather, a bhikkhuni who has been suspended ukkhipati To throw upwards, raise, lift; to get rid of, eject ukkhepako One who excommunicates, one who suspends ukkhepanaṃ Excommunication, suspension ukkhepaniyo Referring to the suspension of a bhikkhu ukkhepo Lifting, raising uklāpo see ukkalāpo, Sweepings, rubbish ukhā A boiler, cooking vessel uggacchalī To rise, ascend; to depart, come back uggaṇhāti To raise, lift, pick up; to learn, acquire by study uggati Ascent, appearance uggato see uggacchati uggatthanaṃ A sort of ornament uggamanaṃ Rising, ascent; arising, origin, production uggami and (uggamma)see uggacchati uggamo Rising up uggahaṇaṃ Taking or lifting up; learning, acquisition, of knowledge uggahito see uggaṇhāti uggahetabbo see uggaṇhāti uggaho Learning, acquisition uggāro Spitting out, vomiting uggiraṇaṃ Spewing, vomiting uggilati To vomit uggo Violent, severe, cruel, sharp uggharati To ooze ugghāṭanaṃ The rope and bucket of a well that which can be removed ugghāṭeti To open, unfasten; to reveal, make known ugghoseti To shout out, proclaim ugghoso Proclamation ucito Suitable, convenient uccaṃ High uccataro Higher uccatā Elevation uccato According to height, in height uccayo Accumulation uccā An indecl. with the meaning "above," "high," forming the first part of many compounds; uccakulīno, of high family uccātuṃ To raise, lift uccāraṇaṃ Utterance, pronunciation uccāreti To raise aloft, lift up uccāro Excerement uccāliṅgo A caterpillar uccāvaco Various, irregular uccinati To choose, select; to pick up ucco High, tall ucchaṅgo The hip, flank, haunch; the lap ucchādanaṃ Destruction; rubbing the body with perfumes ucchiṭṭho Left, rejected; impure ucchito Lofty, exalted ucchindati To cut off, extirpate, destroy ucchu Sugar-cane ucchedo Extirpation, annihilation uju Straight, right, direct; straightforward, honest, upright ujju Straight, right, direct; straightforward, honest, upright ujuko Straight, right, direct; straightforward, honest, upright ujjalati To flash up, shine ujjalanaṃ Lighting or burning of a lamp ujjalo Blazing, flashing; bright, beautiful ujjenī The city of Oujein ujjotanaṃ Illumination, glorification ujjoto Light, lustre ujjhaggikā Loud laughter ujjhati To abandon; to throw ujjhānaṃ Taking offence, fault finding ujjhāpanako One who stirs up another to discontent, makes him murmur or repine ujjhāyati To be irritated, annoyed, to be offended, to murmur uññā Contempt uṭṭhahati To rise, stand up, get up; to arise, be produced; to rouse or exert oneself, to be active uṭṭhahanaṃ see uṭṭhānaṃ, Rising; standing up; rise, origin; exertion, manly vigour uṭṭhāti To rise, stand up, get up; to arise, be produced; to rouse or exert oneself, to be active uṭṭhānaṃ Rising; standing up; rise, origin; exertion, manly vigour uṭṭhānavā Strenuous, active uṭṭhāpanaṃ Rousing; exhorting uṭṭhāpeti see uṭṭhahati uṭṭhāya see uṭṭhahati uṭṭhāyī see pubbuṭṭhāyī uṭṭhito see uṭṭhahati uṭṭhubhati To spit out uṇṇataṃ A sort of ornament uṇṇanābhi A spider uṇṇā Wool; hair between the eyebrows uṇṇaṃ Wool; hair between the eyebrows uṇhīso A crest, diadem, crown; a turban; part of a staircase uṇhīsaṃ A crest, diadem, crown; a turban; part of a staircase uṇho Hot utaṇo A ram utu Season, time; a season of the year; the menses utujo Produced by the seasons utunī A menstruating woman uttaṃso A chaplet; an earring uttattaṃ Dried flesh uttamo Best, highest, chief, excellent, eminent, supreme, first-rate uttarati To cross over, escape from uttariṃ Beyond, above, further, besides, more, longer uttaritaro Superior, better, higher, more eminent uttarī Superior, highest, best uttarīyaṃ An outer garment, cloak, scarf uttaro Higher, high, superior, upper; northern; subsequent uttasati To be alarmed uttāno Lying on its back, supine; shallow; open, evident, clear, easy uttāpeti To heat uttāso Terror utti Speech, utterance uttiṭṭhe see uṭṭhahati uttiṇṇo see uttarati utto see vutto utrasto Alarmed ud A preposition only used as the first part of a compound, generally conveying the idea "upwards", or "above", or "away" uda Or, on the other hand udakaṃ Water udakumbho A water pot udaggo High; delighted udacchidā see ucchindati udadhi The sea udapāno A well udabindu A drop of water udabbahati To draw out, derive udayo Rise, beginning, appearance; the eastern mountain behind which the sun rises udaraṃ The belly, stomach udarāvadehakaṃ In the phrase ud. bhuñjati, which means to eat to satiety, to eat to fill the stomach, to be gluttonous udariyaṃ The stomach udahārako One who makes conduits for water udānaṃ Upward aspiration, enthusiastic or joyous utterance, expression of intense feeling, whether of joy or sorrow, in words udāneti To breathe forth, make a joyous utterance udāyibhaddo Name of the son of King Ajātasattu udāro see uḷāro udāsīno Indifferent, neutral udāharaṇaṃ An example, instance udāharati To utter, recite; to command udāhāro Utterance udāhu Or udikkhati To look at, survey; to see, perceive udito Risen, arisen; high udito Spoken, uttered udīcī The North udīraṇaṃ Uttering, saying udīreti To utter, speak, say udukkhalaṃ A mortar udumbaro The tree ficus glomerata udeti To rise, of the sun udeti To come up or forth uddalomī A woollen coverlet with a fringe at each end uddānaṃ Binding uddāpo Foundation of a wall uddālo The tree cassia fistula, indīvara uddisati To point out, to declare; to determine, appoint; to recite uddesako Appointing, arranging uddesikadhātu Illustrative or commemorative relic, name of one of the three classes of relics or memorials of Buddha uddesiko Indicating or referring to, respecting, defining; memorial uddesito A lumber-room, store uddeso Prescription, ordinance; enunciation, recitation; region, period, occasion uddo Name of an animal uddhaṃ Upwards; up; above; after uddhaṃsati To be thrown or scattered upwards uddhaṃsoto One who ascends the stream, of existence uddhako A kind of drum uddhagati Going up, ascent uddhagāmī Going upwards uddhaggiko Having spiritual progress for its end or object uddhaggo Pointing upwards, standing on end uddhaṅgamo Going upwards, ascending uddhaccaṃ Being puffed up, vanity, pride uddhaṭo see uddharati uddhato Puffed up, haughty uddhadehikaṃ Funeral obsequies, funeral rites uddhanaṃ An oven uddhapādo Heels upwards uddhamukho Upturned uddhamūlo Having the roots upwards uddhambhāgiyo Belonging to the upper part uddhammo Wrong or false dharma, perverted doctrine uddharaṇaṃ Drawing out uddharati To draw out; to lift up, raise uddhaloko The world above, heaven uddhāro Pulling out; debt uddhuto Shaken uddhumāyati To be blown up, and hence to be swollen uddhūyati To be driven away uddho see ubbho, Raised, erect, high udrīyanaṃ Bursting or splitting open udreko Vomiting unduro A rat unnati Haughtiness unnato Raised, high unnadati To shout; to roar unnamati To ascend, rise up unnamo Elevation, height unnalo Proud, haughty, arrogant, insolent unno Wet upa Below, less upakaṭṭho Near, approaching upakaḍḍhati To drag down upakaṇṇaṃ Into the ear upakappati To serve, profit upakappanaṃ Preparation, fabrication upakaraṇaṃ Help, benefit, service; instrument, implement, furniture, apparatus upakārako Benefiting, helping upakārikā A benefactress; the foundation of a wall upakārī Benefiting upakāro Help, advantage, benefit, use, service; a helper, benefactor upakkamati To approach, come; to begin upakkamālali To devise plans, maneuver upakkamo Beginning upakkiliṭṭho Stained, depraved upakkileso Depravity, sin; molestation, distress upakkuṭṭho Blamed, reproached upakkoso Blame upakkhaṭo Got ready, prepared upakkhato Got ready, prepared upakkharo A part of a carriage upagacchati To come to, approach, visit, reach; to undergo, suffer; to undertake, begin; to enter upon upagamanaṃ Approaching upagamo Approaching, entering upon, etc. upagā see upeti upagāyati To sing upagūḷho Embraced upagūhanaṃ Embracing, an embrace upago Going to, entering; entering on, undergoing upagghāto An example upaghaṭṭito Knocked against upaghātanaṃ Hurting upaghāto Hurting, injury upacayo Accumulation, increase upacarito Served upacāro Approach, entrance, neighbourhood; a present, offering; attention, civility; practice, conduct upacikā The termite or white ant upacinati To heap up, accumulate upaccakā Land at the foot of a mountain upaccagā To escape, pass, go by upaccayo Passing away; transgression upacchindati To cut off, interrupt, bring to an end upacchedo Cutting off, stopping upajaneti To produce upajāpo Suggesting treason, sowing disunion upajīvati To subsist by upajīvanaṃ Maintenance upajīvī Subsisting by upajjhāyo A spiritual teacher or preceptor upajjho A spiritual teacher or preceptor upaññāto Found out, learnt upaññāso A treatise upaṭṭhahati To serve, wait on, attend, minister to, support; to be ready, to be present upaṭṭhahanaṃ (upaṭṭhahati) see upaṭṭhānaṃ, upaṭṭhati, Waiting on, attendance, service upaṭṭhāko A servitor, personal attendant upaṭṭhāti To serve, wait on, attend, minister to, support; to be ready, to be present upaṭṭhānaṃ Waiting on, attendance, service upaṭṭhāpanaṃ Providing upaṭṭhāyikā A female disciple upaḍḍho Half; partial upatāpeti To vex, torment upatisso A name of Sāriputta upatthambhako Holding up, sustaining, supporting upatthambhati To support, prop upatthambhanaṃ Supporting upatthambho Stay, support, prop, help, encouragement upadaṭṭhā A supervisor upadavo Accident, misfortune, distress, oppression upadā A present upadisati To command, advise upadissati To be seen, discovered upadussati To be angry, revengeful upadeso Instruction, direction upadduto Distressed, annoyed, oppressed upadhānaṃ Putting under, supplying, imposing; a pillow, cushion upadhāreti To consider, reflect, investigate, search with the mind, look out for, ascertain upadhāvati To run after, to run up to upadhi A wheel; the body; a substratum of being upanayhati To tie or wrap up upanāmeti To offer, present; to place close to, hold out to upanāyiko Referring or belonging to upanāho Enmity upanikkhipati To deposit, lay up upanighaṃsati To rub up against upanijjhānaṃ Meditation upanidhi A deposit, pledge upanibandhati To attach upanibandhanaṃ Fastening, attachment upaniyyati see upaneti upanisā Cause, means upanisīdati To sit beside or in the presence of upanissayo Basis, groundwork, and hence, tendency, potentiality, destiny, faculty upanissāya Near, close to upanīto see upaneti upaneti To present, bestow; to bring to, to conduce upanti Before, in the presence of upantiko Adjoining, close to upapajjati To come to, attain, be produced, be reborn upapati A paramour upapatti Birth, rebirth upaparikkhati To investigate ascertain upaparikkhā Investigation upapāramī Minor perfection upapīḷako Oppressive upabhogo Enjoyment upabhoggo To be enjoyed upamā Similarity; equality; comparison; a similitude, simile, illustration, figure, allegory, parable upamātā A wet-nurse upamānaṃ Resemblance upayamo Marriage upayāti To approach, go to upayānaṃ Approaching upayogo Employment, use uparajjaṃ Post of viceroy, viceroyalty uparati Cessation uparato Having ceased or desisted; deceased, dead uparamati To cease uparamanaṃ Cessation uparavo Noise uparājā A viceroy upari Above, upon, over, upwards, beyond, further uparitano Upper uparittaṃ Superposition uparimo Uppermost, over head uparujjhati To be stopped, to cease, be annihilated uparūpari Higher and higher, one above another uparodho Obstacle, detriment upalakkhaṇaṃ Synecdoche upalakkheti To look at, regard, note upaladdhi Acquistion; knowledge upalabbhati To be found, received, obtained upalimpati To smear, defile upalo A stone, rock upavaṇṇeti To describe fully upavadati To blame upavanaṃ A park upavasati see uposatho upavassaṃ At the approach of the rainy season upavahati To bring about upavādako Blaming upavādanā Blame upavādo Blame upavāso Temporary abstinence for a time from all worldly enjoyments, fasting, self-mortification, penance upavisati To sit down upavīṇeti To play the lute to a person upavīṇo The neck of a lute upavuttho see uposatho upavesanaṃ Sitting down upasaṃvasati To take up one's abode in upasaṃharati To bring together upasaṃhito Accompanied or furnished with upasaggo Trouble, misfortune, danger; a preposition, as pari, adhi upasaṅkamati To go to, approach upasaṅkamanaṃ Approaching upasanto see upasammati upasappati To approach upasamanaṃ Appeasing upasamo Cessation; quietude, calm upasampajjati To attain, enter on, take upon oneself; to reach, approach upasampadā Taking, obtaining, acquiring; higher ordination upasambyānaṃ The outer garment, cloak upasammati To grow calm; to cease; to be settled upasākhā A minor branch upasussati To dry up upasevati To serve, honour; to practise, frequent upasevā Service, honouring upasevī serving, frequenting upasobheti To adorn upassaggo see upasaggo upassaṭṭho Oppressed, beset, ruined upassayo Asylum, dwelling upassuti Listening to upahacca see upahanti upahato see upahanti upahananaṃ Hurting, injury upahanti To injure, vex, impair upahāro A complimentary present to a superior; an oblation to a deva upāgacchati To come to, arrive at, reach upāṅgaṃ A minor limb or section upācariyo A teacher's successor upātivatto Escaped from upādānaṃ Firewood, fuel; clinging to existence, attachment upādānīyo Connected with attachment, sensual upādiyati To take hold of; to cling to the world, to have upādāna or attachment upādiseso Having the skandhas remaining. Still dependent on existence upāddāya see upddiyati upānīto Led away upāyanaṃ A present upāyāso Desperation, despair upāyo Means of success, expedient, stratagem upārambho Being angry with a person, reproof, reproach upāvatto Refraining upāsako A pious Buddhist not in the Order, a devout or faithful layman, lay devotee upāsati To attend, honour, serve, revere upāsanaṃ Attendance, service, homage upāsanaṃ Archery upāsikā see upāsako upāhanā A shoe, sandal upāhāro Bringing forward, adding upekkhako Resigned, patient upekkhati To be indifferent, stoical upekkhā Indifference to pain and pleasure, equanimity, resignation, stoicism upekhā Indifference to pain and pleasure, equanimity, resignation, stoicism upecca see upeti upeti To go to, approach, enter, undergo, incur uposathiko Fasting, keeping the uposatha vows; belonging to the uposatha uposatho The Buddhist Sabbath or fast-day; fasting, abstinence from sensual enjoyments; the monastic ceremony of reading the pātimokkha; the eight sīlas; ordinance, institution uposatho Belonging to the uposatha uppakkamo An expedient uppajjati To arise, originate, be produced, be born, appear uppajjanaṃ Arising uppajjanako Arising, being born uppaṇḍeti To ridicule, make fun of uppatati To fly or rise up into the air; to spring upwards, to jump uppatanaṃ Springing up, arising; jumping up uppatti Arising, birth, production uppatho Wrong road, error, sin uppanno see uppajjati uppabbajati To leave the monkhood throw off the robes upparikkhati To investigate uppalaṃ The blue lotus; a water-lily; one of the high numerals, 10,000,000(to the 14th power), or 1 followed by ninety-eight ciphers uppalinī An assemblage of blue lotuses uppāṭanako Rooting out uppāṭeti To root out, tear out, tear off uppādanaṃ Production, causing uppādeti see uppajjati uppādo Springing up, appearance, birth; an omen uppīḷeti To press together ubbaṭṭanaṃ Shampooing the body ubbatteti To tear up, tear out ubbahati To raise up; to remove, drive away ubbāhikā It means "rules for expulsion of schismatic monks" ubbijjati To be afraid ubbinayo Wrong or false Vinaya ubbillāpito Unduly elated, puffed up ubbī The earth ubbego Agitation from joy or grief, excitement, anxiety ubbejaniyo Causing alarm, agitating ubbedho Height ubbhaṃ see uddhaṃ, Upwards; up; above; after ubbhato Thrown up, thrown out ubbhavo Birth, origination ubbhāro see uddhāro ubbhāveti To produce, use ubbhijjati To burst upwards, spring up out of the ground, as of water welling up; to sprout, germinate ubbhidaṃ Kitchen salt ubbhūto Born, produced ubbho Raised, erect, high ubhato On both sides, in two ways ubhayato On both sides ubhayattha In both places, in both cases ubhayo Both. Used both in sing. and plural ubho Both ummaggo An underground watercourse, a main ummajjanaṃ Shampooing the body ummatto and (ummattako) Mad, out of one's mind, in a state of mental aberration ummaddāpeti To cause to be rubbed ummā Flax ummādeti To madden ummādo Madness, distraction, mental aberration ummāro A threshold ummīleti To open the eyes ummukaṃ A firebrand ummukho Expecting, awaiting ummujjati To emerge, rise out of ummujjā Emerging ummūleti To root up uyyāti To go out or forth uyyānaṃ Going forth; a royal garden or pleasure grounds uyyāmo Exertion, effort uyyuñjati To exert oneself uyyuto Striving, busy in a good or bad cause uyyogo Setting out, departure; near approach of death, decay uyyojanaṃ Inciting, instigation uyyodhikaṃ A plan of combat, sham fight urago A snake; a nāga uracakkaṃ An iron wheel which forms an instrument of torture in one of the hells uracchado Mail armour uratthalaṃ The breast urabbho A ram urasilomo Hairy-breasted uru Large; excellent, eminent uru Sand uruvelā Name of a town in the Magadha country uro The breast, chest uraṃ The breast, chest ulupī A porpoise, sea mammal of whale family ulūko An owl ullaṅghati To leap up. To spring on to a horse's back ullapati To lay claim to, assert oneself the owner of ullasito Shining ullitto Smeared ulloketi To look up, look at ulloco A canopy, awning shelter ullocaṃ A canopy, awning shelter ullolo A wave, surge uḷāro Great; lofty, noble, excellent, eminent uḷu A lunar mansion uḷuṅko A ladle "made out of the shell of a coconut, and is used to take water out of a jar" uḷumpo A raft uḷumpaṃ A raft usabhaṃ A measure of twenty yaṭṭhis usabho A bull; name of one of the notes of the Hindu gamut; at the end of a compound, best, eminent; name of a drug usīro The fragrant root of andropogon muricatum usīraṃ The fragrant root of andropogon muricatum usu An arrow usumā Heat usuyyati To be envious, jealous, discontented usuyyā Envy, jealousy, detraction usūyati To be envious, jealous, discontented usūyā Envy, jealousy, detraction usmā Heat ussaṅkito Distrustful, anxious ussaṅkī Distrustful, anxious ussado Prominence, swelling ointment, a crowd qualification arrogance, "protuberance" ussanno Increased, extensive, prevalent, rife, intense ussavo Festival, merrymaking, holiday ussahati To be able; to endeavour ussāpeti To lift up, raise, exalt ussāraṇaṃ Driving away ussāvo Hoar-frost, dew ussāho Strength; effort, endeavour ussiñcati To bale out, exhaust ussito Lifted, hoisted; prosperous; born, produced ussīsakaṃ A pillow, the head of a bed ussuko Zealous, eager, active, energetic ussukkaṃ Zeal, energy, hard work; eagerness, longing ussussati To become dried up ussūraseyyā "Sleeping after the sun has risen" ussoḷhi Exertion, effort uhuṅkāro An owl ūkā A louse; a weight of seven likkhās ūko A louse; a weight of seven likkhās ūnako Deficient ūno Deficient, less ūmi A wave ūru The thigh ūsaro Saline ūsavā Saline ūso Salt ground ūhato Destroyed ūhadeti To befoul with excrement ūhanaṃ Arrangement, synthesis ūhā Life ekaṃsaṃ On one shoulder ekaṃsiko Certain ekako Alone, solitary ekakkhaṇe At the same moment ekakkhattuṃ Once ekakkhī One-eyed ekaggatā Tranquillity of the mind, abstraction of the mind, contemplation ekaggo Calm, tranquil ekaghano Solid ekacariyā Walking alone, solitude ekacaro Walking alone, solitary ekacitto Having the same thought, of one mind ekacīvaro Wearing a single garment ekacco One, a certain ekacchattaṃ A single dominion ekacchando Unanimous ekajālībhavati To become one mass of flame ekajo Proceeding from one cause ekajjhaṃ In the same place, in conjunction, together ekajjhāsayatā Unanimity ekaṭṭhānaṃ One place, the same place ekato Together; on one side; apart, alone ekattaṃ Unity ekadā One day, once; on the same day ekadivasaṃ One day, on a certain day ekadeso A part, a portion ekadhā In one way ekadhītikā An only daughter ekaninnādo Filled with noise ekantariko Taking turns, acting alternately ekanto One end, one side ekantaṃ One end, one side ekandhakāro Entirely obscured ekapadī A path ekaputtako An only son ekaputto An only son ekappahārena Unanimously, in unison, simultaneously ekabījī The first degree of sotāpatti ekabhattaṃ One meal a day ekabhattiko Having one meal a day ekamano Unanimous ekamantaṃ On one side, apart ekamantikaṃ On one side ekamante On one side ekamānaso Unanimous ekamidāhaṃ see idaṃ ekameko Each ekarajjaṃ Sole sovereignty ekarājā A universal king ekavacanaṃ One word; the singular number ekavatthu One subject ekavatthuko Having the same ground or cause ekavidho Single ekaseyyā Sleeping or reclining alone or apart; a single couch ekaso One by one ekākī Alone, solitary ekāgāriko A thief; a robber ekācariyo Having the same teacher ekātapattaṃ One dominion, lit. "one parasol" ekādasa Eleven ekādasamo Eleventh ekādasī The eleventh day of the half month ekābaddho Contiguous; continuous ekāyanaṃ This is the sole road to salvation ekārammaṇo Having the same substratum, basis or object ekārasa Eleven ekāro The letter e ekāsanaṃ Sitting apart or alone ekāsanikaṅgaṃ Precept enjoining eating at one sitting. This is one of the thirteen dhutaṅgas. ekāhaṃ One day ekāhena In one day ekībhāvo Solitude ekuddeso Having the same teaching or studies ekūnako Deficient by one ekūno Deficient by one, minus one ekeko One by one, each, severally eko One, single; alone; a, a certain; the same; chief, pre-eminent, unique; general ekokibhāvo Concentration, fixing one's mind on one point ejā Desire, lust eṇeyyo A kind of antelope eṇo A kind of antelope etaṃ see eso etad see eso etadaggaṃ Chief place, pre-eminence, the chief, the best etabbo That ought to go etarahi Now etādiso Such etāriso Such eti To come; to go; to attain; to undergo etihyaṃ Oral tradition ete see eso etesaṃ see eso ettako So great, so much, so many ettāvatā So far, to that extent, there-abouts, thus etto So great, so much etto Hence ettha Here; herein; now edikkho Such ediso Such, see eti edī Such edhati To prosper, to increase edho Firewood ena It has the meaning of "this", "it", referring to something that has been already mentioned. eraṇḍo The castor oil plant erāvaṇo Indra's elephant erāvato The orange tree erikkho Such eriso see ediso eriso Such, see eti ereti To speak elā Cardamom eḷaṃ Fault, sin eḷako A ram; a wild goat eḷako A threshold eḷagalo The plant cassia tora eḷamūgo Deaf and dumb eḷā Saliva eḷāḷukaṃ A kind of cucumber eḷikā see eḷako eva yeva(1) and heva(2)Just, quit, even, only evaṃdhammo Of such a nature, such evaṃnāmo Having such and such a name evaṃmahānubhāvo Of such great power evaṃvāditā Saying thus, adherence to this doctrine evaṃvādī Saying thus, holding this doctrine evaṃvādo Saying thus, holding this doctrine evaṃvidho Of such kind, such evaṃvipāko Having such and such a result evaṃsaññī Having this thought evaṅgatiko Such, similar, analogous evaṅgaruko Of such importance or value evaṅgotto Of such a family evannāmako So named evam Thus evamādi Beginning thus, such and the like evamādiko This and the like evamāhāro Living on such and such food evamucco Of such a height evameva In this very way, even thus evamevaṃ In this very way, thus evarūpo Such, of this sort evumaṃ Anomalous sandhi for evaṃ imaṃ esa see eso esaṃ see ayaṃ esako Seeking esati To seek, to serch, to desire, to strive to obtain esanā Wish, desire esānaṃ see ayaṃ esikaṭṭhātī Stable as a pillar esikā A pillar in front of a city gate esī Seeking, desiring esu see ayaṃ eso This, this one; that ehiti see eti ehipassiko Inviting ehisāgatavādī One who say "come and be welcome", a cordial friend ehisi see eti o see ava okaṃ A house, dwelling; a resting-place, asylum okaṃ Water okappanīyo Becoming, suitable, proper okāro Vileness, worthlessness okāsaloko World or realm of space okāso Place, room, space; interval; occasion, opportunity; leave, permission; leisure; cause okiraṇaṃ Sprinkling okirati To sprinkle okkaṭṭho Lowered, low okkanti Descent, falling upon okkanto Descended, entered; embarked okkamati To descend, step down; to disembark; to fall into, enter or come into okkamanaṃ A proper name okkamanaṃ Descent okkassa Having dragged away or abducted okkāko A proper name okkhitto Cast down, lowered ogacchanaṃ Going down ogadho Belonging to, connected with, contained in ogamanaṃ Going down, setting ogayha see ogāhati ogahanaṃ Diving, bathing ogāḷho see ogāhati ogāhati To dive, plunge into, enter ogāheti To dive, plunge into, enter ogāho Plunging into, wading, fording ogilati To swallow oguṇṭhito Covered, veiled, wrapped up ogho A flood, torrent, inundation, overflow; multitude, quantity ocikkhati To point out, draw attention to ocinati To gather, pick ojadīpo A name of Ceylon ojavā Juicy, succulent, sweet ojahati To leave, forsake, abandon, renounce ojā Strength, sap of life, vitality; sap; juice, ojo Light, splendour; strength, vigour oñāto see avañāto, low-born oṭṭhajo The labial letters are u,ū,p,ph,b,bh,m oṭṭho The lip oṭṭho A camel oḍḍeti To place, set. This word is used of laying a fowler's snares and nets. oṇato Bent, stooping oṇamati To bow, to stoop oṇīto Drawn out, removed otato Covered, overspread, overgrown otaraṇaṃ Descent, entrance into, going down into otarati To descend; to disembark; to depart; to betake oneself to, go to, enter otāraṇaṃ Causing to descend otāro Descent; entrance; a landing-place; a defect, fault otiṇṇako One who descends otiṇṇo Gone down, descended; disembarked; having entered ottappaṃ Fear of sinning, shrinking from sin, having a tender conscience, conscientiousness ottāpī Fearful of sinning, conscientious ottharati To spread; to cover; to scatter; to overspread, pervade odakantiko A deep pit or hole in the earth odako Belonging to water, watery, aqueous odanaṃ Boiled rice odano Boiled rice odaniko A cook odahati To put in, to deposit; to attend, apply odahanaṃ Depositing, stowing away odāto White; pure, clean, clear odumbaro Belonging to the udumbara tree, made of udumbara wood odhi Limit, limitation; district, division odhiso At the end of a period, ultimately onaddho see avanaddho, covered, bound onadhati To cover; to bind onandhanaṃ Tying, entangling onavīsativasso One who is less than twenty years old opagavo Belonging to upagu opatito Fallen down opadhiko Belonging to upadhi opanayiko Conducive opapātiko Accidental, phenomenal, apparitional opammaṃ A simile, comparison, metaphor, analogy oparajjaṃ The office of sub-king, viceroyalty opavayho Intended for riding on opasamiko Leading to quiet or cessation opasilesiko Relating to immediate contact, containing, embracing opāteti To let fall opāyiko Proper, fit, right opīḷāpeti To press down opuñjati To heap or collect together opunāti To winnow, sift; metaphorically, to expose, lay bare, e.g. the fault of others obhaggo Broken obhāsati To shine obhāsati To speak to, address, see avabh obhāso Lustre, radiance, light; appearance, manifestation; reach, range, see avabh omako Low, inferior, vile omasati To revile, reproach omasavādo Scornful, contemptuous, reproachful speech omuñcati To take off, unloosen, remove omutteti To make water upon orato On this side orapāraṃ The hither and the further side orabbhiko A butcher oramattako Belonging merely to the present life, mundane, sublunary orambhāgiyo Belonging to the lower part or lot, belonging to kāmabhava orasasūnutā Own-sonship oraso Legitimate, own oraso On this side orimo Hither, on this side oruhati To descend; to disembark oro Below; less; posterior, later; hither, on this side orodho Harem seraglio, apartments of the royal ladies oropanaṃ Taking down, removal oropeti To cause to descend, take down, put down orohaṇaṃ Descent orohati To descend; to disembark olagito Hanging down olambako Hanging olambati To hang down, to suspend olambo Something hanging, an appendage oligallo A dirty pool near a village olokati To look, see, look at, behold, look down upon; to look for, await, watch; to consider, regard olokanaṃ Looking, looking at oloketi To look, see, look at, behold, look down upon; to look for, await, watch; to consider, regard oḷāriko Large, great; gross, coarse; material oḷumpiko Belonging to a raft. Crossing on a raft ovaṭṭo Rained down ovadati To admonish, exhort, edify, advise, instruct ovarako An inner room, store room ovādako Admonishing ovādo Admonition, exhortation ovijjhati To pierce, annoy osakkati To draw back, refuse; to give way, retreat osaṭo Engaged in; settled osadhaṃ A herb; a herb used in medicine, a simple; a drug, medicine osadhī A herb, plant, annual, name of a star osadhīso The moon osaraṇaṃ Resort, rendezvous, haunt, habitation osarati To go to, resort, repair, approach osādeti To cause to sink, to depress osānaṃ see avasānaṃ, end, conclusion osāpeti To finish, complete osāraṇā Restoration of a monk who has been temporarily secluded from his brother monk as a penance for an offence osāraṇaṃ Restoration of a monk who has been temporarily secluded from his brother monk as a penance for an offence osiñcati To sprinkle osīdati To settle down, to sink, to decline osīdanaṃ Sinking osīdāpanaṃ Causing to sink osumiko Relating to heat oso Beam, ray ossajati To give up, relinquish, renounce ossajjati To give up, relinquish, renounce ohāya see ojahati ohāraṇaṃ Removing ohārī Dragging down ohāreti To remove ohito Put in, deposited; put down, laid aside ohīyati To be left kaṃ see ko kaṃ Water; the head kaṃsakūṭaṃ Counterfeit metal, cheating with false metal kaṃsatālo A gong kaṃsathālaṃ A bronze dish or plate kaṃsanīlaṃ Blue vitriol kaṃso Metal; bronze; a gong; a bowl to eat from kaṃso A coin worth four kahāpaṇas kakaco A saw; the plant capparis aphylla kakaṇṭako A chameleon kaku The hump of the Indian bull kakuṭo A pigeon or dove kakudho The hump of the Indian bull; an ensign or symbol of royalty; the tree terminalia arjuna kakusandho Name of one of the twenty-four Buddhas kakkaṭako A crab kakkaso Rough; hard; cruel kakkārī A king of cucumber kakkāreti To express disgust kakko Sediment; paste kakkhaḷo Hard, solid; rough; harsh, cruel kaṅkaṭo Mail kaṅkaṇaṃ An ornament, a bracelet kaṅko A heron kaṅkhati To doubt kaṅkhā Doubt kaṅgu Panick seed, panicum italicum, a sort of millet kacavaro Sweepings, dust, rubbish kaccati To shine kaccāno Name of a famous grammarian, author of the pali grammar called kaccāyanappakaraṇaṃ kaccāyano Name of a famous grammarian, author of the pali grammar called kaccāyanappakaraṇaṃ kaccāyano Belonging to kaccāyana kacci Perhaps, surely kacchako The tree cedrela toona kacchantaraṃ A king's private room or cabinet kacchapo A tortoise kacchā A girdle; a girth; the end of the loin-cloth tucked into the waistband; an inclosure, a room kacchu The scab, a skin disease kaccho The armpit; the end of the loin-cloth; a spreading creeper; grass, weeds kaccho Marshy land kacchaṃ Marshy land kajjalaṃ A sort of collyrium kañcanaṃ Gold kañcukito Having the hair bristling with joy kañcukī An attendant on the women's apartments kañcuko A jacket; the skin or slough of a snake; a coat of mail; a case, sheath, covering envelope kañjikaṃ Sour rice-gruel kañjiyaṃ Sour rice-gruel kaññā A young woman, a girl, a virgin kaṭakaṃ A bracelet; the side of a mountain kaṭako A bracelet; the side of a mountain kaṭacchu A spoon kaṭāhaṃ A jar, vase, flower-pot kaṭāhakaṃ A jar, vase, flower-pot kaṭi The small of the back, the hip, the waist kaṭu Harsh, sharp, sever; wrong kaṭuko Harsh, severe; pungent, acrid kaṭo Matting, a mat made of rushes sown together; the temples of an elephant kaṭo Made, done kaṭṭhaṃ A piece of wood, a stick; a jungle kaṭṭhako Name of a sort of reed kaṭṭhamayo Made of wood kaṭṭhissaṃ A silken coverlet embroidered with gems kaṭṭho Miserable, bad kaṭṭho Ploughed kaṭhalo A potsherd or fragments of broken pottery; gravel kaṭhito Boiled, boiling kaṭhino Hard, solid; severed, difficult. The term kaṭhinaṃ is applied to a robe made for a Buddhist monk in the course of a single day and night. This gift is considered highly meritorious. kaḍḍhati To draw, to drag kaḍḍhanaṃ Resigning, rejecting kaṇati To sound kaṇayo A sort of spear kaṇikā The plant premna spinosa; an ear ornament kaṇikāro The tree pterospermum acerifolium kaṇeru An elephant kaṇerukā A female elephant kaṇo The fine red powder which adheres to the grain of rice beneath the husk; a particle, bit, atom kaṇṭakito Having the hair bristling with joy kaṇṭakuraṇḍo The plant barleria cristata kaṇṭako A thorn; an enemy; horripilation; an obstacle, pest, nuisance kaṇṭhako A thorn; an enemy; horripilation; an obstacle, pest, nuisance, see kaṇṭako kaṇṭhajo Guttural. The guttural letters are a, k, kh, g, gh, ṅ and h kaṇṭho The neck, the throat kaṇḍarā A tendon kaṇḍu The itch kaṇḍuti Itching kaṇḍuvati To scratch kaṇḍuvanaṃ Itching kaṇḍūyā Itching kaṇḍo The part of a plant from one joint to another; a stalk; an arrow; a section or chapter of a book; a part, a portion, a piece; opportunity, season kaṇḍaṃ The part of a plant from one joint to another; a stalk; an arrow; a section or chapter of a book; a part, a portion, a piece; opportunity, season kaṇṇajapo A tale-bearer, informer kaṇṇajulūkā A centipede kaṇṇadhāro A steersman, pilot kaṇṇamuṇḍo One whose ears have been shorn or chipped kaṇṇikā An ear-ornament, earring; the pericarp of the lotus; the peak or dome of a but or pagoda kaṇṇo The ear; a rudder; a corner, edge kaṇhavaṇṭā The plant begonia suavelens kaṇhavattanī Fire kaṇhāno Offspring of Krishṇa kaṇhāyano Offspring of Krishṇa kaṇhi Offspring of Krishṇa kaṇho Black; dark; sinful katako Artificial, feigned katako The nut plant, strychnos potatorum, the seed of which is used to clear water katañjali Saluting respectfully kataññutā Gratitude kataññū Grateful katattaṃ Fact of having been done or made katapuññatā State of having done good works, meritoriousness katamālī The tree cassia fistula katamo What? which? kataro What? which? katavā Having done or made katavedī Grateful katahattho Skillful katākato Wrought and unwrought; done and not done katābhinīhāro Having formed the resolution to become a Buddha katābhiseko Whose inauguration ceremony has been performed katāvakāso Having obtained an opportunity, having received permission katāvī Having done or made kati How many? katikā see kathika katici Few, some katipayo A few, some, several katipāhaṃ A few days katu A sacrifice, oblation katukarohiṇī Black hellebore kato Made; done; composed; performed katopakāro Having had a service done for one, assisted kattato A weak or decrepit man, an old man; kattarayaṭṭhi, the walking stick of a mendicant or ascetic kattabbo That ought to be done or made, that can be done kattareti To be loose, flaccid, weak kattā An agent, doer, maker kattikā Name of nakkhatta kattikeyyo The god of war kattiko Name of a month kattha Where? whither? wherein? katthaci Anywhere; somwhere, in some places, in some cases, ever katthati To praise, to boast katthanā Praise or boasting katthūrikā Musk kathaṃ How ? kathaṅkathā Doubt kathañci Scarcely, with difficulty kathanaṃ Saying, talking, conversing, relating kathā Speech, discourse; conversation, discussion; a story, tale, account kathānaṃ One of the high numerals, 10,000,000(to the 18th power), or 1 followed by 126 ciphers kathāpeti To cause to be said; to cause to be told, to learn kathāvatthu Subject of discourse kathāvatthupakaraṇaṃ Book of subjects of discussion, book of controverted points. This is the name of one of the books of the abidhamma. kathikā Talk, parley, a pact or agreement kathiko Speaking, preaching kathito Spoken, said, related, told; spoken of, meant kathī Speaking katheti To say, to speak, to tell, to recite, to narrate, to repeat, to preach, to teach, to talk, to converse, to speak to, to speak of, to mean kadannaṃ Bad food kadambako The tree nauclea cadamba kadambo The tree nauclea cadamba; quantity, abundance kadariyo Avaricious, stingy, miserly kadalikā The plantain tree kadalī The plantain or banana tree, musa sapientum; a flag; a kind of antelope kadasanaṃ Bad food kadā When? at what time? kadāci At some time, sometimes; perhaps kaddameyyo Muddy kaddamo Mud kanakaṃ Gold kaniṭṭhakā A younger sister kaniṭṭhikā A younger sister kaniṭṭho Smallest, very small; youngest kaniyo Less, smallest; younger kanīnikā The pupil of the eye kantati To cut kantati To spin kantanaṃ Cutting; spinning kantāro A forest, a wilderness; a difficult road kanti Beauty; wish, pleasure kantito Cut kanto Loved: beautiful, charming, delightful, agreeable kanthā Patched cloth kandati To cry, to wail, to weep kandambakaṃ Abundance, plenty kandarī An eave, a grotto kandaro An eave, a grotto kandaro The white mimosa kanditaṃ Wailing, crying kanduko A ball to play with kando A bulb kandharā The neck kapaṭo Fraud, hypocrisy kapataṃ Fraud, hypocrisy kapaṇī A miserable man, a pauper kapaṇo Miserable, afflicted, poor; miserly kapallaṃ The skull, or either half of the kapālaṃ The skull, or either half of the skull; a potsherd kapālo The skull, or either half of the skull; a potsherd kapi A monkey kapikacchu The plant mucuna pruritus kapittho The tree feronia elephantum kapilavatthu The town of Kapilavastu, the birthplace of Sākyamuni kapilo Reddish kapisīso "The bolt or bar of a door" kapītano The tree thespesia populneoides kapoṇi The elbow kapoto A pigeon, a dove kapolo The cheek kappako A barber; one who prepares or makes kappakkhayo That period of the kalpa when the process of destruction is going on, a saṃvaṭṭa kappaṭo Soiled or tattered cloth, rags kappati To be fitting, allowable, right, proper kappanaṃ Cutting; adorning an elephant or horse; making act of preparing kappanā Preparing, making; thought kappaniyo To be thought or believed kappano The trappings of an elephant kappabindu A black spot which Buddhist monks are instructed to attach to a new robe to disfigure it kapparukkho A celestial tree yielding all wishes, it grows in Indra's heaven kapparo The skull kapparo The elbow kappāpeti To cause to be caparisoned or made ready kappāyuko Whose age is a kalpa, living a kalpa kappāsiko Made of cotton kappāsī (kappāso)Cotton kappiko Thinking, reasoning kappiko Belonging to a kalpa kappito Caparisoned, adorned, made ready; cut, cut off kappiyo Right, proper, suitable, appropriate, acceptable, agreeable kappīyati To be thought or imagined kappūro Camphor kappūraṃ Camphor kappeti To arrange, to make, to establish, to enter upon; to think, to imagine; to cut kappo Fit, suitable, worthy; nearly equal to, rivaling, resembling, like kappo Time; a short time, moment; precept, rule, ordinance; the rules concerning rites, one of the vedaṅgas; practice, usage, mode; alternative, permission; a chapter or section of a book; thought; all, the whole; a vast period, age, cycle kabaro Mixed, confused, variegated kabaliṅkāro Made into balls or mouthfuls kabalo A mouthful, a morsel, as much curry and rice or other food as is taken up with the hand and put into the mouth at once; food kabalaṃ A mouthful, a morsel, as much curry and rice or other food as is taken up with the hand and put into the mouth at once; food kabbakaraṇaṃ Making poems or ballads kabbakāro A poet kamaṇḍalu Waterpot used by ascetics kamato Successively, respectively kamanīyo Beautiful kamalaṃ A lotus kamitā Lustful, wanton kamuko The areca palm kamena By degrees; successively, in due course kamo Order, step, succession, method kampati To shake, to tremble kampanaṃ Shaking kampo Trembling, agitation kambalo A blanket; a woollen garment kambalaṃ A blanket; a woollen garment kambu A shell, a conch; a bracelet; gold kambugīvā A neck marked with three lines or folds like a shell, considered indicative of exalted fortune kambugīvo Having a kambugīvā, prosperous, fortunate kambojā Name of a country and its inhabitants kammaṃ Doing, action, work, labour, business; a deed, act, action, operation; a religious or ecclesiastical act; moral merit, karma kammakaro A hired labourer, a servant kammakārako A workman; a labourer kammakāro A hired labourer, a servant kammajo Caused by karma, All sentient beings are kammaja kammaññatā Adaptability, pliancy, readiness kammañño Workable, malleable; fit for work, pliant, ready, alert, active kammaṭṭhānaṃ Basis of action. This term is applied to certain religious exercises or meditations, by means of which samādhi, jhāna and the four Paths are attained. Each of these is based on a certain formula or rite, also called kammaṭṭhānaṃ kammaṭṭhāniko Connected with or practising karmasthāna kammadhārayo A grammatical term, one of the samāsas kammanīyo Workable, malleable; fit for work, pliant, ready, alert, active kammanto Business, work, occupation, craft, profession kammapatho Course, or means of action kammavācā An ecclesiastical vote or resolution, the text or word of an official act kammaso Dirt, stain, guilt kammassako Having karma for his portion, having his own individual karma kammāro A blacksmith, a smith kammāso Variegated, spotted kammiko Working kammī Acting, working kamyatā Desire kayakkayaṃ Trading, commerce kayavikkayiko A trader kayiko A buyer kayirati see karoti kayiramānako Being made kayiro That ought to be done kayo Purchase kayyo That can or ought to be done karakā Hail karako Hail karako A waterpot; the pomegranate tree karaggaṃ The tip of an elephant's trunk karajakāyo Impure body karajo A finger-nail karañjo The plant pongamia glabra karaṇaṃ Making, doing, action; instrument; the body; an organ of sense karaṇīyo That ought to be done or made karaṇo Making, causing karaṇṭakīphalo The jack-tree or bread-fruit tree, artocarpus integrifolia karaṇḍako A box karaṇḍo A basket, a wicker-work box karaṇḍaṃ A basket, a wicker-work box karapālikā A wooden sword, a cudgel karapuṭo The cavity formed formed by joining the bent palms of the hands karabhūsā A bracelet or bangle karabho The metacarpus, the hand from the wrist to the root of the fingers; a camel karamaddo The shrub carissa carandas karamaro A prisoner karavīko The Indian cuckoo; name of one of the kulācalas karavīro Oleander or nerium odorum karasākhā A finger karahaci Somtimes karahāṭaṃ A bulbous root karisāpaṇo A kārshāpaṇa. see kahāpaṇo karī An elephant karīro The plant capparis aphylla karīsaṃ Excrement karīsaṃ A superficial measure–four ammaṇas karuññnatā Compassionateness karuṇā Compassion, mercy karuṇāvā Merciful karuṇo That which moves compassion, the pathetic, pathos kareṇu An elephant kareri The tree capparis trifoliata karo The hand; an elephant's trunk; tax, toll, revenue; a ray of light karo Making causing, doing karoti To act; to do; to cause; to cause to become, to render, to make; to perform kalakalo A confused noise, hullabaloo kalaṇko Spot, mark, blemish, rust; defamation kalattaṃ A wife kalandako A squirrel kalando A squirrel kalambako Name of a potherb kalalaṃ The embryo immediately after conception kalalo The embryo immediately after conception kalalaṃ Mud kalaviṅko A sparrow kalaso A waterpot, a cup kalasī A waterpot, a cup kalasaṃ A waterpot, a cup kalaho Quarrel, strife, battle kalā A part, a fraction; the sixteenth part of the moon's disk; a mechanical or elegant art; a division of time kalāpako A string or row, e.g. of pearls kalāpī A peacock kalāpo A bundle; a bunch, a tuft; a peacock's tail; a row, string, multitude; a quiver kalāyo A chick pea kali Sin, demerit, depravity; name of one of the yugas kalikā A flower bud kaliṅgaro Chaff, a log, a piece of wood kaliṅgo The fork-tailed bird with strong hooked beak kalimā Sinful kalilo Choked, impervious, impenetrable kalīro The top sprout of a plant or tree, e.g. the "coconut cabbage", which is an article of food kaluso Polluted, turbid, impure kalebaraṃ A body, a corpse kalo Low, soft, indistinct kalyatā State of being ready kalyāṇo Fortunate, blest, happy; beautiful, charming, pleasant; good, virtuous kalyo Healthy; ready, prepared; skillful; possible, proper kallati To sound indistinctly kallahāraṃ The white water-lily kallāṇo Fortunate, blest, happy; beautiful, charming, pleasant; good, virtuous kallo Healthy; ready, prepared; skillful; possible, proper kallolo A billow kaḷabho A young elephant kaḷāro Tawny, tan-coloured kavaco Mail kavandho A headless trunk, especially one retaining the power of motion kavandhaṃ A headless trunk, especially one retaining the power of motion kavāṭako A door; a trap-door; a window kavāṭakaṃ A door; a trap-door; a window kavāṭaṭo A door; a trap-door; a window kavāṭaṭaṃ A door; a trap-door; a window kavi A monkey kavi Wise kaviṭṭhaphaliko Belonging to the fruit of feronia elephantum kaviṭṭho The tree feronia elephantum kasako A ploughshare kasaṭo Insipid, bad, nasty, bitter, disgusting kasati To plough, to till the ground kasambu Sweepings, rubbish kasā A whip kasāpeti To cause to be ploughed kasāyito Stained kasāyo Having an astringent taste; fragrant kasāvo Having an astringent taste; fragrant kasiṇo All, entire kasiṇo This is the name for one of the divisions of the karmasthāna, and is a process by means of which mystic meditation may be induced kasiṇam This is the name for one of the divisions of the karmasthāna, and is a process by means of which mystic meditation may be induced kasito Ploughed kasimā A husbandman, cultivator kasiro Painful, grievous, miserable kasī Ploughing, agriculture kaseru Name of a kind of grass kasmīrajaṃ Saffron kasmīro Kashmir kassako A husbandman, farmer, cultivator kassapo Name of one of the twenty-four Buddhas; name of a famous disciple of Buddha; the last Buddha before Gotama; president of the first mahāsaṅgīti; name of ṛishi kahaṃ Where? whither? kahāpaṇo A certain weight; a certain coin kahāpaṇaṃ A certain weight; a certain coin kā see ko kākacchati "To chatter" kākaṇikā A very small coin, a farthing kākatāliyo Inconsiderate, accidental kākatinduko A sort of ebony, diospyros tomentosa kākapakkho A tuft of hair left on the shaved head of a child or boy kākapeyyo Brimming full, of a river, so full that a crow standing on the bank can drink from it kākalī A soft sound in music kākasūro One who is as bold as a crow, a shameless or impudent fellow kākī A hen crow kāko A crow kākodumbarikā The opposite-leaved fig tree, ficus oppositifolia kākolūkaṃ Crows and owls kākolo A raven kāco A siliceous earth or clay used in makings glass; glass; an inflammation of the eye kāco The strings of a balance or of a carrying pole; a "pingo" or carrying pole, viz. a pole placed over one shoulder with a rope fastend to each end, to which a burden is attached; as much of anything as a man can carry in a pingo, a man's load kājo The strings of a balance or of a carrying pole; a "pingo" or carrying pole, viz. a pole placed over one shoulder with a rope fastend to each end, to which a burden is attached; as much of anything as a man can carry in a pingo, a man's load kājo see kāco kāṇo One-eyed, blind of one eye kātabbo That ought to be done or made, that can be done kādambo A kind of goose kānanaṃ A forest, a grove kāpilavatthiko Belonging to Kapilavastu kāpupphaṃ Few flowers, or bad flowers kāpuriso A bad man kāpeyyo Belonging to apes kāpotako Grey, white kāpoto Belonging to pigeons kāmakāmo Fond or desirous of sensual pleasure kāmako Desirous kāmaguṇo Quality or constituent of sensual pleasure kāmaṅgamo Going as one lists kāmacchando Wish for sensual enjoyment kāmajo Proceeding from or caused by desire kāmatā Desirousness kāmattaṃ Desirousness kāmadado Giving what is wished for, giving pleasure kāmado Giving what is wished for, giving pleasure kāmano Lustful kāmabhavo Sensual existence, i.e. existence in the kāmaloka or world of sense kāmam At pleasure, voluntarily; certainly, indeed kāmayati To love, to desire kāmayitā Lustful kāmaloko World of sense, or sensual pleasure kāmāvacaro Belonging to the kāmaloka, within the domain of sensual pleasure kāmi Lustful kāmī Desirous kāmuko Desirous kāmupapatti Sensual existence kāmo Wish, desire; desired object; the god of love, kama or Cupid; sensual desires or pleasures, pleasure, passion, lost kāyagato Referring to the body kāyabandhanaṃ A waist-band, girdle kāyānupassanā see satipaṭṭhāno kāyiko Bodily, corporeal kāyiko A buyer kāyo The body; a collection, multitude kārakaṃ The relation of noun and verb in a sentence, construction, case-relation kārako Making, doing, causing kāraṇaṃ Motive, cause, reason, means; thing matter, case, event, substance; destruction kāraṇā Agony, torture kāraṇā On account of, for the sake of kāraṇiko Investigating, judging kāraṇḍavo A sort of duck kāravello The plant momordica charantia kārā A jail kārāpanaṃ Causing to be made kārāpeti To cause to be made or done kārikā Work, action; a memorial verse, a metrical explanation kārito Caused to be made or done, made, constructed, performed kāriyo That ought to or can be done kārī Doing, acting kāru An artisan kāruko An artisan kāruññaṃ Compassion kāruṇiko Compassionate, merciful kāreti To cause to be done or made, to make, to perform kāro Making, action; a prison; the tree canthium parviflorum; a song of praise kāro Making kālakaṇṇī Adversity; adversity personified, the goddess of adversity kālakato Dead kālakiriyā Death kālaññū Knowing the time or season kālato see kālo kālantaraṃ Lapse of time, interval of time, period kālapariyantasīlaṃ Taking upon oneself the sīla precepts for a definite terminable period, as a day, or a month kālavaṇaṃ A very little salt kālavā Long, lasting kālavādiī Speaking at the right time or appropriately kālātipatti The conditional tense kālānukālaṃ From time to time kāliko Belonging to time kāliṅgā Name of a people and country on the Coromandel coast kālusiyaṃ Pollution, obscuration, turbidity kālo Time; right time, due season; meal time; death kāḷakañjako A sort of peta kāḷakaṇṭhako A gallinule, a small aquatic bird kāḷakā A squirrel kāḷakūṭo Name of one of the Himalayan peaks; a sort of poison kāḷako A black grain in rice; a black speck kāḷakkhandho A sort of ebony, a sort of hard heavy black wood kāḷapakkho The dark half of a month, that in which the moon is waning kāḷaloṇaṃ A sort of dark-coloured salt kāḷasutto Name of one of the eight narakas or hells kāḷahaṃso The kādamba goose kāḷā The plant ipomaea turpethum kāḷāgaru Black agallochum kāḷānusārī A dark fragrant sandal wood kāḷāyasaṃ Iron kāḷāvako Name of a sort of elephant kāḷāsoko Name of an Indian monarch who reign was from from 453 to 425 B.C., who was a supporter of the Buddhist religion. In his reign, the second General Council was held kāḷīyaṃ A dark sandal wood from which a perfume is made kāḷo Black, dark blue, dark kāveyyaṃ Poetry kāverī The Cauvery river in India kāsati To shine kāsamaddo The plant cassia sophora kāsāyo Reddish yellow, yellow kāsāvo Reddish yellow, yellow kāsiko Belonging to the Kashi country kāsī The name of a people and country kāsu A hole in the ground, a pit; a multitude kāso The grass saccharum spontaneum kāsaṃ The grass saccharum spontaneum kāso Cough kāhati see karoti kāhāpaṇiko Worth a kahāpaṇa kiṃ Why? Pray! What! kiṃnāmo Having what name? kiṃnimitto Having what mark? kiṃyathā How? kiṃvadantī Report, rumour kiṃvādī Saying what? holding what doctrine? kiṃsaṇṭhāno Having what shape? kiṃsīlo Practising what sīla kiṃsu How? kiṃsu What? kiṃsuko The tree butea frondosa kiṅkaraṇīyaṃ Business, job kiṅkaro A servant kiṅkāraṇā On account of what? why? kiṅkāro A servant kiṅkiṇikaṃ and (kiṅkiṇiko)A small bell kiṅkiṇī A small bell kiṅkirāto Name of a plant kiccakaro Performing services or duties kiccākiccāni Duties great and small, all sorts of duties kiccādhikaraṇaṃ A question or case that arises in connection with the performance of ecclesiastical duties or rites kicco That ought to be made or done kiccho Difficult, troublesome, wearisome, laborious, painful kiñcanaṃ Anything, something; moral defilement, sin, clinging to the world, attachment kiñcāpi However much, although kiñci A little, rather kiñcikkhaṃ A small thing, any trifle kiñcideso A trifling matter kiñcimattaṃ A little, some trifle kiñceti To crush, to trample kiñjakkho A filament, especially of the lotus kiṭṭhaṃ Growing corn, the crop on the ground kiṇāti To buy kiṇṇaṃ Ferment, yeast kitavo A gambler; a cheat, rogue kittako How much? how great? how many? kittanaṃ Mention, report kittāvatā How far? to what extent? in how many ways? kitti Fame, renown; rumour, report kittimā Renowned kittimo Artificial, factitious, false kittisaddo Fame, reputation kitteti To proclaim, to celebrate, to publish, to announce, to propound, to call kinti How? Pray! kintikaro Doing what kinnaro A class of demigods in the service of Kuvera kinnāmo Having what name? kinnimitto Having what mark? kinnu see ko and kiṃ kipilliko An ant kipillo An ant kibbidhānaṃ Rules of kṛ it affixes kibbisaṃ Fault, demerit, sin kimaṅga Far more kimatthaṃ On account of what? why? kimatthāya For what purpose kimatthiyo Having what object kimattho What need? kimapi Far more kimi A worm, an insect kimijo Produced by a worm; silken kimiṇo Full of worms kimu How much more! kimuta How much more! kimpaccayā By means of what? kimpamāṇo How large? of what dimensions? kimpuriso A class of demigods in the service of Kuvera kira They say; 'tis said kiraṇo A ray of light kirāto A man of a tribe of out-caste hillmen or aborigines kiriyā and (kiriyaṃ)Action, performance, work, deed kirīṭo and (kirīṭaṃ)A diadem, a crown kila It is said, they say kilañjo A mat, matting kilanto Wearied, exhausted kilamati To be tired, worn out, troubled, exhausted kilamatho Fatigue kilamanaṃ Fatigue kilāso A cutaneous complaint, dry leprosy kiliṭṭho Afflicted, suffering; depraved, sinful, polluted, vicious; soiled, dirty kilinno Wet kilissati To suffer, to be injured; to be depraved kilissanaṃ Getting dirty kileso Sin, depravity, corruption, human passion, moral defilement, lust kilomakaṃ The pleura membrane kisalayaṃ A sprout, a shoot kiso Thin, emaciated; small, poor, mean kisoro A colt kismici see koci kissa see ko kīkī The blue jay kīcako A sort of bamboo, arundo karka kīṭo A worm, an insect kīṇi A word framed to represent the sound of the ring or clang of a metal rod when struck kīto Bought kīdikkho Like what? of what sort? kīdiso Like what? of what sort? kīdī Like what? kīriso Like what? of what sort? kīro A parrot kīlito Bound kīlo A pin, a stake kīḷati To play, to sport kīḷanaṃ Playing, sport kīḷā Sport, amusement, play kīva How? how much? ku The earth ku A pronominal base found in the interrogatives kuto, kutra, kuttha, kva, kuhaṃ, kuhiṃ, kudācanaṃ; and as the former part of several compounds, implying inferiority or wickedness, e.g. kupuriso, a bad man, kunnadī an insignificant river, kudiṭṭhi, false views, heresy. kukutthako A sort of bird kukku A measure of length, a hattha or cubit. kukkuccaṃ Misconduct; remorse; doubt; moroseness, querulousness, restlessness gloominess kukkuccako Remorseful, sensitive kukkuccāyati To feel remorse kukkuṭo A cock kukkuro A dog kukkulo Hot ashes, embers kukkuho An osprey, a large bird preying on fish kugandhi Ill-smelling kugehaṃ A bad house kuṅkuman Saffron kuṅkumo Dyed with saffron kuco The female breast kucchanaṃ Contempt kucchā Blame, contempt kucchi The belly; the womb; cavity, hollow; interior kucchiṭṭho Contained in the abdomen. This is the name of one of the Vāyus or vital airs in the human body kucchito Contemptible, vile, bad kujo A tree kujjhati To be angry kuñcanādo The roaring or trumpeting of an elephant kuñcikā A key kuñcito Bent, crooked kuñjaro An elephant kuñjo and (kuñjaṃ)A place overgrown with creeping plants kuṭajo The plant wrightia antidysenterica kuṭadhārikā A maid-servant, lit. "she who carries the water-jar" kuṭannaṭaṃ The plant cyperus rotundus kuṭikā A hut or tent kuṭibiko Same meaning as last kuṭimbaṃ Family; family property, family estates, wealth kuṭilo Crooked; shifty, deceitful kuṭī A house; a house of a single room, a hut, cabin, tent, shed kuṭīraṃ A box, a kennel kuṭumbaṃ Family; family property, family estates, wealth kuṭumbiko Same meaning as last kuṭumbī The head of a family; a landed proprietor, a man of property kuṭo and (kuṭaṃ)A waterpot kuṭṭhaṃ Leprosy; the plant costus speciosus kuṭṭhī A leper kuṭhārī An axe kuḍubo A measure of capacity equal to a fourth of a pattha kuḍumalo An opening bud kuḍḍaṃ A wall kuṇapo and (kuṇapaṃ)A corpse kuṇālo The Indian cuckoo. Also kokila kuṇi Having a crooked limb kuṇṭho Slow, lazy kuṇḍaṃ A jar, a waterpot kuṇḍako The red powder which adheres to the grain of rice under the husk. kuṇḍati To heat kuṇḍalaṃ A ring, an ear-ring, an ear ornament kuṇḍalī Having rings kuṇḍikā The waterpot of an ascetic kuṇḍo An iguana, a large lizard kutūhalaṃ Eagerness, desire, passion; vehemence, violence; excitement, tumult kutettha kuto ettha kuto Whence? how? much less kutoci From any place kuttakaṃ A woollen carpet kuttimo Artificial kuttha Where? kutra Where? kutho and (kuthaṃ)A woollen blanket kudācanaṃ Ever, sometimes kudāro A bad wife kudāso A bad servant kudiṭṭhi Scepticism, unbelief, heresy kuddālaṃ and (kuddālo)A spade kuddāliko One who digs with a kuddāla kuddho Angry, incensed, indignant kudrūso A sort of grain kuntanī A curlew kuntalo Hair kunto A lance or spear kuntho A sort of ant kundaṃ The many-flowered jasmine, jasminum multiflorum kunnadī A very small river, an insignificant stream kupito Angry, enraged, excited kuputto A bad son kupuriso A bad man kuppaṃ Any metal except gold or silver, as copper, zinc, etc. kuppati To be angry; to be disturbed, shaken, agitated, thrown into confusion kuppanaṃ Being angry kubuddhi Weak-minded, foolish kubbati see karoti kubbaro The pole of a carriage kubbāno Doing, making kumārako A child, a youth; a royal infant or youth, a prince kumāro A child, a youth; a young prince; Skanda, the god of war kuminaṃ A funnel-shaped basket fish-net kumudaṃ The white esculent water-lily; one of the high numerals, 10,000,000(to the 15th power), or 1 followed by 105 ciphers kumudikā Name of a plant kumbhakaṃ The mast of a ship kumbhakāro A potter kumbhaṇḍo A class of supernatural beings or demons, name of a plant, attendants on Virūḷhaka; kumbhathūnaṃ A sort of drum or similar musical instrument. kumbhiko Containing a kumbha measure kumbhī A pot; name of a plant i.e., kumudikā kumbhīlo A crocodile or alligator kumbho A waterpot, a pitcher, a vessel; one of the frontal globes of an elephant which swell in the rutting season; a measure of capacity equal to ten ammaṇas kummāso Sour gruel kummo A tortoise kuraṅgo An antelope kuraṇḍako A sort of amaranth kuraro A sea-eagle or osprey kuravīko A fine-voiced bird, probably the Indian cuckoo kuruṅgo A sort of deer kurundī Name of one of the three great collections of aṭṭhakathā or commentaries on the tipiṭaka. kuruvindo A ruby kurū Name of a people kurūro Cruel; hard, severe; formidable kulaṃ A flock, herd, multitude; family; species; a house, a building; lineage; good family, nobility kulako Of good family kulajo Of good family kulaṭā An unchaste woman kulattho A kind of plant largely used for fodder kulalo A bird of the falcon tribe kulavā Belonging to a high family kulācalo Principal mountain. This is the name given to the seven vast concentric circles of rock or mountain which surround Mount Meru kulālo A potter kulāvakaṃ A nest kuliko Belonging to a family kulitthi A woman of good family, a lady, noblewoman kuliso and (kulisaṃ)Indra's thunderbolt kulīnako A thorough-bred horse kulīno Belonging to a family; of good or noble family kulīro A crab kulūpako One who associates much with a family, a family friend, a confidant kulūpago One who associates much with a family, a family friend, a confidant kullo A winnowing basket; a raft kuvaṃ Where? kuvalayaṃ The water-lily kuveṇī A funnel-shaped wicker basket for catching fish kuvero A name of vessavaṇa kusaggaṃ The tip of a blade of kusa grass kusalakammapatho Way of virtuous action or merit kusalatā Skill, knowledge kusalattaṃ Skilfulness kusalākusalaṃ Good and bad kusalī Prosperous; meritorious kusalo Skilful, expert, clever; lucky; happy, prosperous; good, right, virtuous, meritorious kusā A rein, bridle kusi One of the four cross seams of the robe of a Buddhist monk kusinārā A town in India, the capital of the Mallas. It was at Kusinārā that Buddha died. kusīto Slothful, inert, indolent kusumaṃ A flower, the menses kusumbhaṃ Safflower, carthamus tinctorius kusūlo A granary kusesayaṃ A water-lily or lotus kuso A blade of grass; the sacrificial grass kussubbhaṃ A small pond, a puddle kuhaṃ When? whither? kuhako Deceitful, cheating kuhanā Deceit, hypocrisy kuhano Deceitful, hypocritical kuharaṃ A hole, a cavity kuhiṃ Where? whither? kuhiñcanaṃ Anywhere, somewhere kuhiñci Anywhere; to any place kuhilikā The same as kuhali kuheti To deceive kūṭakaṃ A heap, a mound; a peak kūṭaṭṭo A false suit or action at law, one supported by false or frivolous evidence kūṭaṭṭho Continuing unaltered, unchangeable, permanent kūṭasimbalī A variety of the silk-cotton tree kūṭasso A vicious horse. Lit "a deceptive horse", evidently meaning a showy handsome horse with a vicious temper kūṭāgāraṃ Any room or building with a peaked roof or pinnacles, a pagoda; a room at the top of a house or palace, a belvedere, attic; a funeral hearse or pile, a state funeral hearse kūṭo and (kūṭaṃ)Top, summit, peak; a heap, a mass, a multitude; a sledge-hammer; a trap; deceit, deception, falsity, fraud; a part of a plough kūṭo False, fraudulent, lying kūpako The mast of a ship kūpo A pit; a well; the mast of a ship kūraṃ Boiled rice kūlaṃ A slope, a bank ke see ko, koci kekaro Squinting kekā The cry of the peacock kekī A peacock keci see ko, koci keṭubhaṃ One of the sciences in which brahmins are to be versed keṭubhī A hypocrite, charlatan, humbug ketakī The tree pandanus odoratissimus ketanaṃ A sign or device on a banner; a banner; a dwelling or house ketavaṃ Gambling; fraud, deceit ketu A sign by which an object may be recognized; a banner ketumālā A lambent flame depicted as resting on the head of the buddha, and answering to our halo kedāro and (kedāraṃ)A cultivated field, especially one irrigated kena see ko kenipāto A rudder keyūraṃ A bracelet or bangle worn on the arm keravaṃ The white esculent water-lily kerāṭiko A hypocrite, charlatan, humbug kelāso Name of a mountain in India keli Amusement, sport; amorous sport kevaṭṭo A fisherman kevalakappo All, whole, entire kevalī One who has wholly gone through or mastered, one who is accomplished kevalo Only, mere, alone, exclusive; all, entire, whole, complete kesaṃ see ko kesaggaṃ The tip of a hair kesapāso A tuft or mass of hair kesaraṃ The filament of a lotus or other plant; the mane of a lion or horse kesarī A maned lion, a lion kesaro The filament of a lotus or other plant kesavo A name of Vishṇu keso Hair kehaṃ An anomalous sandhi for kiṃ ahaṃ ko Who? which? what? of what sort? kokanadaṃ The red lotus kokāsako The red lotus kokilo The Indian cuckoo koko A wolf koci and before a vowel often kocid. Any, some kocchaṃ A comb; some sort of seat or couch kojavo A goat's hair coverlet of fine workmanship koñcanādo The roaring or trumpeting of an elephant koñco and (koñcā)A heron koṭarāvanaṃ Proper name koṭaro and (koṭaraṃ)The hollow of a tree koṭi Point, tip, and extremity; top, summit, height; eminence, excess; ten millions koṭippakoṭi One of the high numerals, a koṭi of prakoṭis, viz. 10,000,000(to the 3rd power), or 1 followed by twenty-one ciphers koṭippatto Having reached the end or summit, having fully accomplished or atained; perfectly attained, perfect koṭillaṃ Crookedness, deceitfulness koṭumbaraṃ A sort of cloth koṭṭako Breaking, cutting koṭṭanaṃ Pounding, cutting koṭṭāpeti To cause to be pounded koṭṭimo Smoothed koṭṭimo and (koṭṭimaṃ)A floor or pavement made of pounded stones koṭṭeti To strike, to break, to pound, to cut koṭṭo Breaking koṭṭhaṃ A granary koṭṭhako A room; a store-room koṭṭhāgāraṃ A store-room, store-house koṭṭhāgāriko A treasurer or store-house keeper koṭṭhāsayo Contained in the intestines. This is the name of one of the vāyus or airs in the human body koṭṭhāso A part, a portion, a share; portion, lot, destiny koṭṭhu A jackal koṭṭho A granary; a store-room; the abdomen; a room, a closet koṇako A corner koṇāgamano Name of one of the twenty-four Buddhas koṇāmo Having what name? koṇo A corner or angle; a bow or quill for a musical instrument; the point of a sword koṇḍañño Name of one of the twenty-four Buddhas kotūhalaṃ Eagerness, desire, passion; vehemence, violence; excitement, tumult kodaṇḍaṃ A bow kodhano Angry, passionate kodheti To make angry kodho Anger, wrath kopī Wrathful kopīnaṃ Sexual organ kopeti To make angry, to annoy, to offend; to disturb, to spoil, to throw into confusion kopo Anger, ill temper komalo Soft komārabhacco Master of juvenile science, name of Jīvaka komudī Moonlight; the day of full moon in the month kattika korako and (korakaṃ)A flower bud kolaṃ and (kolo)The jujube fruit kolakaṃ Black pepper; a particular perfume kolaṅkolo Name of one of the three classes of sotāpannas kolambo A pot kolavallī A sort of pepper, piper chaba kolāhalo and (kolāhalaṃ)Uproar, tumult, shouting, screaming kolito A name of the apostle Moggallāna kolī The jujube tree koleyyo Of noble family kovido Knowing, acquainted with, skilled, wise koviḷāro A sort of ebony, bauhinia variegata; a tree in the devaloka kosajjaṃ Indolence, sloth kosaphalaṃ Bdellium, a fragrant gum kosambako Belonging to the Kauśamba country kosambī Name of the capital of the Kauśamba country kosalā Name of a country and its people kosalo Belonging to Kosala kosallaṃ Skill, proficiency, knowledge, mastery kosiko Bdellium, a fragrant gum kosinārako Belonging to Kusinārā kosiyo Silken kosiyo Indra; an owl kosī The sheath of a sword koseyyo Made of silk koso A shout, a call; a measure of length five hundred bow-lengths, or about six or seven hundred yards koso and (kosaṃ)A sheath; a bud; treasure; a testicle kosohito Sheathed, hidden kohaññaṃ Hypocrisy, deceit kriyā Action, act, performance kva Where? whither? kvaci Somewhere; sometimes, in some cases; in some places kvattho What need of? khaṃ The air, the sky khago A bird khaggo A sword; a rhinoceros khacito Inlaid, adorned with khajja see kho khajjakaṃ same meaning as khajjaṃ khajjati To be eaten khajjabhojjaṃ Food hard and soft, various kinds of food khajju Itching, scratching khajjūrī The wild date palm tree, khajjo That can be chewed. The term khajjaṃ is used of solid or dry food, as cakes, biscuits, fruit, meat khañjattaṃ Lameness khañjano A wagtail khañjarīṭo A wagtail khañjo Lame khaṭako The fist khaṇalayo see muhutto khaṇo A moment; a brief measure of time; leisure; right moment, opportunity khaṇḍanaṃ Dividing, breaking khaṇḍaphullo Broken khaṇḍākhaṇḍaṃ and (khaṇḍākhaṇḍikaṃ)In pieces khaṇḍiccaṃ State of being broken khaṇḍeti To divide, to break khaṇḍo Broken, fragmentary, imperfect khati Digging, excavating khato Dug, excavated khattaṃ A khattiya khattā A door-keeper; a charioteer khattiyamahāsālo A wealthy khattiya khattiyo A khattiya, or man belonging to the warrior caste, a prince, nobleman khattuṃ This is an adverb forming multiplicative numerals; ekakhattuṃ, once; dvikkhattuṃ, twice; sattakkhattuṃ, seven times; soḷasakkhattuṃ, sixteen times. khadiro The tree acacia catechu khanati To dig, to dig up khanāpeti To cause to be dug; to cause to be interred khanittī A spade or hoe khanti Patience, longsuffering, forbearance, endurance khantimā Patient, forbearing khanto Patient, enduring khandhādiso Like the skandhas khandhāvāro A stockade; a fortified camp; an army khandhiko Carried on the shoulders khandho The god skanda khandho The shoulders; the trunk of a tree; a multitude, quantity; one of the five elements of being khamati To endure, to have patience; to forgive; to be able; to be permitted; to be approved, to approve or commend itself khamanaṃ Patience, forbearance khamano Patient, forbearing khamā see khamo khamāpeti To beg pardon of some one, to propitiate him; to forgive; to cause to beg pardon khamo Patient, enduring, forgiving; durable; suitable, favourable, able khambhakato Having one or both hands resting on the hip khayo An abode; diminution, loss, decay; phthisis; end, destruction kharaṇaṃ Pouring, flowing kharati To flow, to stream kharādiyā A proper name kharo Solid; sharp; severe; hoarse; rough, harsh khalaṃ A threshing-floor khalaggaṃ First fruits of the threshing-foor khalati To stumble, to fall khalitam Stumbling, fall; error, failing, fault khalīno and (khalīnaṃ)The bit of a bridle khalu Indeed, truly khaluṅko A sort of horse khalo Mischievous, vile khalo A threshing-floor; oil-cake, paste khalopī A pot khallāṭo Bald khāṇu The stump of a tree khātaṃ A pond or tank khādako One who eats khādati To eat, to chew, to gnaw. To corrode, to rust khādanaṃ Enting; food khādaniyo That can be chewed or crunched khāditabbako Eatable khāditā One who eats khādito Eaten khānittiko One who digs khānu The stump of a tree khānuko and (khānukaṃ)The stump of a tree khānumā Having stumps khāneti see khanati khāyati To be known, to be seen, to appear khāyiko Eating khāyito Eaten khārako Alkali, potash, soda; a bud; name of a tree khārī A measure of grain containing about three bushels khāro Salty, alkaline khijjati To be afflicted khiḍḍā Play, sport khito Exhausted khitto Thrown; darted khinnno Tired, distressed khipati To throw; to discharge, to shoot khipati To sneeze khipanaṃ Throwing khipitakaṃ A sneeze khippo Quick, speedy khilajāto Sulky, discontented, obstinate khilībhūto Stubborn khilo Stubbornness, obstinacy; waste or fallow land khīṇapunabbhavo One for whom re-birth has come to an end, an arhat khīṇabījo Whose germ of existence has withered, whose karma is exhausted, an arhat khīṇāsavo One in whom human passion is extinct, an arhat khīṇo Decreased, decayed, come to an end, ceased, died out khīyati To decrease, to waste away, to be exhausted, to come to an end; to be angry, to murmur, to complain, to make a fuss khīyanaṃ Being angry, complaining, murmuring khīraṃ Milk khīraṇṇavo The mythical ocean of milk khīrapako Drinking milk khīrikā A sort of date tree khīrodakaṃ Water from the milk Ocean khīrodo Water from the milk Ocean khīlo A pin, a stake khuṃsanaṃ Reviling, scorn khuṃsito Reviled, scorned, snubbed khujjo Hump-backed, crooked khudā Hunger khudito Hungry khuddaṃ Honey khuddako Small khuddaghaṇṭikā A fringe of bells used as an ornament khuddajantu and (khuddajantuko)A small animal, as an insect, worm khuddānukhuddako Small and trifling khuddo Small; low, vile, poor, mean, miserly, miserable khuppipāsito Hungry and thirsty khurako Name of a tree khuraggaṃ Hall of tonsure, a room in which the heads of Buddhist monks are shaved khurati To cut, to scratch khurappo An arrow with a horse-shoe head khuro A razor; a sharp blade khuro The hoof of a horse or ox khulukhulukarako Making a scraping noise khūppipāsā Hunger and thirst kheṭakaṃ A shield khettaṃ Landed property; a cultivated field; a wife; the body; place, region, domain; extent khettājīvo A husbandman, farmer, cultivator khedanaṃ Suffering khedo Affliction, suffering, weariness khepako Throwing, letting fall khepanaṃ Throwing khepeti To throw; to spend, to pass khepo Throwing; abuse, contempt, blame khemī Safe, tranquil khemo Safe, secure, prosperous, peaceful kheḷo Saliva, phlegm kho Indeed khoṇḍo Lame khobheti To shake, to agitate, to stir up khomo Flaxen khyā Indication, sign khyāto Known, famous khv see kho gaāṭeti To join, to unite; to endeavour, to strive gakāro The letter G gaganaṃ The sky gaggarī A churn; a blacksmith's bellows gaṅgā The river Ganges; the celestial river, the Milky Way gaṅgeyyo Belonging to the Ganges gacchati To go, to go to, to proceed; to depart gacchāpeti To cause to go, to send gaccho A shrub gajatā A herd of elephants gajo An elephant gajjati To roar; to thunder gajjanaṃ Roaring, thundering gaṇakammaṃ see gaṇo gaṇako An accountant, treasurer; an astrologer, one who calculates nativities gaṇanaṃ Counting, calcalation; number gaṇanapatho Range of calculation or counting gaṇabhojanaṃ see gaṇo gaṇasajjhāyo A repetition by a number of monks in unison, a chorus gaṇāpeti To cause to be counted gaṇikā A courtesan gaṇito Counted, reckoned gaṇī Having a following, having many disciples gaṇeti To count, to reckon; to reck, to value, to regard gaṇo A multitude, number, assemblage, troop, herd; a chapter of monks; the monkshood gaṇṭhi A joint; a knot; a tie, bond gaṇḍako A rhinoceros; a sort of fish gaṇḍambo Name of a tree gaṇḍuppādo A sort of worm gaṇḍulo Humpbacked gaṇḍo The cheek; an elephant's temples; a boil gaṇhanaṃ Taking, receiving, catching gaṇhāti To take; to receive, to accept; to catch,to capture; to arrest, to seize; to buy; to acquire, to obtain, to get possession of; to adopt; to grasp with the mind, to perceive, to comprehend, to learn; to approve, to agree to, to mind, to regard gaṇhāpeti To cause to be taken gataddhī One whose journey is ended, who has reached his destination gatasatto Lifeless gati Going, journey, march; course; refuge, resting-place, abode; way of turning out, result, issue, consummation; mode of re-birth after death, state of existence, future state, destiny; re-birth, transmigration, existence; good state, safety, happiness; discretion, prudence, wisdom gatimā Having the power of motion gato Gone to, reached; walking, going; having come to, having attained; directed to, devoted to, occupied with; having entered, being in, being upon; departed, gone, disappeared gattaṃ The body; a limb gadati To speak gadā A club gadito Spoken, said gado Disease gaddabhaṇḍo The tree thespesia populneoides gaddho A vulture gadrabho An ass gadhito Clinging to, desiring ganaṇā Counting, calcalation; number gantabbo That ought to go ganthati To tie, to connect; to compose gantheti To tie, to connect; to compose gantho A bond, a tie; a literary composition, book gandhakuṭī Perfumed chamber. Any private chamber devoted to the use of the Buddha was called gandhakuṭī, but especially the room he always occupied at Sāvatthi. gandhanaṃ Injuring, destroying gandhabbo A gandharva or celestial musician gandhamādano Name of a mountain gandhārā name of a people gandhāro One of the notes of the Hindu gamut gandhi A substitute for gandho at the end of some compounds gandhiko A perfume seller gandho Smell, odour; perfume, fragrance; fragrant substances, perfumes; a mere whiff or scent of thing, i.e. a very little of it gabbito Proud gabbo Pride gabbharaṃ A cavern gabbhaseyyā The womb gabbhāvakkanti Entrance of the embryo into the womb, commencement of pregnancy gabbhāsayo The womb gabbhinī Pregnant, a pregnant woman gabbhuppatti Conception gabbho The womb; interior; an embryo, a foetus; a sprout; an inner room, a closet, a private sitting room, a bedroom; the calyx of a flower gabhīro Deep gabhīro Deep, unfathomable; profound, abstruse; full of meaning or import, important, weighty gamanaṃ Going; journey, march; departure; walk, life gamanīyo That ought to go; transient; accessible gamā see gacchati gamāpeti To cause to go, to send gami see gacchati gamiko Going, travelling gamitabbo That ought to go gamito Gone gameti To cause to go, to send gamo Going gamo Going, journey, march gambhīratā Depth gambhīrato In depth gambhīro Deep, unfathomable; profound, abstruse; full of meaning or import, important, weighty gammo Accessible, attainable gammo Belonging to villages, rustic, pagan gayā Name of a river gayāsīsaṃ Name of a mountain near Gayā gayho That can be taken, seized, grasped garalaṃ The venom of a snake garahaṇaṃ Blame, contempt garahati To blame, to disparage, to despise garahā Blame, reproof, contempt garahī Censuring, despising gariyo Very heavy garu Heavy; large; weighty, important; venerable garu A parent; a teacher, a religious preceptor garu A bird's wing garuko Heavy; severe; serious, grievous; weighty, important garugabbhatā Pregnancy garuḷo A garuḍa bird galati To flow away; to fall; to vanish; to eat galo The throat gaḷocī The shrub cocculus cordifolius gavakkho A round window, air-hole, bullseye gavajo A species of ox gavampati One who owns or herds cattle gavayo A species of ox gavassakaṃ Cows and horses gaveḷakaṃ Cows and sheep gavesako Seeking gavesati To seek gavesanā Search gavesī Seeking gaveseti To seek gavyo Bovine gahaṃ and (gaho)A house gahaṭṭho One who lives in a house-holder, a layman as opposed to a monk gahaṇaṃ Taking, receiving, holding, grasping, seizing; acquiring, learning, mastering, comprehension; clinging to the world, attachment, desire; an eclipse gahaṇī The belly; the internal fire promoting digestion gahanaṃ see gahano gahano Impervious, tangled, impenetrable; Neut. gahanaṃ, a jungle, forest, thicket gahapati A householder, the head of a household, master of a house gahapatiṃahāsālo A wealthy householder gahapatiko A householder gahitako Accepted gahito and (gahīto)Taken, received; held, kept; grasped, seized; caught, captured; occupied, taken possession of gaheti To wade, to dive, to enter gaheti To cause to take; to include, to embrace, to hold, to contain; to take, to seize; to obtain, to receive, to acquire, to buy;to inform, to teach, to undergo gaho Taking, holding gaho Taking, receiving, seizing; a planet; a yakkha; a shark; a crocodile gāthā A verse or stanza gādhati To stand fast; to have a firm footing gānaṃ A song gāmako A villager gāmaṇī Chief gāmaṇīyo An elephant or horse trainer gāmatā A collection of villages gāmadhammo Sexual intercourse, fornication, vile conduct gāmantaraṃ The interior of the village, to go as far as the village gāmanto Border or outskirts of a village gāmiko Travelling gāmiko A villager, or perhaps a village headman gāmī Going; leading to; attaining gāmūpacāro Outskirts or entrance of a village gāmeti To cause to go, to send gāmo A village; a collection, a multitude gāyako A singer, chorister gāyati To sing gāyattī Name of a metre gāyanaṃ Singing gārayho Contemptible, blamable, low, base, absurd gāravatā Respect gāravo Respect, reverence; weight, authority, importance gālavo The tree symplokos racemosa gāḷho Close, fast, tight gāvī A cow gāvutaṃ A measure of length=the fourth part of a yojana, a league gāveyyo Belonging to cattle gāhako Taking, receiving, holding gāhati To wade, to dive, to enter gāhapacco The sacred fire kept up by a house-holder gāhapanaṃ Causing to take gāhāpako Causing to take, distributing gāhāpeti To cause to be taken; to deliver to gāhī Taking, receiving, seizing, catching gāheti To cause to take; to include, to embrace, to hold, to contain; to take, to seize; to obtain, to receive, to acquire, to buy;to inform, to teach, to undergo gāho Taking, holding, seizing gāho Taking, acceptance; capture, seizure; holding; a seizure or eclipse of a planet; one that seizes, a yakkha, a crocodile; idea, inclination; attachment, desire giṅgamakaṃ A sort of ornament gijjhati To be greedy gijjho A vulture giñjakā A tile, a brick giddhī Greedy giddho Greedy gini Fire gimhānaṃ The hot season gimho The hot season, summer girā Voice, utterance, speech giri A mountain girikaṇṇī The plant clitoria ternate girimallikā The plant wrightia antidysenterica girimekhalo Name of Māra's elephant gilati To devour, to swallow gilānako Ill gilāno Sick, ill gihī A householder; a layman as opposed to a monks gītaṃ Singing, a song, or hymn gītikā A song gīvaṭṭhi The collar-bone gīvā The neck, the throat; debt gīveyyaṃ A neck ornament, necklace guggulu Bdellium, a fragrant gum guñjā The shrub abrus precatorious; the smallest jeweller's weight, equal to a berry of the ganja shrub guṇavā Excellent, virtuous guṇiṭṭho Better, and best. Comparative and superlative of guṇavā guṇito Multiplied guṇiyo Better, and best. Comparative and superlative of guṇavā guṇo A string; a bow-string; a time; a quality, property, characteristic; good quality, merit, efficacy, virtue; excellence, piety guṇṭheti To ensnare; to cover gutti Keeping, guarding gutto Preserved, protected; guarded, hidden gudaṃ The anus gundā The grass cyperus pertenuis, or its root gumbako Jungle gumbo A bush, a thicket, brushwood, jungle; a multitude, quantity; an array of troops guyhaṃ A secret; pudendum guyhako A class of demigods, also called devayoni, who are the attendants of Kuvera guru Heavy guruvāro Thursday gulā A pock, a pimple guḷako A ball guḷaphalo The tree careya arborea guḷikīḷā Game of ball guḷo Molasses, sugar; a ball, a globe; a ball or mouthful of food guhā A cave; the heart guhāsayo Whose seat is the heart. Said of citta, "the thoughts" gūthaṃ and (gūtho)Excrement gūḷho Secret, concealed gūheti To conceal geṇḍuko A ball to play with gedho Greed, desire geyyaṃ Mixed prose and verse gerikaṃ Red chalk gelaññaṃ Sickness, illness gehaṃ and (geho)A house gehāsito Lay, profane go A bull, a bullock, an ox; a cow, the earth; speech gokaṇṭako The hoof of an ox; the plant asteracantha longifolia gokaṇṇo A large species of deer, called elk in Ceylon; a span gokulaṃ A cattle-shed, a stable for cows gokhīraṃ Cow'smilk goghātako A cow-killer gocariyo Brown, reddish gocaro Pasture; food, prey; abode, resort; sphere, range, province; an object of sense, as form, sound, gocara is that whereby anything is limited, wherein it abides, lives, moves, or expatiates, or upon which it operates, its sphere, domain, range, function, object, attributes gocchako A bunch or cluster, a cluster of blossoms goṭaviyo Part of a ship goṭṭhaṃ A cattle-shed, cow-stable goṇo A bullock, an ox gotamo Descended from Gotama, Gautama or Gotamid or belonging to gottaṃ Family, lineage; family name gotrabhū One who is in a fit state to receive sanctification; a monk. I am indebted to Subhūti for several extracts explanatory of this term; in its first sense it means, "one whose mind is in that state of strong illumination which immediately brings about the attainment of sotāpattimagga". godhanaṃ Property in cattle godhā An iguana, a very large sort of lizard godhūmo Wheat gonako A woollen coverlet with a very long fleece gonaṇgulo The black-faced monkey gonaso A kind of large snake gopako A cowherd gopako One who guards or takes care of gopakhumo Having eyelashes like a heifer gopati A bull gopati gopayati(1), gopeti(2), and gopāyati(3)To guard, to keep, to protect gopānasī The A shaped rafters of the roof of a hut gopiko An owner of cattle gopuraṃ A gate, a town gate; the towers or battlements over the gates of a fortified town, a watch-tower gopuraṭṭho Standing on the battlements gopo A cowherd, a herdsman gopphako The ankle goppho The ankle gomayo and (gomayaṃ)Cowdung gomā A cattle owner gomiko A cattle owner goyūthaṃ A herd of cattle gorakkhā Cow-keeping gorakkho A cowherd goraso Produce of the cow. Five are enumerated, khīraṃ, dadhi, ghataṃ, takkaṃ, navanītaṃ, milk, curds, ghee, buttermilk, butter goro White goliso Name of a plant golomī Name of several plants goḷako A ball or lump goḷiko Prepared with molasses goḷo A ball govindo A cattle owner, a head herdsman gosaṇkhyo A cowherd gosāmiko A cattle owner gosālā A cow-stable gosīsaṃ A kind of sandal wood ghaṃsati To rub, to grind ghacco To be destroyed ghaññaṃ Destruction ghaṭako The capital of a column ghaṭati To endeavour, to strive, to exert oneself; to join, to adapt ghaṭanaṃ Junction, putting together ghaṭā Multitude, many; junction ghaṭikā The sixtieth part of a day and night, twenty-four minutes ghaṭī A jar ghaṭīyantaṃ The rope and bucket of a well ghaṭo A jar, a bowl ghaṭṭanaṃ Touching, knocking, rubbing, shaking ghaṭṭeti To touch; to shake; to speak spitefully to, to annoy; to join ghaṇṭā A bell ghaṇṭiko A ballad singer ghataṃ Ghee, or clarified butter ghanacchāyo Deep-shaded, thickly wooded ghanasāro Camphor ghano Firm, dense, solid, uninterrupted ghanopalaṃ Hail ghammati To go ghammo Heat; the hot season; sweat gharaṃ and (gharo)A house gharakaṃ A house gharagolikā A house lizard gharaṇī A wife gharāvāso Loving in a house or at home, life in the world, the householder's or layman's life as opposed to the life of an ascetic ghasati To eat ghasmaro Gluttonous ghāṭāpeti To cause to be united ghātako Killing, destroying, murdering, sacking ghātanaṃ Slaughter ghātano Destroying ghātāpeti To cause to be slain ghātiko Mixed with clarified butter ghātito Slain ghātī Killing ghātuko Mischievous, destructive ghāteti To kill, to cause to kill ghāto Slaughter, destruction ghānaṃ The nose, the organ of smell ghāyati To smell ghāyanīyo Odorous ghāso Eating, pasturing; food, fodder; meadow grass ghuṭṭho Shouted, proclaimed gheppati To take ghoṭako A sort of horse ghoro Dreadful, terrible ghosanā Sounding, proclaiming ghosano Sounding ghosavā Sounding, sonant ghosāpeti To shout, to proclaim ghoseti To shout, to proclaim ghoso Sound, noise; rumour; voice; a village of herdsmen ca And; but; even cakoro The greek partridge cakkaṃ A wheel; a potter's wheel; a circle; a discus, or sharp circular missile weapon: an army; a multitude; a body of religious doctrine; a region, tract, circuit; region, domain, sphere; happy state, good fortune cakkapāṇi Vishṇu cakkapādo A cart, carriage cakkaratanaṃ The magic wheel of a cakkavatti monarch, which rolls before him when he makes his royal progress from one continent to another cakkalakkhaṇaṃ The figure of a wheel under the foot of Buddha cakkavattī A monarch; a universal monarch cakkavāko The ruddy goose, anas casarca cakkavāḷaṃ and (-laṃ)A world, a sphere. A cakkavāḷa is a vast circular plane covered with water, of which Mount Meru stands in the centre. cakkavāḷapabbato The lofty wall of mountains which encircles the cakkavāḷa, forming the world's limit cakkavho The ruddy goose, anas casarca cakkiko A sort of bard or encomiast cakkhāyatanaṃ The organ of the eye, the sense of sight cakkhu and (cakkhum)The eye; insight, perception; supernatural insight or knowledge cakkhundriyaṃ The organ of the eye, the faculty of sight, the vision cakkhupatho Range or reach of vision cakkhumā Having eyes or sight, seeing; having supernatural insight or wisdom cakkhuviññāṇaṃ Eye-consciousness, the faculty of vision cakkhvāyatanaṃ The organ of the eye, the sense of sight caṅkamo A covered walk, arcade, portico, cloister caṅdālo A man of the lowest caste caccaraṃ A place where four roads meet, a square; a courtyard cajati To abandon: to resign, to sacrifice, to give up, to give away cajjanaṃ Being abandoned, or given away cañcalati To move to and fro, to dance cañcalo Wandering, moving to and fro, unsteady caṭako A sparrow caṇako A chick-pea caṇkamati To walk up and down caṇkamanaṃ Walking up and down; a covered walk or cloister caṇgoṭako A casket caṇḍīkato Provoked, angry caṇḍo Wrathful, passionate; harsh, cruel; fierce, savage, violent catasso see cattāro catu see cattāro catukkaṃ A place where four roads meet, a square; a collection of four things catukkaṇṇaṃ Four corners catukkaṇṇo Heard only by two people, secret counsel catugguṇo Quadruple catujjātigandho Perfume of four sorts catuttiṃsatimo Thirty-fourth catuttho Fourth catuddasa Fourteen catuddisaṃ The four cardinal points catuddiso Coming from the four quarters; ruling the four quarters catuddvāraṃ Four gates catudhā In four parts, fourfold catunikāyako Versed in the four nikāyas catupaccayaṃ The four requisites catuparisaṃ Four assembles catupārisuddhisīlaṃ Four precepts of purity catuppakāro Of four sorts catuppado A quadruped catuppado and (catuppadiko) Having four pādas of a gāthā catuppādo Having four pādas catubbaggo Assemblage of four things. The name is given to the four objects of human pursuit, dhammo, kāmo, attho, mokkho, virtue, pleasure, wealth, nirvāṇa catubbidho Fourfold catubhāgo Fourth part, quarter catubhūmiko Having four stages catumaggaṃ Four paths, see maggo catumāsaṃ Four months catummukho Having four faces or fronts caturaṅgī Consisting of four divisions. Fem. caturaṅginī senā, an army of four hosts, viz. elephants, cavalry, chariots and infantry caturaṅgulaṃ Four fingers or inches caturaṅgulo Measuring four fingers or inches caturantā The earth caturasso Quadrangular, regular caturāpasseno Endowed with the four apassenas caturāsīti Eighty-four caturo see cattāro caturo Four caturo Skilful, clever catuvaggo Consisting of four individuals catuvīsati Twenty-four catuvīsatimo Twenty-fourth catusaṃvarasīlaṃ Four precepts of restraint catusaccaṃ The four truths catusaṭṭhi Sixty-four catkko Consisting of four, fourfold cattā One who resigns or gives away cattāro Four cattāḷīsaṃ cattārīsaṃ(1)-ḷīsa(2)-rīsa(3)-ḷīsā(4) and -rīsā(5)Forty catto Relinquished, sacrificed candako An eye in a peacock's tail candanaṃ and (candanano)The sandal tree; the sandal wood; unctuous and fragrant preparations made from sandal wood candanikā A dirty pool at the entrance of a village candabhāgā Name of a river in India candikā Moonlight candimā The moon cando The moon candodayo The rising of the moon capalo Fickle, unsteady; swift capucapukārakaṃ Making the sound capu, smacking the lips camaro The yak ox, or bos grunniens camuru A sort of deer camū An army camūpati A general, a commander-in chief campako The champac tree, michelia champaca campā Name of a town in India, the present Bhagalpore campeyyako Belonging to or inhabiting Campā campeyyo The champac tree cammaṃ Skin, hide; a shield cammakāro A worker in leather, a tanner cayo A heap, a quantity, a bundle caraṇaṃ The foot; a fixed observance or practice; good conduct carati To walk, to walk about, to wander; to act; to behave, to live carahi Movable carahi Now, therefore, then carācaro Movable carāpeti To cause to walk, to drive caritaṃ Action; conduct, life carimo Last; subsequent cariyā Walking, roaming; observance, practice, conduct cariyāpiṭakaṃ "Treasury of conduct", the name of the fifteenth book of khuddakanikāya. It contains a brief account of Buddha's meritorious actions when a bodhisatta caru An oblation to the devas caro Going, walking, moving caro A spy calati To move, to shake, to tremble calanaṃ Shaking, trembling calanī A swift antelope calācalo Unsteady calito Trembling, shaking calo Trembling, unsteady, uncertain, transient cavati To disappear, to vanish, to die, to leave one world to be reborn in another cavanaṃ Disappearance, death cavanako Disappearing casako and (casakaṃ)A drinking vessel cāgavā Generous, liberal cāgī Giving away; liberal cāgo Abandoning, forsaking; resigning, sacrificing, giving away; self-sacrifice, liberality cāṭī A chatty or earthenware vessel, a jar, waterpot cātako A sort of cuckoo, cuculus melanoleucus cātuddasiko Belonging to the fourteenth day cātuddaso Fourteenth cātummahābhūtiko Consisting of, or relating to, the four elements cātummahārājiko Belonging to the four great kings cāturanto Lord of the earth, or of the four points cāpiko An archer cāpo and (cāpaṃ)A bow cāmaraṃ A yak's tail used as a whisk to drive off flies, it is one of the insignia of royalty cāmīkaraṃ Gold cārako Walking about, wandering cārikā Moving or walking about, wandering, roaming cārittaṃ Practice, observance cārī Walking, living, acting cāru Agreeable, charming, beautiful cāro Walking, roaming; a spy cālanaṃ Shaking, trembling cāleti To move, to shake cālo A shaking cāveti To cause to fall or depart from; to cause to vanish from one world to be reborn elsewhere cikicchati To cure cikkhallaṃ Mud, swamp ciṅgulakaṃ A mimic windmill made with palm leaves. cicciṭaṃ The splash of the sea, the bubbling of boiling water. cicciṭāyati To splash, to hiss, to bubble ciñcā The tamarind tree ciṭiciṭāyati To hiss, bubble ciṇṇo Performed, practised citakā Afuneral pile citako A funeral pile citā A funeral pile or pyre cito Heaped up, heaped or pressed together cittaṃ A painting cittaṃ The heart; the mind; a thought, an idea; will, intention cittakaṃ A sectarial mark on the forehead cittakato Variegated, painted cittakā A woven woollen counterpane of many colours cittakāro A painter cittakūṭo Name of a mountain in Bundelcund cittako The plant piumbago zeylanica cittakkhepo Madness cittapīḷā Swooning cittalatā Name of one of Indra's gardens cittavibbhamo Madness cittā Name of a nakkhatta cittāgāraṃ A painted house, a picture gallery cittābhogo Consciousness, sensitiveness cittikāro Consideration, respect citteti To paint, to variegate citto Name of a month citto Shining; variegated, painted; various; beautiful; wonderful, see citro citrakathi Eloquent citro Shining; variegated, painted; various; beautiful; wonderful cintā Thought, meditation cintito Thought, thought of cinteti To think; to think of; to devise; to mind, to regard cinhaṃ A mark or sign cipiṭo Flattened, stumpy cirakiyo Dilatory ciraṭṭhiti Lasting long, perpetuation ciraṭṭhitiko Lasting, enduring, perperual cirataro Longer, slower cirantano Old, ancient cirappabhuti Since long cirarattaṃ A long time cirassaṃ For a long time, long since cirassuto Not heard of for a long time cirāyati To tarry ciro Long, continued, lasting cihanaṃ A mark, a sign cīnapiṭṭhaṃ Red lead cīnaraṭṭhaṃ China cīyati To be heaped up cīraṃ Bark, fibre cīrikā A cricket cīrī A cricket cīvaraṃ The tattered dress of a mendicant; the dress or robes of a buddhist monk cuccū A radish cuṇṇaṃ Aromatic powder for the toilet cuṇṇakaṃ Aromatic powder cuṇṇeti To grind, to crush; to pulverize cuṇṇo Dust, powder; chunam or lime cement cuti Disappearance, vanishing, death; leaving one world to be born in another cutūpapāto and (cutuppāto)Vanishing and reappearance, leaving one world and being born in another cuto see cavati cuddasa Fourteen cuddaso Fourteenth cundakāro A turner cubukaṃ The chin cumbako A load-stone, magnet cumbaṭaṃ and (cumbatakaṃ)A circular roll of cloth used as a stand for a vessel carried on the head; a coil, circlet, hoop; a stand, rest, support, pillow cumbati To kiss cullāsīti Eighty-four cullī A fire-place cullo cūlo(1) and cūḷo(2)Small cūcukaṃ A nipple cūto The mango tree, mangifera indica cūlikā Root of an elephant's ear cūḷā A single lock of hair left on the crown of the shaven head; a top-knot, the hair knotted up at the back of the head; a crest, diadem. peacock's crest cūḷāmaṇi A jewel worn in a crest or diadem ce Even; if ceṭako A servant, a slave ceṭikā A maid-servant, a slave girl ceṭī A maid-servant, a slave girl ceṭo A servant, a slave cetanā Consciousness, sense, thought, intention cetasiko Mental cetāpanaṃ Purchase money cetāpeti To collect, to get together ceti Name of a people who inhabited Bundelcund cetiyaṃ A religious building or shrine, a temple; a thūpa or Buddhist relic-shrine; a sacred tree; a tomb ceteti To think ceto and (cetaṃ)The mind, the heart, the thoughts cetokhilo Hardness of heart, stubbornness cetopariyañāṇaṃ Knowledge of the nature of the heart or thoughts of others cetopariyāyañāṇaṃ Knowledge of the nature of the heart or thoughts of others celaṃ Cloth; a garment celukkhepo Throwing up or waving a cloth codako One who rebukes or exhorts codanā Rousing, inciting; rebuke, reproof; accusation, complaint codanāvatthu Ground or cause for accusation codāpeti To cause to be rebuked, or urged codeti To urge, to rouse, to exhort; to rebuke, to reprove; to complain, to accuse; to draw a person's attention, to remind; to speak to, to warn coddasa Fourteen coddaso Fourteenth corikā Theft coreti To steal coro A thief, a robber, a bandit, an outlaw, a felon colā Name of a people coliko Belonging to the Cola country colo Cloth clnāti To heap up; to collect, to gather cha Six chakaṃ A he-goat chakaṃ Dung, excrement chakanaṃ The dung of animals chakalako A he-goat chakkaṃ A set or group of six chakkaṇṇo Heard only by three people, secret counsel chakkhattuṃ Six times chaṅgulaṃ Six finger-breadths or inches chajjo Name of one of the notes of the Hindu gamut chaṭṭho Sixth chaḍḍako Throwing away, removing chaḍḍanaṃ Rejecting chaḍḍāpeti To cause to be removed, see chaḍḍito chaḍḍito Thrown away, rejected; abandoned, left chaḍḍeti To throw away, to remove, to abandon, to reject, to cast off; to set aside; to leave out, to omit; to put, to place; to throw up, to vomit chaṇo Festival chattaṃ A parasol or umbrella; the royal parasol or state canopy, one of the insignia of royalty; royal dominion, sovereignty chattaṃ A body, a corpse chattadharo Parasol bearer, one who holds the royal parasol over the king's head chattapaṇṇo Name of a tree chattiṃsatimo Thirty-sixth chattiṃsā and (chattiṃsati)Thirty-six chattīyati To treat as a parasol chadanaṃ Covering, roof; a leaf chadi A covering, roof chadio Covered, concealed chado A cover; a leaf; a wing chaddaṃ A roof chaddanto Name of a mythical elephant; name of one of the seven great lakes chaddikā Vomiting chaddhā In six ways chadvāraṃ The six apertures or avenues of the body chadvāriko Connected with the six apertures. chandaso Conversant with the Vedas, a brahmin chando Wish, desire; intention; will, resolve; power; consent, approval chando and (chandaṃ)The Vedas; poetical metre; metres, prosody chandoviciti One of the vedaṅgas, prosody channaṃ see cha channavuti Ninety-six channo An ordinance channo Concealed, secluded, private; covered; clothed; suitable, appropriate chappaññāsa Fifty-six chappado A bee chabbaṇṇo Six-coloured chabbassaṃ Six years chabbidho Sixfold chabbīsati and (chabbīsa)Twenty-six chabbīsatimo Twenty-sixth chabbhaggiyo Consisting of six individuals chamā The earth chambhati To be alarmed, to tremble, to be paralyzed with fear chambhitattaṃ Trembling, consternation, stupefaction chammāsaṃ Six months chalaṃ Fraud, stratagem, pretext, stumbling chaḷ Six chaḷaṅgaṃ Six qualities chaḷabhiññā The six supernatural faculties, see abhiññā chaḷabhiñño Possessing the six supernatural faculties chavako A corpse chavi The skin chavo A corpse chavo Vile chātakaṃ Famine chāto Hungry, famished chādanaṃ Covering chādāpeti To cover, to enclose chādeti To cover, to conceal; to render invisible chāpako The young of an animal; a child chāpo The young of an animal; a child chāyā Shade; a shalow; reflected image; splendour; pretext, fiction chārattaṃ A period of six nights chārikā Ashes chiggalaṃ A hole chijjati see chindati chiddaṃ A hole, an aperture, a rent, a gap; a defect chiddavā Full of holes chiddito Perforated chiddo Perforated chindati To cut; to cut off; to cut down; to interrupt, to stop; to remove; to destroy chindāpeti To cause to be cut off, or cut down chindeti To cause to be cut chinno Cut off; cut down; interrupted, stopped, destroyed, removed chuddho Mean, contemptible chupati Touch chupati To touch chupanaṃ Touching churikā A knife cheko Skilful, expert, clever checchati see chindati chejjo That ought to be cut off chettā One who breaks or cuts chetvā see chindati chedanaṃ Cutting, severing; destruction, loss, expenditure chedanako That ought to be torn chedāpeti To cause to be cut off or cut down. chedeti To cause to be cut off chedo Cutting, severing; loss, destruction, waste jagatī The earth; the floor of a terrace jaggati To watch jagganaṃ Waking, watching jaghanaṃ The buttocks jaṅgamati To go about jaṅgamo Movable jaṅgalo A place overgrown with brushwood and thicket, a jungle jaṅghā The leg The lower part of the leg from the knee to the ancle jaccandhakiyo Connected with being born blind jaccandho Born blind jacco Belonging to a family jajjarito Weakened jaññati To be begotten or produced jañño To be produced jaṭā Matted hair worn by certain ascetics; the tangled branches of bamboos and other trees; desire, lust jaṭādharo An ascetic wearing clotted hair jaṭilo An ascetic wearing long matted hair jaṭī Wearing matted hair jaṭharo The belly jatu Lac jatukā A bat jatumayo Made of lac, lacquered jattu The collar-bone janakāyo Body of people, assembly janako Producing, causing janatā People, men, mankind jananaṃ Production, bringing forth, causing jananī A mother janano Producing, bringing forth, causing janapado A country, province, district; a people janavādo Scandal, gossip janādhipo A king janālayo A maṇḍapa or temporary hall janikā A mother janitabbo That ought to be produced janitā A father janito Produced, caused janeti To bring forth, to produce, to beget, to cause, to give rise to janettī A mother jano A man, a person, a being, a creature; men, people, the world; a number of people jantāgharaṃ A room in which a fire is kept jantu A creature; an animal; a man, person jannu The knee jannukaṃ The knee jannutaggho Knee-deep jannumatto Knee-deep japati To whisper, to mutter, to murmur japanaṃ Whispering, muttering japā The China rose jappati To speak, to mutter, to whisper jappanaṃ Speaking jappā Desire, lust jappito Spoken, said, muttered jappo Words, speech jamibīro The lemon or lime tree jambavaṃ The fruit of the jambu tree jambālī A dirty pool at the entrance to a village jambālo Mud jambuko A jackal jambudīpo Jambudvīpa, one of the four mahādīpas, it is the southernmost, and includes India jambū The rose-apple tree, eugenia jambu jambūnadaṃ Gold jambonadaṃ Gold jammaṃ Birth, appearance jammo Reckless, worthless, low, contemptible jayaggaho Victorious jayati To conquer, to defend, to win, to surpass, to exceed jayanaṃ Victory jayapānaṃ Drink of a victorious warrior jayampatī Husband and wife jayasumanaṃ The plant pentapetes phoenicea jayī Victorious jayo Victory, conquest, defeating jaraggavo An old ox jaratā Old age, decrepitude jarā Old age, decrepitude, decay jarāmaraṇaṃ Old age and death, decay and death jaro Fever jalacaro A fish jalajo Water-born, lotus jalaṭṭho Living in the water jalati To burn, to blaze, to glow, to shine jaladāyako A golden vase jalado A tank, a reservoir jalado A rain-cloud jalanidhi The ocean jalam Water jalasutti A bivalve shell jalāpeti To cause to be kindled jalābu The womb jalābujo Born from the womb, viviparous jalālayo A reservoir, a lake jalāsayo A tank, lake, reservoir jalūkā A leech jalogi Toddy, the yet unfermented, or only partly fermented, juice of the palm jallaṃ see rajovajallaṃ jaḷattaṃ Dullness, stupidity jaḷo Dull, stupid javati To hasten, to hurry, to run javanikā A curtain javano Quick, fleet javādhiko A fleethorse, a racer javo Speed jahāti To leave, to forsake, to renounce jahāpeti To cause to leave jaho Leaving jāgarati To wake, to watch jāgariyā Waking, watching, vigil jāgaro Waking, vigil jātakaṃ Birth, nativity, a birth or existence in the Buddhist sense; a jataka, or story of one of the former births of Buddha jātabhūmi Birthplace jātarūpaṃ Gold jātavedo Fire jātassaro A natural pond, a lake jātāpaccā A woman who has brought forth a child jāti Birth; a birth or existence in the Buddhist sense, re-birth, renewed existence; lineage, family, caste; sort, kind, variety jāti The great-flowered jasmine jātiko Belonging to a family, or species, having a particular nature or particular habits jātikoso Nutmeg, hard aromatic seed used as spice jātikkhayo Cessation of existence by the attainment of arahatta jātiphalaṃ A nutmeg jātimayo Caused by birth or species, congenital jātimā High-born; of good quality jātiyo Belonging to a family, or species, having a particular nature or particular habits jātisumanā The great-fiowered jasmine jātissaro One who remembers his former existences jātī The great-flowered jasmine jātu Surely, certainly jāto Born, produced; caused; arisen, sprung up, grown; become, being; taken place, happened jānaṃ Knowing, understanding; wise; consciously, intentionally jānako Knowing jānanaṃ Knowing, understanding, learning, ascertaining jānanako Knowing jānapado Living in the country, or in a country jānāti To know, to gain knowledge of; to comprehend, to perceive; to ascertain; to recognize; to be intelligent jānāpeti To cause to know, to show, to teach jāni Loss, decay jānitabbo That ought to be known jānipati Husband and wife jānu see jannu, the knee jāmatā A daughter's husband, a son-in-law jāyati To be born, to be produced, to grow, to spring up, to arise jāyā A wife jāyāpatī Husband and wife jāyikā Wife jārī An adulteress jāro A lover, a paramour jālaṃ A net; a web; a window or lattice; reticulation; a multitude, quantity, accumulation; intricacy; illusion jālakaṃ A bud; a net jālā A flame jālikā A coat of mail jāliko Living by nets, a fisherman, a fowler jālinī Desire, lust jāleti To kindle ji and -di(1) and-jito(2)Victorious jigiṃsati To wish to take jigucchati To dislike, to loathe, to despise jigucchanaṃ Dislike, contempt jigucchā Disgust, dislike, loathing, contempt jighacchati To wish to eat, to be hungry jighacchā Hunger jighañño Last; lowest; inferior, vile jiñjuko The guñjā shrub jiṇṇako Old, aged; worn out, dilapidated jiṇṇo Old, eged; worn out, decayed, dilapidated jiti Victory jitindriyo One whose senses are subdued, a ṛishi or arhat jito Conquered, defeated, subdued jinatrajo Son of Buddha, metaphorically of an apostle of Buddha jināti To conquer, to defend, to win, to surpass, to exceed, see jayati jinālayo A Buddhist temple jinitabbo To be conquered jinerito Uttered by Buddha jino Victorious jimho Crooked, oblique jiyā A bow-string jiyyati To grow old; to decay, to wear out; to be digested,see jīrati jivhā The tongue jīmūto A cloud jīyati To grow old; to decay, to wear out; to be digested, see jīrati jīraṇaṃ Growing old, decay jīrati To grow old; to decay, to wear out; to be digested jīvaṃ see jīvo and jīvati jīvako Name of a certain medicinal herb, name of a great physician who attended the Buddha jīvagāhaṃ Taken alive jīvañjīvo A kind of pheasant, a kind of long tailed game bird jīvati To live; to maintain oneself, to get one's living jīvanaṃ Subsistence, livelihood, living jīvantī and (jīvatī)A certain medicinal plant jīvasumanaṃ The China rose jīvikā Life, livelihood, means of subsistence jīvitaṃ Life jīvitakkhayo End of life, death jīvitindriyaṃ Principle of life, life, vitality jīvī Living jīvo Living juṇhā Moonlight; a moon-lit night juti Splendour, ray jutikaro Brilliant jutindharo Light giver jutimā Brilliant juhanaṃ Offering, sacrifice juhoti To sacrifice jūtaṃ and (jūto)Gambling, dicing je Oh! jeguccho Contemptible, loathsome jeṭṭhako Chief, first, eldest jeṭṭhamūlo The month jyaishṭha jeṭṭhā Name of one of the lunar mansions jeṭṭho Chief, first, best; eldest jeṭṭho Name of a month jetabbo To be conquered jetavanaṃ Name of a famous monastery at Sāvatthi, long the residence of Buddha, for whom it was built by Anathapiṇḍika; name of a monastery at Anuradhapura in Ceylon jetā A conqueror jeti To conquer, to defend, to win, to surpass, to exceed jetuttaraṃ Name of a town jetvā see jayati jenadatti Son of Jinadatta jeyyo Better; elder jeyyo To be conquered jotako Illuminating, giving lustre to, illustrating, explaining jotati To shine jotanaṃ Illumination jotano Illuminating jotayati To cause to shine; to illumine; to glorify, to exalt jotalati To illuminate joti Light, fire; a star or constellation jotikā see jotako jotipatho The sky jotiraso A certain jewel having the power of conferring every wish jotisatthaṃ Astronomy joteti To cause to shine; to illumine; to glorify, to exalt jyā A bow-string, see jiyā jhajjharī Name of a plant jhallikā A cricket jhasati To hurt jhasā The shrub uraria lagopodioides jhaso A fish jhāṭalo The tree bignonia suaveolens jhānaṃ Meditation, contemplation; religious meditation or abstraction of the mind, mystic or abstract meditation, ecstasy, trance jhāpanaṃ Conflagration, consumption jhāpeti To cause to be burnt, to burn, to consume jhāmo Consumed, burnt jhāyati To be burning, to burn, to consume; to waste away jhāyati To meditate, to contemplate, to practise jhāna or mystic meditation jhāyī Thoughtful, meditating, practising jhāna jhāvuko The tree tamarix indica ñattaṃ Knowledge ñatti Announcement, declaration ñatto Made known, announced ñatto Near ñāṇaṃ Knowledge ñāṇadassanaṃ Insight given by knowledge ñāṇī Having knowledge, learned ñātakitthi A female relative ñātako A relative, a kinsman ñātabbo That ought to be known ñātayyo To be known ñātā One who knows ñāti A relative, a kinsman ñāto Known, ascertained ñāpako Informing, declaring ñāpanaṃ Information, declaration, making known ñāpeti To make known, to declare, to tell, to inform, to teach, to show, to proclaim ñāyo Method, manner, means; suitable manner, propriety, right conduct, justice ñeyyo That should be known; cognisable, ascertainable ṭīkā A Pali commentary on an aṭṭhakathā, a scholium, gloss ṭhatvā see tiṭṭhati ṭhapanaṃ Placing, etc. ṭhapanīyo That should be set aside ṭhapīyati see tiṭṭhati ṭhapeti see tiṭṭhati ṭhassati see tiṭṭhati ṭhāti To stand; to stand aside, be excepted or omitted, remain behind; to stay, stop, remain; to dwell, continue, abide, last, endure, remain constant, live, exist, be ṭhātuṃ see tiṭṭhati ṭhānaṃ Standing, stopping, halting; place, spot, situation; station, state, condition; place, post, office, appointment; rank, dignity; point, matter, subject, topic, proposition, thesis, thing; basis, source, origin, cause, reason ṭhānantaraṃ A particular post, a certain office, an office, appointment ṭhānaso Causally, necessarily ṭhānāṭhānaṃ Right and wrong place or site ṭhāniko Holding the place of ṭhānīyo Based upon ṭhāyī Lasting, living ṭhitako Standing up ṭhitattaṃ Remaining firm, continuance ṭhiti Durability, stability, continuation, existence, life ṭhitiko Lasting, continuing, living on, existing ṭhito see tiṭṭha ṭho Standing, staying. Only at the end of a compound. See gahaṭṭho, jalaṭṭho, thalaṭṭho, dhammaṭṭho ḍaṃso A gad-fly ḍayhati see ḍahati ḍasati To take hold of with the teeth; to bite ḍasanaṃ Biting ḍahati To burn, to consume by fire; to torment ḍāko and (ḍākam)A vegetable, a potherb ḍāhako Setting on fire ḍāho Burning, conflagration; suffering, torment, grief ḍeti To fly ṇāyati see jānāti taṃ see tvaṃ takkaṃ Buttermilk mixed with water takkattā One who does that takkaro Doing that takkaro A thief takkasilā The city of Takshashila in the Punjab takkārī The tree sesbania egyptiaca takkālaṃ At that time takkiko One who reasons, a logician, philosopher takkito Thought, reasoned takko Thought, reflection, reasoning takko Date fruit takkolaṃ Bdellium, a particular sort of perfume made from the berry of the kakkola plant tagaraṃ The shrub tabernaemontana coronaria; a fragrant powder obtained from it taggha Certainly, verily, truly taṅkitamañco "Stone bed", chiselled or cut out of the rock taṅko A stonemason's chisel taṅkhaṇaṃ and (taṅkhaṇe) At that moment, instantly, at once taṅkhaṇiko Momentary tacasāro A bamboo taco Skin, bark, rind tacchaṃ Truth, reality tacchako A carpenter tacchati To pare, cut, slice, chop, hew tacchanī A hatchet tajjaniyakammaṃ Name of one of the saṅghakammas tajjanī The "finger of scorn", i.e. the forefinger tajjarī A measure of 36 aṇus tajjāti Such and such a race tajjeti To threaten, revile, blame, scold, frighten taṭataṭāyati To rattle, rustle taṭo and taṭī(1) and taṭaṃ(2) A shore or bank taṇḍulīyo and (taṇḍuleyyo) The plant amaranthus polygonoides taṇḍulo Rice husked and winnowed, and ready for boiling taṇhakkhayo Extincton of desire, arhatship or nirvāṇa taṇhaṅkaro Name of a Buddha taṇhā Lust, desire, human passion. Taṇhā is a technical termthat is found in Buddhist philosophy, and is one of the links of the paṭiccasamuppāda. The three taṇhās are kāmataṇhā, rūpat., arūpat., desire for rebirth in the three forms of existence tatiyo Third tato From that place, thence, therefrom; from that time; thereafter, subsequently; further, moreover tattako Burning tattako As many, as great tattha There; thither; in that case, now, here; in that, therein tatra There; thither; in that case, now, here; in that, therein tatvaṃ Essence, reality tathato As it is, rightly, correctly, truly tathattaṃ Being so, such a state of things tathabhāvo Truth tathā So, thus; also tathāgato A buddha tathārūpo Of such a description, such; suitable, appropriate, adequate tadañño Different from it tadatthaṃ On that account. On his account, for him tadanarūpo Suitable thereto tadantare In the mean time tadanvayo Following, connected therewith tadaminā Tad iminā tadavhayo Having that name tadahe and (tadahu) On that day tadā At that time, then tadākāro Of that appearance, similar tadāttaṃ That time tadāni Then tadubhayaṃ Both of them tadūpiyo Suitable, corresponding tadeva Tad' eva i.e.,tadā eva, At that very time tanayo A son tanu Thin, slender, delicate; small, slight tanuko Small, thin tanujo A son tanuttaṃ Smallness, thinness tanoti To stretch tantaṃ A thread; main point; a literary work, religious treatise tanti A string, line, cord; the string of a lute; a sacred text, a passage from a sacred text tantu A thread tandito Only in atandito tandī Drowsiness; sloth tannāmako Having that name or the same name tanninno Bent towards it tapati To burn, blaze; to shine, be brilliant, to scorch, torment tapanīyaṃ Gold tapano The sun; name of a hell tapassī A mendicant, pauper; a religious ascetic or hermit tapo and (tapaṃ) Religious austerity, self-mortification; religious duties, moral practice, piety, virtue, devotion tappaccayā On account of that, on that account tappati see tapati tappanaṃ Being satisfied, satiety, gratification tappanaṃ Torment tappabbhāro Over-hanging it like a rock tapparo Subsequent; diligent, devoted tappuriso In gram. name of a particular sort of samasa tappeti see tapati tappeti To satisfy, refresh tappoṇo Sloping towards it tabbaṃsiko Belonging to that race tabbaṇṇanā The commentary thereon tabbiparīto Contrary to it, the opposite tabbiseso A variety thereof tabbhedo A variety thereof tamālo The tree xanthochymus pictorius tamo and (tamaṃ) Darkness, gloom; in the sāṅkhya philosophy one of the three guṇas tambako Name of a plant tambūlī and (tambūlaṃ) The betelvine, piper betel, and its leaf which is chewed tambo Coppery, red tayī The three vedas tayo Three tayodaso Thirteen taraṅgo A wave taraccho A hyena taraṇaṃ Carrying over taraṇī A boat tarati To cross, traverse, get beyond, escape from tarati To be hurried or flurried, tremble taralaṃ Rice gruel taralo Trembling, unsteady tarahi Then tari A boat taru A tree taruṇo Young; fresh, new taro A raft talaṃ Surface, level, plane; lower part, base taluṇo Tender, delicate tallañchanaṃ Mark or imprint thereof taḷāko A pond, pool, lake tasati To tremble, to be afraid of tasaro A shuttle tasiṇā see taṇhā, Lust, desire, human passion. Taṇhā is a technical term of the Buddhist philosophy, and is one of the links of the paṭiccasamuppāda. The three taṇhās are kāmataṇhā, rūpat., arūpat., desire for rebirth in the three forms of existence taso Moving, movable tasmā Hence, from there, therefore tassanaṃ Thirst tassapāpiyyasikā Guilt, legal wrong, of such & such a character, name of one of the adhikaraṇasamathas tahaṃ and (tahiṃ) There tāṇaṃ Defence, shelter, refuge; nirvāṇa tāto Respected, dear tādi Like that, such tādikkho Such tādisako Such tādiso Such tāpanaṃ Tormenting, self mortification tāpaso A hermit, ascetic tāpiñcho The plant xanthochymus pictorius tāpiñjo The plant xanthochymus pictorius tāyati To protect, preserve, save tārakā A star, the pupil of the eye tārā A star, planet; the pupil of the eye tārāpatho The sky tāro Shrill, high of a musical sound tālaggaṃ Top of a palmyra tree tālisaṃ and (tālisa) Forty tālī The tree corypha taliera; striking a musical instrument, musical measure tālujo Palatal tālo The fan-palm, palmyra; a measure, the short span; a musical instrument of metal struck with the hand or a stick, gong, cymbal tāḷanaṃ Striking tāḷeti To strike, beat; to strike a musical instrument tāḷo A key tāva At once, now, just; really, indeed; yet, still tāvatako So many; so much, so great, so long tāvatā So far, to that extent, on that account tāvatiṃso Belonging to thirty-three. The tavatiṃsa devā are the inhabitants of the lowest devaloka which is situated on Mount Meru, on the summit. tāvatihaṃ see yāvatihaṃ ti see iti ti "Three," see tayo tiṃsa and (tiṃsati)Thirty tiṃso Thirtieth tikaṃ A triad, three tikicchako A physician tikicchati To treat medically, to cure tikicchā The practice of medicine, curing, healing tikkhattuṃ Thrice tikkho Sharp; pungent, fiery, acrid; acute, clever tikhiṇo Sharp; pungent, fiery, acrid; acute, clever tigāvutaṃ Three leagues ticīvaraṃ The three robes tiṭṭhati To stand; to stand aside, be excepted or omitted, remain behind; to stay, stop, remain; to dwell, continue, abide, last, endure, remain constant, live, exist, be tiṭhiyati see tiṭṭhati tiṇaṃ Grass, herb, weed tiṇavatthārako Name of one of the adhikaraṇasamathas. "As dung is covered over with grass or litter, so this procedure is intended to cover offences committed in a time of excitement, and which are difficult to adjudicate; it is the quashing of past proceedings during a period of litigation, by mutual consent, when the parties in the prosecution of a cause cannot arrive at a decision" tiṇavo A sort of drum tiṇukkā A torch made of a wisp of hay or dry grass tiṇṇaṃ see tayo tiṇṇo see tarati tiṇho see tikhiṇo, Sharp; pungent, fiery, acrid; acute, clever titikkhati To bear, endure, be long-suffering titikkhā Patience, endurance, forbearance, long-suffering tittako Bitter titti Satiety, fullness tittiko In the compound samatittiko, "brimful" tittiro The francoline partridge titto Satisfied, full titthaṃ A landing-place or bathing-place in a river or tank, a ghāt; a landing-place on the sea-coast, a harbour; a guru or preceptor; the usual way, right way; a piece of water; religious belief titthakaro A sect-founder, religious teacher titthiyo An adherent of a heretical sect or system of philosophy, a sectarian, heretic, unorthodox believer tithi A lunar day tidaṇḍaṃ The three staves tied together of a brahmin ascetic tidaso A deva tidivo The deva world, heaven especially the tāvatiṃsa heaven tidhā In three ways or parts tinayanaṃ Three eyes tiniso The tree dalbergia ougeinensis tintiṇī The tamarind tree tinto Wet tinduko The tree diospyros embryopteris tipadakkhiṇaṃ The padakkhiṇa thrice repeated tipiṭakaṃ Three baskets or Treasuries, a name of the Buddhist scriptures. The Buddhist scriptures consist of three great divisions, each of which is called piṭakaṃ, "a basket". They are vinayapiṭakaṃ, suttapiṭakaṃ, abhidhammapiṭakaṃ, or the basket of Discipline, the basket of Discourses, and the basket of Metaphysics. The whole canon is called tīṇi piṭakāni or tipiṭakaṃ, or piṭakattayaṃ, "the three baskets." tipu Tin, lead tiputā White teori, convolvulus turpethum tiphalaṃ Three fruits tibbo Sharp, keen; acute, intense, excessive, severe tibhavaṃ The three forms of existence tibhāgo Consisting of three portions tibhūmako Three storied timaṇḍalaṃ Three circles timi Names of certain fish of enormous size that haunt the oceans timiṅgalo Names of certain fish of enormous size that haunt the oceans timindo Names of certain fish of enormous size that haunt the oceans timiraṃ Darkness timirāyitattaṃ Gloominess timisaṃ Darkness timisikā A very dark night timbaru and (timbarūsako)The tinduka tree tiyāmā Night tiyāsīti Eighty-three tirakkāro Disrespect, blame, abuse tiracchāno An animal, beast tirattaṃ Three nights or three days tiriyaṃ Across tirīṭako The tree symplocos racemosa tiro Across, beyond, over, on the other side tirokaraṇī A curtain, screen tirokariyyati To be veiled tirodhānaṃ A cover, veil, lid tilako Name of a tree; a mole or freckle; a sectarial mark on the forehead tilakkhaṇaṃ Three characteristics tiliccho A sort of snake tilo The sesamum plant, sesamum indicum; the seed of sesamum indicum tilokaṃ The three worlds tivaggo Three objects of life, viz. dhammo, kāmo, attho, or religion, pleasure and wealth tivaṅgiko Having three aṅgas tivijjā Three branches of knowledge tividho Threefold tivutā White teori, convolvulus turpethum tisato Numbering three hundred tisaraṇaṃ The Three Refuges tisiṅgaṃ Three horns or peaks tisso Name of a Buddha; name of a famous king of Ceylon tīṇi see tayo tīraṃ A shore, bank tīraṇaṃ Deciding tīreti To finish, accomplish, decide tīhaṃ Three days tīhi see tayo tu A particle, never used at the beginning of a sentence, which may be rendered by "now," "but," "indeed" tuṅgo High, prominent tuccho Empty, vain tujjati To be struck, pierced, poked tuṭṭhi Satisfaction, joy, happiness tuṭṭho see tussati tuṇḍaṃ A beak, snout, etc. tuṇḍilo Tuṇḍilovādo, harsh or frequent admonition tuṇṇo Quick tuṇhī Silently, without speaking tuttaṃ A pike used to guide an elephant; a goad tudampati Husband and wife tudittha He gnawed, pierced tunnavāyo A tailor tumbī The gourd lagenaria vulgaris tumbo A sort of water vessel with a spout; a measure of grain i.e. āḷhaka tumhādiso Like you tumhe see tvaṃ turago A horse, courser turaṅgo A horse, courser turito Hastening, hurried, eager, swift turiyaṃ A musical instrument turukkho Indian incense tulā A balance, pair of scales; resemblance, equality; a beam or rafter; a measure or weight of 100 phalas tulikā A painter's brush or pencil tuliyo A flying fox tulyo Similar, equal tuvaṃ see tvaṃ, Thou tuvaṭaṃ Quickly tuvaṭṭati To lie down tusitā Name of the angels inhabiting the fourth devaloka tuso Substance, wealth tussati To be satisfied, pleased, joyful tuhinaṃ Dew, frost tūṇī tūṇo(1) tūṇīro(2) and -tūṇīraṃ(3) A quiver tūlikā A mattress tūleti To weigh, measure; to consider, weigh with the mind tūlo and (tūlaṃ)Cotton te "These" te "Thee" tekāliko Relating to the three times—past, present and future tekiccho Curable tecīvariko Wearing three robes tejanaṃ An arrow, shaft tejassī Bright, glorious tejeti To sharpen tejo and (tejaṃ) Flame, heat, fire; light, brilliancy, splendour; majesty, dignity, prestige, glory, fame; influence, efficacy, power tettiṃsa and (tettiṃsati)Thirty-three tedhā In three ways tepiṭako Belonging to the tipiṭaka tebhātiko Consisting of three brothers tebhūmako Belonging to the three stages of being temanaṃ Wetting temāsaṃ Three months, a quarter temeti To wet, moisten terasa see teḷasa, Thirteen telaṃ Oil made from tila seeds telakaṃ A little oil teliko An oil manufacturer teḷasa Thirteen tevijjo Possessed of the three vijjās tevīsa and (tevīsati)Twenty-three tomariko A spearman tomaro and (tomaraṃ)A lance, spike toyaṃ Water toyago Floating on the water toraṇaṃ An arch, gateway, pandal or triumphal arch used on state occasions toseti see tussati toso Satisfaction, joy tvaṃ Thou tveva Iti eva thakanaṃ Covering, a lid thaketi To cover, conceal, stop up thaññaṃ Mother's milk thaṇḍilasāyikā Sleeping on the bare ground thaddho Firm, hard, solid, dense; obstinate, stubborn thanapāyī A suckling, infant thanapo A suckling, infant thanito Rumbling, thundering thano The female breast thapati A carpenter thabako A cluster of blossoms, bunch of flowers thambhakari Rice thambho A clump of grass, a bush, thicket; a post, pillar, column; the post to which an elephant is tied; stupor, insensibility tharu The hilt of a sword thalaṃ and (thalī)Land, dry ground, terra firma thalajo Land-born thalaṭṭho Standing on dry ground thalī see thalaṃ thavikā A purse. Of a net or purse in which a monk slings his bowl when going on a begging round thāmavā Resolute thāmo Strength thālaṃ A metal bowl or bason; a plate, dish thālakaṃ see thālaṃ thālī A cooking-pot, boiler, kettle thāvariyaṃ Security thāvaro Stationary, fixed; stable, firm, strong thiro Firm, hard, solid, strong, immovable, permanent, lasting thī A woman thīnaṃ Idleness, sloth, dullness thuti Praise, thanks thuto Praised thullo Big, large, thick, coarse, clumsy, stupid thuso Husk of grain thūṇā A pillar, column, post thūpo A conical heap, a pile, mound; a conical or bell-shaped shrine containing a relic, a dagaba, cetiya, tope thūlo Big, large, thick, coarse, clumsy, stupid theto Firm, trustworthy theneti To steal theno A thief theyyaṃ Theft theriyo Belonging to theras thero An old man; a Buddhist monk of a certain standing, a senior monk, an elder thevo A drop of water thokako Small, brief, slight thoko Small, short, slight thomanaṃ Praise thometi To praise thomo Praise daṃḍiko One who carries a staff dakaṃ Water dakajo Aquatic dakkhatā Skill dakkhati see passati dakkhiññaṃ Kindness, affability dakkhiṇaggi One sort of sacred fire, that which is taken from the domestic fire and placed to the south dakkhiṇato On the south; on the right hand dakkhiṇambu Same meaning as dakkhiṇodakaṃ dakkhiṇā A gift; a present to a Buddhist monk; an offering to a peta dakkhiṇāpatho The southern country dakkhiṇāyanaṃ The half of the year when the sun moves to the south of the equator dakkhiṇāvaṭṭo and (-tto)Turning to the right dakkhiṇāvisuddhi Purity of a gift dakkhiṇeyyo Worthy of offerings dakkhiṇo Right; southern; dexterous dakkhiṇodakaṃ Water of donation. "Water poured into the right hand of a priest as a ratification of an offering of value that has either been made or is yet to be made." dakkhinti see passati dakkho Clever, skilful dajjati To give, to grant; to give up; to allow dajjā see dadāti daṭṭhabbo To be seen daṭṭhuṃ see passati daṭṭho Held or seized in the mouth or teeth; bitten daḍḍho Burnt, scorched, consumed daṇḍakammaṃ Atonement, penance, penal discipline, ecclesiastical punishment daṇḍako A stick, a staff daṇḍanīti The science of criminal justice daṇḍiyo Punishable daṇḍī One who carries a staff, a mendicant daṇḍeti To punish daṇḍo A staff, a pole; a haudle; a stalk or stem; punishment, penalty; violence, cruelty datti Offering dattimo Received by donation dattu Stupid datto Given dadāti To give, to grant; to give up; to allow dado Giving daddarī A sort of drum daddarīko A sort of drum daddaro Name of a mountain daddallati To blaze, to shine brilliantly daddu A kind of cutaneous eruption dadduro A frog dadhātī To put, to hold, to bear dadhi Milk curds danu Name of the mother of the asuras dantakaṭṭhaṃ A tooth-brush, a piece of wood used for cleaning the teeth dantacchado The lip dantajo Dental. The dental letters are t, the, d, dh, n, l, and s dantadhāvano The tree acacia catechu dantapoṇo A tooth-cleaner dantamayo Made of ivory dantasaṭho The lime or lemon dantāvaraṇaṃ The lip danti Self-control dantī An elephant danto A tooth; an elephant's tusk; ivory danto Tamed, subdued; trained, broken; self-controlled, temperate dantoṭṭhajo Dental-labial, the letter v is so called dandho Idle, slothful, slow, heavy, foolish dappano A mirror dappavā Proud dappo Pride dabbaṃ Object, thing; material, substance; a fit object; wealth, property; fuel dabbī A spoon dabbho Kusa grass damako One who practises self-mortification by living on the remnants of offered food damatho Self-control, self-command; subjugation damanam Subduing damito Tamed, subdued damiḷo A dravidian, a tamil dameti To tame, to subdue, to overcome; to convince damo Self-command, subjugation of the senses, self-restraint, abstinence; long-suffering; punishment, discipline; temperance, sobriety dambho Deceit, fraud, hypocrisy dammati To be tamed or subdued dammi see dadāti dammo To be tamed damyati To be tamed or subdued dayati To give, to allot; to protect dayā Mercy, compassion dayāpanno Compassionate dayāparo Compassionate dayālu Compassionate, merciful dayito Beloved daratho Oppression, suffering, pain; anxiety darī A cave, a grotto daro Fear; pain, suffering dalaṃ A leaf daḷiddo and (daliddo)Poor, needy daḷhayati To make firm daḷhīkammaṃ Making firm, strengthening, confirmation daḷhīkaraṇaṃ Making firm, strengthening, confirmation daḷho Hard, firm, strong, excessive davathu Burning, heat, inflammation davanaṃ Burning, heat davo Quick motion; sport, amusement davo Burning, inflammation; a forest dasa Ten dasadisaṃ Ten directions, see disā dasaddhavidho Of five sorts dasadhammaṃ Ten objects dasadhā In ten ways dasano A tooth dasanto The border of the skirt dasabalaṃ Ten forces, see balaṃ dasabalo One who possesses the ten balas, a Buddha dasamo Tenth dasavaggo Consisting of ten individuals dasasatanayano Thousand-eyed, a name of Indra dasasīlaṃ The ten precepts or sikkhapadas dasā The skirt or border of a garment; condition, state; period, age dasāhaṃ Ten days daso Seeing, understanding, paṭiccasamuppādadaso dassaṃ see dadāti dassati see dadāti dassanaṃ Seeing, sight; meeting or associating with; opinion, doctrine, belief; kowledge; sotāpatti, or the knowledge gained by one who is walking in the first path; an eye; showing, illustrating dassanīyo and (-neyyo)Beautiful dassāvī Seeing dassi (dassittha)see passati dassito Shown, exhibited dassivā Having seen dassī Seeing; showing dassīyati To be shown dasseti To show; to point out; to show oneself dahati To put, to hold, to bear dahanaṃ Burning, consuming by fire dahano Fire daharo Young daho A lake dāṭhā A eye tooth, a tusk, a fang dāṭhādhātu Tooth relic dāṭhī Having tusks or fangs dātabbo To be given, that must be given dātā A giver dātiaṃ A sickle dātuṃ (datvā)see dadāti dāto Cut dātyūho small water fowl dānaṃ Purifiction dānaṃ Cutting or breaking off dānaṃ Giving; a gift, a donation; almsgiving, charity, liberality dānaṃ The fluid that flows from an elephant's temples when in rut dānamayo Consisting of or connected with almsgiving dānavatthu Cause for giving; object for a gift dānavo An asura dānasoṇḍo Profusely liberal, munificent dānāraho Worthy of gifts dāni Now dānuppatti Re-birth of an almsgiver according to his wish dāpeti To cause to be given dābbī Name of a plant dāmaṃ A rope, a string, a wreath dāmiḷo A dravidian, tamil dāyako Giving, a giver, a benefactor dāyajjaṃ Inheritance, dowry dāyati To give dāyanaṃ Reaping dāyādo A kinsman; an heir dāyī Giving dāyo A gift; separate property of a wife dāyo A forest, a wood dārako An infant, a child, a boy, a son dāraṇaṃ Cleaving dārā see dāro dārikā A girl, a young woman dārito Torn asunder; divided dāru Wood dārukaṃ Wood, a log dārujo Made of wood dāruṇo Harsh, severe; terrible, dreadful dārumayo Made of wood, wooden dāruhaliddā Name of a plant dāro and (dārā)A wife dālimo The pomegranate tree dāleti To split, to break dāsavvaṃ Slavery, servitude. dāsidāsaṃ Maid-servants and man-servants dāso A slave, a servant dāho Burning, conflagration; suffering, torment, grief di see dvi- dikkhā Sacrifice; worship, devotion digacchā Another form of jighacchā digambaro Naked, a naked ascetic digu A grammatical term, one of the samasas digucchati Another form of jigucchati diguṇo Two-fold, double, twice as many digghikā An oblong pond, a moat dicchati To wish to give, to give dicchati To see dijo A brahmin; a bird; a tooth diṭṭhadhammo The visible condition, the present state of things, this world, this life, this state of existence diṭṭhadhammo One who has seen the Truth diṭṭhanto Example, illustration diṭṭhapado One who has seen nirvāṇa, a sotāpanna diṭṭhapubbo Seen before; having formerly seen diṭṭhā This is an exclamation expressive of joy, Thank heaven! diṭṭhadhammiko Belonging to this world, temporal diṭṭhi Sight, view, the eye; religious belief, doctrine; false doctrine, heresy diṭṭho Seen; met with, found diṭṭho Hateful, hostile ditti Splendour, light ditto Blazing, radiant ditto Proud, arrogant diddho Smeared dinaṃ Day dinakaro The sun dinapati The sun dindibho Name of a bird dinnādāyī Taking what is given, honest dinno Given dipaduttamo Greatest of men, Buddha dipado A biped; a man dipādako Biped dippati To shine; to be illustrious; to prosper dibbacakkhu Divine eye, supernatural vision. This is one of the six abhiññas or supernatural faculties. dibbacakkhuko Possessing the heavenly eye dibbati To play, to sport dibbamayo Celestial dibbasotaṃ Divine ear, supernatural hearing. One of the six abhiññas, the faculty of hearing every sound in all the universe. dibbo Celestial, heavenly, angelic, divine diyaḍḍho One and a half dirattaṃ Two nights, or two days divaḍḍho One and a half divasabhāgo Day-time; time of day divaso and (divasaṃ)A day divā By day divākaro The sun divādivassa Early in the sky, at sunrise divo The sky, the heavens; the devaloka, heaven divoko A deva disantaraṃ A foreign country disanto End of the earth, a great distance disampati A king disā A quarter, or point of the compass; a region of the earth, a country, a foreign country disāgajo One of the elephants at the eight points disāpāmokkho Eminent, famed far and wide disābhāgo A region, quarter disāvāsiko Living in a foreign country disāvāsī Living in a foreign country or at a distance, foreign diso An enemy diso Appearance, resemblance. As the last part of a compound, see khandhadiso, amhādiso, mādiso, tādiso, etc. disvā see passati dissako Visible dissati see passati dīghakālaṃ For a long time dīghako Long dīghajīvī Long-lived dīghatā Length dīghato In length dīghattaṃ Length dīghadaso Having a long fringe or border dīghadassī Far-seeing, prophetic dīghanikāyo Long collection; one of the divisions of the Buddhist scriptures, it is the first book of the suttapiṭaka, and contains thirty-four suttas dīghapiṭṭhiko A snake dīghabhāṇako see bhāṇako dīgharattaṃ For a long time dīghavaṇṭo The tree calosanthes indica dīghasutto Slow, dilatory dīghaso In length, lengthways dīghāyuko Living a long time, long-lived dīgho Long dīdhiti Ray, light dīno Poor, wretched dīpako An island dīpako Illuminating; expounding, illustrating; publishing dīpaṅkaro Name of one of the twenty-four Buddhas dīpaṭṭho Staying in the island, living in Ceylon dīpadīpo Lamp or light of the island, viz. of Ceylon dīpanaṃ Expounding, explaining, illustrating dīpano Explaning, proclaiming, illustrating dīpavaṃso Royal dynasty of Ceylon. This is the name of the oldest extant history of Ceylon in the pāli language. According to Turnour another name for the Mahāvainsa dīpikā A lamp; a torch dīpito Manifested, declared, etc. dīpī A panther dīpī Teaching, proclaiming dīpeti To kindle; to illuminate; to throw light on, to illustrate, to explain, to expound; to show, to point out, to announce, to declare, to publish dīpo A car covered with a panther's skin dīpo A lamp dīpo and (dīpaṃ)An island; one of the four continents; a resting-place, shelter, refuge; nirvāṇa dīyati see dadāti du see dvi- du and before a vowel dur-, A prefix implying badness, difficulty dukaṃ A pair, two dukūlaṃ Fine cloth dukkaṭaṃ An offence, a sinful act, sin, wrong-doing. There is a class of offences committed by the members of an order called dukkaṭa, requiring confession and absolution. dukkataṃ An offence, a sinful act, sin, wrong-doing. There is a class of offences committed by the members of an order called dukkaṭa, requiring confession and absolution. dukkarakārikā Austerities, self-mortification by fasting dukkaro Difficult dukkhakkhayo Cessation of suffering, nirvāṇa dukkhatā Suffering dukkhappatto Grieved, suffering dukkhāpeti To cause to suffer; to afflict dukkhito Afflicted, suffering, grieved; sick, ill; in difficulty or distress dukkhī Sorrowful, suffering dukkhīyati To be afflicted dukkhūpasamo Cessation or destruction of suffering dukkho Painful, grievous, unpleasant, difficult duggaṃ A strong-hold duggati Distress, suffering, state of punishment duggato Distressed, wretched, poor duggandhi Ill-smelling duggandho Ill-smelling, stinking duggamo Difficult to pass, said of a bad road duggahīto Badly grasped; deluded duggo Difficult to pass duccarito Ill-conducted, bad ducchanno Ill-covered, badly roofed dujjano A bad man dujjayo Difficult to subdue dujjaro Not easy to wear out, imperishable dujjīvaṃ Hard to live, a hard life dujjīvikā Hard life dujjīvitaṃ Hard life, wretched life duṭṭhu Ill, badly duṭṭhullo Wicked, lewd duṭṭho Corrupt, wicked, depraved; bearing ill-will, angry dutiyako Second dutiyo Second duttaro Hard to cross duddamo Difficult to tame duddaso Difficult to see; difficult to perceive or understand; ugly duddiṭṭho Foolish, misguided duddinam A cloudy day duddho Milked dundubhi A kettle-drum dunnayatā Wrong drawing out dunnāmakaṃ Hemorrhoids, piles dunniggaho Difficult to restrain dunnivattho Wrongly or badly dressed dunnivārayo Difficult to hold back duppañño Foolish duppaṭipajjo Difficult to walk in or follow duppaṭivijjho Difficult to penetrate or comprehend duppatimantiyo Difficult to argue with duppabbajjaṃ The hard life of a mendicant friar duppamuñco Difficult to loose duppaveso Difficult to enter duppasaho Difficult to master or excel duppūro Difficult to fill, or to fulfil duphasso Rough dubbacattaṃ Unruliness dubbaco Abusive, unruly, violent dubbaṇṇo Ill-favoured, ugly dubbalako Weak dubbalattaṃ Weakness dubbalo Weak dubbalyaṃ Weakness dubbā The grass panicum dactylon dubbinicchayo Difficult to decide dubbinīto Miscreant, a scoundrel dubbuṭṭhi Drought dubbhago Unfortunate dubbhāsito Ill-spoken dubbhikkhaṃ Famine, want dubbhikkho Ill provided with food dumatto Two, about two dumindo King of trees, monarch of the forest dumuppalo The plant pteropermum acerifollum dumo A tree dumbarikā The opposite-leaved fig-tree dummati Foolish; evil-minded, wicked dummano Sad dummukho Foul-mouthed, obscenely abusive, scurrilous; sad dummedhī Foolish dummedho Foolish dummocayo Difficult to undo duyhati see dohati durakkhāto Ill preached or shown duraccayo Difficult to overcome durattam Two nights duranubodho Difficult of comprehension durannayo Diffcult to follow durabhiramo Difficult to enjoy, irksome durākhyāto Ill preached or shown durāvāso Disagreeable to live in durāsado Difficult to approach or to equal duritaṃ Sin durutto Ill spoken; abusive; badly pronounced dullabho Difficult to obtain, or to find, rare, few and far between duvāraṃ A door duvidho Two-fold, of two sorts duvupasanto Ill-calmed, imperfectly tranquillized duve Two dussaṃ Cloth dussati To offend, to wrong dussaho Insupportable, violent dussīlo Immoral, wicked, impious dussīlyaṃ Wickedness, impiety dussuto Imperfectly heard duhayati To injure duhitā A daughter dūtako A messenger dūtī A female messenger dūteyyo Suited to a messenger dūto A messenger, an emissary dūbhī Treacherous, mischievous dūbho Treachery, perfidy, breach of faith dūrakkho Difficult to guard or watch dūragāmī Going far dūraṅgamo Going far dūrato From afar dūramaṃ Absence of enjoyment, irksomeness dūrā see dūro dūro Far, distant, remote dūsako Defiling; injuring, destroying dūsanaṃ Defilement dūseti To pollute; to spoil to injure, to ruin dūharo Difficult to take away deḍḍubho An amphibian, a kind of lizard without legs deṇḍimo A kind of drum deti To give, to grant; to give up; to allow deyyadhammo A gift, an offering deyyo To be given deva see devo devakulaṃ A non-Buddhist temple; a family of royal blood devakusumaṃ Cloves devakhātakaṃ A natural pond devaṭṭhānaṃ A holy place, a cetiya; celestial abode devataṃ A deva devatā A deva, a celestial being, an angel, a deity devatāḍo The grass Lipeocercis Serrata devattaṃ Devaship devadatto A name used to denote a person in general; name of a cousin of Buddha who was his enemy and rival devadāru The deodar pine, pinus deodora devadundubhi Thunder devadūto A messenger from the gods devadevo Angel of angels, an epithet of Buddha, highest of celestial beings devadhammo Of celestial nature, godlike devadhītā A female deva, a goddess or angel devanaṃ Sport; custom; desire to win: praise devaputto A deva devayoni Of celestial origin devarajjaṃ Sovereignty over the devas devarājā King of the devas, viz., Indra, a deva-king devaro A husband's brother, a brother-in-law devaloko The world of devas or angels, the god-world, heaven; a deva heaven, a heaven, a god-world devasikaṃ Daily devātidevo The deva who is over all devas, i.e. Buddha devālayo A Hindu temple devittaṃ Queenship devitthi A female deva, a goddess or nymph devindo King of the devas, Indra devī A female deva, a nymph, a goddess, a queen devo A deva, a god, a celestial being, an angel; a cloud; a king; the sky, the air; death desako A district desako Showing, teaching, a teacher. A monk confessing an offence to another is called desako desanā Instruction; preaching; a sermon or discourse; showing desāpeti To cause to be pointed out desiko One who shows or teaches desitavā Having preached or taught desito Shown, pointed out, taught, preached desī Showing, maggadesī, showing the way desīyo Belonging to a country deseti To point out; to teach; to show; to preach; to expound; to confess deso A place; a region, a district; a country; a part, a side dehanī A threshold dehī An animal, a creature deho and (dehaṃ)The body do Giving doṇī A trough; a coffin; a tub; a dhoney, or trough-shaped canoe with an outrigger to steady it doṇo and (doṇaṃ)A droṇa, a measure of capacity=four āḷhakas domanassaṃ Dejection, gloom, melancholy domanasso Sorrowful, dejected dolā A swing; a palanquin dovacassaṃ Abusiveness, unruliness dovacassatā Abusiveness, unruliness dovāriko A gatekeeper, warder, porter dosaññū Skillied, expert, wise dosino Dosinā ratti, is explained to mean clear, spotless night. doso By night doso Defect, blemish; offence, guilt, sin, crime; injury, damage doso Anger, hatred dohati To milk dohaḷinī A pregnant woman dohaḷo The longing of a pregnant woman; desire, longing dravo Liquid dvaṅgulaṃ Two finger-breadths, two inches dvattiṃsa and -sā(1) and -sati(2)Thirty-two dvattiṃsatimo Thirty-second dvattikkhattuṃ Two or three times dvandaṃ A couple dvando Name of one of the Samāsas dvayo Of two sorts, two dvācattāḷīsa Forty-two dvādasa Twelve dvādasamo Twelfth dvādasākāro Having twelve aspects, twelve-fold dvāparaṃ Name of one of the yugas or great periods dvāraṃ A door, a gate; an entrance, an aperture dvārakoṭṭhako The towers or battlements of a town; a gate dvāraṭṭho A door-keeper, porter dvārabandhanaṃ The terrace before a house dvārabāhā Door-post dvāvīsati and (dvāvīsa)Twenty-two dvāsaṭṭhi Sixty-two dvāsīti Eighty-two dvi and di-(1) and du(2)Two dvikaṃ Two, a pair dvikkhattuṃ Twice dviccha Twelve dvijivho Double-tongued; treacherous dvijo Twice born; oviparous; proceeding from one cause dvijo A brahmin; a bird; a tooth dvitti Two or three dvidhā In two ways, of two kinds dvipañna Ten dvipo An elephant dvibhūmako Two-storied dviyāsīti Eighty-two dvirado An elephant dvisataṃ Two hundred dvisahassaṃ Two thousand dvihattho Two cubits long dvīhaṃ Two days dve Two dvekoṭṭhāso Divided into two parts dvecattāḷīsa Forty-two dvejjhaṃ Duplicity dvedhā In two parts dvenavuti Ninety-two dvepakkho Divided into two parties dvebhāgo Broken in two, sundered dvebhāvo Doubling dvebhūto Doubled dvebhūmako Having two stories dveḷhakaṃ Doubt dhaṃsako Destroying dhaṃsito Felled, fallen dhaṃsī Destroying, mischievous, backbiting dhaṃseti To fell; to destroy dhaṅko A crow; a sort of crane dhajavā Adorned with flags dhajālū Adorned with flags dhajī Having flags dhajo A flag; a mark or symbol dhaññaṃ Grain, corn dhaññamāso A certain measure dhaññambilaṃ Sour rice-gruel dhañño Fortunate, lucky dhataraṭṭho Name of one of the four mahārājas; a sort of goose dhanaṃ Property, wealth, treasure, money dhanakkīto A slave bought with money dhanacchedo Expense, waste dhanañjāni Loss of wealth dhanavā Wealthy dhanāgamo Revenue dhani Sound, noise dhaniko A lender, a creditor dhaniṭṭhā Name of one of the nakkhattas dhanitaṃ Sound, noise dhanī Wealthy dhanu A bow; a measure of length dhanuggaho An archer dhamati To blow dhamanī A vein; a nerve dhamano A reed dhammaṃ see dhammo dhammakathā A religious discourse, an exposition of the Scriptures; conversation on religious subjects dhammakathiko One who expounds the Law, one who has the gift of preaching dhammaketu Standard of the Law dhammakkhandho Branch of doctrine; division of the dhamma or scriptures dhammacakkaṃ Dominion of the Law, The wheel of Dhamma dhammacakkhu The eye of the Law dhammacariyā Religious life, piety dhammacārī Living according to the Law, virtuous dhammacāro Pious dhammajīviī Living according to the Law, living righteously dhammaññū Knowing the Law dhammaṭṭho Just, righteous dhammatā Custom, habit; nature dhammadassī Name of one of the twenty-four Buddhas dhammadānaṃ Gift of the Law, viz. imparting to others a knowledge of the Truth dhammadesanā Religious teaching, a sermon, a discourse dhammadharo Versed in the Buddhist scriptures dhammanī A rat-snake dhammapakkho The side, cause, or party of true religion dhammapadaṃ A religious sentence; name of one of the books of the Tipiṭaka; body or portion of Dhamma dhammabhaṇḍāgāriko Treasurer of the Law, a name of Ānanda dhammarati Delight in the Law, pleasure caused by religion dhammaraso Taste or sweetness of the Law dhammarāja King of Dhamma, Buddha; king of justice or righteousness dhammavādī Speaking according to the Law, orthodox dhammavicayo Investigation of doctrine, religious research dhammavinayo Doctrine and Discipline. There is a twofold division of the contents of the Tipiṭaka into Vinaya and dhamma, the latter including the Suttapiṭaka and Abhidhamma. dhammasaṇgaṅippakaraṇaṃ Name of the first book of the Abhidhamma piṭaka dhammasabhā A religious meeting; a place of religious meeting dhammasavanaṃ Hearing the Law, attending the preaching of a sermon or exposition of religious doetrine dhammasālā Hall of Dhamma, a place where the Scriptures are read and expounded dhammasenāpati Captain of the Faith, a name of Sariputta dhammassāmī Lord of Dhamma, Buddha dhammādhammo True and false doctrine dhammādhipateyyasīlaṃ see adhipateyyaṃ dhammānudhammo see anudhammo dhammābhisamayo Comprehension of the truth. This term means the attainment by an unconverted man of one of the four paths. dhammāmataṃ The nectar of the Law dhammāyatanaṃ Ideas, thought, see āyatanaṃ dhammārāmo One who dwells in the Law dhammāsanaṃ A pulpit, a seat in which a monk sat while preaching dhammikathā see dhammo dhammiko Religious; pious; orthodox; ecclesiastical dhammillo Braided hair dhammissaratā Supremacy in religion, lordship of Dhamma dhammī Having the nature or quality of dhammī see dhammo dhammena Justly, righteously dhammo and (dhammaṃ)Nature, condition, quality, property, characteristic; function, practice, duty; object, thing, idea, phenomenon; doctrine; law; virtue, piety; justice; the law or Truth of the Buddha; the Buddhist scriptures; religion dhammo Religious dhammokkā The torch of the Law dharaṇaṃ Bearing; a weight of ten palas dharati To live dharanī The earth dharamāṇako Living dharā The earth dharo Bearing; wearing; possessing; keeping in mind, knowing by heart dhavo A husband; the shrub grislea tomentosa dhātakī The shrub grislea tomentosa dhātī A nurse; a woman servant dhātu Primary or elementary substance; principle, element, material; a property of a primary substance, as colour, taste, sound; an organ of sense; a bodily principle or humour of which there are three, phlegm, wind and bile; a constituent of the body, as flesh, blood, bones; the remains of a body after cremation; a sacred relic; a fossil; a metal dhātuṃ see dadhati dhātukathāpakaraṇaṃ Name of the third book of the Abhidhamma dhātuko This word frequently occurs as the last part of a compound word with the meaning "affected with". dhātugabbho A relic-receptacle or shrine, the inner room of a thūpa, in which the sacred relic was deposited dhātuloko World of dhātus, the aggregate of the different elements dhānā Fried barley dhāmaṃ Light, splendour; dignity dhārako Bearing dhāraṇaṃ Preserving; bearing in mind; bearing, supporting dhārā A torrent, a stream; a shower; the sharp edge of a cutting instrument dhārādharo A cloud dhāriyati To be carried, worn, dhārī Bearing; wearing; keeping in mind dhāreti To bear, to carry, to hold, to keep; to wear; to possess; to restrain; to bear in mind, to know by heart dhāvati To run, to go dhāvanaṃ Running, going; washing dhāvalo White, glistening dhi and (dhī)Fie! shame! woe! dhiti Wisdom, fortitude, energy, courage dhitimā Courageous, firm dhiyyati To be contained dhī Knowledge, intellect dhītā A daughter dhītikā A daughter dhīmā Wise dhīyati To be contained dhīrattaṃ Fortitude dhīro Wise; resolute, firm, brave dhīvaro A fisherman dhutaṅgaṃ The thirteen dhutaṅgas are certain ascetic practices, the observance of which is meritorious in a Buddhist monk "precept by which the passions are shaken or quelled" dhuto Shaken; removed dhutto Fraudulent; a gamester dhunanaṃ Shaking off dhunāti To shake dhurandharo Bearing a burden. Used metaphorically of a monk who is a supporter or pillar of religion dhuro and (dhuraṃ)A yoke; a burden; an office, charge, trust; a chief, leader; the front, the head dhuvati To go dhuvo Firm, stable; continual, permanent; fixed. certain dhūto Shaken; removed dhūpati To fumigate; to spit smoke dhūpāyati To fumigate; to spit smoke dhūpito Suffering pain dhūpo Incense dhūmaketu Fire; a comet dhūmo Smoke; cremation of a dead body dhūmyāṭo The fork tailed bird with strong hooked beak dhūli Dust dhūsaro Grey dhenu A milch cow dhenukā A milch cow dhenupo A calf dheyyaṃ Realm, region dhevato Name of one of the notes of the Hindu gamut dhoto Washed, cleansed, clean dhorayho A beast of burden, an ox dhovati To wash, to cleanse dhovanaṃ Washing na Not naṃ see so nakulo A mungoose nakko A crocodile nakkhattaṃ A star, a constellation; an asterism in the moon's path, a lunar mansion; festival nakho and (nakhaṃ)A nail of the finger or toe nagaraṃ A town or city; a fortified town, a fortress or citadel nagarī A town or city nago A mountain; a tree naggiyaṃ Nudity naggo Naked naṅgaraṃ see nagaraṃ naṅgalaṃ A plough naṅguṭṭhaṃ The tail of an animal naciro Not long, short naccaṃ Dancing, nautch; acting, pantomime; acrobatic performance naccako Dancing naccati To dance najjā see nadī naṭako A dancer, an acrobat naṭanaṃ Dancing, gymnastics, pantomime naṭo A dancer, a mime, an acrobat naṭṭaṃ Dancing naṭṭako A dancer, acrobat naṭṭho Lost; destroyed; ruined nattakaṃ Dirty or tattered cloth nattanaṃ Dancing nattamālo The plant pongamia glabra nattā A grandson; a descendant nattuttaṃ Grandsonship natthi There is not, see atthi and na natthikadiṭṭhi Holding the nihilist heresy natthikavādo Holding nihilist views, a sceptic natthita and (natthittaṃ)Non-existence natthu The nose nadati To sound, to make a noise with the voice, to shout, to roar nadanaṃ Roaring naditaṃ see nadati nadī A river nadīmātiko Watered by rivers, provided with rivers naddho Bound, fastened; covered nanandā A husband's sister, a sister-in-law nanikāmaseyyā Uncomfortable bed nanu A particle generally used in asking questions to which an affirmative answer is expected, i.e., nanu passasi, do you not see? nandati To be pleased, to rejoice, to enjoy oneself nandanaṃ Gladdening; name of a garden in Indra's heaven nandā Name of a pleasure lake or pond in Indra's heaven nandi Joy nandiyāvaṭṭo Turning auspiciously, turning to the right nandī A leathern thong or strap nandī Rejoicing in nandeti To cause to rejoice, to delight napuṃsako Of no sex; of the neuter gender napparūpo Abundant nabhaṃ and (nabho)The sky, the air namakkāro Veneration, reverence, worship namati To bow; to bow to; to be inclined namatthu see namo namayati To bend namassati To honour, to pay attention to, to reverence, to revere, to venerate, to worship namassanaṃ Veneration namassā Reverence, veneration, worship namuci A name of Māra nameti To bend namo Honour, reverence, salutation nammadā The river Nerbudda nayaññū Skilled, wise nayati and (neti)To lead, to conduct, to guide, to bring; to trace; to ascertain; to remove; to infer nayato By implication, inferentially nayanaṃ Leading, bringing; the eye nayidaṃ Na idaṃ with insertion of euphonic y nayena see nayo nayo Leading, guidance; conduct; prudent conduct, prudence; policy polity; way, manner, means, mode, method; inference, logical deduction nayhati To bind nayhanaṃ Binding, from next narako Hell naravaro Greatest of men, an epithet of Buddha narasīho Lion among men, greatest of men, an epithet of Buddha. narādhamo Vilest of men narādhipo A king narāsabho Chief of men. An epithet of Buddha. narindo A king narissaro A king naro A man nalakāro One who plaits rushes, a basket maker nalamīno A sort of fish nalāṭaṃ The forehead nalinaṃ A lotus flower nalinī A pond nalo A kind of reed, a reed, cane, rush naḷo A kind of reed, a reed, cane, rush nava Nine navakataro Newer, younger navako New, young, junior navakkhattuṃ Nine times navaguṇaṃ Nine attributes navaṅgo Having nine members or divisions navanītaṃ Butter navappabhedo Nine-fold navamallikā Arabian jasmine navamālikā Arabian jasmine navamo Ninth navavidho Nine-fold navāriyo Irresistible navuti Ninety navo New, recent, fresh, young nassati To be lost, to disappear, to perish, to be ruined nassarattaṃ Impermanence nahātako One whose spiritual instruction is complete nahāto Bathed, washed; cleansed, pure nahānaṃ Bathing nahāniyo Used for the bath, ablutionary nahāpako A bath attendant nahāpanaṃ Bathing a person, attending him at the bath nahāpito A barber nahāpeti To cause to bathe nahāyati To bathe nahāru A tendon, a muscle nahutaṃ A vast number, 10,000,000(to the 4th power), or 1 followed by twenty-eight ciphers nāko Heaven nāgadantako A peg fastened into a wall to hang things upon nāgadīpo A large island said to be inhabited by nāgas, visited by the buddha who introduced his religion among the nāgas nāgabalo Having the strength of an elephant nāgamālikā The iron-wood tree nāgarājā A king of nāgas, nāga chief; monarch of elephants, said of a noble elephant nāgariko Belonging to a town; urbane, civilized nāgaro Belonging to a town nāgalatā The betel vine, piper betel nāgindo A nāga king nāgī A female nāga nāgo A serpent; a cobra or hooded snake; a nāga or dragon; an elephant; the iron-wood tree; a chief nāṭakaṃ A play, act, drama nāṭakitthi A dancing woman, a nautch girl nāṭako A dancer or mime nāṭyaṃ Scenic art, the drama nātidūre Not far off nātuṃ (ñatvā)see jānāti nātho A protector, saviour; lord, master, chief nādeyyo Belonging to a river, produced by a river nādo Sound, noise; cry, shout, roar nānatā Variety, diversity nānattaṃ Diversity nānappakārato In many ways nānappakārena In many ways nānappakāro and (nānappakārako)Of various sorts nānā Various, different; away from nānāto In various ways nānādhimuttiko Having various dispositions or inclinations nānārūpo Various, diverse nānāvidho Of various sorts nāno see nānā nābhi The navel; the nave of a wheel; centre nāma By name; indeed nāmaṃ A name; a noun nāmako Named, bearing the name of nāmato By name nāmadheyyaṃ Name, appellation nāmarūpaṃ Name and form, mind and body, the individual nāmavā Bearing the name of nāmiko Bearing the name of nāmito Bent nāmī Bearing the name of nāmeti To bend nāyakattaṃ Lordship nāyako A chief, a lord nāyeti see nayati nārako A person suffering in hell nāraṅgo An orange tree nārado Name of one of the twenty-four Buddhas nārāco An iron weapon of some sort, an arrow or light javelin nārī A woman nāro Belonging to a man, human nālaṃ Not sufficient, not able nālaṃ A hollow or tubular stalk, especially that of the water-lily; a tube; a tubular vessel of the body nālindhamo A goldsmith nālipaṭṭo A covering for the head, a cap. nālī A hollow stalk; a tube, a pipe; a tubular vessel in the body, an artery; a measure of capacity nāḷikā A tube, pipe, hollow cylinder nāḷikero A coconut tree nāḷikodanaṃ A nāḷi measure of rice nāḷī A hollow stalk; a tube, a pipe; a tubular vessel in the body, an artery; a measure of capacity nāḷīvaṇaṃ A fistula. an ulcer nāvanīto Resembling butter nāvā A ship, a boat nāviko A sailor, pilot, helmsman nāsanaṃ and (nāsanā)Causing to perish, destruction, ruin, slaughter nāsanaṅgaṃ A sin involving expulsion from the priesthood nāsā The nose nāsāpuṭo A nostril nāsāvāto The breath of the nostrils nāsikā The nose; a nostril nāsito Destroyed; demolished; ruined; expelled from the priesthood nāseti To cause to disappear; to destroy; to spoil, to ruin; to expel from the priesthood nāso Disappearance; death, destruction; ruin ni A preposition having properly the meaning of downwards, much used in composition ni and before a vowel -nir. A preposition with the meaning "outward" nikaṭo Near nikaṭṭhe In the neighbourhood, near; shortly, soon nikaṇṇikaṃ Into the ear nikati Baseness, dishonesty, fraud nikato Base, dishonest, wicked nikanti Desire, wish nikaro A multitude, quantity nikaso A touchstone; a whetstone nikāmaṃ Willingly, voluntarily nikāmeti To long for, care for nikāmo Desire nikāyo A multitude, assemblage; a collection; a class, order, group; an association, fraternity, congregation; a house, dwelling nikiṭṭho Low, vile, outcast nikujjati To attach importance to, lay to heart nikuñjo and (nikuñjaṃ)A thicket, a bower nikubbati To deceive, cheat, defraud, overreach niketanaṃ A house, habitation niketo A house, dwelling, home nikkaṅkhā Absence of doubt, certainty nikkaṅkho Free from doubt nikkaḍḍhati To cast out, expel, dismiss nikkammo Without occupation nikkasāvo Free from impurity or sin nikkāmī Free from kāma or desire nikkāraṇo Disinterested nikkileso Free from kilesa nikkujjito Overturned, upside down nikkeso Bald nikkosajjo Free from sloth, diligent nikkhanto Gone out, departed nikkhamati To go out, set out, start, go forth, go away, depart nikkhamanaṃ Going out or away, departure nikkhamo Going out, exit nikkhi A royal treasurer or mint-master nikkhitto Put down, thrown down; laid aside; deposited nikkhipati To put or throw down; to lay or throw aside; to lay up, deposit, keep nikkhipanaṃ Putting down nikkhepo Putting down, depositing, rejection nikkho and (nikkhaṃ)A golden ornament for the neck or breast; gold; a weight of gold equal to five suvaṇṇas nikhanati To dig into, to bury nikhilo Entire, all nigacchati To enter, come into; to undergo nigaṇṭho A Digambara or naked ascetic nigadati To tell, declare, recite, explain nigamanaṃ Deduction nigamo The Veda; a town, market town nigaḷo A chain, fetter nigādo Speech, recitation nigūhito Covered, concealed niggacchati To go out, depart, proceed or come forth from niggaṇhanaṃ Restraint niggaṇhāti To restrain, coerce, subdue; to rebuke, censure, humble; to chastise, punish, degrade niggato Gone out, come forth, departed niggandho Inodorous; free from bad smell, sweet niggamanaṃ Exit, departure niggamo Going forth, departure; an issue, out let niggayhavādī One who censures another for his faults instead of winking at them niggahaṇo Free from attachment, see gahaṇaṃ niggahanaṃ Censure, chastisement niggahīto Restrained, confined, held back; rebuked, punished niggahessati see niggaṇhāti niggaho Restraint, coercion, subduing; rebuke, censure, punishment, degradation niggāhako One who rebukes; one who coerces or oppresses nigguṇo Devoid of good qualities, bad nigguṇḍī Name of a shrub, vitex negundo niggumbo Free from bushes, clear, even nigghoso Noise, uproar nigrodho The banyan or Indian fig-tree, ficus indica; nighaṇḍu A collection of words or names, a vocabulary, a lexicon in which the words are classed according to subjects and not alphabetically nighāteti To kill, destroy niṅko A sort of deer nicayo Heap, store, accumulation nicito Piled up, accumulated niculo The tree barringtonia acutangula niccalo Firm, steady, quiet, at rest, immovable, unchangeable niccitto Without thought or mind nicco Perpetual, lasting, constant nicchando Free from wish or desire nicchamānako Unwilling, reluctant nicchayo Ascertainment, conviction, certainty; determination, decision, resolution niccharati To come or go out, to proceed nicchārako Putting out, emitting nicchito Convinced, having ascertained nicchinati To ascertain; to decide, to resolve; to investigate, try, inquire into nijigiṃsati To wish to take, covet, try to get nijigiṃsanā Covetousness nijigiṃsitā Covetous, rapacious nijo Own nijjaṭo Disentangled nijjaro Free from decay, not growing old nijjalo Without water, dry nijjīvo Lifeless nijjharo A cascade, a waterfall nijjhānaṃ Sight; insight, intuition, perception nijjhāpeti To give to understand nijjhāmataṇhiko This is the name of a class of petas, who wander about the world of men tormented with perpetual thirst niṭṭhā Completion, accomplishment, perfection; end, conclusion; ascertainment, certainty; disappearance, destruction niṭṭhāti To terminate, be finished or completed, to come to an end niṭṭhānaṃ Accomplishment, completion niṭṭhāpeti To complete, finish, accomplish niṭṭhito Completed, finished, accomplished, ended niṭṭhubhati To spit out niṭṭhuro Harsh, hard niḍḍhaṃ A nest nitambo The swell of the loins, the buttocks; the swell or slope of a mountain nittaco Free from bark nittaṇho Free from desire or lust nittalo Spherical nitthaddho Paralyzed, stiffened nittharaṇaṃ Release, escape nittharati To get across, get over, get clear of, escape from nitthiṇṇo Passed through, escaped from nitthunāti To bewail nitthuso Without husks nidadhāti To put down, to lay aside; to deposit, hide, to bury; to enshrine nidassanaṃ Pointing out, indicating, designation; example, illustration; sight, view nidasseti To point out, indicate, show, tell, set forth, communicate, advise nidahati To put down, to lay aside; to deposit, hide, to bury; to enshrine nidāgho The hot season; heat, drought; sweat nidānaṃ Primary source, origin, cause; cause of a disease; introduction nididdhikā A sort of prickly nightshade, solanum jacquini niddayo Merciless, cruel niddaro Free from suffering niddā Sleep, slumber, sloth niddānaṃ Digging up weeds niddāyati To sleep niddāyanaṃ Sleeping, sleep niddāyitā One who sleeps, drowsy, slothful niddālū Sleepy, drowsy, sluggish, slothful niddāsīlī Drowsy, slothful niddisati To point out, specify, mention, enumerate, declare; to describe, narrate, detail, explain niddukkho Free from suffering, scatheless niddeso Pointing out, designation, specification, description, showing forth niddoso Faultless, guiltless niddhano Poor, needy niddhamati To remove, get rid of niddhāraṇaṃ Singling out, separating, specifying one of many niddhūnakaṃ Throwing about the hands in eating niddhoto Washed, clean nidhanaṃ and (nidhano)Death nidhānaṃ Depositing, treasuring up, enshrining; a receptacle, treasury; store, wealth, treasure nidhānago Treasured up nidhānavā Worth treasuring up, precious nidhāya see nidahati, nidheti nidhi A receptacle, depository; treasure nidhīyati see nidheti nidhuro A bracelet nidheti To put down, to lay aside; to deposit, hide, to bury; to enshrine, see nidahati ninado Noise ninādavā Noisy ninādo Noise nindati To blame, reproach; to despise nindā Blame, rebuke, reproach; abuse, defamation, scorn, contempt ninnaṃ Depth, low ground; the sea, the deep ninnagā A river ninnayo Certainty ninnahutaṃ One of the high numerals, 10,000,000(to the 5th power) or 1 followed by 35 ciphers ninnādī Resounding ninnādo Noise, sound ninnāmeti To put out, as the tongue ninnejako A washerman ninno Deep, low-lying nipako Prudent, wise nipaccati To be laid down, settled, determined nipaccākāro Subjection, inferiority, servitude, service nipajjati To lie down nipatho Reading, studying nipanno Lying down, lying nipalālī To fall down, to descend, to rush or fly about nipātanam Causing to descent, striking, flying down or about nipāti Flying down or about, wandering nipāto Falling down, descending; a particle or indeclinable nipātho Reading, studying nipānaṃ A trough near a well nipīyali To be drunk in, imbibed nipuṇo Clever, skilled, sharp, intelligent; delicate, subtle, abstruse nipo The tree nauclea cadamba, a species of asoka tree nippakko Boiled, infused nippaccayo Unprovided with requisites, destitute nippajjati To be accomplished, effected, to succeed; to ripen nippañño Unwise, foolish nippapañco Free from delay; free from the conditions, such as lust, pride, anger, which delay a man in his spiritual progress nippāpo Sinless nippāvo Winnowing, clearing nippītiko Free from active joy nippīḷeti To importune, vex nippuriso Without men, without people, nippesiko A juggler nipphatti Perfection, accomplishment nipphanno Arisen, produced; formed, effected, accomplished; springing from, made nipphalo Fruitless, useless, without reward, unprofitable nipphātito Ruined, destroyed nipphādanaṃ Accomplishment nipphādeti To accomplish, effect, settle, bring to a successful termination, perform, produce, procure nibaddhaṃ Continually, constantly, always nibandhati To bind; to continue nibandhanaṃ Binding, bonds; cause, motive nibandho Binding; continuance, perseverance nibodhati To know, to learn nibbaṃ The eaves of a roof nibbattati To spring up, to be born, to be produced, to grow, to arise nibbattanaṃ Springing up, growing, being born; being re-born at death in another world; causing to arise, producing nibbatti Birth, re-birth after death in another world nibbatteti To cause to arise, to produce nibbatto Sprung up, arisen; born; re-born in a new existence nibbanatho Free from desire or human passion nibbandhati To press hard nibbasano No longer worn, cast off–of clothes nibbahati To remove nibbāti To be extinguished, to attain nirvāṇa, to cease to exist, to be annihilated nibbānaṃ Extinction; destruction, annihilation; annihilation of being, nirvāṇa; annihilation of human passion, arhatship or final sanctification nibbāno Free from desire or human passion nibbāpako Extinguishing, destroying nibbāpeti To extinguish, to destroy, to put an end to; to soothe, to pacify; to delight; to annihilate nibbāyati To be extinguished, to attain nirvāṇa, to cease to exist, to be annihilated nibbāhako Accomplishing nibbāhāpeti To cause to be removed nibbikāro Unchanged; free from perturbation or emotion nibbikkhepaṃ Clearly, without confusion nibbicikiccho Free from doubt nibbijjati To be disgusted, to be weary of the vanities of the world nibbijjhati To pierce, to transfix, to wound nibbiṇṇo Disgusted, wearied; wearied of the vanity of life nibbidā Disgust or weariness of the vanities of the world nibbiddho Pierced; wounded nibbindati To be disgusted; to be wearied of the vanity of life nibbiriyo Powerless, weak nibbisati To find, to obtain, to enjoy nibbisevano Not self-indulgent, self-denying nibbiseso Similar, identical nibbiso Free from poison nibbuti Peace, tranquillity, calm, serenity of mind, happiness; nirvāṇa–in both its senses; destruction, annihilation nibbuto Free from care or passion, serene, calm, peaceful, tranquil, happy; having attained nirvāṇa–either arhatship or annihilation; extinguished, extinct; annihilated; -of an arhat nibbuddhaṃ Close struggle, wrestling nibbeṭhanaṃ Unwinding, explanation nibbeṭheti To untwist, to unwind, to unravel; to explain; to deny, to reject nibbediko Connected with disgust or dissatisfaction nibbedhako Penetrating, discriminating–of wisdom nibbedheti To pierce nibbedho Penetration nibbematiko Unanimous, consentient nibbeso Payment, wages nibbhayo Free from fear or danger, secure nibbharo Excessive, ardent nibbhogo Deprived of enjoyment, miserable nibhāso Appearance nibho Like, resembling nimantanaṃ Invitation nimanteti To invite, offer nimittaṃ A sign mark, token omen; cause reason; pudendum; sex organ nimīleti To close the eyes nimuggo Sunk, immersed nimujjati To sink, dive, plunge nimbo A tree bearing a very bitter fruit, the nimbro azadirachta indica nimmaṃso Fleshless nimmakkhiko Free from flies nimmathito Agitated nimmaddanaṃ Crushing subduing nimmaddeti To crush, subdue, overcome nimmanthyo To be stirred or rubbed nimmalo Stainless, pure, innocent nimmātā A maker, creator nimmātāpitiko Without father or mother, orphan nimmānaṃ Measuring; forming making, creation fabrication nimmāyati To form, make, fashion build, to create, cause to appear by supernatural power nimmito Made, fashioned, created nimmināti To form, make, fashion build, to create, cause to appear by supernatural power nimmujjati To sink, dive, plunge nimmoko The slough or cast-off skin of a snake niyati Fate, luck, destiny niyato Fixed, certain; self-controlled, temperate niyantā One who restrains, guides or governs niyamanaṃ Restraining, regulation niyameti To restrain; to fix; to prescribe, ordain niyamo Ascertainment, certainty; restraint, training; a self-imposed religious observance, voluntary performance of a meritorious act niyāmako Curbing, governing, restraining, guiding niyāmo Way, manner niyutto Attached or appointed to niyuro A bracelet niyo Own niyogo Injunction, appointment, order niyojanaṃ Appointment, ordinance, bidding, enjoining niyojaniko One who urges or orders niyojeti To appoint, commission, enjoin, ordain, decree, urge niyyati To be led, carried along, led away niyyamo see niyamo niyyātanaṃ Return of a deposit; gift niyyāti To go out, depart, escape; to fall out, result, conduct, lead to, conduce, tend niyyāteti see niyyādeti niyyādeti To give back, restore; to hand over, give up niyyānaṃ Setting out, departure, marching niyyāniko Leading to salvation niyyāso Any exudation of plants or trees, as juice, gum, resin niyyūho A chaplet, crest; a clothes-peg; exudation of trees, as sap, gum; a door, gate niraggalo Unobstructed nirato Pleased, delighting in niratthako and (nirattho)Vain, unmeaning, useless, unprofitable nirantaro Without interstices, compact, dense, solid, coarse niraparādho Innocent; free from fault or error nirapekkho and (nirapekho)Disregarding nirabbudaṃ A vast number, 10,000,000(to the 9th power), or 1 followed by 63 ciphers nirabbudo Free from boils or tumours; free from excrescences, abnormal outgrowth nirayapo Name of one of the guardians of hell nirayo Hell niravaseso Without a residue, complete niravo Noiseless, silent nirasanaṃ Rejection nirasano Fasting nirākati Rejection, contradiction nirākulo Clear, undisturbed, tranquil nirātaṅko Free from disquiet, safe, peaceful nirāmayo Healthy nirāmiso Free from worldly taint, disinterested, pure–of doctrine nirālambo Having no prop, unsupported nirālayo Free from attachment or desire nirāsako Free from desire nirāsaṅko Without apprehension, safe; without hesitation nirāsayo Free from desire nirāso Free from desire nirāhāro Without food, fasting nirujjhati To cease, perish, be destroyed or annihilated nirutti One of the vedāṅgas, explanation of difficult vedic words; artificial explanation of the meaning of a word, e.g. deriving arahanta, a Buddhist saint, from; grammatical and logical explanation of the words or text of the Buddhist scriptures, verbal analysis, glossology; use or expression of a language nirudako Free from water, waterless niruddho Destroyed, brought to an end, annihilated; dead nirupakāro Useless nirupadhi see upadhi nirupabhogo Useless, unattractive nirussukko Careless, indifferent, idle nirojo Tasteless, insipid nirodho Cessation, annihilation; nirvāṇa; obstruction, impeding nilattaṃ Dark blue colour, blueness nilayo A dwelling, habitation, lair, nest nilīyati To settle down, alight; to lurk, hide nillajjo Shameless nillehakaṃ Licking nillopo Plundering nivattati To turn back, return, depart; to stop, halt; to cease, desist nivattanaṃ Turning back; refutation nivatti Turning back, returning; stopping nivatto Returned, turned back, recoiling; stopped, ceased nivattho Dressed, clothed; put on, worn nivaho A multitude, quantity nivāto Lowliness, humility nivāpo Oblation to the manes of deceased relatives, offering to petas; offering, charity, alms; ration, allowance, batta; provision, food nivāraṇaṃ Keeping off, warding off; preventing nivāretā One who keeps off nivāreti To keep off, ward off; to restrain, hinder, prevent, stop nivāro Prevention nivāsanaṃ Clothing; an under garment; dwelling nivāsī Dwelling, an inhabitant nivāseti To put on, dress, wear, especially of an under garment nivāseti To cause to dwell nivāso Residence, dwelling, abode, station, nightquarters niviṭṭho Encamped, settled, established, fixed on, devoted; married–of a woman nivisati To settle, encamp nivuto Surrounded, hemmed in, obstructed nivuttho Inhabited nivedanaṃ Informing, announcement nivedī Making known, informing nivedeti To make known, inform, announce, report, relate nivesanaṃ Resting-place, residence, dwelling niveseti To cause to enter, to introduce, to place; to cause to settle or dwell, to fix, place, establish; to found, build nisaggo Natural state, nature nisajjā Sitting, session nisadā and (nisado)A grindstone or nether millstone nisanti Careful attention or observation nisammakārī Acting with care or attention; circumspect nisā Night nisākaro The moon nisādī Lying down, resting nisādo The first of the seven musical notes of the Hindu gamut nisānātho The moon nisāmanaṃ Seeing, observing, attending to, listening nisāmeti To attend, listen to, hear, observe, mind, be careful of nisito Sharpened, whetted nisinnako Seated nisinno Seating; settling, perched nisītho Midnight nisīdati To sit down; of a bird, to alight, settle nisīdanaṃ Sitting; a mat to sit on nisūdanaṃ Destroying, slaughter nisedhanaṃ Prevention nisedheti To prevent, prohibit, put a stop to, dissuade nisedho Prevention, prohibition, restraint nisevati To attach oneself to, serve, wait upon, follow, embrace, practise; to resort to, inhabit nisneho Without love, indifferent nissaṃsayo Certain, undoubted nissakkanaṃ Going out nissakko A grammatical term, a name for the ablative case nissaggiyo That should be rejected, given up, abandoned; to be forfeited nissaggo Giving up, surrendering nissajjati To give up, abandon, surrender, forfeit nissajjanaṃ Giving up, forfeiture nissatto Powerless; unsubstantial; non-existent nissaddo Noiseless, silent nissano Sound, noise nissando Consequence or result nissayati To depend on, belong to nissayado One who gives protection, an upajjhāya or kalyāṇamitta nissayo That on which anything depends or rests, refuge, shelter, help, protection, resource, requisite, necessary nissaraṇaṃ Departure, going out; exit, egress, outlet; outcome, result; escape from saṃsāra, salvation nissarati To depart, escape nissāya Leaning upon or towards, dependent upon; close to, near, by; on account of, by reason of, through, for nissāraṇa Connected with expulsion nissāraṇaṃ Expulsion nissāraṇīyo Probably formed upon nissāro Sapless; vain, unsubstantial nissāvo The scum or water of boiling rice nissāso Breath nissitako A pupil, adherent nissito Inhabiting; placing or stationing oneself in; having recourse to, dependent on, inherent in, connected with, resting on; following, practising, devoted to, busied with nissirīko Unfortunate, ill-fated, inglorious nissīmo Outside the boundary nissīlo Irreligious nisseṇī Ladder, stairs nisseso Complete, all, entire nissoko Free from sorrow nihato Struck down, destroyed, ruined; put an end to, decided, settled nihanti To put down; to settle, put an end to; to strike down, destroy nihito Laid down; treasured up nihīnako Low, vile nihīno Low, vile, base, contemptible nihīyati To deteriorate, perish, decay nīgho Grief, suffering, woe nīcakulaṃ Any one of the low castes; a low or low-caste family nīcataro Rather low; lower nīcākulīno Low-caste, belonging to a low-caste family nīco Low; mean, base nītattho Natural meaning nīti Guidance, management, practice, conduct; habits, institutions; propriety, right conduct, prudent counsel, statesmanship, polity nītimā Prudent, politic nīto Led, inferred nīy for words beginning thus, see niyy- nīyati see niyyati, niyyāti, to be led, carried along, led away nīyāti see niyyati, niyyāti, to go out, depart, escape; to fall out, result, conduct, lead to, conduce, tend nīyādeti To give back, restore; to hand over, give up nīraṃ Water nīraso Sapless, juiceless; tasteless, insipid, nasty nīrogo Healthy nīlikā Name of an aquatic plant; vallisneria nīlinī The indigo plant nīlī The indigo plant nīlo Black; dark blue; dark green nīḷo and (nīḷaṃ)A nest; a lair, haunt receptacle, nīvaraṇaṃ Obstacle, hindrance nīvāro Wild rice or paddy nīhaṭo Removed, taken away, etc. nīhato Removed, taken away, etc nīharaṇaṃ Removal, taking out, expulsion nīharaṇako One who drives out nīharati To draw out, release, take out, carry away, take away, remove, dismiss nīhārako Carrying away nīhāro Way, manner nīhāro Fog; frost nu Now, pray! I wonder ko nu hāso, what laughter can there be ? nuṭṭhubhati see niṭṭhubhati nuti Praise nuto Praised nutto Thrown nudako Dispelling, putting away nudati To remove, dispel, avert, reject, put away nudanaṃ Repulsion, rejection nudo Dispelling nunno Thrown, cast, dismissed, impelled nuhī Name of a plant nūtano New, fresh nūna Surely; perhaps, I suppose nūpuro An ornament for the feet, an anklet nekako Many nekatiko Fallacious nekadhā In many ways nekāyiko Versed in the four nikāyas neko Several, many nekkhammaṃ Forsaking, separating from; giving up the world, devoting oneself to the ascetic life, entering the priesthood; self-abnegation, giving up all pleasures; emancipation from human passion, arhatship nirvāṇa: the supernatural illumination called vipassanā; piety, holiness nekkho see nikkho negamo A townsman. a trader; produce netā A guide; a leader, commander, chief neti see nayati nettaṃ The eye; a kind of cloth nettiṃso Merciless nettiko One who makes conduits for irrigating rice-fields netto A guide nediṭṭho Nearer, very near, nearest nedīyo Nearer, very near, nearest nepakkaṃ Prudence, discrimination nepacchaṃ Adornment of the person, dressing up; costume of an actor nepuññaṃ Cleverness nemi The circumference of a wheel; circumference nemittako One who predicts the future from bodily signs or omens, a fortune-teller, necromancer nemitto A fortune-teller nemindharo Name of one of the kulācalas neyyāyiko A dialectician, an adherent of the nyāya philosophy neyyo To be led, to be inferred nerañjarā The modern Nilajan; name of a river flowing through what was Magadha nerayiko One suffering in hell, an inhabitant of one of the hells neru A name of Mount Meru neruttiko An etymologist or philologist neḷo Blameless, innocent nevantanānantavādo Holding the doctrine that the universe is neither finite nor infinite nevasaññānāsaññā Neither consciousness nor unconsciousness, viz. semi-consciousness nevasaññānāsaññī One who is in a state of semi-consciousness nevasekhanāsekho One who is neither a sekha nor an asekha, viz. a puthujjana or unconverted man nevāsiko Inhabiting, dwelling in nesajjikaṅgaṃ Precept enjoining a sitting posture. This is one of the thirteen dhutaṅgas nesādo A hunter, one of a tribe of aborigines in India who lived by hunting no A substitute for some of the cases of the plur. of the pronoun of the first person. For the nom. "we" no Not nonītaṃ see navanītaṃ, butter nyāso A deposit, pledge, mortgage; multitude, assemblage pa A preposition much used in composition with verbs and their derivatives, sansk. paṃsu Dust, dirt, earth, soil paṃsukūliko One who wears clothes made of rags taken from a dust heap pakaṭṭho Pre-eminent, excellent, prominent, high pakati Original or natural form, origin; natural state; pakatiko Of a certain nature pakatijo Springing from nature pakato Made pakappeti To plan, design, appoint pakaraṇaṃ Dissertation, exposition, literary composition, work, book pakaroti To make, perform pakāro Sort, kind; way, manner pakāsako Explaining, illustrating, making known pakāsati To be visible, to become known pakāsanaṃ Illumination; illustrating, explaining; making known, exposition, publication pakāsaniyo To be explained pakāso Manifest, known, public pakiṇṇako Miscellaneous pakitteti To proclaim pakiriyo The plant guilandina bonduc pakujjhati To be angry pakuppati To be angry pakoṭi One of the high numerals 100,000,000,000,000 or a hundred billion pakoṭṭho The fore-arm pakopo Agitation, ebullition, anger, fury pakkamati To set out, start; to depart, go away pakkamo Departure, flight; beginning pakko Cooked; heated; ripe; decaying, ripe for destruction pakkosati To call, summon, send for pakkosanā Summons pakkhato On the side of pakkhattaṃ Partisanship pakkhantaro Belonging to the opposite party, changing one's mind pakkhandati To spring forwards pakkhandanaṃ Leaping, springing pakkhandikā Diarrhoea, dysentery pakkhandī Bold; boastful person pakkhapātittaṃ Partisanship, strong support to a party or side pakkhabiḷālo A flying fox, a sort of bat pakkhalati To stumble, trip, stagger pakkhāleti To wash, cleanse pakkhiko Belonging to a party or faction pakkhiko A fowler pakkhipati To throw or put in, to insert, add, interpolate pakkhiyo Siding with, belonging to a party pakkhī A bird pakkhepanaṃ Putting or throwing pakkhepo Throwing in, insertion, interpolation pakkho A wing; feathers of an arrow; a side, party, faction; a partisan, adherent; a multitude, host; half a lunar month, a fortnight pakkho A cripple pakhumaṃ see pamhaṃ, an eyelash pagabbho Bold, daring; audacious, impudent, forward paguṇatā Knowing by heart, familiarity paguṇo Straight, plain; familiar, well known, known by heart pagumbo Forest, jungle, thicket page In the morning, at dawn, early pageva Much more or much less paggaṇhāti To hold out, stretch forth; to favour, befriend; to strain, exert; to persevere, continue; to take hold of, grasp paggaho Stretching, tension; holding out, stretching forth; exertion, energy; favour, kindness, patronage paggāho Energy, striving paggharaṇaṃ Oozing, trickling, fluidity paggharati To ooze, trickle, flow paghāno A covered terrace before a house paṅkeruhaṃ A lotus paṅko and (paṅkaṃ) Mud, moral impurity, sin paṅgu and (paṅgulo)Lame, crippled pacaṇḍati To be furious pacati To cook, dress food; to digest; to be tormented in hell pacanaṃ Cooking pacalāyikā Nodding, dozing pacalo Shaking, trembling pacā Ripeness pacāpeti To cause to be cooked pacālako Shaking, swinging pacitā A cook pacinati To pick, gather, collect pacuro Much, many, frequent paccakkosanaṃ To make mutual or counter accusation paccakkosalī To rewrite in return, to recriminate paccakkhāti To reject, refuse, deny, disallow, repudiate, abandon paccakkhānaṃ Rejection, denial, refusal paccakkho Perceptible to the senses, visible, evident, present paccaggho New paccaṅgaṃ Minor limb; minor requisite paccañjanaṃ Anointing paccaññasi see paṭijānāti paccattaṃ Singly, severally, individually paccattharaṇaṃ A cushion or carpet to sit on; the cushions or bedding of a couch paccatthiko Hostile, adverse paccanaṃ Being tormented paccanīko Opposite, adverse, hostile paccanubhoti To enjoy one by one paccantaṃ Finally paccantimo Same meaning as next paccanto Bordering on, adjacent, skirting paccapādi see paṭipajjati paccabhāsi see paṭibhāsati paccayiko Trustworthy paccayo Belief, conviction, trust, faith; ground, motive; cause; a requisite or necessary; in grammar an affix paccarī A raft; paccarī is the name of one of the ancient collections of aṭṭhakathās paccavekkhati To look at, regard, consider, contemplate paccavekkhanaṃ Looking at, consideration, contemplation paccāgacchati To return paccāgamanaṃ Return paccācikkhati To reject, repudiate, disallow paccājāyati To be born, to be reborn in a new existence paccādeso Rejection, refusal paccāmitto An enemy, adversary paccāroceti To say in return paccāsā Expectation, desire, hope paccāsiṃsati To desire, long for, look for, expect paccāharati To bring back, take back paccāhāro Drawing back, refusal, objection; restraint of the organs, abstraction paccuggacchati To go out, to set out, to go to meet paccuggamanaṃ Going forth to meet a guest as a sign of respect paccuṭṭhāti To rise from one's seat in token of respect; to rise in the morning; to rise in another place, reappear paccuṭṭhānaṃ Rising from one's seat as a mark of respect to a visitor paccuttaraṃ Reply paccuttarati To go out again, to withdraw paccudāvattati To retreat paccuddhāro Taking up again or making a robe fit for wearing, once it is set aside. This appears to have been some formal ceremony gone through when a monk was presented with a robe. paccupakāro Service in return, requital paccupaṭṭhāpeti To obtain, provide paccupaṭṭhito Approaching, imminent, present paccuppanno Existing, ready, present paccūso Morning, dawn paccūho An obstacle pacceko Each one, single, several pacceti To return, to come back upon paccorūhati To come down again paccosakkati To retreat pacchato After; behind; back pacchā Behind, back, afterwards; westwards pacchātāpo Repentance, remorse pacchānipātī One who retires to rest after another pacchānutāpanaṃ Remorse pacchābandho This is a nautical term, apparently designating a large oar used by way of rudder. It is called pacchābandha because it has to be fastened in the stern of the raft. pacchābhattaṃ After a meal, after the noonday meal, in the afternoon pacchābhattiko One who eats afterwards, i.e. after it has become improper to do so pacchābhāgo Hind or after part pacchābhāvo Posteriority pacchāmukho Looking westward pacchāsamaṇo A junior monk who accompanies a senior monk when he leaves the monastery to beg alms or to make a journey, and walks behind him at a short distance pacchi A basket pacchijjati To be cut off, to be destroyed; to be cut short, to cease pacchimo Hindermost; last; western pacchedanaṃ Cutting off, removal pajappo Muttering, murmuring, complaint pajahati To forsake, abandon, give up, renounce, get rid of, escape from pajā Progeny, descendants, race, family; creature, living being; people; mankind pajānaṃ Knowledge pajānanaṃ Knowing, understanding, discernment pajānāti To know, understand, discern, distinguish, find out pajāpati A name of the Hindu brahman; a name of Māra; the Hindu god Prajāpati pajjaṃ A verse pajjarako Febrile of fever pajjalati To burn, blaze pajjunno A cloud pajjo A path, road pajjo What belongs or is suitable to the feet pajjotako Illumining pajjotati To shine brightly pajjoto Light, lustre, splendour, brilliancy; a lamp pañca Five pañcakajjhāniko One who practises the five jhānas pañcakāmaṃ Five modes of desire or pleasure, pañcakilesaṃ Five kleśas or evil passions pañcako Consisting of five, five in number pañcakkhattuṃ Five times pañcakkhandhaṃ The five skandhas pañcaguṇaṃ Five qualities as rewards of virtue pañcaggaṃ First fruits of five pañcaṅgaṃ Five qualities pañcaṅgiko Having five members or divisions, fivefold pañcaṅgulakaṃ The five fingers pañcaṅgulikaṃ A measure of five finger breadths pañcacakkhu The five sorts of vision pañcadasī The fifteenth day of the half month, day of full or new moon pañcadaso Fifteen pañcadhammaṃ Five things or conditions pañcadhā In five ways, fivefold pañcanetto Having five sorts of vision pañcapañcaso In sets of five each pañcapatiṭṭhitaṃ Setting down or fixing of five things pañcabalaṃ The five Forces pañcamako Fifth pañcamo Fifth pañcavaggiyo Belonging to a group of five pañcavidho Fivefold pañcavīsati Twenty-five pañcasataṃ Five hundred pañcasatiko Consisting of five hundred pañcasikho A proper name, one of the gandhabbas pañcasīlaṃ The five precepts, or five branches of moral practice pañcasīlavā One who keeps the five precepts pañcaso By fives pañcānantariyakammaṃ Five sins that bring with them immediate retribution pañcāyudhaṃ Five sorts of weapons pañcālā Name of a warrior tribe in the north of India, the pañcālas pañcālikā A doll, puppet pañcāhaṃ Five days pañcāhiko Lasting five days pañjaraṃ and (pañjaro) A cage, frame pañjaliko Holding up the clasped hands in token of respectful salutation paññatti Making known, manifestation, declaring, enactment, ordinance, precept, regulation paññatto see paññāpeti, wise paññā Wisdom, intellect, reason paññāṇaṃ Knowledge, wisdom, intelligence; mark, sign paññāto Known, famous paññāpako Appointing, declaring paññāpanaṃ Appointment, declaration paññāpeti To make known, declare, proclaim, appoint paññāyati To be known, to be perceived, to appear, to exist; to be well known, to be renowned paññāyanaṃ Manifestation, appearing paññāvā Wise paññāsa and (paññāsaṃ)Fifty pañño Wise, intelligent pañho A question paṭaggi Fire in return paṭaṅgo A flying insect, moth, beetle, grasshopper paṭanto The skirt or seam of a garment paṭalaṃ A covering; coating, membrane, film; cataract of the eye; roof, thatch; a heap, multitude, quantity paṭalikā A woollen coverlet thickly woven with flowers paṭaho A kettle-drum paṭikaṅkhati To expect, await, desire paṭikammaṃ Treatment, cure; repairs; redress, atonement paṭikaroti To repair, amends paṭikaroti To repair; to make amends for paṭikassanaṃ Drawing back; mūlāya paṭikassanaṃ, "throwing back to the beginning, causing to begin over again", is a vinaya term paṭikā White woollen cloth paṭikārako Requiting, giving in return, rewarding or avenging paṭikāro Repair, amends, atonement, remedy paṭikkamati To step backwards, retreat, depart; to return paṭikkamanaṃ Stepping backwards, retreat; a hall with seats of distinction paṭikkamo Going back, reverse order paṭikkūlo Contrary; disagreeable paṭikkosati To blame, revile, scorn paṭikkosanaṃ Reviling, scorn, abusing paṭikkhipati To oppose, to refuse, to reject paṭikkhepo Opposing, refusing paṭikhamāpito Forgiven in return paṭiggahaṇaṃ Acceptance, receiving paṭiggahītā One who receives paṭiggahīto Received; assented to, admitted, approved paṭiggaho Acceptance, receipt; one who receives; a sort of jar paṭiggāhako Receiving, a recipient paṭighāto Warding off, repulsion paṭigho and (paṭighaṃ)Anger, hatred paṭighoso Echo paṭicikkhati To resolve paṭicodeti To blame, reprove paṭicca Following from anything as a necessary result; by means of, on account of, by reason of, through, by paṭiccasamuppādo Origination as a necessary result from an antecedent cause, chain of causation paṭicchati To receive, take paṭicchado Covering, shelter paṭicchādako Covering, concealing paṭicchādanaṃ Concealment paṭicchādaniyaṃ The flavour of meat paṭicchādī Covering, protecting paṭicchādeti To cover, conceal, keep secret, deny; to clothe oneself paṭicchāpeti To cause to receive, deliver to, entrust to paṭijaggati To watch over, guard, look after, tend, take care of paṭijagganaṃ Watching over paṭijānāti To acknowledge, confess, recognize; to approve, consent, promise; to profess, assent, maintain; to discern, perceive paṭiññā Agreement, promise, vow paṭiññāto Asserted; admitted, acknowledged; promised paṭitittho A landing place on the opposite bank of a river paṭito Known, established, true; famous; pleased, delighted paṭidaṇḍo Retribution vengeance paṭidadāti To give in return; to restore paṭidasseti To cause to see again paṭideti To give in return; to restore paṭideseti To confess, admit a fault paṭinandati To express gratification, to welcome paṭinidhi Image, likeness paṭinivattati To turn back again, to return paṭinivedeti To bring back news, announce paṭinissaggo Forsaking, getting rid of paṭinissajjeti To forsake, renounce paṭinissaṭṭho Forsaken; having forsaken paṭipakkhattaṃ Opposition paṭipakkho An opponent, enemy; hostility paṭipajjati To enter upon, walk upon; to follow, embrace; regulate one's life, live, act, practise; enter upon, obtain paṭipaṇāmeti To bend down again paṭipatti Conduct, practice, performance, occupation; religious duties or practice, moral conduct; attainment, acquisition; knowledge, ascertainment paṭipatho "A confronting road" paṭipadaṃ Step by step, in due order paṭipadā Ingress, access, way, step, course, progress, practice, conduct; the first day of a lunar fortnight, especially that of the moon's increase paṭipākatiko Restored or set right again paṭipāṭi Order, succession paṭipādanaṃ Imparting, giving, informing, declaring paṭipādeti see paṭipajjati Paṭipādo "That which supports the bedstead" paṭipābhataṃ A present or gift in return paṭipīḷanaṃ Pressing, pinching paṭipuggalo A person equal to another, a rival paṭipucchati To inquire, to question; to put a question in turn paṭipucchanaṃ Questioning in return paṭipucchā Question in return paṭipucchitā One who inquires paṭipūjeti To honour in return paṭippassaddhi Subsidence, calming, quieting down paṭippassambhati To be calmed, quieted, to subside, come to an end paṭippassambhanaṃ Subsidence, calming down paṭibaddho Bound, obstructed, dependent paṭibalo Able, adequate, competent paṭibāhati To put away, reject, avert, repel paṭibāhanaṃ and (paṭibāho)Warding off, repulsion paṭibāheti To put away, reject, avert, repel paṭibimbaṃ Reflection, counterpart, picture, image paṭibimbito Reflected, imaged paṭibujjhati To awake paṭibodho Awaking paṭibhayo Terrible, fearful paṭibhāgo One who belongs to the opposite side, an enemy paṭibhāgo Equal to, similar, resembling paṭibhāti To appear, to be evident, to occur or present itself to the mind paṭibhānaṃ Understanding, intelligence, wisdom; readiness or confidence of speech, promptitude, wit paṭibhānavā Possessed of intelligence or ready wit paṭibhāyutto Bold, ready, confident paṭibhāsati To address in return or in reply paṭibhū A surety paṭimaggo "A confronting road" paṭimā Counterpart, representation, figure, image, picture paṭimāseti To explore, search paṭimukko Fastened, tied; clothed, attire, equip paṭimukho Opposite, at hand, present paṭimuñcati To put on, fasten, bind paṭimokkho A sort of remedy, paṭimoceti see paṭimuñcati paṭiyatto Prepared, made ready; dressed paṭiyādeti To prepare, make ready, provide paṭiravo Echo paṭirājā Hostile king, royal adversary paṭilabhati To obtain, receive; to regain paṭilābho Obtaining, attainment, acquisition paṭilekhanaṃ A letter sent in reply paṭilomo Contrary, reverse, in reverse order paṭivacanaṃ Answer, rejoinder paṭivaṭṭeti To roll something against, knock, strike paṭivattā One who answers or contradicts paṭivadati To answer, retort paṭivasati To live, dwell paṭivākyaṃ Reply paṭivāṇaṃ Opposition, resistance paṭivāṇī Resisting paṭivātaṃ Against the wind paṭivādo Retort, recrimination paṭiviṃso Portion paṭivijjhati To cleave, split; to penetrate, comprehend, acquire, master, learn paṭivijjhanaṃ Penetration, comprehension paṭividito Known, ascertained paṭividdho Penetrated, pierced, acquired paṭivineti To repress, subdue paṭivinodanaṃ Removal paṭivinodeti To remove, dismiss, dispel paṭivibhatto Distributed with partiality or favour paṭivirati Abstinence from paṭivirato Abstaining from paṭiviruddho Opposed, hostile paṭivissako Neighbouring paṭivedeti To make known, announce, assist paṭivedho Penetration, comprehension, attainment paṭisaṃyutto Connected with paṭisaṃvidito Having informed paṭisaṃvedī Experiencing, feeling, enjoying paṭisaṃvedeti and (paṭisaṃvediyati)To feel, experience, enjoy, perceive paṭisaṃharati To draw back; to fold; to change paṭisaṅkaraṇaṃ Restoration, repairs paṭisaṅkhato Restored, repaired paṭisaṅkharoti To restore, repair, mend paṭisaṅkhāti To reflect, meditate paṭisaṅkhānaṃ Reflection, contemplation paṭisaṅkhāraṇaṃ Causing to be repaired paṭisaṅkhāro Restoration, repair paṭisañcikkhati To agree with oneself, to consider, revolve a matter in the mind paṭisaññutto see paṭisaṃyutto, connected with paṭisattu An enemy paṭisantharati To be favourably disposed to, to be interested in paṭisanthāro Friendly greeting, welcome, kindness, affection, friendliness paṭisandahati To be re-born, to renew one's existence in another world, to transmigrate paṭisandhi Entering the womb in a new existence, conception, re-birth, transmigration paṭisandhiko At the end of a compound as a substitute for last; appaṭisandhiko, that cannot be reunited; gahitapaṭisandhiko, having obtained conception paṭisamo Equal to paṭisambhikā Discrimination, analysis, analytic insight paṭisammodanaṃ Friendly greeting in return paṭisaraṇaṃ Refuge, help, defence, protector paṭisāmanaṃ Putting away paṭisāmeti To set in order, put away paṭisāyaniyo To be tasted or partaken of or enjoyed paṭisārāṇiyo Reconciliation. "It is the fourth of the saṅghakammas, and is an act of censure whereby a priest who has offended a layman without cause is compelled to ask and obtain his forgiveness." paṭisārī Trusting in, leaning on paṭisāsanaṃ A message in return or reply paṭisiddho Forbidden paṭisuṇāti To assent, promise paṭisedhanaṃ Preventing, stopping paṭisedheti To keep or ward off; to prohibit, prevent, restrain paṭisedho Prohibition paṭisevati To receive; to practise paṭisevanaṃ Practising paṭisotaṃ Against the stream paṭissavo Assent, promise paṭissāvī Assenting, ready, willing paṭihanti To strike, wound; ward off paṭiharaṇaṃ Striking in return paṭiharati To strike in return paṭihāro Carrying back; a door; a doorkeeper paṭī Coarse cloth, canvas paṭu Sharp; skilful; sensible, wise; healthy paṭubhāvo Skill paṭo and (paṭaṃ)Cloth; a cloth or garment paṭolo A species of cucumber paṭṭako A cloth paṭṭanaṃ A port, seaport paṭṭikā A slip, tablet; a bandage, ribbon paṭṭo A strip, slip, riband, tablet, plate, slab; a cloth, bandage, turban paṭṭhapeti To set going, set on foot, establish, furnish, provide paṭṭhānaṃ Setting out, departure, march of an army or assailant; origin, cause paṭṭhāya Setting out from, beginning from, since, after, from paṭhati To read, recite paṭhamakappiko Belonging to the commencement of a kalpa paṭhamako First, previous paṭhamajjhāniko Connected with the first jhāna paṭhamo First, foremost, earliest, previous, principal, chief, best paṭhavī The earth paṇako Name of a water-plant paṇamati To bend, be bent or inclined paṇayo Affection; confidence; solicitation paṇavo A small drum or tabor paṇāmo Bending, salutation paṇālī Watercourse, gutter, drain paṇidahati To long for, wish for, pray for, resolve, aspire to; to direct, stretch paṇidhānaṃ Earnest resolve, aspiration, longing, prayer paṇidhi Wish, resolve, aspiration, prayer paṇidheti see paṇidahati, to long for, wish for, pray for, resolve, aspire to; to direct, stretch paṇipatalī To prostrate oneself paṇipāto Prostration paṇiyo Saleable paṇihito Resolved, determined, intent paṇīto Accomplished; excellent, eminent, exalted; sweet, nice paṇeti To bring, perform, execute paṇo A bet, wager, stake; wages hire; a sum of money; wealth, property; trade; shop paṇḍako A eunuch, a castrated man paṇḍaro White, pale, yellowish paṇḍavo A son or descendant of pāṇḍu; name of a mountain paṇḍiccaṃ Scholarship, learning, erudition paṇḍitako A pedant paṇḍitatā Learning, skill, wisdom paṇḍito Learned, skilled, clever, wise paṇḍu Light yellow paṇṇaṃ A leaf; a written leaf, an epistle paṇṇatti Making known, manifestation, declaring, enactment, ordinance, precept, regulation paṇṇarasa Fifteen paṇṇasālā The hut of an ascetic made of branches and leaves, a hermitage paṇṇākāro A present paṇṇāsa Fifty paṇṇāsakaṃ A collection of fifty paṇṇuvīsati Twenty-five. Another form of pañcavīsati paṇyaṃ A ware, commodity; traffic paṇhi The heel paṇhi Variegated pataṅgo A bird patati To fall, alight patattaṃ A wing patanaṃ Falling patanto A bird patākā A flag, banner patānī Spreading, extending patāpano Name of one of the eight Hells patāpavā Splendid, majestic patāpī Burning, scorching patāpo Heat; splendour, majesty, dignity patāraṇaṃ Elevation, aggrandisement patāreti To mislead, deceive pati Master, owner, lord, chief, ruler; husband pati and in composition generally (-paṭi)Towards; back, in return; against patiṃvarā A woman who chooses her husband patikiṭṭho Inferior, low, vile patikuṭṭho Miserable, vile, wretched patikulaṃ Husband's family or house patikriyā Giving medicine; counteracting, remedying patigaṇhāti To take, receive, accept; to welcome, recognize, assent patigiṇāti To agree, permit, approve patiṭṭāpanaṃ Fixing, setting up patiṭṭhahati see patiṭṭhāti patiṭṭhahati To stand fast or firmly, to be established, to fix oneself, to be set up, to stay, to be patiṭṭhā Fixity, strength, resting place, stay, help, home, asylum patiṭṭhāti To stand fast or firmly, to be established, to fix oneself, to be set up, to stay, to be patiṭṭhānaṃ Fixing, establishment patiṭṭhāpako One who establishes patiṭṭhāpitātā Fact of having been established patiṭṭhitattaṃ Fact of being established patito Fallen; fallen in battle, slain; gone, got rid of patito Known, established, true; famous; pleased, delighted patidānaṃ Restitution, restoration patidivasaṃ Daily patidissati To be seen with, visit patidevatā A devoted wife patibbatā A devoted or faithful wife patimaṇḍito Adorned, decorated patimanteti To discuss in argument, to reply, to refute patimāneti To revere patirūpaṃ A counterfeit, resemblance patirūpako Resembling, counterfeiting patirūpo Suitable, fit, proper, right, good pativattiyo That can be subverted, that can be over thrown pativilaggito Stuck, entangled patisammajjati To sweep over again patisallāṇaṃ Solitude, retirement for the purpose of meditation, seclusion, privacy patisallīṇo Secluded, retired, abstracted, plunged in meditation patisibbati To sew, embroider patisuññā A widow patissato Recollecting, thoughtful patissayo A house, dwelling, asylum patissā Amenability, assent, obedience patīcī The west patīto Known, established, true; famous; pleased, delighted patīraṃ A shore, bank patujja Having struck off patodakaṃ Poking or tickling patodo A goad pattaṃ A wing; a leaf or petal pattakallaṃ Timeliness, seasonableness pattakālo Right moment, seasonable time pattagāho Holding a bowl pattaṅgaṃ Red sandal pattacīvaraṃ Bowl and robe pattadhammo One who has obtained or mastered the Truth pattapiṇḍikaṅgaṃ This is the sixth dhutaṅga precept, and enjoins "eating from one vessel only" pattapuṭaṃ A small basket made of leaves pattapūro A bowlful pattabbo and (pattabbako)Attainable pattayāno A bird pattānīkaṃ Infantry patti A foot soldier; going, walking patti Obtaining, acquisition, attainment, gain, advantage pattiko Going on foot pattipatto Having obtained the highest gain pattī An arrow pattuṃ see pāpuṇāti pattuṇṇaṃ Woven silk cloth patteyyo Obtainable patto Obtained, reached; having reached patto A bowl, especially a Buddhist monk's begging-bowl or alms-bowl pattodakaṃ Water to wash a bowl with patthato Spread, stretched patthanā Desire, request, prayer, aspiration pattharati To spread, strew; to overspread, pervade pattharo A flat surface patthāvanā A dramatic prologue patthivo A king pattheti To wish for, aspire to, pray for pattho A weight and measure of capacity i.e., four kuḍubas; a table-land on the top of a mountain pattho Secluded, solitary pathaddhi A thoroughfare, street pathavī The earth pathāvī A traveller pathiko A traveller patho Path, road, way, course, reach padaṃ Step, stride; footprint, trace, track, vestige, mark; a foot; footing, station, site, place; office, rank, appointment; abode, home, lot; nirvāṇa; business, matter, thing; subject, occasion, cause; a part, portion; a quarter or line of a stanza; a word; a sentence padako One acquainted with words, "familiar with the padapāṭha of the veda". padakkhiṇo and (padakkhiṇā and padakkhiṇaṃ) A mode of reverential salutation by walking round a person or object, keeping the right side turned to him padago A foot soldier padacetiyaṃ A holy footprint, a miraculous footprint left on the ground by a holy man, as a Buddha or arhat, and ever afterwards treated with veneration padaṭṭhānaṃ A proximate cause padattho Meaning of a word padabhājanaṃ A sort of commentary, separating the words of a sentence, analysing and explaining them padabhāṇaṃ Reciting or preaching the Scriptures padabhāṇako One who recites or preaches the Scriptures padaro Splitting, rending; a crevice or chasm in the earth; a plank padavī A road padaso Sentence by sentence; word by word; step by step, by degrees padasseti To show padahati To strive, exert padātabbo To be given or presented padāti A pedestrian, peon, foot-soldier padānaṃ Giving, imparting padānugo Following in the footsteps of, attendant on padāleti To cleave, break, burst open; to destroy padiko A pedestrian, a foot-soldier padissati To be seen padīpako Illuminating, illustrating, explaining padīpeti To kindle padīpeyyaṃ That which is connected with lighting, lamps and their accessories padīpo A lamp; an enlightener paduṭṭho Corrupt, wicked padumakaṃ A lotus ornament in architectural decoration paduminī The lotus plant, speciosum; a lotus pond padumuttaro Name of one of the twenty-four Buddhas padumo and (padumaṃ)A lotus, lotus-flower; name of a hell; one of the high numerals, 10,000,000(to the 17th power), or 1 followed by 119 ciphers padussati To be corrupt, to sin; to sin against, offend padussanaṃ Deterioration, corruption, defilement padesanaṃ A present, gift padeso A place, spot, region, district, country pado Giving, bestowing pado The foot; a sentence padodakaṃ Water for washing the feet padoso Fault, corruption, sin; twilight, evening paddhati A road; a line padhānaṃ A king's chief companion or minister; exertion, energetic effort, striving padhāniyaṅgaṃ Quality to be striven after padhāno Principal, chief; pre-eminent, excellent padhārito Considered, understood pana Now, further; but, on the other hand, on the contrary, however panaso The jack or bread-fruit tree, artocarpus integrifolia panālī Watercourse, gutter, drain panudati To remove, drive away, reject panudanaṃ Removal panudano Dispelling panunno Put away, removed, dispelled panti A row, range, line, series panto Border, verge, end panthiko A traveller pantho A road pannago A snake pannarasa Fifteen pannarasamo Fifteenth pannarasiko Belonging to the fifteenth day of the half month pannarasī The fifteenth day of the half month, the day of the full or of the new moon pannaraso Fifteenth panno Fallen, gone papañceti To linger, tarry, delay papañco Diffuseness, prolixity; delay papatati To fall down, to fall from papatanaṃ Falling down papado The tip of the foot, toes papā A shed on the roadside where travellers are supplied with water papāto A precipice, declivity papitāmaho A paternal great-grandfather paputto A grandson, descendant papunnāgo The tree cassia tora papupphakaṃ An arrow tipped with a flower pappoṭheti To shake, strike, knock pappoti see pāpuṇāti, To attain, reach, arrive, obtain, find papphāsaṃ The lungs pabandho A continuous series; a narrative; a literary composition, fiction pabalattaṃ Power pabalo Strong, mighty pabujjhati To wake up, rouse oneself; to be awake, to watch, to be vigilant pabodhanaṃ Waking, arising; instruction pabodheti To arouse, to set going, to give rise to pabodho Awakening, enlightenment, instruction pabbaṃ A knot or joint in a branch or creeper, or in a cane or reed, or in grass; certain days of the lunar month, the full and change of the moon pabbajati To go forth, to exile oneself; to give up the world, to embrace the ascetic life; to become a Buddhist monk, to take the robe, to take orders pabbajanaṃ Embracing asceticism, becoming a Buddhist monk pabbajitatā State of being an ascetic or Buddhist monk pabbajito Having given up the world, having become a Buddhist monk or an ascetic; having taken the robe, ordained pabbajo Made of bulrushes, made of an aquatic plant pabbajjatā State of being a Buddhist monk pabbajjā Leaving the world, adopting the ascetic life; the monastic life, state of being a Buddhist monk; taking the robe, ordination pabbatāyati To act like a mountain pabbateyyo Belonging to mountains pabbato A mountain pabbājanaṃ Banishment; causing to become a Buddhist monk, ordination pabbājaniyakammaṃ Excommunication, name of one of the saṅghakammas pabbājanīyo Belonging to banishment, deserving to be expelled, that has to be ordained pabbhāro A cave in a mountain pabhaṅkaro Light-giving pabhaṅguṇaṃ Breaking up, dissolution, destruction, decay, corruption pabhavati To spring up, arise, originate; to be able pabhavo Production, birth; origin, source, cause; place where an object is first perceived, birthplace pabhassaro Shining, bright pabhā Light, radiance pabhāti To become light, to begin to dawn pabhāto Become clear or light pabhāvo Power, might, majesty, dignity pabhāsati To talk, to prate pabhāseti To illumine pabhāso Shining, illumination pabhijjati To be split, to be broken, to burst open; to be broken up, to perish pabhu Able, powerful pabhuti Commencement. At the end of a compound used in the sense of "commencing with", gabhīrappabhutī, the words beginning with gabhīra pabhuti Since, after, subsequently to pabhuttaṃ Lordship pabhedanaṃ The juice that flows from an elephant's temples when in rut pabhedo Difference, distinction; sort, kind pamajjati To delay, waste one's time; to be negligent, heedless, indifferent, slothful, remiss; to be tempted pamajjanaṃ Indifference, heedlessness pamatto Slothful, indolent, careless, reckless, indifferent, thoughtless; tempted pamathito Agitated pamadā A handsome woman, or a woman in general pamado Pleasure pamaddano Crushing, destroying pamā True knowledge pamāṇaṃ Measure, rate, scale, standard, dimensions, size, length, weight, etc.; rule, sanction, authority, warrant; a decider, one whose word is an authority; cause, motive pamāṇako At the end of a compound=pramāṇa. rathacakkappamāṇako, as big as a chariot wheel pamāṇiko Forming a measure or standard pamātā Knowing well, competent to judge, an authority pamādavā Remiss, negligent, indifferent pamādī Negligent, slothful pamādo Carelessness, remissness, indifference, sloth, indolence, delay pamāya Having measured pamiti Correct knowledge, certainty pamukko see pamukho pamukho In front of, facing; first, chief, principal pamuccati see pamuñcati pamuñcati To emit, utter; to loose, release; to cast off pamudito Pleased, glad pamudo Joy pamuyhati To be bewildered, to swoon pamussati To leave behind, forget, lose pamokkhati see pamuñcati pamokkho Release, deliverance pamocanaṃ Deliverance pamoceti see pamuñcati pamodati To rejoice pamodanā Joy pamodo Joy,happiness pamohanaṃ Delusion, infatuation pampako A loris, an ape pampaṭako A loris, an ape pamhaṃ see pakhumaṃ, an eyelash payato Pure payāti To go, proceed, advance payāto Gone, departed payāmo Length payirudāha To utter payirupāsati To sit beside, attend on, associate with, serve, honour payuñjati To yoke, harness; to employ, appoint; to practise, behave payuttako Employed, hired, suborned bribed payo and (payaṃ)Water; milk payogo Practise, use, usage; means, instrumentality; motive, occasion, object payojanaṃ Appointment, command, direction, advantage, use, need; object, aim payojeti To perform, practise, conduct, carry on; to instigate, cause, direct, command; to employ, suborn, hire payodo A cloud payodharo A cloud; a woman's breast payyako Paternal great-grandfather payyesanā Search parakato Done or made by another parakiyo Belonging to another parakulaṃ The family of another, a neighbour's family or house parakkamati To put forth one's strength, exert oneself, strive parakkamo Energy, exertion, striving paracittaṃ The thoughts or mind of another paratīraṃ The other shore, opposite coast parato Further, afterwards, beyond parattha Elsewhere, in another world, hereafter parattho The advantage of another, the public good paradāro Another man's wife, neighbour's wife paranimmito Created or brought into being by others parantapo Tormenting others parapuṭṭho The kokila, or Indian cuckoo parabhato The Indian cuckoo parabhāgo Superiority, pre-eminence paramattho Best or highest sense, the truth, reality, completeness, perfection paramāṇu A particle or atom paramāyu The longest-period of life paramo Highest, first, best, greatest, chief,principal, extreme, exceeding paramparā Series, row, succession, lineage paramparo Successive, repeated parammukho Having the face averted, averse from, avoiding, regardless of paraloko Another world, the next world paravādo Public rumour, gossip parasuve The day after tommorrow parassapadaṃ A grammatical term, the active or transitive verb parahiṃsā Injuring another, cruelty parahitaṃ The good or welfare of others parā A preposition with the meaning "away", "aside", "back", much used in composition with verbs and their derivatives parāgo The pollen of a flower parājayati To conquer, overcome, defeat; to be conquered, succumb parājayo Defeat; losing at play or in a lawsuit parājeti To conquer, overcome, defeat; to be conquered, succumb parādhīno Dependent on another, subject parābhavo Decay, loss, ruin; discomfiture, humiliation, contempt parāmaṭṭho Touched, handled, taken hold of; affected, touched, actuated, influenced parāmasati To touch, rub, stroke, seize, handle parāmasanaṃ Touching, handling parāmāso Touch, contact, being affected with parāyatto Dependent on another, subject, subservient parāyanaṃ Final end or aim, chief object, destiny, rest, support parāyano Attached to, dependent on, supported by pari Around, about. Generally used in composition with verbs and their derivatives. parikathā Story, exposition parikappo Inclination, determination parikammaṃ Preparation, preparatory proceedings or ceremony; getting ready by clearing, cleansing, etc.; dressing, cleansing or perfuming the body parikaro A girdle, belt or cord worn round waist parikitteti To declare, publish parikiraṇaṃ Strewing about parikkamanaṃ A path or approach to or round a house parikkhako Investigating, examining, trying parikkhati To inspect, investigate parikkhato Prepared, adorned parikkhayo Loss, ruin, decay, destruction parikkhāro Surrounding, retinue; decoration; furnishing; requisite, utensil, apparatus, furniture, household stuff parikkhipati To throw over or around, to surround, to go round, encircle; to put into parikkhīṇo Decayed, wasted, exhausted, extinct, destroyed parikkhepo Surrounding, enclosure, fence, covering, circumference, boundary parikhā A trench, ditch parigaṃhanaṃ Comprehension parigaṇeti To calculate parigaṇhāti To take hold of, grasp, carry along with one, embrace, include, surround, take possession of, possess, occupy; to treat kindly; to conceive, comprehend, master, ascertain, try, detect, explore parigalati To sink down, slip off from a horse's back parigūhati To conceal pariggaho Occupation, possession; dependants, belongings, household; a wife; taking in, embracing, including; grace, favour, kindness, reverence pariggāhako Including; occupying paricayo Acquaintance paricaraṇaṃ Serving paricarati To attend, minister to, serve, honour paricārako An attendant, servant paricāro Attendance, service, honour paricito Heaped up, accumulated paricumbati To cover with kisses paricca Having encircled, grasped, perceived, understood, known pariccajati To surrender, sacrifice, expend, bestow in charity pariccāgī Forsaking pariccāgo Abandonment, renunciation, sacrifice, expenditure, liberality paricchado A cover, covering paricchindati To limit, define, mark out, discriminate, determine, fix accurately paricchedo Division, separation, discrimination; exact determination, definition; exact discernment, decision, judgment; limit, boundary, termination, extent; division, section, region; chapter of a book parijano Attendants, a retinue parijapati To whisper, mutter spells, practise divination parijānanaṃ Knowledge, ascertainment parijānāti To perceive, learn, know exactly parijiṇṇo Worn with age, decrepit, decayed pariññā Exact knowledge, ascertainment pariññāto Well understood, exactly known pariḍayhati To be scorched pariṇato Ripe, mature pariṇamati To stoop, to change, mature, ripen pariṇāmo Change, alteration; issue, event, termination; digestion pariṇāho Breadth, extent, compass paritassati To tremble, be afraid paritassanā Fear, hesitation paritassī Trembling paritāpanaṃ Tormenting, afflicting paritāpo Heat, fever, inflammation; anguish, grief, suffering parito Around, on every side, everywhere paritosanaṃ Satisfying paritosiko Gratifying, rewarding paritoseti To satisfy, please, gratify parittako Lesser, small, limited, brief parittattaṃ Smallness parittasubho Of lesser beauty parittā and (parittaṃ)Protection, defence parittānaṃ Protection, defence, warding off parittābho Of minor brilliancy parittāso Fear, dread, anxiety paritto Small, brief, limited paridadhāti To put on, to put on clothes, to dress oneself paridahati To put on, to put on clothes, to dress oneself paridahanaṃ Putting on paridaheti To put on, to put on clothes, to dress oneself paridāho Burning; pain, suffering paridīpako Illustrating, explaining paridīpanaṃ Illustration, explanation paridīpeti To illustrate, explain, describe paridevati To wail, lament paridevanā Lamentation parideveti To wail, lament paridevo Lamentation, wailing pariddavo Lamentation paridhāvati To run about paridhi Circumference, circle; halo parinayo Marriage parināyako Governor, chief, prince pariniṭṭhito Accomplished parinibbāti To be extinguished; to attain nirvāṇa or the extinction of being; to attain arhatship parinibbānaṃ Attainment of nirvāna, extinction, annihilation parinibbāniko Tending or conducive to nirvāna parinibbāpeti To cause to attain nirvāṇa parinibbāyati To be extinguished; to attain nirvāṇa or the extinction of being; to attain arhatship parinibbāyī One who attains nirvāṇa or the extinction of being parinibbuto Extinguished, extinct; having attained nirvāṇa or the annihilation of being–of an arhat, dead parineti To lead, guide, rule paripakko Fully ripe paripaṇhati To weigh, compare, consider paripatati To fall down paripanthī An enemy paripantho That which stands in the way, an obstacle, hindrance, annoyance, danger, misfortune paripāko Maturity, perfection paripācaniyo Bringing to maturity, accomplishing paripācano Bringing to maturity, completing, achieving paripāceti To bring to maturity, to perfect, complete paripāleti To protect, guard paripucchati To question, inquire about paripucchā Questioning, interrogation paripucchitā One who questions or inquires paripuṇṇo Full, complete, perfect, fulfilled paripūrako Fulfilling paripūrati To be completely full; to be fulfilled, to become perfect paripphandati To tremble, quiver, throb, totter parippharati To fill, cause to be pervaded by paripphuṭo Filled in every part, permeated, pervaded paripphosako Besprinkled, moistened all round pariplavo Unsteady, wavering paribaddho Bound together paribāhiro External paribbajati To wander about, to lead the life of a religious mendicant, to give up the world and become a Buddhist monk paribbayo Expense, expenditure paribbājako A wandering religious mendicant, pilgrim, Buddhist monk paribbājikā A female ascetic or pilgrim, a Buddhist nun paribbājo Same meaning as paribbājako paribbūḷho Surrounded, accompanied, attended; attended by in strength or in great numbers, strengthened by, strong, furnished with, proprietor of paribbhamati To walk round; to describe a circle round paribbhamanaṃ Revolving, circumference paribhaṇḍaṃ A girdle, zone, belt, ring paribhato Nourished paribhavo Disrespect, contempt, humiliation, disgrace paribhāsati To censure, revile, defame paribhāsanaṃ Light, lustre paribhāsā and (paribhāsanaṃ)Censure, abuse paribhindati To split, to create divisions paribhuñjati To enjoy, use, possess, partake of; to eat; to wear paribhuñjanaṃ Enjoying paribhūto Despised, disregarded paribhogo Enjoyment, use, possession; partaking of, eating parimajjati To touch, stroke, handle; to cleanse, polish parimaṇḍalo Circular, round, spreading around, covering entirely parimaddati To go beyond, to excel to rub,cruch shampoo, massage parimaddanaṃ and (parimaddo) crushing, kneading; rubbing the body, shampooing, massage parimalo Fragrance parimasati To touch, stroke parimāṇaṃ Measure, extent, duration parimāreti To cause to die parimito Measured, limited, moderate parimukhaṃ In front, before parimuccati To be released, escape parimutti Release parimeyyo Measurable parimocanaṃ Release parimoceti To release pariyaṅko Another form of pallaṅko. pariyattaṃ Voluntarily pariyatti Adequacy, sufficiency, fullness, abundance, plenitude; learning by heart; that which is learnt by heart, the text of Buddha's word, the tipiṭaka pariyatto Able, sufficient; learnt by heart, mastered pariyantavā Discriminating, accurate pariyanto Boundary,border, limit, term, end pariyāti To attend on, serve pariyādāti To seize, lay hold of pariyādānaṃ Taking up, using up, finishing pariyāpanno Included, contained, belonging to pariyāpuṇāti To learn thoroughly, to learn by heart, to master pariyāyo Succession, order, turn; a synonym; opportunity; way, manner; a cause; teaching, exposition; a surrounding wall pariyuṭṭhito Arisen; possessed pariyeṭṭhi Search pariyesako One who seeks pariyesati To search, seek for, seek out pariyesanā Search pariyesī Seeking pariyogāḷho Dived into pariyodapanaṃ Cleansing, purification, from next pariyodapeti To cleanse, purify pariyodāto Cleansed, pure pariyodānaṃ Cleansing pariyonandhati To cover, envelop pariyonandhanaṃ Enveloping pariyosānaṃ Termination pariyosito Concluded parirakkhati To preserve, retain, maintain, keep up parirundhati To beset, plot against pariḷāho Burning, fever; grief, pain, distress parivacchaṃ Preparation parivajjanaṃ Forsaking, avoidance parivajjeti To avoid, abstain from, reject, forsake, put away parivaṭṭaṃ An embrace parivaṭṭo Circle, succession, revolution parivaṭṭhabbo That must dwell apart parivaṇṇeti To describe, to praise parivattati To turn, to turn round, to be changed; to place oneself; to be whirled about, revolve parivattanaṃ Inverting, changing; exchange, barter parivatteti To turn over, roll; to change; to repeat; to exchange parivatto Change, exchange, return, Return of a deposit parivasati To dwell, to live under probation parivāto Blown upon parivādinī A lute of seven strings parivādo Censure, reproach, accusation, detraction parivārako Accompanying, forming a retinue parivāreti To surround, escort, accompany, attend upon parivāro Covering; a scabbard; entourage, retinue, following, pomp surrounding parivāsito Perfumed parivāseti To put on a robe so as to cover the whole body parivāso Living apart, being put under restraint, one of the ecclesiastical punishments parivitakketi To reflect parivitakko Thought, reflection parivisati To present, offer food, wait upon parivīmaṃsati To examine, search parivuṭṭho and (parivuttho)Dwelt apart parivuto Surrounded, attended, accompanied pariveṭheti To envelop pariveṇaṃ A hermit's cell, the cell or hut forming a monk's private chamber in a Buddhist monastery. parivesanaṃ and (parivesanā)Distribution of food; attendance, surrounding pariveso A halo round the sun or moon parisaṃvuto Restrained or guarded on all sides parisakkati To go about, with a wicked purpose parisakkanaṃ Going about parisaṅkati To suspect parisaṅkā Suspicion, misgiving parisandeti To drench parisanno Drenched parisappati To run to and fro, to creep about parisamatto Finished parisambāhati To stroke, rub parisaro Neighbourhood, border parisā Assembly, suite, congregation, company parisiñcati To sprinkle all over, bathe parisuddho Pure, clear; innocent, pure, holy; perfect, intact parisussati To dry up, waste away parisodheti To purify parissaṅgo Embrace parissajati To embrace parissayaṃ A danger, risk parissāmo Fatigue, exertion parissāvanaṃ A water strainer parissāveti To strain or filter pariharaṇaṃ Keeping up, keeping in existence pariharati To move, advance, move round; to keep up, keep going; to keep, practise, use; to attend, tend, take care of, preserve, honour; to embrace, surround parihānaṃ Deterioration, falling off parihāni Decrease, decay, diminution, loss, falling off parihāniyo Connected with or causing decay or loss parihāpeti To abandon, set aside; to diminish parihāyati To decay, waste, diminish, fall away, deteriorate; to be deprived of, to suffer loss parihāriko Keeping, preserving, cherishing parihāro Attention, care, honour, pomp, state, ceremony, rite; keeping, preserving, guarding; forsaking, avoidance parihāso Jest, pleasantry parihīno Fallen away from, wasted, decayed, perished, deficient, wanting parupanaṃ Dressing, putting on a garment; a covering, mantle, cloak, upper robe parūpaghātī Injuring others, cruel parūpavādo Reproaching others parūḷho Grown up, increased pareto Dead, destroyed, ruined paro Distant, further, opposite; other, different, adverse; subsequent; highest, pre-eminent paro Beyond, more than parokkho Invisible, imperceptible parodati To burst into tears palaṃ see phalaṃ palagaṇḍo A mason, a brick-layer palaṇḍu An onion palapitaṃ Idle talk palambheti To cheat, trick, deceive palayo Destruction, dissolution; death; the destruction of a universe at the end of a kappa palāto see palāyati palāpeti To cause to go away or escape; to drive away, put to flight palāpo Prattle, nonsense palāpo Chaff of corn palāyati To run away, flee, escape, retreat palāyanaṃ Flight palālo and (palālaṃ) Straw palāsaṃ and (palāso) A leaf palāsādo A rhinoceros palāso The tree butea frondosa; the colour green paligho An iron beam or bar for fastening up a door; an obstacle, hindrance palito see phalito palipathaṃ A miry road, slough, danger, obstacle palipanno Fallen, got or sunk into palibuddhati To hinder palibuddhanaṃ Hindering palibodho Obstacle, hindrance, drawback, impediment paliveṭhanaṃ Surrounding, encumbrance paliveṭheti To wrap up, clothe, cover, surround, encircle, encumber, fetter palujjati To fall down, crumble–of a mountain peak paleti see palāyati palobhanaṃ Allurement, temptation palobheti To allure, tempt, seduce pallaṅko A couch, bed, sofa, divan, throne; a litter, palanquin pallatthikā Sitting on the hams, squatting, lolling pallalaṃ A small tank, pond, pool pallavo and (pallavaṃ)A sprout, shoot, spray paḷaccaraṃ Old clothes, rags paḷiguṇṭhito Entangled pavakkhati He will tell, declare, recite pavajjati To be played or sounded pavaṭṭati To revolve, whirl round pavaṭṭeti To throw back, to turn aside, to set rolling, to roll pavaḍḍhati To grow, increase pavattati To arise, begin, take place; to start, set out; to roll or flow onwards; to become, be, exist; to go on, to proceed, to be kept up pavattanaṃ Behaviour, conduct, procedure pavattanako Bringing about, producing, promoting pavattā One who informs, points out pavatti Flow onwards; goings on, affairs, occurrence, incident, proceeding; news, tidings; practice, conduct; beginning, setting on foot, establishment; being, existence pavattito Set going, established, made pavatteti To cause to arise, or to flow onwards, or to proceed, to set going, set on foot, establish, produce, make, originate, begin pavatto Starting, proceeding, setting out, begun, set on foot; kept going, kept up, going on, being, existing; settled, fixed pavanaṃ Side of a mountain, declivity, height pavanaṃ Purification; winnowing of grain pavano Air, wind pavaro Chief, best, noble, excellent pavassati To rain pavahaṇaṃ A ship's boat pavātaṃ A draught of air, breeze pavāti To diffuse a scent pavādī A disputant pavādo Disputation, litigious language, defamation pavāyati To be wafted abroad of a perfume, to be conveyed smoothly pavāraṇā Invitation; prohibition; name of a certain festival pavāraṇā is the name given to the festival held at the termination of the buddhist vassa pavāreti To cause to choose, to give a person his choice, to invite, to offer; to join in the pavāraṇā festival pavāro Woollen cloth pavālo and (pavālaṃ)A sprout or germ pavāḷo and (pavāḷaṃ)Coral pavāsī Living abroad or away from home, absent pavāso Absence from home, foreign residence pavāheti To cause to be carried by a stream pavāho Current, stream; course or stream of action, occupation pavicayo Investigation pavijjhati To throw down paviṭṭho see pavisati pavitto Pure,holy, sacred, pious pavidhātuṃ To place, appoint pavivitto Separated, detached, retired, secluded paviveko Retirement, solitude, seclusion pavisati To enter pavisanaṃ Entrance pavissileso Separation pavīṇo Clever, skilful pavīro Heroic; best pavuccati To be spoken of, to be called or termed pavutto Spoken to, told pavuddho see pavaḍḍhati pavekkhati see pavisati pavecchati To give paveṇi A long braid of hair; a coloured woollen cloth used for a saddle or housings; series, succession line; tradition, custom, usage pavedeti To make known, tell, utter pavedhati To tremble pavesanaṃ Entrance paveseti see pavisati paveso Entrance pavo Purification, winnowing grain pasaṃsati To praise; to declare pasaṃsanaṃ Praising, commendation pasaṃsā Praise pasaṃsī Praising pasakhā A branch or twig pasaṅgo Attachment, being addicted to pasato The palm stretched out and hollowed as if to hold liquids; a measure of capacity, the same as a kuḍuba pasattho Praised, esteemed, good, excellent pasado The spotted antelope, the porcine deer pasannatā Clearness, serenity pasamati To allay, to lessen pasayho Force, violence pasaraṇaṃ Spreading, being stretched out pasaro Spreading, extension pasavati To beget, generate; to give birth to pasavo Bringing forth; generating, production; a flower, fruit pasahati To use force, overcome, subdue, oppress pasākho The abdomen and thighs pasādako Causing serenity or happiness, converting to the Buddhist faith pasādanaṃ Gratification, favour pasādanīyo Causing happiness pasādavā Delighted, pleased, having faith in pasādāpeti To cause to be gratified pasādeti see pasīdati pasādo Brightness, clearness; favour, grace; refreshing, joy, serenity of mind; faith pasādhanaṃ Decoration; ornament, wearing ornaments pasādheti To put on or wear ornaments pasāreti To stretch out, spread out, expand, exhibit, expose pasiti A fetter pasiddhi Fame pasiddho Public, notorious, celebrated pasibbakaṃ and (pasibbako)A bag, sack pasīdati To be clear, serene, tranquil; to be content, satisfied, pleased, glad; to be favourable or gracious; to rejoice in, take pleasure in; to have faith in, to believe, be converted pasu Cattle; an animal, beast; a goat pasuto Intent upon, devoted to, seeking pasutto Sleeping pasūti Birth, bringing forth; child-birth, delivery pasūtikā That has brought forth, that has had a child pasūto Engendered, born; delivered pasenadi Name of a king of Kosala, a contemporary of Buddha passati To see, look, look at, behold, observe; to see with the mind, learn, know, understand; to discover, find, meet with passaddhi Calming down, calmness, repose, tranquillity passanaṃ Seeing passambhati To calm down, be quiet passayo Refuge passasati To expel the breath, exhale passāvi Urine passāvī Seeing passāso Exhaled breath passo and (passaṃ)Side, flank pahaṃsati To strike pahaṭo Struck, smitten, wounded, hurt pahaṭṭho Glad, delighted paharaṇaṃ Striking; a weapon paharati To strike; to hurt; to assail pahassati see pajahati pahātabbo see pajahati pahānaṃ Leaving, abandonment, getting rid of, rejection pahāyī Forsaking, abandoning pahārādo Name of an asura pahāro Striking, hitting; a stroke, blow, shot; a yāma or watch of four hours pahāso Loud laughter pahiṇakaṃ An offering, a present, especially of food pahiṇati To send pahūto Much, abundant, large, sufficient, considerable paheṇakaṃ An offering, a present, especially of food paho Dismissing pahoti To be able, competent, useful; to be effectual; to suffice pahonako Competent, adequate, sufficient pā see pāgeva pākaṭīkato Manifested pākaṭo Clear, evident, manifest, public, well known, renowned pākaṭṭhānaṃ A kitchen pākatiko Natural, original, ordinary; in its original state, sound, healthy pākasāsano A name of Sakka or Indra pākāro An encircling wall, enclosure, fence pāko Cooking; ripeness; maturity, accomplishment, fulfilment, result pāguññaṃ Familiarity with, experience pācako A cook pācanaṃ A goad pācano Causing to ripen or come to perfection pācariyo A pupil pācā Cooking, digesting pācittiyo Requiring expiation, expiatory pācī The east pācīnako Eastern pācīno Eastern pāceti see pacati pāceti To drive pācchājāto Born afterwards, junior pājitā A driver, charioteer pājeti To drive pāṭaliputtaṃ and (pāṭaliputtakaṃ)Name of a city in Magadha pāṭalī The trumpet flower, bignonia suaveolens pāṭalo Light red, pink pāṭavaṃ Skill pāṭiekko Individual, separate pāṭikaṅkhī Expecting, hoping for, desiring pāṭikaṅkho To be expected pāṭikā A stone step at the entrance of a house pāṭipado Belonging to the first day of the lunar fortnight pāṭibhogo A surety, sponsor pāṭiyekko Individual, separate pāṭihāriyaṃ A miracle, portent pāṭihīraṃ A miracle, portent pāṭiheraṃ see pāṭihāriyaṃ, a miracle, portent pāṭekkaṃ Singly, severally pāṭhako One who reads or recites or studies pāṭhīno The fish silurus boalis pāṭheti To cause to read, to teach pāṭho Reading, recitation; text; passage of a text pāṇako A small creature, a worm or insect pāṇaghāto Destroying life, killing pāṇabhūto A living being, creature pāṇayo see pāṇi pāṇaviko One who plays the praṇava pāṇasamo Dear as one's life, greatly beloved pāṇātipāti Killing pāṇātipāto Taking the life of a living creature, destroying life, killing pāṇi The hand; a wooden hand or trowel pāṇiggaho Marriage pāṇigho One who strikes with the hand, one who plays the tabor or any similar instrument pāṇitalaṃ The palm of the hand pāṇimatto As much as can be held in the hand pāṇimuttaṃ A missile weapon pāṇiyo Same meaning as pāṇigho pāṇivādo One who uses an instrument played with the hand, as a drum or tambourine pāṇissaraṃ A sort of music pāṇihito Kind to living beings, benevolent pāṇī A living being, a sentient being, a creature, animal, man pāṇupeto Possessed of breath, living pāṇo Breath; life, vitality; a living being, creature; energy, vigour, strength pātañjali Having the hands clasped pātabbo Drinkable pātarāso Morning meal, breakfast pātavyatā Injuring, destroying pātālaṃ The nāga world, the lower regions, infernal regions; submarine fire pāti To protect pātito see pāteti pātimokkhaṃ This is the name given to a collection of the various sikkhāpadas or precepts contained in the vinaya, beginning with the four pārājikas and ending with the seventy-five sekhiyadhammas, which are precepts are solemnly read twice a month in every monastery, see uposatho, and individual priests are invited to make confession, if they have broken any of the precepts read out; pātimokkha may be described as the criminal code of the priests. The origin of the term is exceedingly obscure. pātī A vessel, bowl, dish pātu and before a vowel pātur-, evidently, manifestly pātuṃ see pivati pātukaraṇaṃ Production, manifestation pātukaroti To produce, manifest pātubhavati To become visible or manifest, to appear, to arise, to spring into existence pātubhāvo Appearance, manifestation, apparition, arising pātur see pātu pāto Falling, fall; a cast, throw; discharge pāto and before a vowel sometimes pātar-, at dawn, early, tommorrow morning pātheyyaṃ Provisions for a journey pādakaṭako An anklet or foot bangle pādako Having feet pādagaṇṭhi The ankle pādaggaṃ The point of the foot pādaṅgadaṃ An anklet, foot-bangle pādaṅguṭṭho The great toe pādatalaṃ The sole of the foot pādato At or by the feet pādaparicārikā A wife pādapīṭhaṃ A footstool pādapo A tree pādaphoṭo A tumour on the foot pādaso For the worth of a pāda pādāsi and (pādā)He gave pādukā A shoe, a slipper pādū A shoe pādūdaro A snake pādo A foot; a hill at the foot of a mountain; a ray of light; a quarter. foot of a tree; base of a stūpa pānaṃ Drinking; draught; drink, beverage; enjoyment pānakūpo A drinking well pānāgāraṃ A tavern pānīyo Drinkable pāpako Bad, evil, wicked, sinful pāpatamo Most sinful pāpataro Worse,more sinful pāpanaṃ Attainment pāpabhīrutā Fear of sinning pāpamittatā Friendship or association with sinners, evil communications pāpicchatā State of having sinful desires pāpiccho Having sinful desires pāpiṭṭho Most sinful pāpimā Sinful pāpiyo Worse; wicked pāpiyyasikā see tassapāpiyyasikā pāpissiko More sinful, very sinful pāpī Sinful pāpuṇanaṃ Attainment pāpuṇāti To attain, reach, arrive, obtain, find pāpuṇoti To attain, reach, arrive, obtain, find pāpuraṇaṃ Dressing, putting on a garment; a covering, mantle, cloak, upper robe pāpurati To dress, put on an outer garment pāpo Evil, bad, wicked, sinful pābhataṃ Money, price; a present pāmaṃ Scab, herpes, skin disease pāmujjaṃ see pāmojjaṃ, joy, delight, bliss, happiness pāmokkho Principal chief, eminent pāmojjaṃ see pāmujjaṃ, joy, delight, bliss, happiness pāyaṃ pi ayaṃ pāyako One who drinks pāyāso Rice boiled in milk, milk-rice, rice porridge pāyī Drinking pāyu The anus pāyeti see pivati pāyo Drinking. Only at the end of a compound; sindhupāyo, drinking the river pāyo Abundance pāyo Abundantly pāraṃ The further or opposite shore of a sea, or bank of a river, nirvāṇa, as being the goal reached by the pilgrim crossing the ocean of existence pāragū and (pārago) One who has crossed to the other side, who has passed beyond , escaped from; one who is accomplished or versed in pāraṅgato Versed or accomplished in pāradāriko An adulterer pārado Quicksilver pāramitā Completeness, perfection, highest state pāramī Completeness, perfection, highest state pārampariyaṃ Traditional instruction, tradition pāralokikaṃ The next world, another world pārājiko Meriting expulsion pārāpato A dove, pigeon pārāpāraṃ The hither and further shores, the far bank and the near bank pāricariyā Service, ministration, honour; wandering about pāricchattako The coral tree, erythmia indica, a tree in Indra's heaven pārijātako A tree in Indra's heaven, the coral tree or erythrina indica pārijuññaṃ Decay, loss pāripūrī Accomplishment, fulfilment, perfection pāribhogiko Belonging to use or enjoyment pārimo Further, opposite pārivaṭṭakaṃ A robe, civaraṃ, lent to a priest and returned by him after a period pārisajjo Belonging to an assembly pārisuddhi Purity, perfection, freedom from blame, innocence pārupati To dress, put on an outer garment pārūpaghāto Injuring others, cruelty pārevato A dove or pigeon pālako A keeper, guardian pālanaṃ Guarding, keeping, maintaining pāli A line, row, range; a ridge, bank, causeway; a sacred text; a passage in a text pāliko Having lines or ridges pāliccaṃ Hoariness, greyness of hair pālito According to the text or words of the scriptures pālito Preserved, guarded, maintained pālibhaddo The kiṃśuka tree, butea frondosa pāleti To guard, keep, preserve, maintain, observe pālo A guardian, keeper pāvaki An epithet of skanda or kārttikeya pāvako Fire pāvacanaṃ The word of Buddha, the holy Scriptures pāvadati To speak out, express pāvanaṃ Purification; winnowing of grain pāvā A city of the Mallas, also a place near Rājagaha pāvāro A cloak or mantle pāvuso The rainy season; a sort of fish pāvussako Belonging to the rainy season pāveyyako Belonging to pāvā pāsako A die pāsaṇi see paṇhi, the heel pāsaṇḍiko Heretical pāsaṇḍo Heretical pāsāṇo A stone, a rock pāsādiko Pleasing, engaging, amiable, gracious pāsādo A building erected on high foundations and approached by means of steps, a terrace, tower, palace, mansion pāsiko Connected with snares, using snares, caught in a snare pāso A noose, string, snare, fetter pāhuṇeyyo Worthy of being guests, worthy of hospitality pāhuṇo A guest pāhuno Sufficient pāheti To send pi see api piṃsāpeti To cause to be ground, or bruised, or crushed piko The Indian cuckoo piṅgalo Reddish yellow, brown, tawny piṅgo Brown, tawny picu Cotton piculo The tamarisk tree picchilā The silk-cotton tree, bombax heptophyllum piñjaṃ A feather of a peacock's tail; a peacock's tail or train; a wing piñjaro Yellow, tawny piṭakattayaṃ The Three Baskets or Treasuries, a name of the buddhist scriptures piṭako see tipiṭakaṃ piṭṭhaṃ and (piṭṭhī)The back; the hinder part; the surface, top piṭṭhako A cake made of flour, a meal piṭṭhikā Grits, porridge piṭṭhito From the back; from behind, behind piṭṭho Ground, crushed piṭharo A pot or pan piṇḍako Incense, myrrh, perfume piṇḍacāriko Going about in search of alms piṇḍanaṃ Rolling together, forming into a lump piṇḍapātiko One who keeps the piṇḍapātikaṅga piṇḍapāto Food received in the alms-bowl of a Buddhist monk piṇḍikā The nave of a wheel, the central part of a wheel piṇḍiyālopo Morsels of food, broken meat piṇḍī A lump, mass piṇḍeti To roll into a lump; to assemble piṇḍo A lump, ball, mass; uniting, putting together; a lump of food, morsel; food; food given in alms; sustenance, livelihood; the body pitarā (pitaro)see pitā pitā A father; a name of the Hindu Brahma pitāmaho A grandfather; a name of the Hindu Brahma piti see pitā pitito On the father's side pitu (pitunnaṃ)see pitā pitucchā Father's sister, aunt pittaṃ Bile, the bilious humour pittiko Bilious pithīyati To be shut, closed, obstructed "is covered" pidahati To cover; to shut, close; to guard pidahanaṃ Covering, closing, fencing; sheath; a lid, cover pidhānaṃ Covering, closing, fencing; sheath; a lid, cover pināso Cold in the head, catarrh pipāsā Thirst pipāsito Thirsty pipphalaṃ Scissors, shears pipphalī The wave-leaved fig-tree; long pepper pipphalo The Sacred fig-tree, ficus religiosa pibati To drink, imbibe, swallow, drink in, enjoy, feast upon piyaṃvado Speaking kindly piyako A kind of spotted deer piyaṅgu Panick seed; a medicinal plant, priyaṅgu piyadassī Name of one of the twenty-four Buddhas piyavādī Speaking kindly, affable piyāyati To be fond of, to be devoted to, honour piyālo The piyal tree, buchanania latifolia piyo An oar piyo Dear, beloved; agreeable, pleasant; kind, loving pilakkho The wave-leaved fig-tree, ficus infectoria pilandhati To put on, wear an ornament, to deck oneself pilandhanaṃ Wearing or putting on an ornament; ornament pilavo A kind of duck piluvati To float pilotikā A cloth, bandage pillako A child, or the young of an animal piḷakā A boil, pustule, pimple pivati To drink, imbibe, swallow, drink in, enjoy, feast upon pivāsati To be thirsty pisaṅgo Brown, tawny pisāco A class of demons, a goblin, sprite pisitaṃ Flesh pisuno Backbiting, calumnious, malicious a tale-bearer, informer, traitor pissa Pi'ssa that is pi assa pihakaṃ The spleen pihā Desire, envy pihito see pidahati piheti To desire; to envy pīṭhaṃ A chair, stool, bench; the counter of a shop pīṭhakaṃ A chair, stool pīṭhasappī A cripple pīṭhikā A bench, stool; a platform, framework pīṇanaṃ Satisfaction pīṇeti To gratify, cheer, regale, please pītako Yellow pītanaṃ Yellow orpiment pītanako The hog-plum, spondias mangifera pītasālo The tree terminalia tomentosa pīti Drinking pīti Joy, delight pītī Drinking pīto Yellow pīto Drunk, swallowed pīto Delighted pīno Fat, bulky pīyati see pivati pīyūsaṃ Ambrosia pīlu The tree careya arborea pīḷanaṃ Pressing or weighing on; oppression pīḷā Pain, suffering; wrong, injury pīḷeti To press, crush, weigh upon; to vex, to oppress, ravage, harass, hurt pīvaro Fat, bulky pukkuso A man of the pukkasa caste puggaliko Connected with an individual puggalo An individual or person as opposed to a multitude or class; a creature, being, man puṅkho The feathered part of an arrow pucimando The nimba tree, azadirachta indica pucchako Asking pucchati To ask; to question; to ask for; to ask about pucchanaṃ Asking, inquiring pucchā Questioning, a question puccho and (pucchaṃ)A tail puñchati To wipe puñchanaṃ Wiping, cleaning; a towel puñjo Heap, mass, multitude puññatā Meritoriousness, merit, good works puññavā Meritorious, righteous; fortunate puñño Good, virtuous; just, righteous, meritorious, pure, holy puṭakaṃ A small basket made of a rolled leaf puṭabhedanaṃ A town puṭī A vessel, cup puṭo and (puṭaṃ)A cup, vessel, basket puṭṭho Nourished puṇgavo A bull; at the end of a compound, best, chief puṇḍarīkaṃ A white lotus flower; one of the Buddhist high numerals, 10,000,000(to the 16th power), or 1 followed by 112 ciphers puṇḍarīkinī A pond of white lotuses puṇḍarīko A fragrant kind of mango; a tiger puṇṇamā The day or night of full moon puṇṇo Full, fulfilled, complete, entire puttako A little son, a beloved son; a son puttattaṃ Sonship puttadāro Son and wife, wife and child puttiko Connected with sons puttimo Having sons puttiyo Relating to or connected with sons puttīyati To treat as a son putto A son, child puthakkātabbo That ought to be separated puthag see puthu puthavī The earth puthu and before a vowel sometimes puthag-, separately, without, except puthu Broad, extensive, great, big; abundant, numerous puthuko A child; young of an animal puthukkaraṇaṃ Separation puthugattatā Discrimination puthujjaniko see pothujjaniko puthujjaniko Belonging to an unconverted person puthujjano A man of the lower classes or of low character; a common or ordinary man, one who is unconverted as opposed to one who has entered the paths, a worldling, natural or unsanctified man puthubhūto Separated puthubhūto Become great; become numerous puthulo Broad, large puthulomo A fish puthuvāsanaṃ A large seat or chair puthuvī see paṭhavī puna puno(1) and before a vowel punar(2) and punad(3)Again, anew, afresh; back; after that, next, further, moreover punappunaṃ and (punappuna)Again and again, repeatedly punabbasu Name of a nakkhatta punabbhavo Renewed existence, re-birth, transmigration punarutto and (punaruttako)Said over again, repeated punāti To purify puno see puna punnanavā Hogweed, boerhavia procumbens pupphaṃ A flower; the menses pupphati To blossom pupphanaṃ Flowering pupphavatī A menstruous woman pupphī Bearing flowers pubbako Former, accompanied by pubbaṅgamo Going before, preceding, prior; leading, chief pubbajo Older, elder pubbaṇṇaṃ A name given to the seven dhaññas, rice, etc. pubbaṇho Forenoon, morning pubbaddho Upper part pubbanto Beginning; the east pubbavuttako Before mentioned pubbācariyo Ancient teacher, scholar of previous times pubbāparo First and last, preceding and following, successive, mutual pubbuṭṭhāyī A servant getting up before the master, or a wife before the husband pubbuttaro North-eastern pubbo Pus, matter pubbo Fore, first, foremost; eastern; earlier, former, preceding; ancient, customary; at the end of a compound sometimes means "preceded by, attended by, accompanied by" pumā A male, a man puraṃ A town, city, fortress; a house purakkharoti To put in front, to make a person one's leader, to follow, revere, honour puraṭṭhito Standing before purato Before, in front, in the presence of puratthato Eastwards puratthā In front; first and foremost; on the East; formerly puratthimo Eastern purassaro Going in advance purā Formerly, previously, in a previous existence purāṇo Ancient, past, former, pristine; old, worn out purātano Ancient, pristine purindado A name of Sakka or Indra purimako Previous purimo Former, preceding, foremost, first; eastern purisattaṃ Manhood, virility purisājañño A man of noble birth, a superior, distinguished man, a man who is to other men what the thoroughbred racer is to other horses. puriso A man; a male; a person, individual; an attendant purī A town puruttamaṃ A noble or splendid city pure Loc. from puraṃ pure Formerly, previously, first, originally; in front, before purekkhāro Precedence, preference, deference puregāmī Preceding, leading purecaro Leading purecāriko Leading purecārī Preceding, leading puretaraṃ Forward, further, in front; before, sooner puredvāraṃ Front door purebhattaṃ Before the morning meal purohiccaṃ see porohiccaṃ purohito A brahmin who is a king's domestic chaplain pulinaṃ A sand-bank, island of alluvial formation in a river pulomo The asura vepacitti pulliṅgaṃ Manhood, male sex; in grammar masculine gender puḷavo A worm, maggot pūgo A multitude; the areca-nut tree pūjako Honouring pūjanā Veneration pūjā Attention, care; veneration; offering pūjeti To honour, revere; to honour with, present with; to offer, present pūti Stinking, foul, putrid pūtiko Stinking, foul pūto Purified, clean, pure pūpiyo A cake-seller, confectioner pūpo A cake, sweetmeat pūyo Pus, matter pūrako Filling, completing pūraṇaṃ Filling pūraṇo Filling, completing pūrati To be filled, to get full; to be fulfilled pūrāpeti To cause to be filled pūreti To fill, to complete, to fulfil, to attain pūro Full pūvako A cake pūviko A cake seller, confectioner pūvo A cake, sweetmeat pekkhati To look at, behold, observe, watch with expectation; to look out for, expect pekkhā see pekhā, wish, desire, expectation pekhā Wish, desire, expectation pekhī Desiring, looking for, awaiting pekhuṇaṃ A wing pecca Having departed, after death, in the next world or existence, hereafter peṭako A basket peto Dead, departed pettiko Paternal, ancestral pettiyo Paternal, ancestral pettivisayo The peta realm or world petteyyatā Paternity petteyyo Paternal pemaṃ Love, affection, kindness; joy, pleasure pemanīyo Affectionate peyyavajjaṃ Kindness of language peyyālaṃ Repetition, succession, "to be supplied, or filled up, or read in full" peyyo see pivati peyyo Beloved, dear pelako A hare pelavo Delicate, tender peḷā A basket pesakāro A weaver pesanaṃ Sending, despatching; message, despatch pesalo Beautiful, delightful pesikā Rind, shell pesī A piece of flesh or meat pesuññaṃ Backbiting, slander, evil-speaking pesuṇeyyaṃ Backbiting, slander, evil-speaking peseti To send pessaṃ Servitude pessiko A servant pesso A messenger, servant, slave, hireling, menial po Guarding, ruling pokkharaṃ A lotus, nelumbium speciosum; the tip of an elephant's trunk; water; the body; the head of a drum pokkharaṇī A lotus-pond, tank, reservoir pokkharatā Beauty pokkharasātako Name of a bird pokkharo The body of a lute poṅkhānupoṅkhaṃ Shot after shot poṭagalo The grass saccharum spontaneum poṭṭhapādo Name of a month poṭhilo A proper name poṭheti To crack, snap; to knock, to throw poṇo Sloping potako The young of any animal potikā see potako poto The young of an animal; a boat, ship potthaṃ Plastering, working in clay, modelling potthakāro A modeller in clay potthako and (potthakaṃ)A manuscript, a book; working in clay, modelling, etc; cloth made of makaci fibre potthalikā A doll or puppet pothanaṃ Beating pothujjaniko Belonging to an unconverted person potheti To strike, beat potheti To speak many languages ponobhaviko Connected with re-birth in another existence porāṇo and (porāṇako)Ancient, primeval, former porisaṃ Manliness; the height of a man with his arms extended over his head poriso A human being, a man, a person poro Belonging to a town; urbane, polite porohiccaṃ The office of a purohita or a priest porohito A purohita or priest posako Nourishing posati To feed, nourish, support, cherish, bring up posanaṃ Nourishing posāvanaṃ Supporting, cherishing poso see poriso, a human being, a man, a person plavaṅgamo and (plavaṅgo)A monkey plavati To float; to soar; to spring; to vibrate, hover plavo A raft, float phaggavo A sort of pot herb phagguṇo The month phālguṇa phaṇijjako The plant samīraṇa phaṇindo A hooded snake phaṇī A snake phaṇo The hood of a snake, especially of a cobra phandati To throb, palpitate, tremble, struggle phandano Palpitating, trembling, agitated, unsteady pharaṇaṃ Pervading pharati To flash, shine forth; to thrill or dart through, to pervade; to diffuse, send forth, emit pharasu A hatchet, axe pharuso Harsh, unkind, fierce, savage; rough, rugged; severe, cruel phalaṃ A certain measure or weight phalaṃ Fruit, a fruit, grain, crop, produce; result, consequence; reward, profit, advantage; a testicle phalakaṃ and (phalako)A board, slab; a shield phalati To split asunder, break open, burst; to bear fruit phalavā Bearing fruit phalāphalaṃ and (phalāphalāni)Wild fruits, berries phalārāmo Fruit garden, orchard phaliko and (phalikā)Crystal, quartz phalito Bearing fruit or crop, fruitful; broken; grey, grey-haired phalino Bearing fruit phalī Bearing fruit phalu A knot or joint in a reed phallati To bear fruit phassanaṃ Contact phassito Made to touch, brought into contact phasseti see phusati phasso Touch, contact phāṇitaṃ The concentrated thick juice of the sugar cane, raw sugar, molasses phāti Increase, growth phārusakaṃ Name of one of Indra's groves phālanaṃ Splitting, bursting phālāpeti To cause to be split or torn phāleti To split, cut, sever, break open phālo A ploughshare phāsu Enviable, agreeable, pleasant, easy, comfortable phāsukā A rib. Of the side rafters or ribs of a hut phāsuko Pleasurable, agreeable, comfortable phāsulikā A rib phīto Prosperous phuṭanaṃ Tearing, bursting phuṭo Thrilled, pervaded phuṭṭho see phusati phuliṅgaṃ A spark phullito Blossoming phullo Expanded, blown; split, broken phusati To touch; to reach phusanā Touching, attaining phussito Flowered, blossoming phusso Name of a nakkhatta; name of a month; name of a Buddha pheggu Empty, vain, poor pheṇo Foam, froth phenilo The soap plant, sapindus detergens phoṭo A swelling, boil, tumour bako A crane bird bajjhati To be bound; to be imprisoned battiṃsā Thirty-two badarā Cotton badarī The jujube tree badaro The jujube fruit baddhaṃ A leather thong or strip baddho Bound; fixed; continuous; acquired, contracted badhiro Deaf bandhakī An unchaste woman bandhati To bind; to fasten; to fix; to embank; to acquire, to get, to contract bandhanaṃ Binding; bonds; a fetter; a band, ligature; a snare, a trap; the stalk of a leaf or flower bandhanāgāraṃ A prison bandhanīyo To be bound, fit to be bound bandhavo A kinsman bandhāgāraṃ A prison bandhāpeti To cause to be bound; to cause to be embanked, of a river bandhu A relative, a kinsman bandhujīvo and (bandhujīvako)The plant penapeted phoenicea bandhumā Having relatives bandhuro Uneven, undulating bandhūko The plant pentapetes phoenicea bandheti To cause to be bound; to bind, to fix, to tie, to fasten bandho Binding; bonds; union; bandage bappo A tear babbajo A sort of coarse grass babbu A mongoose or ichneumon; a cat barihaṃ A peacock's tail barihisaṃ Sacrificial grass barihī A peacock balaṃ Strength, power, force; an army, troops, forces; bulkiness balakāyo An army balakkāro Violence balaggaṃ Front of an army, troops in array balati To live balattho A royal messeger or peon, a palace servant balavataro Stronger balavā Strong balākā A crane bird bali Religious offering, oblation; royal revenue, tax bali Strong balikammaṃ Religious offering, offering of food to bhutas balipuṭṭho A crow balimā Receiving offerings balivaddo An ox baliso A fish-hook bavhābādho Much sickness, also an adj. meaning "having much sickness", "having bad health" bahalato In thickness bahalo Thick bahi Outwards, outside, out of doors bahiṃ Outwards, outside, out of doors bahiddhā Outside bahu Much; many; large, ample bahukicco Having many duties, very busy bahuko Much; many bahujāgaro Keeping many vigils, very watchful bahujjano Most people, the multitude, the world bahutaro More bahuttaṃ Multitude bahutthaṃ In many ways bahudhā In many ways bahunadiko Receiving many rivers, an epithet of the ocean bahuppado Liberal, munificent bahubbīhi This is the technical name for one sort of samāsa bahubhāṇitā Garrulousness, talkativeness bahubhāṇī Garrulous, talkative bahubhāvo Quantity, multiplicity bahubhedo Multiform, various bahumato Esteemed, venerated bahulīkato Enlarged, increased bahulīkaroti To increase, to extend bahulo Much, abundant; abounding in bahuvacanaṃ In gram. the plural number bahuvārako The tree cordia myxa bahuvidho Various, multiform bahuso Greatly, abundantly bahussutattaṃ Learnedness, erudition bahussuto Having great religious knowledge, learned, erudite bahūdako Holding much water bahūpakāro Very helpful, very useful bākucī The plant vernonia anthelminthica bāṇadhi A quiver bāṇo A arrow bādhati To obstruct, to annoy, to afflict, to oppress bādhā Annoyance, affliction; refutation, contradiction bārasa Twelve bārāṇasī The city of Benares bārāṇaseyyako Belonging to Benares bālako A boy, a child; the young of any animal bālatā Childhood bālattaṃ Childhood bālātapo The rays of the newly-risen sun bālāvatāro Name of a well-known pali grammar bālisiko A fisherman bāliso Young; ignorant bāleyyo Fit for a child bālo Young; ignorant, foolish bālyaṃ Childhood, youth; ignorance, folly bāḷho Hard, severe, excessive bāvīsati Twenty-two bāhati To remove, to put away, to reject bāhā The arm bāhito see bādhati bāhirako External, foreign, heretical bāhirato From outside bāhirā From outside bāhire Outside, externally; outside Buddhism bāhiro External; foreign; non-Buddhist, heretical; external to the individual, objective bāhu The arm bāhujañño Having many adherents, extended to many people bāhujo A khattiya bāhumūlaṃ The armpit bāhulyaṃ Abundance bāhullaṃ Abundance bāhusaccaṃ Great learning bāheti To remove, to put away, to reject bāhyo External bindu A drop; a spot; a little circle or dot used as a symbol for anusvāra; one of the high numerals, 10,000,000(to the 7th power) or 1 followed by 49 ciphers bimbā A name of Yasodharā bimbisāro Name of a king of Magadha, a convert of Buddha bimbo and (bimbaṃ)The disk of the sun or moon; an image, a figure; the fruit of momordica mondelpha bimbohanaṃ A pillow biraṇaṃ A fragrant grass, andropogon muricatum bilaṃ A hole, a chasm bilaṃ A part, a bit bilaṅgo Sour gruel bilaso Bit by bit bilāro A cat bilālaṃ A sort of salt billo The tree egle marmelos biḷālo A cat bījaṃ A germ; a seed; cause, origin bījagāmo Seed-group, seed-kingdom, collection of germs bībhaccho Loathsome, dreadful; altered, disguised bīmbikā The plant momordica monadelpha bujjhati To know, to perceive, to understand bujjhanaṃ Knowing buḍḍhataro Elder, senior buḍḍhatā Seniority, greater age buḍḍho Old, aged buddhakappo A kappa in which one or more Buddhas appear buddhakiccaṃ That which has to be done by a Buddha, his duty or mission buddhaguṇo Quality, attribute, virtue of a Buddha buddhaghoso An eminent Buddhist divine who flourished in the fourth-fifth century A.D. buddhaṅkuro An embryo Buddha, one destined to become a Buddha buddhacakkhu The eye of Buddha, his omniscience buddhatā Knowledge buddhattaṃ Buddhahood buddhadhammo Condition or attribute of a Buddha buddhantaraṃ The period between the death of one Buddha and the appearance of another buddhabhāvo State of a Buddha, Buddhahood buddhabhūmi Degree or condition of a Buddha, Buddhaship buddhavisayo The extent of Buddha's power or wisdom buddhasāsanaṃ The commandment or religion of Buddha buddhi Understanding, knowledge, intelligence buddhiko Having faith in Buddha buddhimā Intelligent, wise buddhuppādo Appearance or birth of a Buddha in the world buddho Known, understood; possessing knowledge, enlightened, wise; expanded, full-blown budho Wise bundikābaddho Name of a sort of bed. bundo The root of a tree bubbuḷaṃ A bubble; a blister, pimple bubbuḷakaṃ A bubble bubhukkhati To wish to eat, to be hungry bubhukkhito Hungry būddho A Buddha, a supreme Buddha; Sākyamuni, Gotama Buddha beluvo Relating to the vilva tree; made of vilva wood bojjhaṅgo Member or constituent of bodhi, there are seven bojjhaṅgas or requisites for attaining the supreme knowledge of a buddha bodhakaro One whose duty it is to awaken a prince with music and song, a vetalika bodhati see bujjhati bodhanaṃ Knowing, understanding bodhaneyyo Capable of being enlightened, to be taught the truth bodhapakkhiyo and -iko(1) also bodhipakkhiyo(2) and iko(3), accessory to the bodha or supreme knowledge bodhi The knowledge possessed by a Buddha, supreme or infinite knowledge, omniscience, the Truth; Buddhahood bodhi-aṅgo Member or constituent of bodhi, there are seven bojjhaṅgas or requisites for attaining the supreme knowledge of a buddha bodhipakkhiyo see bodhapakkhiyo bodhimaṇḍalaṃ The region where Sākyamuni attained Buddhaship surrounding the Bo tree, considered the most sacred spot in India bodhimaṇḍo The miraculous throne under the Bodhi tree upon which Sākyamuni sat when he attained Buddhahood bodhimālako The sacred enclosure in which a Bo tree stands bodhisatto A being destined to attain Buddhaship bodheti To inform; to teach; to cause to blossom bodho Knowledge, wisdom, intelligence; Buddhaship, supreme knowledge bondi The body by For all words beginning thus see under vy-, which is the more correct spelling. byañjanaṃ see vyañjanaṃ, A consonant; a letter, syllable, word; the words or letter as opposed to the sense; sign, mark, characteristic; sauce, condiment, curry byatto Evident, manifest; perspicuous; wise, learned byantikaroti To abolish, remove, get rid of, destroy byasanaṃ Misfortune; unhappiness, destruction, loss; bad habit, sin byāpako Pervading byāpajjati To be malevolent byāpanaṃ Pervading, penetration byāpādo Wish to injure, malevolence, hatred, fury byāpāro Occupation, business, profession, exertion, action, work byāmo A fathom of about 6 feet, being the distance between the tips of the fingers of the two hands when the arms are extended byārosanā Anger, hatred byāsatto Attached to pleasure, covetous, etc. byūho see vyūho, An array of troops; a host, multitude; a street closed at one end bravīti To say; to tell; to call, to name brahā Large, great brahmaṃ The practice of austere devotion; the Vedas brahmakāyiko Belonging to the company of Mahābrahma brahmaghoso Either a voice like Mahābrahma's, or a glorious voice brahmacariyaṃ The duties or practice of a religious student; celibacy; chastity, purity; the life of holiness led by the sanctified; living according to Buddha's precepts; charity or almsgiving; the practice of the appamaññās brahmacariyavā Celibate, chaste, virtuous, holy brahmacariyavāso Living as a religious student; living a life in accordance with Buddha's law brahmacārī A religious student; celibate, chaste, holy brahmajālaṃ Name of a sermon of Buddha, the first of the sutta piṭaka brahmajo Sprung from Brahma brahmattaṃ Brahmaship brahmadaṇḍo One of the punishments to which monks are subject for certain ecclesiastical offences brahmapakkhiko Belonging to the brahminical party brahmapārisajjo Belonging to the retinue of Mahābrahma brahmapurohito Minister or priest to Mahābrahma brahmabandhu A brahmin brahmaloko Brahma world brahmavihāro Excellent or perfect state; life or abode in the brahma world; the exercise of the appamaññās, or perfect good will towards all beings brahmassaro The voice of Mahābrahma brahmā Mahābrahma; the Hindu brahma; a brahmin; parents; a brahma angel; a Buddha brahmo see brahmā brāhmaññatā The state of being a brahmin, brahminhood brāhmaṇamahāsālo A wealthy brahmin brāhmaṇī A brahmin woman brāhmaṇo A brahmin; an arhat brūti To say; to tell; to call, to name brūheti To increase, to augment, to develope, to perfect, to devote oneself to bhaṃ A star, a lunar asterism; a planet bhakkhako Voracious bhakkhaṇaṃ Eating, enjoying bhakkheti To eat; to devour; to feed upon; to enjoy bhakkho Eating, feeding on bhakkho Eatable, to be eaten bhakkho Food bhagaṃ Power, majesty; fortune, prosperity; fame, glory; virtue, merit; desire, love; pudendum muliebre bhagadalā Fistula bhagavā Worshipful, venerable, blessed, holy. This word is generally used as an epithet or name of a Buddha, in particular, Sākyamuni bhaginī A sister bhagu Name of one of the ten ṛishis bhaggavo A descendant of bhṛigu bhaggā Name of a people and country bhaggo Broken bhacco A servant, an attendant bhajati To serve; to honour; to cultivate the acquaintance of; to be devoted to, to follow, to embrace; to obtain bhajjati To fry, to roast, to bake bhajjāpeti To cause to be fried or baked bhañjati To break, to crush, to destroy bhañjanaṃ Breaking, fracture; injuring, destruction bhaññaṃ Preaching bhaññati To be spoken, told, preached bhaṭo A soldier bhaṭṭho Fallen bhaṭṭho Fried, roasted bhaṇati To speak, to say, to tell, to recite, to preach bhaṇito Spoken, said bhaṇe This is the 1st pers. sing. pres. ātmane, from bhaṇati, and is used an interjection, "I say", "to be sure". It is a familiar term of address, frequently used by a king to a subject. bhaṇgo Hempen bhaṇḍaṃ A utensil, article, implement; goods, wares, property; the stock-in-trade of a tradesman bhaṇḍakaṃ A utensil, article, implement; goods, property bhaṇḍagabbho A store-room bhaṇḍati To quarrel; to abuse bhaṇḍanaṃ Quarrelling, strife bhaṇḍākī The plant solanum melongena bhaṇḍāgāriko A treasurer; a royal treasurer, one of the ministers of state bhaṇḍikā An article, utensil; goods, wares, merchandise; a bundle bhaṇḍiko The plant pentapetes phoenicea bhaṇḍilo The tree mimosa sirisha bhaṇḍu Close shaven, bald bhatako A servant, hireling bhati Support, maintenance; wages, hire bhatiko One who works for hire, a labourer bhattaṃ Food, boiled rice; a meal bhattakāro A cook bhattakiccaṃ Business of food, i.e. a meal bhattaggaṃ A refectory, see aggaṃ bhattā A husband bhatti Division; service, devotion bhattuddesako One whose duty it is to regulate the distribution of food to the monks bhaddakaccānā A name of the wife of Siddhattha, Buddha bhaddakumbho An auspicious vase, a jar with holy water bhaddako Good, happy bhaddadāru The tree pinus deodora bhaddapadā Name of two nakkhattas, pubbabhaddapadā and uttarabhaddapadā bhaddamuttaṃ The grass cyperus rotundus bhadde My good woman, my dear madam bhaddo Good, excellent, noble, worthy, pious; fortunate, auspicious, happy, blest bhadro Good, excellent, noble, worthy, pious; fortunate, auspicious, happy, blest bhante This is a contracted form of bhadante. It is used as a reverential term of address, "Lord", "Reverend sir", and is the proper address of Buddha, of Buddhist priests, of ṛishis, tāpasas, etc. bhanto Whirling, rolling; confused bhandanto A venerable man; a Buddhist monk bhabbo Right, proper, good, well conducted; future bhamati To whirl about, to revolve to roam bhamaro A bee bhamāpeti To cause to revolve bhamu An eyebrow bhamuko An eyebrow bhameti To cause to revolve, to whirl bhamo Whirling; a lathe; a watercourse, drain bhayaṃ Fear, fright; danger, calamity bhayaṅkaro Fearful, dreadful bhayaṭṭho In danger; terrified bhayānako Frightful, horrible bharaṇaṃ Bearing, supporting, maintenance bharaṇī Name of the second nakkhatta bharati To bear, to support, to maintain, to nourish bharito Filled with bhariyā A wife bharo Supporting bharo A load; much, excessive bhallātako and (bhallātakī)The marking nut plant, semicarpus anacardium bhallī The marking nut plant bhavaṃ Lord, Sir bhavakkhayo Cessation of birth or existence, arahatta or nirvāṇa bhavaggaṃ Culminating point of existence bhavati and (hoti)To be; to exist; to become; to take place; to befall; to behave bhavatī see bhavaṃ bhavadiṭṭhi The heresy of believing matter and being to be everlasting bhavanaṃ Being, existence; a house, dwelling, palace bhavanīyo That ought to be, that must be bhavanetti Desire, lust bhavantaraṃ Another birth or existence, viz. either a previous or a subsequent one bhavantā see bhavaṃ bhavantī see bhavaṃ bhavābhavo Various births, repeated birth, existence under different forms successively, as deva, man, preta, etc. bhavitabbo and (hotabbo)That is or ought to be bhavissanti The future tense, vibhatti is understood bhave 1st pers. pres. ātm, from bhavati; also 3rd pers. opt. par. from bhavati; also loc. sing. from bhavo bhavo Being, existence; birth, origin; renewed existence, saṃsara; a birth or existence in the Buddhist sense; gain, increase, welfare bhavyo Existing, being bhastā A bellows bhasmaṃ Ashes bhasmīkaraṇaṃ Reducing to ashes bhasmībhavati To be reduced to ashes bhassaṃ Talk bhassati To fall bhassaro Shining, brilliant bhā Light, ray, splendour bhākaro The sun bhāgadheyyaṃ Lot, destiny bhāgavā Partaker of, having a share in bhāgineyyo A sister's son, nephew bhāgiyo Connected with, conducive to bhāgī Partaking in; undergoing, suffering bhāgīrathī The Ganges bhāgo A portion, part, share; region, quarter, side; time; lot, destiny bhāgyaṃ Fortune, lot, destiny; merit and demerit acquired in former existences bhājanaṃ A vessel, bowl, jar; dividing, distribution bhājāpeti To cause to be distributed bhājeti To divide, to distribute bhāṇaṃ Saying, reciting bhāṇaṃ Telling, expounding bhāṇako A jar bhāṇako Reciting, saying, preaching bhāṇavāraṃ A recitation, a portion for recital bhāṇī Speaking; talking bhātā A brother; a cousin germane bhāti To shine; to appear bhātikattaṃ State of being a brother bhātiko A brother bhātuko A brother bhātuno see bhātā bhātussa see bhātā bhānu A ray of light; the sun bhānumā Luminous, brilliant bhāyati To fear, to be afraid of bhārako A load bhārataṃ The mahābhārata bhāratī Speech bhāradvājo Name of one of the ten ṛishis bhārapādatā Elephantiasis of the leg bhāriko A porter bhāriko Serious, grievous bhāriyo Serious, grievous bhārī Carrying, bearing bhāro A weight, a burden; charge, duty, business; a weight of 2000 palas bhāvanaṃ Consideration, reputation bhāvanā Producing; increasing, developing, being devoted to, realizing, attaining; earnest consideration, meditation bhāvanāmayo Consisting of or sprung from meditation bhāvito Increased, enlarged, perfected; trained, practised; occupied with, intent; attained; perfumed bhāvī Future bhāveti To cause to exist, to produce, to obtain; to increase, to enlarge, to perfect; to be occupied with, to practise, to be versed in; to develop the idea of, to dwell upon, to contemplate bhāvo Property, nature; state, condition; meaning, intention; gesture; amorous dalliance; substance, thing bhāsati To speak; to say; to address bhāsati To shine bhāsanaṃ Lustre, radiance bhāsā Speech, language bhāsā Light, radiance bhāsitā One who speaks or utters bhāsito Spoken; told, stated; spoken to, addressed bhāsuro Shining bhāseti To illuminate bhāso A vulture bhiṃsanako Alarming bhiṃsano Dreadful, horrible bhiṃsāpanaṃ Terrifying, intimidation bhiṃsāpeti To frighten, to terrify bhiṃsikā Terrifying, an alarm bhikkhati To ask for, to beg bhikkhā Begging; alms; begged food, boiled rice, food bhikkhācariyā Going about for alms, going the rounds bhikkhācāro Going the rounds for alms bhikkhu A beggar; a mendicant friar; a Buddhist monk bhikkhunī A female mendicant, a Buddhist nun bhikkhusaṅgho A company of monks bhiṅkāro A golden vase bhiṅko A young elephant bhiṅgarājo Name of a shrub, eclipta prostrata bhijjati see bhindati bhijjanaṃ Breaking up, dissolution bhijjo To be broken bhitti A wall of earth or masonry bhidā Difference, kind bhindati To break; to break up, to injure, to destroy; to divide; to separate bhindanaṃ Breaking destrying bhindivālo A sort of spear bhinnako Schismatic bhinno Broken; divided; disunited; separated; other, different; joined, connected bhisaṃ The film or fibres of the stalk of the water lily bhisakko A physician bhisī A mat or mattress bhī Fear bhīti Fear bhīto Frightened, afraid bhīmo Dreadful, horrible; cruel bhīyo and (bhiyyo)More bhīyo and (bhiyyo)Again, further, besides; repeatedly, frequently; much bhīyosomattāya and (bhiyyosomattāya)More and more, exceedingly, abundantly bhīru Timid, afraid bhīruko Timid, afraid bhīrutā Timidity, dread bhīsīlo Timid bhujago A snake bhujaṇgamo A snake bhujaṇgo A snake bhujasiro The shoulder bhujā The arm bhujisso A freed slave, a freedman; a freeman bhujo The arm bhuñjati To eat, to partake of, to enjoy; to possess, to govern bhuñjanaṃ Enjoying, eating bhuñjī Eating bhuttavā Having eaten bhutti Having eaten bhutti Eating, enjoying bhutto Eaten; possessed, used bhutvā see bhuñjati bhummaṭṭho Standing on the ground bhummattharaṇaṃ A carpet bhummo Terrestrial bhuvanaṃ The world bhuvi see bhū bhusaṃ Chaff of corn bhusaṃ Much, exceedingly bhuso Much, excessive bhū The earth bhū An eyebrow bhūjapatto The bhojpatra tree, a kind of birch bhūtagāmo Vegetation, as grass, plants, shrubs, trees bhūtattaṃ State of being a bhūta bhūtadharā The earth bhūtapati Indra bhūtapubbo That has been or existed before bhūtapo A yakkha chief or king bhūtavādī Speaking according to facts, truthful bhūtavijjā Knowledge of spirits or demons, exorcism bhūtavejjo An exorcist bhūti Being, existence, birth; welfare bhūtiṇaṃ and (bhūtiṇakaṃ)A fragrant grass, andropogon schoenanthus bhūto Been, become, being; gone, past, former; real, true, right bhūdharo A mountain bhūnātho A king bhūpati A king bhūpālo A king bhūpo A king bhūbhujo A king bhūmako Having stages or stories bhūmi The earth; place; stage, degree, state; the ground; story of a house bhūmikā A story or stage bhūmindo A king bhūmipālo A king bhūmipo A king bhūyati see bhavati bhūri Much, many, abundant bhūrī Wisdom bhūrī The earth bhūsanaṃ Ornament bhūsā Adornment bhūsāpeti To adorn bhūseti To adorn bhekī Breaking, cleaving bheko A frog bhettā One who breaks bhetvā see bhindati bhedako One who breaks, one who causes disunion bhedanaṃ Breaking, division bhedanako Liable to be broken bhedeti To break, to cleave, to divide bhedo Breaking; rending; division; disunion; breach, schism; sort, kind bheraṇḍo A jackal bheravo Fearful, terrible bheri A kettle-drum, tomtom bhesajaṃ A medicine, drug bhesajjaṃ A medicine, drug bhesamo Terrible bho Oh! I say! Sir! Friend! This is a familiar term of address, and is used to inferiors and equals. bhogavā Wealthy bhogini A royal concubine bhogī A snake; a village headman bhogo A snake's body; a snake's expanded hood; a fold; eating, enjoying; food; wealth bhojako A village headman bhojanaṃ Food bhojaniyo To be eaten bhojāpeti To feed, entertain bhojī One who eats bhojeti To cause to eat, to feed; to maintain; to entertain bhojjo To be eaten, edible bhottabbo To be eaten bhottā One who eats or enjoys bhottuṃ see bhuñjati bhonto (bhotī)see bhavaṃ bhovādī One who says bho, a brahmin maṃ mama(1), mamaṃ(2),see ahaṃ maṃsaṃ Flesh, meat makarando The nectar of a flower makaro Name of a mythical fish or sea monster makaso A gnat, a mosquito makuṭo and (makuṭaṃ)A crest, diadem, topknot, a crown makulo and (makulaṃ)An opening bud; a knob makkaṭako A spider makkaṭo A monkey makkhaṇaṃ Smearing; oil makkhāpeti To cause to be anointed makkhikā A fly makkhito Smeared, anointed, stained, soiled makkhī Concealing one's vices makkheti To smear, to anoint; to rub out makkho Concealing one's vices, hypocrisy magadhā Name of a people and country, Southern Behar magasiraṃ Name of a nakkhatta mago A deer or antelope maggaṭṭho Walking in one of the Four Paths maggati To trace out, to seek magganā and (magganaṃ)Tracing out, research maggasiro Name of a month maggāmaggo The right and the wrong way maggiko A traveller magguro A sort of fish maggeti To trace out, to seek maggo Trace, track; road, path, course, passage; urethra maghavā Indra maghā Name of a nakkhatta maṅku Troubled, restless, disturbed, put out, irritable, annoyed, angry, fretful, discontented maṅkuṇo A bug or flea maṅgaliṭṭhakā Auspicious brick, viz. what we call a foundation stone maṅgalo Auspicious, lucky; joyous, festive; belonging to state occasions maccu Death; yama maccudheyyaṃ The realm of Death macco Mortal, a man, a mortal macco Maternal macchako A fish macchaṇḍī Thickened or condensed juice of the sugarcane macchabandho A fisherman maccharāyati To be envious macchariyaṃ Avarice, niggardliness, selfishness, envy, churlishness maccharī Envious, niggardly maccharo Niggardly, envious, grudging macchā Good soil macchiko A fisherman maccheraṃ Avarice, niggardliness, selfishness, envy, churlishness maccho A fish majjaṃ Strong drink, spirituous liquor, wine, spirits majjati To be joyous; to be intoxicated majjati To rub, to polish majjanaṃ Intoxication; pride majjanaṃ Rubbing, polishing majjapo One who drinks strong drink; a winebibber, a drunkard majjāro A cat majjhagato Same meaning as next majjhago Going among, being in the midst of majjhaṇho Midday majjhattatā Impartiality, moderation, indifference majjhatto Impartial, neutral majjhantiko Midday majjhanho Midday majjhimadeso The Central Region, Central India majjhimo Middle, central, mean, moderate, of medium size majjho and (majjhaṃ) Middle, centre, interior; the waist majjho Middle, central mañcako A bed, a bedstead mañcādhāro A bedstead mañco A bed mañjarī A sprout; a compound pedicle mañjiṭṭhā Bengal madder mañjīro A foot ring, bangle mañju Beautiful, lovely, delightful mañjūsako Name of a celestial flower mañjūsā A bask box, casket mañjeṭṭho Light red maññati To think, to suppose, to imagine, to consider, to esteem, to know, to believe, to understand maṭṭo Polished, cleansed, pure, see maṭṭho maṭṭho Polished, cleansed, pure maṇi A gem, a jewel; a waterpot maṇikaṃ and (maṇiko)A waterpot maṇikkhandho A magic jewel maṇibandho The wrist maṇimayo Made of gems, or jewelled maṇilakkhaṇaṃ Telling a person's fortune from the jewels in his possession maṇisappo A sort of venomous snake maṇḍakappo see kappo maṇḍanaṃ Adornment; an ornament maṇḍano Adorning maṇḍapaṃ A roofed open hall or temple, generally built for a temporary purpose, a pavilion maṇḍabbo Patronymic from Maṇḍu maṇḍalaṃ A disk, a circle; circuit, circumference; a district comprising a number of villages, a region, a province; a heap; a multitude maṇḍalaggo A crooked sword, a sabre maṇḍalamālo A circular house or hall with a peaked roof, a pavilion maṇḍalikaṃ Anything round, a circle or globe maṇḍalissaro A ruler, a sovereign maṇḍalī A disk, a circle maṇḍalī Having a disk, orbed, circular maṇḍāpeti To cause to be adorned maṇḍito Adorned maṇḍukaṇṭako A maṇḍu thorn, supposed to destroy a tree or plant pierced with it maṇḍūko A frog maṇḍeti To adorn, to decorate maṇḍo Scum, the top part of milk matako Dead; belonging to the dead, a ghost mataṅgajo An elephant matapitiko One whose father is dead mati Mind, understanding, intelligence, thought, imagination; knowledge, wisdom; wish; opinion, advice matimā Sensible, intelligent, wise mato Having died, dead mato Thought, considered, believed, understood, known mattaṃ This word is used only as the latter part of a compound, with the meaning "measure, quantity", or "exact quantity, only, mere", or "exact time, as soon as" pañcadharaṇamattaṃ, a weight of five dharaṇas mattakaṃ A substitute for mattaṃ at the end of a compound; diṭṭhamattako mitto, a friend as soon as seen, a friend at first sight mattakāsinī A charming woman mattaññutā Moderation mattaññū Moderate, temperate mattā Measure, quantity; right or suitable quantity, moderation; a little, an atom; greatness, importance mattāsitā Moderation in eating, temperance mattikā Earth, loam, clay, mud mattikāmayo Earthen mattiko Consisting of one māntrā or short syllable mattiko Maternal mattiyo Maternal matteyyatā State of being a mother, maternity matteyyo Maternal matto Intoxicated, drunk; mad, furious; excited; glad, joyful matthako and (matthakaṃ)The head; top, summit, end; excellence, eminence matthaluṅgaṃ The brain matthu Whey mathati To churn; to stir up, to agitate; to crush, to destroy mathanaṃ Churning, crushing madanīyo Intoxicating madano Kāma, the god of love; the plant vanguiera spinosa madirā Spirituous liquor madīyo Mine mado Intoxication; pride; enjoyment; the juice that flows from an elephant's temples when in rut maddati To rub; to compress, to crush, to trample, to destroy maddanaṃ Rubbing, grinding, crushing, trampling maddalo A sort of drum maddavo Hanging loose or wrinkled, withered maddā Name of a country and its inhabitants madhu Sweet; pleasant, nice madhukaro A bee madhukaro Sweet madhuko Sweet madhucchiṭṭhaṃ Wax madhuddumo The tree bassia latifolia madhupo A bee madhubbato A honey bee madhumeho Diabetes madhurako The jīvaka plant madhurattaṃ Sweetness madhurasā A grape madhurassaro A sweet voice madhuro Sweet; agreeable madhulaṭṭhikā Liquorice, black root extract used as sweet madhulīho A bee madhvāsavo Wine made from the flowers of bassia latifolia manaṃ see mano manaṃ A little manakkāro Acute consciousness of pain or pleasure, sensitiveness manacchaṭṭho Of which mind is the sixth manasikato Attended to, borne in mind, pondered manasikaroti To mind, to attend, to pay attention to, to bear in mind, to think about, to ponder, to fix the mind on, to take to heart manasikāreti To fix the attention manasikāro Attention manasicchati To wish, to desire manaso A substitute for mano at the latter end of a compound manassī Sensible, intelligent, clever, prudent manāpo Pleasing, pleasant, charming, pretty manāyatanaṃ The mind manituṃ see maññati manindriyaṃ The organ of mind, the mind, the intellect manujādhipo A king manujo A man manuñño Beautiful, pleasing, delightful manussako Human manussattaṃ Man's condition, humanity manusso A human being; a man manesikā One of the amusements forbidden to a bhikkhu, guessing the thoughts of others mano and (manaṃ)The mind, the intellect, the thoughts, the heart manoduccaritaṃ Sin of the mind or thoughts manopubbaṅgamo Having mind for its predecessor, following upon or resulting from the mind or thoughts, caused by the mind manobhū Kama the god of love, the Indian Cupid manomayo Springing from the mind, caused by the mind manoratho Wish, desire manoramo Pleasant, delightful, beautiful manosilā Red arsenic manoseṭṭho Having mind or viññāṇa for its chief, governed by the mind, founded on the mind manoharo Striking, beautiful, charming, captivating mantaṇaṃ Deliberation, consultation, resolution mantadharo Versed in the mantras mantabbo To be thought, to be considered mantabhāṇī Speaking wisely mantā Wisdom mantindo A chief counsellor, a minister mantī A counsellor, a minister mantuṃ and (mantvā)see maññati manteti To consult, to deliberate, to discuss; to talk, to converse manto Deliberation, resolution, counsel, design, plan, artifice; the vedic hymns; a sacred text; a mystic verse, a charm, an incantation manthanī A churn mantharo Slow, stupid manthāno A churning-stick mantho A churning-stick; a sort of rice cake i.e., sattu mandagāmī Marching slowly mandabhāṇī Speaking little mandākinī A name of the Ākāsagāṅgā or celestial river; name of one of the mahāsaras or great lakes of Himavanta mandāravo Erythrina fulgens mandāro A name of the western mountain behind which the sun sets mandiraṃ A house, an edifice; a town mandībhāvo Slackening, dulling mando Slow; stupid; dull; small; low, slight, weak mamako Mine mamāyati To be attached or devoted to mamāyito Concerning or belonging to oneself, own mammacchedako Breaking the joints mayūkho A ray of light mayūro A peacock mayo Made of, consisting of maraṇaṃ Dying, death maraṇantiko Bordering upon death maraṇasati Recollection of death, meditation on death marati To die marammo Burmese maricaṃ Pepper mariyādā A boundary, limit, rectitude, good conduct marīci A ray of light; mirage marīcikā Mirage maru A sandy desert; a mountain maru A deva maro Death malaṃ Dirt, filth; excrement; stain, taint; fault, defect; impurity, sin; rust malataraṃ A greater or worse taint malayajo Sandal wood malayo A mountainous range in the Dekhan; a mountainous district in Ceylon of which Adam's Peak is the centre; a garden, a park; jungle malinīkaroti To stain, to pollute malinībhavati To be stained malino Dirty; dark, brown, black malīmaso Dirty, stained, polluted mallako A cup mallikā Arabian jasmine malliko A sort of goose with brown legs and bill mallo A professional wrestler; name of a people masakkasāro A name of Indra's city. masārako A sort of bed masāragallaṃ A precious stone, a sort of cat's eye masi Soot; ink masuro A sort of lentil, an edible seed of leguminous plant massu The beard mahaānubhāvo Powerful, mighty mahaggato Enlarged, extensive, great, lofty mahagghaso Eating much, highly fed mahagghiyo Costly mahaggho Of great value, costly, valuable mahacchaṇo A great festival mahaṇṇavo The ocean mahati To revere, to worship mahattā Great-souled, magnanimous mahatthiko Productive of great good, very advantageous mahaddhano Wealthy mahantataro Greater, superior, bigger mahantatā Greatness, bigness mahanto and mahaṃ(1) and mahā(2)Great, large, big; great, eminent; much; excessive; excellent mahapphalo Very fruitful, having great reward mahabbalaṃ Great strength; a strong force, a great army mahabbalo Having great strength, powerful, mighty mahabbhayaṃ Great fear, horror mahallakattaṃ Old age, seniority mahallako Old, aged; spacious, large, broad, big mahallo Old mahā Great mahāaṭṭhakathā The Great Commentary; the Mahā-Aṭṭhakathā was the oldest and most important of the commentaries upon the Tipiṭaka; the tradition is that it was rehearsed at the first Council, and brought to Ceylon by Mahinda who translated it into Singhalese. The commentaries of Buddhaghosa appear to have been chiefly compiled from it. mahākathānaṃ One of the high numerals, 10,000,000(to the 19th power), or 1 followed by a hundred and thirty three ciphers. mahākando Garlic mahākappo see kappo mahākassapo Name of a famous disciple of Buddha mahākāruṇiko Very compassionate mahākulaṃ A high family, a noble family mahākulo Belonging to a high or noble family mahāgaṇī Having crowds of disciples or followers mahāguṇo Having great qualities, virtuous mahācāgo Munificent, splendidly generous mahājaniko Belonging to the people mahājano The people, the populace, the public; most people, the generality of men, mankind; a great number of people, a multitude mahātaṇho Lustful mahātalaṃ The earth mahātimi Name of a mythical fish of vast size mahāthūpo The Great Dagoba. This is the name of a gigantic bell-shaped relic shrine built at Anurādhapura by King Duṭṭhagāmiṇī about 160 years B.C. It is still standing, though its outline is much injured, and is 150 feet in height mahāthero A great or eminent thera mahādayo Very compassionate, all-merciful mahādaro Anguish mahādānaṃ Great gifts or charity mahādīpo Great island mahādhiti Having great fortitude or perseverance mahānaṃ A kitchen mahānadī A great river mahānasaṃ A kitchen mahānāgo A great elephant, a state elephant; a great snake, a cobra; a great naga; an eminent person; a leader, a king; a bold warrior, a champion mahānāmo Name of a plant; name of the author of Mahāvaṃsa mahānibbānaṃ Nirvāṇa mahānilo A gale or hurricane, a strong wind mahānisaṃso Great advantage, great blessing mahānisā Midnight mahānubhāvatā Great power mahāpaññatā Great wisdom mahāpañño Having great wisdom, wise, learned mahāpatho A high road mahāparādho Very guilty, criminal mahāpariccāgo see pariccāgo mahāparinibbānaṃ By this term is meant the death of Buddha, lit. "the great attainment of nirvāṇa". mahāpātakaṃ A great sin, a crime mahāpuñño Possessing great virtue or merit mahāpuriso A great man, an eminent man, a man born to greatness mahābalaṃ Great strength mahābalo Strong, mighty mahābodhi The great Bo tree. This name is given to the ficus religiosa at Buddha Gaya, under which Gotama attained Buddhaship, and also to the tree grown from it at Anurādhapura which still flourishes. mahābrahmā The archangel Brahman, also called Brahmā Sahampati mahābhaddakappo The Great Auspicious Cycle mahābhayaṃ Great fear mahābhinikkhamanaṃ The Great Retirement. This means Gotama's retirement from the world and adoption of the ascetic life preparatory to the attainment of Buddhaship. Great Renunciation mahābhūto and (mahābhūtaṃ)A principal element mahābhogo Wealthy; having a great hood, said of a cobra mahāmaggo A high road mahāmacco A minister mahāmati Wise mahāmatto A king's minister or companion, a great noble at court mahāmahī The earth mahāmaho A great festival, pomp, festivity mahāmātā Grandmother mahāmukho Having a big mouth mahāmuni A great sage or philosopher. Epithet of a Buddha. Epithet of Gotama Buddha mahāmegho A storm of rain, a thunderstorm mahāyaso Illustrious mahāraññaṃ A great forest mahāraṭṭhaṃ Siam mahāraho Valuable, costly mahārājā A great king, a king mahāroruvo Name of one of the eight narakas or hells mahāvaṃso The Great Dynasty. This is the name of a famous history of Ceylon written in Pāli by a monk named Mahānāma in the fifth century A.D. mahāvanaṃ A great forest mahāvāṭo A great pit mahāvireko Cholera mahāvihāro Great monastery mahāvīro . A common epithet of a Buddha; a mighty man, a great hero mahāsatto A noble or excellent man; a bodhisatta mahāsaddo A great noise, a loud shout mahāsaddho Having great faith mahāsamaṇo The great ascetic, the great philosopher, an epithet of the Buddha mahāsammato The Great Elect mahāsaro A great lake mahāsahā Globe amaranth, gomphraena globosa mahāsālo A man of great wealth and position, a magnate mahāsālo A great Sal-tree mahāsāvako A great disciple mahāsirā A tendon mahāhanu Large-jawed, gigantic mahāhavo War mahāhāso Loud laughter, a horse-laugh mahiṃsakamaṇḍalaṃ The modern Mysore, Karnataka mahiṃsāko Mahīśāsaka mahikā Frost mahicchatā Lust, desire mahiccho Lustful mahitalaṃ The ground mahito Revered, worshipped mahiddhikatā Magical power mahiddhiko and (mahiddhiyo)Possessing supernatural power, miraculous, magical mahindo Indra; Mahendra, a great Buddhist missionary mahindharo A mountain mahilā A woman mahisamaṇḍalaṃ The modern Mysore, Karnataka mahiso A buffalo mahissaro Vishṇu mahissaro A king mahī The earth, the ground; place; land; name of a river mahīdharo A mountain mahīpati A king mahīpālo A king mahīpo A king mahīyati To be revered mahīruho A tree mahīlatā An earth-worm mahussavo A great festival mahussāho Energetic, persevering mahesakkhattaṃ Power, eminence, superiority mahesakkho Possessing great authority or influence, powerful, eminent, lit. "having the name of a great lord". mahesi Great sage, great saint "the great ṛishi" is a common epithet of Buddha, or of any Buddha mahesittaṃ Queenship mahesī A king's wife, a queen maho A festival mahogho A torrent, a flood mahogho Having a mighty stream mahodadhi The sea mahorago A great snake, a nāga mahosadhaṃ Dry ginger; the plant ativisū mā The moon mā Not, do not mākkavo The shrub eclipta prostrata māgadhako Belonging to Magadha māgadhiko Belonging to Magadha māgadho Belonging to Magadha māgaviko A deer-stalker, huntsman, sportsman māgasiro Name of a month māghāto Non-slaughter, interdiction of slaughter māgho Name of a month māghyaṃ The blossoms of the many-flowered jasmine māṇavako A young man, a youth, especially a young Brahmin māṇavikā A young woman, a girl, a brahmin girl māṇavo A boy; a youth, a young man, especially a young brahmin mātaṅgo An elephant; a caṇḍāla or man of the lowest caste mātabbo To be measured mātali Name of the charioteer of Sakka or Indra mātā A mother; a maternal grandmother mātāpitaro Father and mother, parents mātāpettiko Belonging to father and mother mātāpettibharo Supporting one's parents mātāmaho A maternal grandfather mātikā A conduit, watercourse, canal for irrigation; a heading, head, outline, sketch, text, list, table of contents mātito On the mother's side mātiyo Maternal mātī A conduit, canal, see mātī mātuko Having a mother mātugāmo Womankind, a woman, a female mātughātako A matricide mātughāto Matricide mātucchā Mother's sister, aunt mātujo Born of a mother mātulānī A mother's brother's wife, an aunt mātuluṅgo The citron tree mātulo A mother's brother, an uncle mādanaṃ Delighting; cloves mādiso Like me, such as I mādī Like me mādo Pride mādhuro Belonging to the town of Madhurā mānaṃ Measuring; a measure mānattaṃ This is the name of some sort of penance or punishment attached to the commission of a saṅghadisesa offence mānado Inspiring pride, a term of respect mānanā and (mānanaṃ)Honouring, revering offering mānanīyo and (mānaniyyo)That ought to be honoured, venerable mānavā Proud mānavī A woman mānavo Mankind, man; a man mānasaṃ The mind; arhatship; intention, purpose mānasiko Mental mānaso Lust intention, purpose mānikā A weight i.e., four doṇas mānito Revered, honoured mānī Proud, as latter part of a compound, thinking, fancying mānuññakaṃ Beauty, charm mānusako Human mānuso Human māneti To honour, to revere māno Pride, arrogance, vanity; honour, respect māpako Causing to appear by supernatural power māpeti To make, to prepare; to cause to appear by supernatural power, to create māmako Mine, my own; treating as one's own, loving māyā Illusion, phantom, deceptive appearance, deceit; jugglery, magic; name of Buddha's mother māyāvī Deceitful, hypocritical; subject to illusion; deluded māyu Bile, gall māyūriko A peacock hunter māyūro Belonging to peafowl māyo Measuring mārako A slaver mārakheyyaṃ The realm of Māra or Death, saṃsara or continued existence māraji Conqueror of Māra, an epithet of Buddha māraṇaṃ Killing, slaughter mārattaṃ State of being māra, māraship mārāpeti To cause to be killed, to put to death māriciko Prepared with pepper, peppered mārito see mareti māriso see mādiso, like me, such as I māriso A venerable person; the plant amaranthus polygamus; the voc. mārisa is sometimes used in addressing a person of high position māruto Wind māreti To kill, to destroy, to murder māro Death; killing; the Tempter, the Evil principle mālako A circular enclosure, yard, terrace, a consecrated enclosure mālatī The great-flowered jasmine mālā A wreath, a garland; a necklace; a flower; a row, a line mālākāro A gardener mālāguṇo A garland of flowers mālāguḷo A bouquet of flowers mālikā A garland; double jasmine māliko A gardener, a florist mālī Having a garland or row māluto Wind, air māluvā A creeper mālūro The tree eagle marmelos mālo A pavilion, a pagoda mālyaṃ A flower; a garland of flowers māsako A bean or vetch; a weight i.e., two guñjās; a coin of a low value māso A sort of kidney-bean, phaseolus radiatus māso and (māsaṃ)A month māhikso Belonging to buffaloes māhisako Belonging to buffaloes migataṇhikā Mirage migadāyo A deer park migabandhinī A hunting net migamado Musk migamātukā A sort of antelope migavo Hunting, deerstalking, the chase migavyadho The chase migādano A hyena migādhibhū King of beasts, the lion migindo King of beasts, the lion migī A doe migī King of beasts, a lion migo A deer or antelope; a wild beast, an animal; game micchattaṃ Wrongness, falsity, sin, misconduct micchā Falsely, wrongly micchācārī Acting or living wrongly micchācāro Wrong conduct or living micchādiṭṭhi Wrong views, false doctrine, scepticism, heresy, unbelief micchādiṭṭhi Heretical micchādiṭṭhiko Holding false doctrine, heretical, schismatic, unbelieving, pagan micchādiṭṭhitā False doctrine, heresy micchāsaṅkappo Wrong thought or resolve miñjakaṃ Same meaning as last miñjā and (miñjaṃ)Marrow; pith; kernel of a fruit or vegetable mitabhāṇī Speaking in moderation, a moderate talker mito Measured, reckoned; moderate mittadūbhī and (mittadūbhiko)Injuring one's friends, treacherous, perfidious mittadūbho and (mittadūbhiko)Treacherous mittaddu and (mittadu)Injuring one's friends, treacherous, perfidious mittavā Having friends mitto A friend mithilā Name of a town in India, the capital of the Videhas mithunaṃ A couple mitho and (mithu)Mutually, reciprocally, with each other, together; privately middhaṃ Sleepiness, drowsiness, somnolence, torpor, stupor middhī Sleepy, drowsy, torpid, sluggish minanaṃ Measuring, surveying mināti To measure, gauge, survey miyyati To die, see marati milakkhako A barbarian, a foreigner, an out-caste, a hillman, one of the aborigines milakkho A barbarian, a foreigner, an out-caste, a hillman, one of the aborigines milayati To languish, to fade, to wither milāto Withered, faded; languid milito Mixed, conjoined milindo Menander, a king of the Yonakas whose theological discussions with the great Buddhist divine nāgasena form the subject of the well-known pāli work Milindapañha. missako Mixed; combined missati To be mixed missībhūto Mixed, joined, associated misseti To mix misso Mixed mihitaṃ A smile mīno A fish; the zodiacal sign Pisces mīyati To be measured mīyati see marati, to die mīlati To wink mīḷhaṃ Excrement mukuro A mirror mukulo and (mukulaṃ)A bud mukko Another form of mutto mukhaṃ The mouth; the face; front; entrance; brim; commencement; means, cause mukhapāṭho Verbal recital, by word of mouth, orally mukharatā Garrulity, talkativeness mukharo Noisiness; garrulous, noisy talkative mukhavāsako Mouth-perfume, a fragrant substance chewed to make the breath smell sweet mukhādhānaṃ The bit of a bridle mukhullokako Looking in a person's face, cheerful, willing mukhodakaṃ Water to rinse the mouth with mukhyo Chief muggariko Armed with a club muggaro A hammer, mallet, club muggo A sort of kidney bean, phaseolus mungo muṅguso The mungoose or ichneumon mucalindo The tree barringtonia acutangula; name of a nāga king; name of one of the great lakes muccati see muñcati muccanaṃ Being released mucchati To become faint mucchanaṃ Fainting mucchanā A musical tone, the seventh part of the scale mucchā Fainting; swooning, faintness muñcati To loose; to release; to dismiss, to give up, to abandon, to omit; to send forth muñcāpeti To cause to be released muñjāno A proper name, patronymic from muñja muñjāyano A proper name, patronymic from muñja muñjo A sort of grass, saccharum muñja, from the fibre of which the brahminical string is made; a sort of fish muṭṭhasaccaṃ Forgetfulness, bewilderment muṭṭhassati Forgetful, careless, inattentive, unconscious, bewildered muṭṭhi The fist; a handful; a smith's hammer muṇḍakaṃ Tonsure, shaving of head muṇḍako A shaveling muṇḍanaṃ Tonsure, shaving of head muṇḍiko Shaven, bald muṇḍeti To shave muṇḍo Shaved, bald, bare muṇdiyaṃ Baldness muti Understanding, intelligence mutiṅgo A small drum, a tabour mutimā Sensible, intelligent, wise muto Thought, supposed, considered muttaṃ Urine muttakāmayo Made of pearls muttā A pearl muttāguṇo A string of pearls muttāmayo Made of pearls muttāmuttaṃ A weapon which is both missile and non-missile, as a bludgeon muttāvalī A string or necklace of pearls muttāhāro A string or necklace of pearls mutti Release, deliverance; nirvāṇa muttikaṃ A pearl mutto Released, delivered; free, free from; discharged, shot mudā Joy, pleasure muditābhāvanā Increase or development of the feeling of benignity or kindliness, an exercise of religious meditation mudito Pleased, glad mudu Soft; mild; weak; blunt, slow muduko Soft mudutā Softness, impressibility muddā A seal, a signet; a seal-ring; a stamp, impression muddikā A seal, seal-ring, signet muddikā The vine, the grape, a grape muddiko One who practises muddā muddito Stamped, printed muddeti To stamp, to print muddhajo Sprung from the head muddhatā Simplicity, folly muddhā The head; top, summit muddhābhisitto A khattiya; a king muddho Stupid, foolish, simple mudhā In vain; gratis, for nothing munāti To gain knowledge of, to know, to learn muni A sage, an inspired man, a holy ascetic munindo Chief of sages, an epithet of Buddha munissaro Chief of sages, Buddha mubbā The creeper sanseviera zeylanica muyhati To be faint; to be perplexed, bewildered, infatuated murajo A sort of drum, a tambourine muḷālo and (muḷālaṃ)The stalk of the lotus musati To steal; to rob, to plunder musalī Armed with a club musalo and (musalaṃ)A club; a pestle musā Falsely musābhaṇitā A liar musāvādī Speaking falsely, lying musāvādo Lying, falsehood muhu and (muhuṃ)Momently, repeatedly muhuttiko An astrologer muhutto A moment, a while; a period of forty-eight minutes mūgo Dumb mūlaṃ A root; lowest part, base, foundation; origin, source, commencement; front, foremost, first; cause; nearness; sum, amount, mass; price, money; capital, principal mūlako and (mūlakaṃ)A radish mūlako Having its root or origin in, springing from mūlyaṃ Wages; price mūḷho Foolish; ignorant; deceived, erring, astray; misguided, infatuated; perplexed, confused mūsā A crucible mūsiko A mouse, a rat me A substitute for the instr. dat. and gen. cases of ahaṃ mekhalā A zone, a girdle meghavaṇṇo Cloud-coloured megho A cloud; storm, rain mecako Black, dark blue mejjho Pure meṇḍo A ram; a groom metabbo To be measured mettā Friendliness, friendly feeling, good will, kinduess, love, charity mettābhāvanā Development or increase of friendliness and good will towards all living beings, an exercise of religious meditation mettī Friendship, good will, love, charity metteyyo Name of a bodhisatta now in the tusita heaven who is to be the next buddha metto Friendly, kind, benevolent metyaṃ Friendship methuno Relating to sexual intercourse medinī The earth meduro Smooth medo A serous secretion that spreads among the mucular fibres, fat medhago Quarrel, strife medhaṅkaro Name of a Buddha medhā Intelligence medhāvī Intelligent, wise medho Sacrifice meniko A fisherman meyyo To be measured, measurable merayaṃ Intoxicating liquor, spirits, rum, arrack meru Mount Meru, a vast mountain occupying the centre of each cakkavāḷa, around which are the kulācalas or concentric circles of rock, and beyond these the four mahādīpas or great continents melako Assemblage meso A ram; the zodiacal sign Aries mehanaṃ Membrum virile meho Urine; a urinary disease mokkhacikaṃ Tumbling, acrobatic feats mokkhati see muñcati mokkho Principal, pre-eminent mokkho Release; Arhatship, nirvāṇa moggallāno Name of a famous disciple of Buddha, one of the aggasāvakas; name of a pali grammarian who lived in the twelfth century mogho Vain, useless, foolish mocanaṃ Release; removing mocetā One who liberates moceti To liberate; to release; to loose, to detach moco The plantain or banana tree, musa sapientum modako A sort of sweetmeat; ferment modaṅgiko One who plays the mutinga modati To rejoice, to enjoy oneself, to be happy modanaṃ Rejoicing monaṃ Silence moneyyaṃ State of a muni, moral perfection momūho Silly, mad moro A peacock moli A topknot of hair, chignon; a crest, diadem, aigrette moleyyā Name of a people mosako A thief mosaliko Armed with a club moso Theft, robbery mohito Infatuated, deluded moheti To bewilder, mislead moho Fainting, loss of consciousness; ignorance, delusion, error, folly, infatuation yakanaṃ The liver yakkhinī A female yakkha yakkho Name of certain superhuman beings. Some of the yakkhas are attendants on Vessavaṇa, who is called Yakkhādhipo, lord of yakkhas yagghe This is an interjection or exclamation used in addressing a person; yagghe jāneyyāsi ayyaputto raṭṭhapālo anuppatto, please ma'am, do you know my young master Raṭṭhapāla has come back! yaṅkāraṇā Because yajati To sacrifice, make an offering in a Hindu sense, to give alms yajanaṃ Sacrifice yaju The yajurveda yajubbedo The yajurveda yaññaṅgo The glomerous fig-tree yañño A brahminical sacrifice yaṭṭhi A staff, stick, pole; a stem, stalk; a measure of length seven ratanas yati A pious ascetic, a Buddhist monk yati Caesura yato From what, from whom; inasmuch as, since, because; from the time when yato Restrained, temperate yattako However much, of whatever size yattha Where, in which place, wherein, whereon, whither yatra Since, inasmuch as yathattaṃ and (yathattā) Rightly, exactly yathayidaṃ As; so that yathā As, like, how, when mātā yathā niyam puttaṃ nurakkhe, as a mother would watch over her own son. yathākammaṃ According to one's kamma or actions yathākaro Acting in which way yathākālaṃ As long as possible yathākkamaṃ In due order, successively yathāgato As contained in a book, as written yathāñāyaṃ Rightly, fitly yathāṭṭhānaṃ Former or original place yathāṭhānaṃ Former or original place yathātatho Real, true yathādhammaṃ Equitably, legally, righteously, fair, just yathādhammo Just award, righteous punishment yathādhoto Washed, clean yathānurūpo Suitable, commensurate yathānusiṭṭhaṃ According to instructions, in accordance with what has been taught yathāpemaṃ Out of love or affection yathāphāsuko According to comfort, pleasant yathābalaṃ According to one's power or means, to the best of one's ability yathābuḍḍhaṃ According to seniority yathābhirantaṃ As long as one likes yathābhucco As is the case yathābhūtaṃ According to the reality, rightly, truly, correctly yathāmato As if dead, like a dead man yathārahaṃ According to worth or station; properly, satisfactorily, correctly, appropriately, duly yathāruciṃ According to one's pleasure or wish, as one likes, at will yathārucito As liked, pleasant yathāruciyā As one likes, at pleasure yathārūpo Of that kind which, such yathālaṅkato All decorated as he was, without changing his state dress yathāvajjaṃ Mimicry of a person's defects yathāvidhiṃ Duly, fitly yathāvihito As appointed, regular yathāvutto As above mentioned yathāvegaṃ As quickly as possible yathāsako Each his own, respective yathāsaṅkhyaṃ According to number or order, respectively yathāsattiṃ (yathāsattiyā) According to one's ability yathāsaddhaṃ According to faith, in faith yathāsanthatikaṅgaṃ This is the 12th dhutaṅga precept. It means "taking any seat that may be provided". yathāsukhaṃ As one likes, at pleasure, comfortably, at one's ease yathāha As he has said yathicchitaṃ To one's liking, to one's heart's content yathedaṃ As; so that yadā When, whenever yadi If yadicchakaṃ Whatever one wishes yadicchā Self-will, independence yadicchito Whatever is desired yadidaṃ Namely, that is to say yadivā see yadi yantaṃ Implements, appliance, machine, engine yamaṃ A pair yamakaṃ A pair, couple yamako Double, twin yamataggi Name of a ṛishi yamalaṃ A pair yamunā The river Jamuna yamo Restraint, temperance, moral duty; a pair or couple; name of the sovereign of the infernal region yavanapupphaṃ Name of a perfume yavano Foreign, barbarian; Ionian, Greek yavaso Pasture, fodder yavo Barley yasavā Famous yasassivā Surrounded by eminent men yasassī Famous yaso Fame, renown, reputation, honour yasodharā Name of the wife of Siddhattha Gotama before he became the Buddha yahiṃ Where, wherever yāgu Rice gruel yāgo A sacrifice yācako A beggar yācati To ask, beg, entreat yācanako A beggar yācanā Asking, begging yājako A sacrificing priest yāji An institutor of a sacrifice yātanā Torment yāti To go; to go away; to undergo yātrā A march or expedition; livelihood yādikkho Of what sort, like what or which yādiso Same meaning as last yādī Of which sort yānaṃ Going, proceeding; a conveyance, vehicle, carriage, car yānakaṃ A cart, carriage, car yānikato Made a habit of indulged in, acquired, mastered yāpanaṃ Living, maintenance yāpeti see yāti yāpyayānaṃ A palanquin yāmakāliko Lasting for a watch of night; yamakdlikaṃ is said to mean "drinkables taken by priests after midday". yāmo Restraint; a watch of three hours; name of the inhabitants of one of the deva worlds yāyī Going yāva and (yāvaṃ) Until, while, as long as, in order that yāvajarā Until old age yāvajīvaṃ As long as life lasts, all one's life yāvajīviko Lasting one's whole life, lifelong yāvatako As long, as far, as much, as many; yāvatako assa kāyo tāvatako assa vyāmo, as long as his body is so long is the stretch of his arms yāvatatiyaṃ Up to the third time yāvatā As far as, inasmuch as, because. In conjunction with tena: na tena paṇḍito hoti yāvatā bahu' bhāsati, he is not on that account a wise man because he talks much yāvatāyukaṃ As long as life should last yāvatihaṃ As many days as yāvadatthaṃ As much as required yāvadicchakaṃ As much as desired yāvanto As many as yāvamahanto However big yiṭṭho see yajati yugaṃ A pair, couple; a generation; an age of the world yuganto The end of a kappa yugandharo see kulācalo yugapatto Mountain ebony yugalaṃ A pair, couple yugo and (yugaṃ) The yoke of a carriage or plough yujjati see yuñjati yujjhati To fight, make war yuñjati Turn one's attention to, be zealous, active, devote oneself to yuto Furnished or fitted with; yoked, harnessed yuttako Worthy, proper, right yutti Use, application; aptness, fitness, propriety; an emblem yutto Yoked, joined, connected, attached; right, fitting; possessing; used, adopted, performed; engaged in devoted to, versed yuddhaṃ see yujjhati yuvarājā A royal prince, a crown prince associate with the king in the government yuvā Young yuvāno Young yūthikā A sort of jasmine yūtho and (yūthaṃ) A herd of animals. A herd of elephants yūno Young yūpo A pillar, column; a sacrificial post; a pāsāda yūso and (yūsaṃ) Juice. Of the juice of a mango. Of the juice of a jack fruit yenakammaṃ Where one's karma leads yenakāmaṃ Wherever one likes, at will yenicchakaṃ Wherever one likes yebhuyyatā Abundance, preponderance, predominance yebhuyyasikā Name of one of the adhikaraṇasamathas. lit "according to majority" yebhuyyo Abundant, numerous; yebhuyyena generally, mostly, as a general rule, frequently, numerously, entirely yeva see eva yo Who, what, which; he who; whoever. Declined like sabbo yogakkhemo Security; nirvāṇa yogī An ascetic yogo Junction, union; method, means, plan, device; application, endeavour, diligence, devotion, mental concentration; connexion, attachment; relation, order, series; in gram. a rule, aphorism yoggaṃ A conveyance, carriage yoggā Training, practice yoggo Worthy, proper, fit, adapted yojanaṃ Junction, union; a measure of length, four gāvutas yojaniko A yojana in extent yojaniyo A yojana in length or height yojeti see yuñjati yottaṃ The tie of the yoke of a plough yodhī A warrior yodho A warrior, soldier yonako Foreign, barbarian; Ionian, Greek yoni The womb; the vagina; source, origin, material, cause; a class of beings; form of birth yonijo Born from the womb, born of a mother yoniso Causally, really; wisely yono Foreign, barbarian; Ionian, Greek yobbaññaṃ Youth yobbanaṃ Youth raṃsi A rope; rein, bridle; a ray of light raṃsima Radiant rakkhako Protecting, guarding rakkhati To protect, guard; to protect from; to ward off; to keep, preserve; to beware of, guard against rakkhanaṃ Protection, defence rakkhanako One who guards rakkhaso A rakshasa, demon, ogre rakkhā Protection ragā Name of one of Māra's daughters raṅku A species of deer raṅgo Colour, paint; a theatre, stage, play-house racati To prepare, compose racanā A literary production, composition racayitā Composer, author racchā A carriage road, or street rajako Washerman rajakkho Having defilement or passion. Only at the end of a compound, the termination ka belonging to the whole compound; apparajakkho mahārajakkho, having little moral defilement, having much moral defilement rajataṃ Silver rajati To colour, dye rajanaṃ Colouring, dye rajanī Night rajanīyo Lustful rajassalā A menstruous woman rajāpatho A narrow dark place where dust accumulates, lit. "dust-path", a dust hole, cellar rajāpeti To cause to be dyed rajo and (rajaṃ)Dust, dirt; the pollen of flowers; human passion, impurity, moral defilement; the menstrual flow rajovajallaṃ Dust and dirt rajoharaṇaṃ Water, in a metaphorical sense, "that which removes human passion", or "removal of human passion" rajjaṃ Sovereignty, royalty, monarchy, government; kingdom, empire, country rajjaṅgaṃ Requisite of regal administration rajju A rope, string rajjuko A string rañjanaṃ Dyeing; delighting; red sandal-wood rañjeti To dye, redden; to illuminate; to gratify, charm; to conciliate raññā (rañño)see rājā raṭṭhaṃ Kingdom, realm, country, land, district raṭṭhiko An inhabitant raṭṭhiyo An inhabitant raṇeji Victorious in battle raṇo Sin; turmoil; war, battle ratanaṃ A jewel; a precious or desirable thing rataniko A ratana in length rati Pleasure; love, attachment; sexual intercourse ratimā Having pleasure in rato see ramati rattaṃ Night rattakkhī (rattakkho)With blood-shot eyes, grim, fearful of a rakkhasa rattaññū Experienced rattapā A leech ratti Night rattindivo A day and a night ratto By night ratto Coloured, dyed; red; agitated or inflamed by passion; fond of, attached to rathareṇu A very minute measure of weight, a mite rathācārī A charioteer rathānīkaṃ An array of chariots rathāroho One who fights from a chariot rathikā A carriage road or street rathiko One who fights from a chariot rathesabho A king, lit. lord of charioteers ratho A car, two-wheeled carriage, chariot radano A tooth rado A tooth randhaṃ A hole, cavity; a fault, defect randheti To make subject to; to hurt, destroy ramaṇīyo Delightful, beautiful ramaṇo Pleasing, charming ramati To enjoy oneself, to delight in rambhā A plantain or banana tree; name of an apsaras rammako A name of the month citta rammo Agreeable, beautiful rayo Speed ravati To cry, make a noise ravā Noise ravi The sun ravo Noise, cry, shout rasako A cook rasaggasā A nerve of sensation rasanaṃ Taste, flavour rasanā The tongue rasanā A woman's zone rasavatī A kitchen rasātalaṃ The infernal region or lower world rasālo Sugar-cane, the mango tree rasiko Spirited, witty rasitaṃ Thunder raso Sap, juice, best part or extract of a thing, essence, sweetness; liquid, fluid; juices of the body; quicksilver; flavour; taste, sentiment rasmi A rope; rein, bridle; a ray of light rasso Short rahado A deep pool, a lake rahasi see raho rahasso Secret, private rahito Deprived of, without raho Solitude, secrecy, privacy rāgo Dyeing, dye; colour; human passion, evil desire, greed, attachment, lust rājakakudhabhaṇḍaṃ An ensign or symbol of royalty rājakulaṃ Royal family; a member of a royal family, prince; a king's court, a royal palace or household; a court of justice rājako A king rājagahaṃ Name of the capital of Magadha rājagahiko Belonging to or living in Rājagiha rājageho A palace rājagharaṃ A palace rājaṅgaṇaṃ The court or quadrangle in a royal palace, a palace yard rājañño A khattiya rājati To shine rājattaṃ Royalty rājadhammo Duty of a king rājadhānī A royal city rājaputto A king's son, prince rājabhoggo A king's servant or minister, a courtier rājarukkho The tree cassia fistula rājahaṃso A sort of goose or swan, or perhaps a flamingo rājā A king; a prince, ruler, governor rājāṇā Royal authority, punishment inflicted by a king rājānurājaṃ From king to king, during a succession of kings rājābhirājā King above kings rājāyatanaṃ Name of a tree, apparently an umbrageous one rāji A streak, line, row rājitthi A royal lady, princess rājinī A queen rājiyaṃ Sovereignty, royalty, monarchy, government; kingdom, empire, country rājilo Stupid rājuyyānaṃ A royal garden rājulo An amphisbaena, a sort of lizard without legs rājūnaṃ (rājusu),see rājā rājorodho Royal harem; a lady of the royal harem rādhito Accomplished, performed rāmaṇīyakaṃ Delightfulness rāmaṇeyyako Delightful rāmo Joy, delight rāvo Noise, cry, shout rāsi A heap, quantity; a sign of the zodiac rāhu Name of an asura who is supposed to cause eclipses by taking the sun and moon into his mouth; the ascending node of the moon rāhulo Name of Gotama Buddha's son, born before he renounced the world riṭṭhaṃ Sin; misfortune rite Except, without rittako Empty ritto Empty ripu An enemy rirī Brass rukkhako A small tree rukkhamūliko One who lives at the foot of a tree rukkhavā Having trees, wooded rukkho A tree rukkho Rough; cruel ruci Light, splendour, ray; desire, inclination, pleasure, preference rucimā Brilliant ruciro Brilliant, beautiful; agreeable ruccati see rocati ruccanaṃ Choice, pleasure ruccanako Pleasing, satisfying rujati To cause pain rujā Disease, pain ruṭṭho Enraged ruṇṇaṃ Weeping, lamentation rutaṃ Cry, noise rudati To weep, wail ruddo Furious ruddho Obstructed rudhiraṃ Blood rundhati To restrain, shut up rundhīti To restrain, shut up ruppanaṃ Being formed ruru A sort of deer ruho Growing rūpaṃ Form, figure, shape; image, representation; the body; in gram. a verbal or nominal form; beauty; natural state; characteristic rūpakaṃ A figure, image, representation rūpavā Having form; beautiful rūpi Silver rūpikā An image, statue rūpiyaṃ Silver; bullion rūpī Having form; beautiful rūpūpajīvinī A harlot, prostitute rūhati To grow, grow up, flourish re Heigh! holloa! rekhā A line, streak reṇu Dust; pollen revatī Name of a nakkhatta rogī Sick, ill rogo Disease rocati To appear good, please rocano Shining roṇṇaṃ see ruṇṇaṃ rodati To weep, wail rodanaṃ Weeping rodhaṃ A bank, dam rodhanaṃ Obstructing rodho Stopping, obstruction ropanaṃ Planting ropeti To set up; to put in the ground, plant, sow romaṃ The hair on the body of men and animals romañco Horripilation, bristling of hair roruvo Name of a naraka rosako Wrathful rosaneyyo Capable of being enraged, irritable rosano Angry roseti To annoy roso Anger rohi The tree andersonia rohitaka rohiṇī A red cow; name of a Nakkhatta rohitako The tree andersonia rohitaka rohito Red rohiso A kind of deer lakāro The letter L lakāro A part of a ship lakuṇṭako A dwarf lakkhaṃ A mark; a target; a lac or 100,000 lakkhañño Auspicious, beautiful lakkhaṇaṃ Mark, sign, symptom, characteristic; attribute, property, nature, quality; a definition; a grammatical rule; a lucky mark, a personal characteristic from which good fortune may be predicted; the art of fortune telling lakkhaṇaññū Knowing signs, skilled in predicting a man's future from the marks on his person lakkhaṇīyo Distinguished, characterized lakkhito Distinguished, marked; renowned lakkhī Prosperity, splendour, beauty, royal power; Lakshmī, the goddess of properity lakkheti To mark, to characterize, to distinguish, to discern lagati To adhere, to stick fast, to hang from lagito Adhering laguḷo A club, a mallet lageti To fasten, to tie, to hang up laggati To adhere, to stick fast, to hang from laggāpeti To cause to be hung up laggeti To fasten, to tie, to hang up laggo Attached, tied, adhering laṅkā Ceylon laṅkādīpaṭṭho Living in Ceylon laṅkādīpo and (laṅkādīpaṃ)Island of Ceylon laṅkiko Belonging to Ceylon. The Siṃhalese people, the Siṅghalese laṅkindo King of Ceylon laṅkissaro King of Ceylon laṅgalī Name of a plant laṅgi A bolt or bar laṅghati To disregard; to jump over, to step over laṅgheti To jump over; to lift up lacchati see labhati lajjati To be ashamed lajjanaṃ Being ashamed lajjā Shame, modesty, timidity lajjito Ashamed; shameful lajjī Feeling shame, modest, quiet, well-conducted lañco A present; a bribe lañchati To seal lañchanaṃ A mark; the seal of a letter lañcho A mark, an imprint laṭukikā The diminutive Indian quail, perdix chinensis laṭṭhi and (laṭṭhikā)A staff, a stick; an offshoot, a plant laṇcheti To seal laṇḍaṃ The dung of animals latā A creeping plant, a creeper; a branch lattakaṃ Lac, a red animal dye laddhako Delightful, pleasing laddhabbo That ought to be received or obtained laddhā ger. from labhati laddhi Religious belief; wrong views, heresy laddhiko Heretical, schismatic laddho Taken, obtained, received lapako One who mutters holy words for pray lapati To talk, to prattle, to mutter, to whine, to lament lapanaṃ Speaking; the mouth lapanajo A tooth lapayati To talk, to prattle, to whine, to beg lapāpeti To cause to talk or beg lapitaṃ Talk; voice labujo The tree artocarpus lacucha labbhati To be taken, to be received, to be obtained; to be permitted labbhaneyyo Obtainable labbhā Allowable, possible labbho Obtainable, attainable; proper, right, suitable, admissible labhati To obtain, to get, to acquire, to meet with, to find; to receive; to take; to obtain permission, to be allowed; to receive an opportunity, to get a chance, to be able labhanaṃ Taking, receiving, acquisition lambakaṇṇo Having hanging ears, or ears with long lobes. Name of a family in Ceylon lambati To droop, to fall; to hang down, to be suspended lambiko Hanging, suspended lambito Suspended, hanging downwards lambo Swinging, long, large layo A brief measure of time; equal time in music and dancing lalati To sport, to dally lalanā A woman lalāṭaṃ The forehead lavaṅgaṃ Cloves lavaṇaṃ Salt lavanaṃ Cutting, reaping lavano Reaping lavittaṃ A sickle lavo Cutting, reaping; a small piece, a chip, a very little; a drop lasati To shine; to sport lasanaṃ Dancing lasikā The fluid which lubricates the joints lasī Brains lasunaṃ Garlic lahu Light; quick; vain; frivolous, flighty; trifling, insignificant; beautiful, delightful lahu and (lahuṃ)Quickly; surely, certainly lahuko Light; trifling lahuṭṭhānaṃ Bodily vigour lahutā Lightness, buoyancy lākhā Lac, an animal dye lājo and (lājā)Fried grain, parched corn lāti To take lāpu see alāpu lāpo A sort of quail, perdix chinensis lābu A pumpkin lābhaggaṃ Highest gain lābhā see lābho lābhī Possessed of lābho Receiving, getting, acquistion, obtaining, taking; gain, receipts lāmako Low, inferior, vile lāyati To reap lālako A fool lālanaṃ Dalliance, sport lālapati To lament lālappati To lament lālasā Ardent desire lālā Saliva lāvako A reaper lāveti To cut, to reap likuco A sort of breadfruit, artocarpus lacucha likocako The plant alangium hexapetalum likkhā A measure of weight i.e., 1296 aṇus likhati To scratch, to scrape; to write, to inscribe likhanaṃ Writing likhāpeti To cause to be written; to cause to be cut likhitako Written likhito Scratched; erased; written, inscribed liṅgaṃ A mark, sign, characteristic; pudendum; gender, sex; nominal theme or crude base liṅgavā Having marks or characteristics liṅgī Having gender licchavi Proper name of a race of Indian princes, also called Vajji litto Smeared, plastered lipi A letter of the alphabet; writing lippati see limpati limpati To smear, to daub, to plaster, to stain limpanaṃ Smearing, plastering līno Attached, adhering; inherent hidden līyati To adhere līlā Play, sport, dalliance līḷhā Ease, grace, playfulness, facility, adroitness, skill, proficiency, mastery luñcati To pull up or out lutto Cut off, elided luddako A huntsman, a sportsman luddo Cruel, murderous luddho Greedy, covetous lunāti To cut, to reap lupanaṃ Cutting off lupyati To be elided lulāyo A buffalo lūkho Rough; unpleasant; hard, harsh lūtā A spider lūtikā A spider lūno Cut, reaped lūyati To be cut or reaped lekhako A scribe, a secretary lekhanaṃ Writing; a letter lekhā A line, a streak, a scratch lekheti To write, to delineate lekho Writing, manuscript, inscription; a letter, epistle; a drawing, delineation lekhyaṃ Writing leḍḍu A clod of earth lenaṃ A cave a rock cavern, asylum, retreat, refuge; nirvāṇa lepanaṃ Smearing, plastering lepo Plastering; plaster, mortar lepyaṃ Plastering, modelling in clay leyyo To be licked, or lapped, or sipped leso A bit, an atom, a little leso A trick, a stratagem lehati To lick lokakkhāyikā see akkhāyikā and lokāyataṃ lokagaru Teacher of the world, an epithet of the Buddha or of any of the Buddhas lokaggo Chief of the world, i.e. Buddha lokadhammatā The vicissitudes of life, the vanity of worldly things lokadhammo Worldly condition lokadhātu A world or sphere lokanātho Protector or saviour of the world, an epithet of Buddha lokantariko see cakkavālaṃ, Belonging to the lokantaraṃ, or space between three spheres lokapālo Guardian of the world. This term is applied to several devas, as Sakka, Yama, Varuṇa. The four maharājās are lokapālas. lokavidū Knowing the universe. A common epithet of a Buddha lokādhipateyyaṃ Influence of the world lokāmisaṃ Temptation of the world, pleasures of sense lokāyataṃ Controversy on fabulous or absurd points, casuistry lokiyo Common, popular; worldly, earthly, temporal lokuttaro Transcending the world supernatural, spiritual lokeso Brahman loko The universe; a world; the world; the inhabitants of a world or region; mankind; a being, a creature locanaṃ The eye loṇaṃ Salt loṇiko Relating to salt, having a salt taste loddo The tree symplocos racemosa lopo Cutting off; in gram. elision, omission of letter lobhanīyo Connected with covetousness lobho Covetousness, desire, cupidity, greed lomaṃ The hair of the body lomaso Hairy lomahaṃsanaṃ Bristling of the hair of the body caused by astonishment or fear or delight lomahaṃsano Causing bristling of hair, astounding, stupendous lomahaṃso Horripilation, erection of hair of the body lomahaṭṭhajāto Having the hair of the body erect with wonder or fear, terrified, astounded, thunderstruck lomī Having hair lolatā Longing, eagerness lolupo Desirous, covetous, greedy lolo Tremulous; desirous, longing; greedy; unsteady, agitated lohaṃ Any metal lohakārako A blacksmith lohakumbhī An iron cauldron; name of a lake in hell lohaguḷo An iron or metal ball lohajaṃ Brass, bronze lohitako Red lohitaṅko A ruby lohitapāṇī Red-handed, bloody, murderous, destroying life whether animal or human lohituppādako One who has committed the crime of shedding the blood of a Buddha lohituppādo The crime of wounding a supreme Buddha so as to draw blood lohito Red, blood loho and (lohaṃ)Iron; copper, brass; any metal va see iva va Eva with the initial a elided after a long vowel va see vaṃsakkamo vaṃsakkamo Lineage, pedigree vaṃsajo Belonging to a race vaṃsavaṇṇo The veḷuriya gem vaṃsāgato Come down from father to son, hereditary vaṃsiko A flute-player, piper vaṃso A bamboo; a shrill flute, a pipe; race, family, lineage; dynasty; hereditary custom, tradition vakulo The tree mimusops elengi vako A wolf vakkaṃ The kidney vakkaṅgo The ruddy goose vakkalaṃ and (vakkalo) Bark of a tree; bark garment worn by ascetics vakko Crooked vakkhati see vatti vaggati To jump vaggiyo Belonging to a class vaggu Beautiful, pleasant vaggo A class, multitude, company, tribe, party vaṅko Crooked, bent; cunning, dishonest vaṅgo Bengal vaṅgo Discolouration of the face, a cutaneous complaint vacaṃyamo A muni or sage vacanaṃ Speaking, saying, declaring; enjoining, injunction; advice; word, speech, utterance, expression; sentence, passage, text vacanīyo see vatti vacasā see vaco vacaso At the end of a compound a substitute for; saddheyyavacaso, of credible speech, trustworthy, truthful vacā Orris root vacī Speech, words vaco Speech, words, saying; advice, injunction, order vaccaṃ see vacco vacco and (vaccaṃ) Lustre; form; excrement vacchako A calf vacchataro A bullock, steer vacchati see vasati vacchalo Affectionate vacchāno A proper name vacchāyano A proper name vaccho A calf vajati To go, to walk vajiro and (vajiraṃ) The thunderbolt of Indra; diamond, adamant; a stone which bores gems vajo A cow-pen vajjaṃ A musical instrument vajjaṃ That which should be avoided, fault, sin, which is of a personal defect. Of an error in a book or manuscript. vajjati see vadati vajjanaṃ Avoiding, forsaking, escaping vajjanity That should be shunned, improper vajjī Name of a people, the Licchavi princes vajjeti To avoid, abstain from, renounce, escape, leave out, pass over, except; to remove, dispel vajjhā Execution vajjho To be killed or destroyed, meriting death vañcako Deceitful vañceti To deceive, delude, elude vañjulo The ratan, calamus rotang vañjho Barren, sterile vañño Sylvan vaṭākāro A cord vaṭumaṃ A road vaṭo The banyan or Indian fig-tree vaṭṭaṃ see vattati vaṭṭakā A quail vaṭṭati To begin; to proceed, to go on, to be carried on, to take place; to stay, remain; to exist, be; to occupy oneself with, practise; to conduce, tend; to prevail, be customary; while vaṭṭati means to behove, to be right. The following are examples of the use of these words: kharā vedanā vattanti, severe pains set in; saṅgāme vattamāne, when the battle began; taṃ mārāpetuṃ vi, here it now behoves me to dwell, now is lying permissible to you, or "worthy of you"? vaṭṭi A fringe; a run, brim; a wick; a lump, ball vaṭṭikā A thong; a wick; a rim; a lump, ball, pill vaṭṭī A fringe; a run, brim; a wick; a lump, ball vaṭṭulo Circular vaṭṭo "Round" vaṭṭo Expenditure vaṭṭo "Rained" vaṭharo Bulky, gross vaḍḍhaki An artisan, carpenter; mason vaḍḍhako Augmenting, enlarging vaḍḍhataro see vaḍḍhati vaḍḍhati To grow, increase, multiply; to prosper vaḍḍhanaṃ Increase, enlargement vaḍḍhano Augmenting vaḍḍhamānako Growing vaḍḍhi see vuddhi, Increase, growth; prosperity, advantage vaḍḍhito see vaḍḍhati vaṇaṃ A sore, wound, boil vaṇijjā Trade vaṇitā A woman vaṇito Wounded, bruised vaṇippatho A trading town, mart; trade vaṇo see vaṇaṃ vaṇṭaṃ A stalk vaṇṇakaṃ Paint, rouge vaṇṇadāsī A prostitute vaṇṇanā Description, narration; explanation; a comment, commentary vaṇṇavā Having colour, having beauty vaṇṇavādī Eulogizing, a panegyrist vaṇṇī Having colour; having the appearance of vaṇṇu Sand vaṇṇeti To depict, describe; to praise, applaud, approve; to explain, comment upon vaṇṇo Appearance, form, figure; colour; sort, kind; tribe, caste; complexion; beauty; praise, fame; a letter, vowel, syllable; quality, property vata O! ah! alas! indeed, verily vataṃ see vato vatavā Devout, observant of religious duties vati A fence vato and (vataṃ) Observance, practice, habit; religious duty or act, rite vattaṃ The mouth, face vattaṃ see vattati vattati To begin; to proceed, to go on, to be carried on, to take place; to stay, remain; to exist, be; to occupy oneself with, practise; to conduce, tend; to prevail, be customary; while vaṭṭati means to behove, to be right. The following are examples of the use of these words: kharā vedanā vattanti, severe pains set in; saṅgāme vattamāne, when the battle began; taṃ mārāpetuṃ vi, here it now behoves me to dwell, now is lying permissible to you, or "worthy of you"? vattanaṃ Livelihood, subsistence; going on, continuing to exist vattanī Abiding, living; a road vattabbo see vatti vattamāno Fr. vattati vattā One who says or tells; one who speaks sensibly vattāpako Causing to take place vattāpeti see vattati vattāro see vattā vatti To speak, to say; to speak to, address vatto Shaven vatto "Round" vatthaṃ Cloth; clothes, raiment vatthakaṃ A cloth garment vatthaguyhaṃ Sexual organ lit. "that which should be concealed by clothes" vatthi The abdomen, the bladder vatthiko Belonging to cloth vatthīyati To wish for clothes vatthu and (vatthuṃ) Substance, object, thing, matter; occasion, cause; plot or subject, story, narrative; kasmiṃ vatthusmiṃ, on what subject or matter? on what occasion? vatthu A site, building ground, floor; vatthudesanā, fixing or consecrating a site for a religious building vatthuṃ see vasati and vatthu vatthuko having site of foundation or ground vatthuttayaṃ The three objects, namely, buddha, dhamma and saṅgha vatthuvijjā A magic art by which the proper site for a building, etc. is ascertained vatrabhū A name of Indra vadaññū Generous, bountiful, affable vadati To speak, say; to declare, proclaim vadanaṃ The mouth; the face; speech, utterance vadānīyo Bountiful vadeti see vadati, To speak, say; to declare, proclaim vado Speaking sensible vaddalikā Rainy weather vaddhamayo Leathern vaddho see vaḍḍhati vadhako Murderous vadhati To strike; to kill vadhukā A daughter-in-law vadhū A bride, a young wife; a girl; a daughter-in-law vadho Killing, slaughter, murder, assassination; striking vanaṃ A wood, forest; water vanacarako A forester vanacaro Wandering in the forest vanatho The undergrowth in a forest, brushwood, shrubs, saplings; desire, lust vananto The edge or skirt of a forest vanappati A tree bearing fruit, but without apparent blossoms; any tree vanarāji A tract of forest; an open glade or ride in a forest vanavāso Name of a country vanasaṇḍo A forest, wood vanaspati A tree bearing fruit, but without apparent blossoms; any tree vanibbako A beggar, mendicant, pauper vantāsiko Name of a sort of peta, "eating what has been vomited" vantāso One who has renounced all desires, an arhat vanto see vamati vandati To salute, make obeisance, pay homage to, revere, venerate vandanā and (vandanaṃ) Salutation, paying reverence, veneration, homage vandanīyo Deserving homage vandākā A parasitical plant vandāpanaṃ Causing to do homage vandi A prisoner vandi A bard, panegyrist vapati To sow; to shave vapanaṃ Sowing vapā The serious secretion or fat that spreads among the muscles vapu The body vappo Sowing; the bank of a river vamati To vomit; to eject, discharge vamathu Vomiting vamanaṃ Vomiting; an emetic vamo Vomiting vammaṃ Armour vammiko An ant-hill vammito Wearing armour vammīko and (vammikaṃ)An ant-hill vayaṭṭho Young, in the prime of life vayasso A friend vayo see vyayo, Loss, perishing, decay; expenditure vayo and (vayaṃ) Youth, prime of life; any period of life, age varako The bean phaseolus trilobus varaṅgaṃ The head; the female pudenda varaṅganā A noble or beautiful woman varaññū An epithet of Buddha, one who has known or discovered nirvāṇa varaṇo A surrounding wall, rampart; the tree crataeva roxburghii varataro Better, more excellent varattā A strap, thong varadīpo The Glorious Isle, viz. Ceylon varado An epithet of Buddha as having shown men the way to nirvāṇa, lit. giver of the boon varapañño Of noble wisdom, epithet of a Buddha varavaṇṇinī An excellent woman varāko Wretched, miserable varāko A pot, jar varārohā An excellent seat, chair of state varāharo Bringing the boon of nirvāṇa varāho A boar, wild hog; an elephant varūtho A wooden ledge or fender round a chariot varo Choosing, appointing; a boon, blessing, favour varo Excellent, best, precious, noble valajo A sort of fish valañjako Using, frequenting valañjanaṃ Use, resorting to valañjeti To use, to resort to, to spend valañjo Use, expenditure; a mark; resorting to, frequenting valayito Encircled valayo and (valayaṃ) A bracelet, ring, circle valāhako A cloud valito Wrinkled valittaco Wrinkled valiro Squinting looking sidelong valī A fold of the skin, wrinkle; a line, streak valīmukho A monkey vallakī An Indian lute vallabho Beloved vallarī A compound pedicle, a branching footstalk vallibho The plant kumhaṇḍa vallī A creeper, creeping plant vallūro and vallūrā(1) and vallūraṃ(2) Dried flesh vaḷabānalo A submarine fire at the South Pole vaḷabhi A roof vaḷavā A mare vavakaṭṭho Withdrawn, secluded vavatthānaṃ Fixing vavatthāpanaṃ Fixing vavatthāpeti To place, fix, settle, establish vavatthito Fixed, arranged, appointed vasaṃ see vaso vasago Subject, obedient vasati To dwell, stay, live, abide; spend time vasati Dwelling, residence; a dwelling-place, abode vasanaṃ Dwelling vasanaṃ Cloth, clothes, clothing vasanto One of the seasons, spring vasabho A bull vasalo A śudra; an outcaste, pariah; a low person, reprobate vasavattī Bringing into subjection vasā A barren cow; an obedient wife vasā Serum, marrow of the flesh, fat vasikatā Subjection vasiko Subject to vasito see vasati vasī Having the senses under control vasīkaroti To bring into subjection vasībhāvo Subjection; self-control, subjugation of the senses vasībhūto Subjected, self-controlled vasu A class of Hindu gods vasu Wealth; a gem vasudhā The earth vasundharā The earth vasumatī The earth vasena see vaso vaso and(vasaṃ) Wish, desire; will, authority, power, influence, control, mastership, ownership vassaṃ see vasso vassakammaṃ Giving virility vassati To utter a cry, of an animal vassati To fall, pour down, rain vassanaṃ The rainy season vassavaro A eunuch castrated man vassavāsiko Connected with spending the rainy season vassasataṃ A century vassikī Great-flowered jasmine. vassiko Belonging to the rainy season; belonging to a year vassūpanāyikā Entrance upon Lent, commencement of the vassa residence vasso A he-goat vasso and (vassaṃ) Rain; a year vassokasārā A name of Sakka's city vahati To carry, transport, draw; to bear along, carry off; to experience, possess vahā A river vaho Carrying vā Or. Never at the beginning of a sentence; itthiyā purisassa vā, by a woman or by a man. Repeated: bhāsati vā karoti vā, speaks or acts vākaṃ Bark of a tree vākarā A net or snare vākkaraṇaṃ Talk, assertion vākyaṃ A speech, a sentence vāguriko A sportsman using nets vācako Speaking, expressing vācanā and (vācanaṃ) Recitation, reading, teaching, declaring vācasiko Connected with speech, verbal vācā Word, saying, speech vācāpeti see vatti vācālo Talkative vācikaṃ News vācito see vatti vāceti see vatti vācco see vatti vājo The feather of an arrow vāṭako Enclosure, circle vāṇijako A trader vāṇijo A trader vāṇijjaṃ Trade vāṇī Voice, speech vātaghātako The tree cassia fistula vātaṇḍaṃ Elephantiasis of the scrotum vātapānaṃ A window vātamigo A swift antelope vātābādho Rheumatism vātāyanaṃ A window vāti see vāyati, To blow, as the wind; to breathe forth, emit, as an odour; to be emitted vātiko Rheumatic vātiṅgaṇo The egg-plant solanum melongena vāttā Rumour, news vāttākī The egg-plant vādako Playing vādanaṃ Playing on a musical instrument, music vādiko At the end of a compound a substitute for vādī; paravādiko, the man who said "Across the sea" vādittaṃ A musical instrument; instrumental music vādī Saying, speaking, asserting, holding doctrine; disputing, arguing vādeti see vadati vādo Speaking, speech, talk; assertion; controversy, dispute; doctrine, creed, belief; school of doctrine, heresy vānaṃ Sewing vānaṃ Desire, lust vānapattho A brahmin of the third order, an anchorite, a hermit vānaro A monkey vāneyyaṃ The fragrant grass cyperus rotundus vāno Left; reverse, opposite; beautiful vāpito Shorn removed by cutting vāpī A reservoir, lake, tank vāpo Sowing vāmato On the left side, to the left vāmano Dwarfish vāyati To blow, as the wind; to breathe forth, emit, as an odour; to be emitted vāyanaṃ Weaving vāyamati To struggle, strive, endeavour vāyasāri An owl vāyaso A crow vāyāmo Toil, fatigue, exertion, effort, contention vāyu and (vāyo) Air, wind vāraṇaṃ Resistance vāraṇo An elephant; the hatthiliṅga bird vārattiko Bound with a thong vārabāṇaṃ and (vārabāṇo) A woman's jacket or bodice vāri Water vārijaṃ A lotus vārijo A fish vārito see vuṇāti vārittaṃ Avoidance vārido A cloud vārimaggo An issue from a sluice, watercourse vāriyati see vuṇāti vārivāho A cloud vāruṇī Spirituous liquor vāreti see vuṇdāti vāro Time, occasion; turn, time; day of the week vālaṃ Water vālaggaṃ The tip of a hair vāladhi A horse's or cow's tail vālavījanī A fan made of a yak's tail, a chowrie vālavedhī An archer who can hit a hair vālahattho A horse's tail vālikā Sand vālukā Sand vālo Hair of the head; hair of animals; the hairy tail of an animal vāḷagāhī A snake charmer vāḷamigo A tiger, leopard, or other beast of prey vāḷo A snake; a beast of prey vāsacuṇṇaṃ and (vāsacuṇṇakaṃ) Toilet perfume vāsanaṃ Perfuming and decorating the person vāsanā Impression remaining on the mind from past good or evil actions and producing pleasure or pain vāsantī The creeper gaertnera racemosa vāsayogo Toilet powder vāsavo Sakka or Indra vāsāgāraṃ A bedroom vāsi A razor vāsiko Dwelling, inhabiting vāsiṭṭho A proper name vāsitako Perfumed vāsito see vasati vāsito Scented vāsī An axe, adze, hatchet vāsī Dwelling vāsuki The king of snakes vāsudevo The Hindu god Krishna vāseṭṭho Name of a ṛishi; a proper name vāseti see vasati vāso Perfume vāso Cloth, clothing vāso Dwelling, staying, stopping, living; an abode, habitation, lodging, house vāhanaṃ Carrying; a vehicle; an animal used in riding vāhaso A boa constrictor or python vāhī Carrying vāho A bearer, leader; a horse; a vehicle, cart; a measure of capacity 20 kharis, in this sense it means a cartload vi A preposition much used in composition with verbs and their derivatives, frequently with the sense of separation, difference, opposition vikaṅkato Name of a plant vikaco Blossoming vikaṭo Changed, altered vikatikā A woolen coverlet embroidered with figures of lions, tigers vikatī Change; emotion, anger, etc.; sort, kind; altered form, product vikato Changed vikappanaṃ Option, alternative; indecision vikappanā Apportioning, assignment vikappeti To apportion, assign vikappo Option, uncertainty; thinking over, considering vikaroti To alter vikalo Defective, wanting; deprived of vikasati To expand, blossom vikasā Bengal madder vikāro Change, alteration; perturbation; wrong state of mind vikālo Afternoon, evening; wrong time vikāsī Illumining, delighting vikiraṇaṃ Dispersing; investment of money vikiraṇo Dispersing, spending, squandering vikirati To scatter, sprinkle, spread abroad; to overwhelm vikubbanaṃ Assuming a different form by supernatural power, magical or miraculous transformation vikūjati To chirp, warble vikopanaṃ Injuring vikopeti To cause or suffer to be injured vikkanto Stepping, walking; heroic vikkamo Advancing, walking; strength, heroism, prowess vikkayī (vikkayiko) A vendor vikkayo Sale vikkiṇāti To sell vikketā A vendor vikkeyyo Saleable, for sale vikkhabhito Obstructed, stopped destroyed vikkhambhanaṃ Withdrawl of support, arresting, paralysing, elimination, obstructing, stopping vikkhambho Diameter vikkhāyitakaṃ One of the asubha kammaṭṭhānas, obtained by the contemplation of a corpse gnawed by animals vikkhālanaṃ Washing vikkhāleti To wash vikkhīpati To scatter vikkhepo Scattering, confusion; perplexity, puzzle, disorder of mind vikkhobheti To agitate vigacchati To depart vigamo Departure, dispelling vigarahati To reproach, rebuke, censure vigāhati To plunge or wade into; to enter vigāheti To plunge or wade into; to enter viguṇṭhito Arrested, foiled viggahavā Having the form of; handsome viggaho The body; strife; in gram. resolution of a word into its elements, analysis viggāhako Quarrelsome viggho An obstacle vighāṭanaṃ Overthrow, removal vighāṭeti To overthrow, remove, batter down vighāto Destruction; annoyance, vexation; opposition vighāsādo One who eats the remains of food vighāso Remains of food, broken meat, scraps, rots vicakkhaṇo Knowing, wise, discerning, sensible, skilful vicayo Research, investigation vicaraṇaṃ Going about vicarati To walk or go about vicārako One who investigates, a judge vicāraṇā and (vicāraṇaṃ) Investigation, doubt vicāro Investigation, examination vicikicchati To doubt, hesitate vicikicchā Doubt, uncertainty viciti Examination vicito Separated vicitto Variegated, painted, oramented, embroidered vicitro Variegated, painted, oramented, embroidered vicinati To seek, search, investigate, examine; to gather, collect vicintako Devising, finding out vicinteti To think, consider, imagine vicuṇṇo Crushed viceyyo Accompanied with discrimination viccuto Fallen down vicchaḍḍeti To throw away vicchā Succession vicchiko A break off, interrupt vicchiddakaṃ One of the asubha kammaṭṭhānas, obtained by the contemplation of a corpse fissured from decay vijaṭanaṃ Disentangling vijaṭāpeti To comb out, disentangle; metaphorically, to unravel, explain vijaṭeti To comb out, disentangle; metaphorically, to unravel, explain vijano Lonely, deserted vijambhati To rouse oneself, display activity vijayo Victory, triumph; name of the first Aryan coloniser and sovereign of Ceylon vijahati To leave, forsake, relinquish, reject vijānaṃ Understanding vijānanaṃ Knowing vijānāti To discern, distinguish, be wise, perceive, learn, understand, know exactly, find out, ascertain vijāyati To bring forth young vijāyanaṃ Bringing forth, delivery vijigucchati To loathe vijitāvī Victorious vijinati To conquer, master, triumph over vijinanaṃ Conquering vijīvito Dead vijeti To conquer, master, triumph over vijjā Knowledge, learning, scholarship, science; wisdom vijju and (vijjutā) Lightning vijjullatā Forked lightning vijjotati To shine vijjhati To pierce, perforate; to strike, hit, break throught; to hurt, wound; to shoot with an arrow vijjhanaṃ Piercing vijjhāyati To burn out, go out, be extinguished viñjho The Vindhya mountain-range viññatiti Information, intimation; intimation of a want, asking viññāṇaṃ Intelligence, knowledge; consciousness; thought, mind viññāṇañcāyatanaṃ Realm of infinity of intelligence, name of the second arūpabrahmaloka viññāṇaṭṭhiti Station or abode of Intelligence viññāpano Informing, instructing viññāpetā One who informs viññāpeti see vijānāti viññāya see vijānāti viññū Intelligent, wise, learned, discreet viññūtā Intelligence viññeyyo see vijānāti viṭaṅko and (viṭaṅkaṃ) A dove-cot, aviary; pigeon house viṭapī A tree viṭapo The fork of a tree; a clump, thicket viṭabhī The fork of a tree vitakkanaṃ Reasoning vitakketi To reason, argue, consider, reflect vitakko Reflection, thought, argument, reasoning vitacchikā Scabies vitacchito Planed, smoothed vitaññati To be spread, diffused vitaṇḍā Idle talk, gossiping. Frivolous or captious discussion vitato Extended, diffused, overspread vitatho False, unreal vitaraṇaṃ Donation, gift; abandoning, escaping from vitarati To continue, go through; to perform vitāno and (vitānaṃ) Spreading, expansion; multitude; a canopy, awning vitiṇṇo see vitarati vitūdati To strike, sting vittaṃ See end of art. vidati vitti Joy; feeling, sensation vitthato Extended, wide vitthambhanaṃ Instability vitthāriko Extended, diffused vitthāreti To expand, detail vitthāro Width, breadth; extension, amplification, detail vitthiṇṇo Extensive, large vidaḍḍhatā Bravery, gallantry, wit vidati To know, ascertain vidatthi A span of twelve aṅgulas vidahati To allot, assign, appoint, fix, order, prescribe; to provide, practise vidāraṇaṃ Rending vidārito Rent, split vidāro Tearing vidālano Breaking up vidāleti To break open, split, rip up vidisā An intermediate point of the compass viduro Wise vidū Knowing, skilled; wise vidūsito Corrupted videhā Name of a people vidojo A name of Indra viddasu Skilled, wise viddumo Coral viddesī An enemy viddeso Enmity, hatred viddhaṃsanaṃ crushing, destruction viddhaṃsāpeti To crush, destroy, overthrow, scatter, disperse viddhaṃseti To crush, destroy, overthrow, scatter, disperse viddhaṃso Demolition viddhasto Broken, fallen to pieces viddho see vijjhati vidvā Wise vidhamati To scatter, dispel vidhamanaṃ Dispelling vidhavā A widow vidhā Pride vidhānaṃ Arrangement, disposal, assignment; act, performance; precept, rule vidhāya see vidahati vidhāvati To run about vidhi Rule, precept; ceremony; luck, destiny vidhu The moon vidhuraṃ Absence, seclusion vidhūnati To shake vidhūpanaṃ A fan vidhūpito Scattered, destroyed vidheyyo see vidahati vidho Form, measure, kind, sort; part, fold vinatā The mother of the garuḷas vinandhati To encircle, cover vinayanaṃ Instruction, conversion vinayo Putting away, avoidance; subduing, conversion; training, discipline; name of a portion of the Buddhist scriptures vinassati To be lost; to perish, be destroyed vinā Without, except vināmeti To bend about, twist vināyako A spiritual leader or teacher, a buddha vināsī Destructive vināseti see vinassati vināso Loss; destruction, ruin viniggato Departing; free from viniggamo Departure vinicchayo Bondage vinicchayo Investigation, trial; ascertainment, decision vinicchinati To investigate, try; to judge, decide, determine vinidhāya Having deposited vinipatito Fallen down vinipātiko Destined to suffer in purgatory, liable to punishment after death vinipāteti To do away with, destroy vinipāto State of punishment, or suffering vinibandho Bondage vinimmutto Released; discharged, as an arrow vinimutto Released; discharged, as an arrow vinivaṭṭati To roll back vinivijjhati To pierce through and through viniveṭhanaṃ Unwrapping, explaining, refuting vinīto see vineti vinīlako Purple, black and blue vinīvaraṇo Unbiased vineti To remove, put away; to subdue, conquer, restrain; to instruct, educate, train vinodako Dispelling vinodanaṃ Dispelling, removal vinodeti To dispel, put away, get rid of vindati see vidati vipakkhako Opposite vipakkho Opposite; hostile vipaccati To be cooked, scorched, etc. vipaccanīko Hostile vipajjati To fail; to perish vipatti Misfortune; failure vipanno see vipajjati viparāmoso Highway robbery viparāvatto Reversed, changed vipariṇato Changed vipariṇāmeti To transform oneself vipariṇāmo Change, reverse vipariyayo and (vipariyāyo) Reversal, change vipariyāso see vipallāso, Reversal, change viparīto Reversed, opposite, contrary, different, changed; wrong, false vipallāso Reversal, change vipassako Contemplating; endowed with vipassanā vipassati To see clearly, to obtain spiritual insight vipassanā Seeing clearly, spiritual insight V. is produced by the successful exercise of ecstatic meditation, and is an attribute of arhatship vipassī Seeing clearly, wise name of a buddha vipākī Having a result vipāko Result, product, consequence; good result, fruit, profit, reward; evil result, retribution vipāceti To work oneself up into indignation, to be indignant, angry, annoyed vipātikā An abscess on the foot vipāteti To crush vipiṭṭhikaroti To throw behind one vipinaṃ A grove, wood vipubbakaṃ One of the asubbakammaṭṭhanas, obtained by the contemplation of a festering corpse vipulo Large, great, broad, exṭensive vipekkhati To stare about vipotheti To bruise vippakaṭṭhako Distant vippakato Imperfectly executed, left unfinished vippakāro Change of state; impropriety incorrectness vippakirati To scatter vippakkhitto Scattered about vippajahati To abandon, give up vippaṭisārī Remorseful vippaṭisāro Remorse, regret, repentance vippanaṭṭho Ruined, sunk, lost vippamuñcati To cast off, free oneself from vippayogo Separation vippaladdho Disappointed, deceived vippalapati To chatter, talk nonsense; to lament vippalambheti To mock, delude vippalāpo Wrangling vippavasati To go abroad, leave home, be away from home, be absent vippavāso Absence vippaviddho Pierced through and through vippavuttho see vippavasati vippasīdati To become calm or serene vippo A brahmin vipphandati To struggle, writhe vipphandattaṃ State of writhing, suffering, mental torture vippharaṇaṃ Thrilling, pervading vipphāriko Pervading, spreading, diffusing vipphāro Diffusion, pervasion vipphuraṇaṃ Spreading out, pervasion vipphurati To vibrate, wave, flash vipphuliṅgaṃ A spark of fire vibuddhi Enlightenment vibudho A learned or wise man; a deva vibodhanaṃ Awakening vibbhamanaṃ Roaming vibbhamo Whirling; agitation, hurry, flurry; amorous dalliance vibhaṅgo Division; distinction, determination, explanation vibhajati To divide, apportion; to distinguish, go into details, be minutely accurate vibhajanaṃ Division, sharing with others vibhatti In gram. inflection of nouns and verbs, declension, conjugation vibhatto see vibhajati vibhavo Power, prosperity, majesty, splendour; property, wealth vibhavo Absence or cessation of existence, non-existence, nirvāṇa vibhā Light, lustre vibhāgo Division vibhāti To glitter vibhāvanaṃ Making clear, ascertainment vibhāvarī Night vibhāvī Wise vibhāveti To understand clearly vibhāvo Doubling vibhāvo Condition or sentiment of the body or mind vibhāsā An alternative vibhinno Scattered; divided, at variance vibhītako and vibhītakī(1) and vibhītakaṃ(2) Beleric myrobolan vibhū A lord, ruler vibhūti Splendour, dignity vibhūsanaṃ Adornment vibhūsito Adorned vibhedanaṃ Division vibhedikā The Palmyra tree vimaṭṭho Soft vimati Perplexity, doubt vimadduttho Sent arising from the grinding of perfumes vimano Perplexed, distressed, doubtful vimalo Pure, clear, spotless vimānaṃ and (vimāno) A pagoda or palace of seven stories, the abode of a deva, a celestial mansion; a residence, abode vimukho Averted, neglectful vimuñcati To release; to give up, to spend vimuttāyatanaṃ Point of emancipation vimutti Release, emancipation, arhatship, nirvāṇa or annihilation vimutto Released, emancipated vimuyhati To be confused, bewildered vimokkha Release, escape, deliverance, salvation; release from human passion, arhatship; release from existence, nirvāṇa or annihilation vimokho and (vimokkha) Release, escape, deliverance, salvation; release from human passion, arhatship; release from existence, nirvāṇa or annihilation vimocanaṃ Release vimohako Bewitching, deluding vimhayo Astonishment, surprise vimhāpeti To astonish vimhito Astonished, amazed viya see iva viyaggo Bewildered viyutto Separated viyūhati To remove, take out, disengage viyogo Separation, disunion; absence, deprivation; loss, death viyojeti To separate viyyati see viyati, To be woven viracito Made, composed virajo Free from corruption or human passion virajjati To be displeased, disgusted, to loathe virajjhati To fail, go wrong, miss, lose virati Abstinence virato see viramati viratto see virajjati viramaṇaṃ Abstaining viramati To abstain, refrain, desist viralañjano Thinly peopled viralo Delicate, fine viravati To cry aloud, shout, cry out; to rattle, jingle viravo Crying, shouting, clamour virahito Bereft of, exempt from virāgo Absence of desire or human passion, arhatship, nirvāṇa virājati To shine, be conspicuous or eminent virādheti see virajjhati virāvo Crying, shouting, clamour viriyaṃ Strength, vigour, energy, fortitude, effort, exertion; dignity, influence viriyavā Energetic virujjati To fall to pieces, to decay virujjhati To be obstructed, annoyed, disturbed, troubled virujjhanaṃ Being obstructed viruddho see virujjhati virūdhanako Growing virūpakkho Name of the Regent of the West, and chief of the nāgas virūpo Deformed, monstrous, ugly virūḷhi Growth, increase virūḷho Grown, blossoming vireko Purging, diarrhoea virecanaṃ Purging; a purgative virocati To shine, be brilliant or splendid; to be eminent, conspicuous virocano Shining virodhanaṃ Opposition, contradiction virodhito Rendered hostile virodhī Opposing, obstructing, adverse virodho Opposition; contradiction, inconsistency; enmity virodhotti Contradiction, quarrel vilaggo Fastened vilapati To lament, wail; to talk idly, to lie vilambati To loiter, tarry vilayo Destruction vilāpo Lamentation vilāso Sport, pastime; dalliance; charm, beauty vilimpati To smear, to anoint vilīno Clinging, adhering vilīvakāro A basket-maker vilumpati To plunder vilūno Cut off vilekhito Rendered by Gog "smooth" vilekho Perplexity, confusion vilepanaṃ Toilet perfume vilokanaṃ Looking, a look viloketi To look at, look over, examine vilocanaṃ The eye vilopako Plundering vilopo Plunder, pillage vilomenti To disarrange, invert vilomo Against the grain, reversed, different, wrong viloḷeti To stir, move about viḷaṅgaṃ The plant erycibe paniculata viḷambanaṃ Disguise, masquerade vivajjeti To forsake, to avoid vivaṭo see vivarati vivaṭṭaṃ Part of the dress of a Buddhist priest; turning round the other way, rolling back vivaṭṭaṃ Absence of vaṭṭā or transmigration, nirvāṇa vivaṭṭati To roll on or round, revolve vivaṭṭo Beginning again, renovation vivaṇṇakaṃ Dispraise, reviling, contempt vivaṇṇo Discoloured, wan vivattacchaddo and (vivattacchado) One by whom the veil of human passion is rolled away. This is an epithet of a buddha. vivadati To dispute, quarrel vivadanaṃ Causing separation vivaraṃ A hole, hollow, fissure, cleft; gap, interstice; an empty space, vacuum; recess, core; a flaw, defect vivaraṇaṃ Explanation, comment vivarati To open vivaso Unrestrained, independent vivādo Dispute, contention; litigation vivāhanaṃ Getting a husband for a girl vivāho Marriage vivicca Separating oneself from viviccati To separate oneself, retire vivicchā Said to mean vicikicchā or doubt vivitto see viviccati vividho Various; manifold vivekajo Caused by seclusion or detachment viveko Separation, seclusion; discrimination vivecanam Investigation viveceti To separate, seclude visaṃ Poison, venom visaṃyutto Separated, detached visaṃyogo Separation, disjunction visaṃvādako Deceiving, lying visaṃvādeti To break one's word to a person, deceive, disappoint visaṃvādo Deceiving, disappointing, etc. visakaṇṭhakaṃ A sort of sugar visaṅkhāro Destruction, annihilation visaṅkhito Destroyed, annihilated visajja see vissajjati visajjeti see vissajjati visaññitā Unconsciousness, syncope visaññībhuto Unconscious, swooned away visaññutto see visaṃy-, Separated, detached visañño Unconscious visaññogo see visaṃy-, Separation, disjunction visaṭo Spread, diffused visaṭṭhi Emission visato Spread, diffused visattikā Desire, lust visadattaṃ Purity visado Pure, white; clear, manifest visadharo A snake visappanaṃ Spreading visaphalatā Unprofitableness visabhāgo Not common to all, different, dissimilar visamo Uneven, unequal; unjust, lawless, wicked visayi An organ of sense visayo District, region, country; realm, domain, range, sphere, scope; an object of sense visaro A multitude visallo Free from pain or grief visahati To be able, to dare, to venture visākhā Name of a nakkhatta; name of a celebrated female saint, a contemporary and disciple of Buddha visāṇaṃ A horn, an elephant's tusk visādo Dejection visārado Bold, confident, ready, self-possessed; wise, skilled visārī Spreading visālo Wide, extensive, great visikhā A street, road; an arrow visiṭṭho Superior, excellent visibbati To unsew, unpick visīdati To be afflicted visīlo Immoral visīvanaṃ Warming oneself visīveti To warm oneself visuṃ Separately, individually visujjhati To be cleansed, to be pure visuddhayati To become bright or clear visuddhī Purity, holiness, rectitude, correctness; nirvāṇa visūkaṃ A show, spectacle, worldly amusement visūcikā Cholera visesako A sectarial mark on the forehead visesaññū Knowing distinctions, discerning, critical visesanaṃ Distinguishing viseseti To distinguish, define, specify viseso Distinction, discrimination, speciality, specification; sort, kind; peculiar merit or advantage, excellence, superiority visesso Principal, chief visoko Free from sorrow visodhanaṃ Cleansing; emending visodheti see visujjhati visoseti see vissussati vissaṃ A smell like raw meat vissakammo Name of the celestial architect, a deva of the cātummahārājika heaven, who acts as architect and artist to the devas vissaggo Serving, donation, giving out vissajjati To send forth, emit, throw, shoot, etc.; to let go, dismiss; to answer; to leave, forsake; to spend vissajjanaṃ A gift vissajjanā An answer, reply vissaṭṭho see vissajjati vissattho see vissanati vissandati To flow, well up, overflow vissamati To cease from toil, rest, repose vissamanaṃ Resting vissambho Trust, confidence, intimacy vissarati To forget vissaro Shout, cry of distress, scream vissavati To ooze vissasati To confide in, trust to vissāṇanaṃ Gift, donation vissāsiko Intimate, confidential, trusty vissāsiyo Confidential, trustworthy vissāso Intimacy, confidence, trust. Sincerity, faith vissuto Renowned vissussati To be dried up visso Whole, entire vihago A bird vihaṅgamo Going through the air, flying vihaṅgo A bird vihaññati To be vexed, grieved, afflicted vihattho Perplexed viharati To dwell, sojourn, live vihāyasā Through the air vihāyaso The air, sky vihāyitaṃ A gift vihāriyo Living vihārī Dwelling, living vihāro Rambling, roaming, recreation; a Buddhist monastery or convent; state of life, condition; stopping, staying, sojourn, living, abiding, dwelling vihiṃsati To hurt, injure vihiṃsā Hurting, injury, cruelty viheṭhako Harassing viheṭhanaṃ Harassing, hurting viheṭheti To annoy, barass, hurt vihesako Annoying, troubling, wearying vihesā Annoyance, vexation, worry, weariness, fatigue vīci A wave; leisure vījati To fan a person vījanī A fan vīṇā The Indian lute vītaddaro Fearless vītamalo Pure, clear, spotless vītarāgo Free from human passion, an arhat vītikkamati To exceed, transgress vītikkamo Going beyond bounds, transgression, sin vītināmanako Spending one's time, living vītināmeti To spend or pass the time, to live; to wait vītipatati To fall away, transgress vītivatto Having passed, exceeded; past vītisāreti To remind mutually vītihāro A long footstep, stride vīto see vīyati vīto Devoid of, free from vīthi A row, line; a road; a bazaar, street vīthiko Substitute for vīthi at the end of a compound, cāruvīthiko, having a delightful street vīmaṃsati To think over, consider, reflect upon; to examine, investigate, try, test vīmaṃsanaṃ Trying, testing vīmaṃsā Investigation, examination, trial vīyati To be woven vīrū A spreading creeper vīro Strong, mighty, heroic vīsa see visaṃ vīsaṃ Twenty vīsati Twenty vīsatimo Twentieth vīhi Rice, paddy vuṭṭhahati see uṭṭh- vuṭṭhānaṃ see uṭṭh- vuṭṭhi Rain vuṭṭhito see uṭṭhahati vuḍḍho see vaḍḍhati vuṇāti To restrain, prevent vutapadaṃ Points of conduct vuti Enclosure, fence vuttaṃ see vattati vuttako A substitute for vutto at the end of a compound e.g., pubbavuttako, aforementioned vuttanto Tidings vuttari see uttariṃ vutti Conduct, behaviour, manner; business, profession, livelihood; in poetry, measure, rhythm, metre; explanation, gloss vuddhi Increase, growth; prosperity, advantage vuddhimā Prosperous vuddho see vaḍḍhati vuyhati To be carried, etc. vusitavā Dwelling, residing vusitāvi Dwelling, residing vuso A bull vussati see vasati vūpakaṭṭho Distant, removed vūpasamanaṃ Suppressing, cessation, extinction vūpasamāpanaṃ Suppression vūpasamo Pacification, suppression, cessation vūpasammati To be assuaged or quieted or suppressed, to cease, be extinguished ve Indeed, truly, verily vekallaṃ Deficiency vegī A courier vego Impetus, impulse, shock, attack; speed, velocity; stream; impulse of the mind, emotion, passion vejayantikā Name of a tree vejayanto Name of the palace of Sakka vejjo A physician vejjhaṃ A target veṭhako Surrounding, enveloping veṭhanaṃ Surrounding, enveloping; a turban, diadem veṭheti To surround, encompass, envelope, wrap, clothe veṭho Surrounding, etc. veṇaviko A flute-player veṇi A woman's hair simply plaited without ornament veṇiko A lute-player veṇu see veḷu, A bamboo, reed; a flute veṇukāro One who works in bamboo or wicker work veṇudhamo A flute-player veṇo A worker in bamboo or wicker work vetanaṃ Hire, wages vetaniko A hired servant, labourer vetaraṇī The river of hell vetaso The ratan reed calamus rotang vetāliko A bard whose duty it is to awaken a king at dawn with music and song vetāḷaṃ Magic art vettaṃ A stick, staff vedaṅgaṃ A vedaṅga vedanaṃ Sensation vedanaṭṭho Agonized vedanattanaṃ Sensation vedanā Feeling, sensation, perception; pain, suffering vedanākkhandho The second khandha, Sensation vedanīyo see vidati vedayitaṃ see vidati vedallaṃ Name of one of the nine aṅgas or divisions of the Buddhist scriptures according to matter vedi An altar; a bench; a ledge, cornice, eaves vedikā A bench; a cornice, eaves vediso Belonging to the town of Vidisā vedī Knowing vedī An altar; a bench; a ledge, cornice, eaves vedeti see vidati vedeho Belonging to the videhas vedo Knowledge; pleasure, emotion, excitement; a Hindu veda vedhati Tremble, quake vedhavero The son of a widow vedhi Trembling vedhī Piercing, shooting, hitting vedho Piercing venateyyo A Garuḷa venayiko Versed in the vinaya veneyyo Tractable, that can be converted vepacitti Name of an asura vepathu Trembling, tremor vepanaṃ (vepo) Trembling, tremor vepākī see samavepākī vepullaṃ Development vebhassaṃ Bullying or threatening language vebhāro Name of a mountain vebhūtiyaṃ Knowing the vedas vemajjhaṃ The middle, centre vematiko In doubt uncertain, doubtful, inconsistent, variable vemattam Difference vemātiko Born of a different mother vemo A loom veyyaggho Belonging to a tiger veyyākaraṇaṃ Answer; explanation, exposition, exegesis veyyākaraṇo and (veyyākaraṇiko) A grammarian veyyābādhiko An adj, formed from vyābādho veyyāvaccaṃ Service or duty performed by an inferior for a superior veyyāvaṭikaṃ Same meaning as last veraṃ Wrath, anger, hatred; sin, enmity verajjako Belonging to various provinces or kingdoms veramaṇī Abstinence veravasiko Falling under the influence of hatred or revenge verivā An enemy verī Hating, hostile, revengeful verocano The sun velā Time; shore; boundary; multitude vellito Shaken, trembling; crooked veḷu A bamboo, reed; a flute veḷumayo Made of bamboo veḷuriyaṃ A precious stone, perhaps lapis lazuli veḷuvanaṃ A Bamboo-grove; the name of a monastery presented by the King Bimbisara to Gautama Buddha vevaṇṇiyaṃ Change, diversity vevaṇṇo Various, different vesamaṃ Inequality vesayiko Belonging to a sphere of action vesākho Name of a month, April-May vesātī A name of Yama vesārajjaṃ Confidence. A Buddha has four vesrajjas or subjects of confidence or fearlessness. They are the consciousness that he has attained omniscience, that he has freed himself from human passion, that he has rightly described the obstacles to a religious life, that he has rightly taught the way to obtain salvation. vesāliko and (vesāliyo) Belonging to Vesali vesālī Name of a town in the Licchavi country vesiyā A harlot vesī A harlot veso Dress, apparel, equipment; disguise vesmaṃ A house vessantaro Fire vessantaro Name of a king who was the bodhisatta in the last birth but one–the last was in the tusita heaven vessabhū Name of a buddha vessavaṇo A name of Kuvera vessānaro Fire vessāmitto Name of a ṛishi vesso A Vaiśya vehapphalo Name of the inhabitants of the tenth brahmaloka vehāgamanaṃ Coming through the air vehāsaṭṭho In the air vehāsayo The air, sky vehāso The air, sky, heaven vokāro Worthlessness; the khandhas; difference vokiṇṇo Separated from vokkamati To turn aside, deviate from vochijjati To be cut off votto Shaven vodapeti To purify vodānaṃ Purification, purity vodāpanaṃ Purification vodāpeti To purify vomissako Miscellaneous voropeti To deprive of vosānaṃ End, consummation vosāsati To give orders, act authoritatively vosito Ended, accomplished vossakammaṃ Making a man a eunuch vossaggo Relinquishment, relaxation; gift, donation vossajanaṃ and (vossajjanaṃ)Relinquishment, giving up vossajjati To relinquish, give up voharati To give currency to, use; express vohāriko A royal officer skilled in the law, a magistrate vohāro Practice, custom, law; lawsuit; business, trade; common use, currency; current speech, vernacular; current appellation, name vyaggo Bewildered vyagghīnaso A hawk vyaggho A tiger vyañjanaṃ A consonant; a letter, syllable, word; the words or letter as opposed to the sense; sign, mark, characteristic; sauce, condiment, curry vyañjīyati To be expressed, indicated vyattayo Contrariety, opposition, reversal vyatto Evident, manifest; perspicuous; wise, learned vyadho Piercing vyantikaroti To abolish, remove, get rid of, destroy vyapagacchati To depart, be dispelled vyamhaṃ A celestial mansion i.e., vimāna vyayo see vayo, Loss, perishing, decay; expenditure vyavadhānaṃ Covering, screen vyavanujja Having dispelled vyavāyo Coition, sexual intercourse vyasanaṃ Misfortune; unhappiness, destruction, loss; bad habit, sin vyasanī Meeting with ruin, unfortunate vyākaraṇaṃ Explanation, exposition; declaration, answer; utterance, response, oracle, prediction; grammar vyākaroti To expound, explain; declare, call name; to answer; to give a response, predict, prophesy vyākulo Bewildered, agitated vyākhyā A comment, gloss vyādhi Sickness, malady, disease; the plant costus speciosus vyādhito Sick, ill vyādho A huntsman, deer-hunter vyāpako Pervading vyāpajjati To be malevolent vyāpanaṃ Pervading, penetration vyāpādo Wish to injure, malevolence, hatred, fury vyāpāreti To employ, suborn, incite vyāpāro Occupation, business, profession, exertion, action, work vyāpī Pervading, extending vyāpeti To pervade, permeate, fill vyābādheti To oppress, injure vyābādho Oppression, injury vyābhaṅgī A kāja or pole for carrying burdens vyāmisso Mingled vyāmo A fathom of about 6 feet, being the distance between the tips of the fingers of the two hands when the arms are extended vyārosanā Anger, hatred vyāvaṭo Covered, obstructed vyāsatto Attached to pleasure, covetous, etc. vyāso Diffusion vyāharati To utter vyūho An array of troops; a host, multitude; a street closed at one end sa "own" sa A prefix much used as the first part of compound adjectives and adverbs, and generally conveying the idea of possession or similarity; some of these compounds are as sace, santikaṃ, seyyathā, sakubbaṃ saṃ With, together. One of the upasaggas, only used as the first part of compounds. saṃ Happily saṃyato Tied, fastened; restrained, self-controlled saṃyattiko A voyaging merchant, sea-trader saṃyamo Restraint, self control, abstinence, sobriety saṃyugaṃ Strife saṃyutto Joined, connected saṃyogo Union, bond; connexion, association, society saṃyojanaṃ Bond, attachment saṃyojeti To put together, prepare a medicament saṃrakkhanaṃ Preservation, guarding saṃrambho see sārambho saṃrahito Deprived or devoid of saṃrāvo Uproar saṃvaccharo and (saṃvaccharaṃ) A year saṃvaccharo An astrologer saṃvaṭṭo The destruction of a kappa saṃvaḍḍhito Reared, fostered, brought up; enlarged; grown up; flourishing saṃvaṇṇanā Explanation, commentary; description; praise saṃvaṇṇeti To describe, explain; to praise saṃvattati To lead, conduce saṃvattaniko Conducive to saṃvadanaṃ One of the magic arts forbidden to Buddhist priests saṃvaddhanaṃ Causing to grow saṃvaddho Brought up, grown up; flourishing saṃvaraṇaṃ Covering saṃvarī Night saṃvaro Closing, restraint saṃvasati To live, pass one's time; to live with saṃvasatho A village saṃvāso Living with saṃviggo Excited; agitated, alarmed saṃvijjati To exist, to be found saṃvijjati To be moved or agitated saṃvidahati To dispose, fix, arrange, direct, appoint, assign, accomplish saṃvidahanaṃ Appointment saṃvidhānaṃ Appointment saṃvibhajati To divide saṃvibhāgo Partition, distribution saṃvihito see saṃvidahati saṃvīto Surrounded, shut in saṃvuṇāti and (saṃvuṇoti) To cover saṃvegī Quick, vehement saṃvego Agitation, emotion, grief saṃvejanaṃ Agitating, alarming saṃvejeti To agitate, cause emotion or alarm saṃveṭheti To wrap saṃvohāro Business, traffic saṃsaggo Connection, conjunction, association saṃsaṭṭho Joined, associated; living in society saṃsati To proclaim saṃsatto Adhering saṃsado Session, assembly saṃsandati To run together, unite, associate saṃsanno Distressed, weak saṃsappati To creep along saṃsayo Doubt saṃsaraṇaṃ Transmigrating saṃsarati To go through continually, to transmigrate saṃsaho Able saṃsāro Passing through a succession of births, continued existence, transmigration saṃsito see saṃsarati saṃsibbati To entwine, entangle saṃsibbanaṃ Entwining, entangling saṃsuddho Pure saṃsūcako Indicating saṃsedo Sweat, moisture, vapour saṃsevanaṃ and (saṃsevo) Attending on, associating saṃhati Assemblage, mass saṃhato Firm, well-knit, compact saṃhananaṃ Striking, destroying saṃharati To collect; to fold up saṃhāro A compilation, abridgement saṃhito see sandahati sakaṭaṃ A cart, waggon; a measure of capacity, a cart-load sakattā One's own self sakattho One's own object or advantage sakadāgāmī Returning once sakabalo Containing a mouthful, full sakaraṇīyo Having duties to perform sakalo All sakalo and (sakalaṃ)A portion; a potsherd sakiṃ Once; at once, simultaneously sakiñcano Having something, wealthy sakiyo Own sakuṇagghī A kind of hawk sakuṇi and (sakuṇiko)A bird sakuṇo A bird sakunto A bird; the Indian vulture sako Own sakkaccaṃ Respectfully, attentively, carefully, zealously, thoroughly sakkaṭo Sanskrit sakkataññū Acquainted with the Sanskrit language sakkati To go sakkati To be able or competent sakkato Entertained, honoured sakkato Sanskrit sakkattaṃ Cakraship sakkaroti To receive hospitably, to honour, revere sakkā see sakko sakkāyo Own body or person sakkāro Hospitable reception, hospitality, honour, festival sakkuṇāti To be able or competent sakko Name of the princely family to which Gautama Buddha belonged sakko Śakra or Indra sakko Able; possible sakkoti To be able or competent sakkharā A potsherd; gravel; clayed or brown sugar, jaggery, sugar sakkhi (sakkhissati), see sakkoti sakkhī A witness sakyaputtiko and (sakyaputtiyo)Belonging to the Sākya prince sakyo Name of the princely family to which Gotama Buddha belonged, see sākiyo sakhā Companion, friend sakhilo Friendly sakhī A female friend sagaṇo Having a retinue; attended by an army sagandhako Fragrant sagabbho A uterine brother sagāthako Containing gāthās sagāravo Respectful sagotto A kinsman, a relative sagguṇo Good quality saggo Abandonment; natural state, nature; making, creating; chapter, section saggo Heaven, paradise saṅkaṭīraṃ A dust-heap saṅkaṭo Narrow saṅkaḍḍhati To collect saṅkati To hesitate, doubt, suspect saṅkathā Conversation saṅkanīyo see saṅkati saṅkappeti To will, determine, arrange saṅkappo Thought, imagination; determination, resolve, wish saṅkamati To go, pass on saṅkamo Difficult progress saṅkampati To tremble saṅkaro Confusion saṅkalanaṃ Addition saṅkassaṃ Name of a town in India saṅkassaro Anxious, hesitating saṅkā Doubt, uncertainty saṅkāro Dust, sweepings, rubbish saṅkāso Resembling saṅkiṇṇo Confused, crowded; of mixed caste, impure saṅkito Anxious, alarmed saṅkiraṇaṃ Collecting together saṅkilissati To be impure, depraved, sinful saṅkileso Impurity saṅkī Anxious saṅku A stake or stump; a javelin saṅkucati To contract, draw together saṅkuppo That can be shaken saṅkulo Crowded; confused, contradictory saṅketo Engagement, appointment, rendezvous saṅkhato Put together, aggregated, organized, made, wrought, built, created, perfected, embellished; cooked, dressed, compounded saṅkhayo Loss; destruction; end saṅkhalā and (saṅkhalaṃ and saṅkhalo) A chain saṅkhalikā A chain saṅkhā Calculation; number, sum; numeral; understanding, reason, intelligence saṅkhāti To calculate, reckon saṅkhāto Reckoned, numbered; considered, reckoned, called, named; weighed, estimated, learnt saṅkhāro Constructing, preparing, perfecting, embellishing; aggregation; matter; karma; the skandhas saṅkhipati To shorten, abridge saṅkhubhati To be shaken, agitated saṅkhepo Abridgment, abstract saṅkheyyo Calculable saṅkho and (saṅkhaṃ) A shell; a chank or conch shell; a conch trumpet; the frontal bone, the ancle bone saṅkhobho Commotion saṅkhyā Calculation; number, sum; numeral; understanding, reason, intelligence saṅkhyāto Reckoned, numbered; considered, reckoned, called, named; weighed, estimated, learnt saṅkhyānaṃ Calculation saṅgaṇikā Communication, association saṅgaṇhāti To seize, take, collect; to compile; to abridge; to contain, embrace, include; to treat kindly, favour, conciliate, provide for the welfare of, help, protect saṅgati Union, intercourse saṅgato Meeting, associating or uniting with saṅgamo Meeting; intercourse, connexion, association saṅgamma Having assembled; having united with saṅgaro Calamity; war; promise saṅgahīto see saṅgaṇhāti saṅgahesi see saṅgaṇhāti saṅgaho Taking, collecting; conjunction, assemblage; a compilation, abridgment; favour, kindness saṅgāmaji and (saṅgāmajito) Victorious in battle saṅgāmo Conflict, battle saṅgāyati To chant, rehearse saṅgāyanaṃ Rehearsing saṅgāhako Compiling, making a recension saṅgāhiko Including, embracing saṅgīti Chanting together, rehearsal saṅgo Attachment, bond, tie saṅghakammaṃ An act or ceremony performed by a chapter of monks assembled in solemn conclave saṅghaṭanaṃ Junction saṅghaṭito Struck, sounded saṅghaṭṭati To knock against, or together saṅghabhattaṃ Food belonging to a community of monks as opposed to food belonging to an individual monk saṅghabhedo Causing divisions or schisms among the monkhood, one of the Abhiṭṭhānas saṅghabhogo Maintenance of monks saṅghāṭī One of the three robes of a Buddhist monk saṅghāṭo One of the perpendicular timbers of a house; junction saṅghāto Assemblage, multitude; killing, hurting; name of one of the eight principal hells saṅghādiseso Requiring a saṅghakamma at every stage saṅghārāmo A Buddhist monastery i.e., vihāra saṅghiko Belonging to or connected with the monkhood saṅghī Having a crowd of disciples saṅghuṭṭho Sounded, resounding saṅgho A multitude, assemblage; the assembly of Buddha's monks, the monkhood, clergy, church; a fraternity of monks sacittaṃ One's own mind or heart or thoughts sacivo A minister, statesman sace If sacetano Conscious, animate, rational saccakāro Ratification; pledge, earnest, payment in advance as guarantee saccakiriyā Truth, act, asseveration, a solemn declaration saccāpanaṃ Ratification of a bargain, an agreement made by formal consent sacco Truth sacchando Self-willed sacchikaroti To bring before one's eyes, see face to face, realize, experience, attain sajati To cling sajano A kinsman sajalo Watery sajāti and sajātiko(1) and sajatīyo(2)Of the same class or species, or caste sajīvo Alive; living with sajjati see sajati sajjanaṃ Decking, equipping sajjano Well-born, respectable, good, virtuous sajju and (sajjukaṃ)Instantly, immediately, quickly, suddenly sajjulaso Resin, sticky secretion of trees and plants sajjeti To prepare, equip, deck sajjo Diligent sajjo The sal tree, shorea robusta sajjo Prepared, ready, equipped, decorated sajjhaṃ and (sajjhu)Silver sajjhāyati To repeat, rehearse, read aloud sajjhāyo Repetition, rehearsal sañcayo Accumulation-quantity sañcaraṇaṃ Wandering about; uniting sañcarati To go about, wander; to meet, unite sañcarittaṃ Going backwards and forwards, acting as go-between sañcaro Defile, passage sañcārikā A female messenger sañcicca Intentionally, consciously, purposely sañcinati To accumulate sañcuṇṇo Crushed, shattered sañcetanā Thought, intention sañcetaniko Intentional sañceteti To be aware, intend sañchādeti To cover, hide sañchinno Cut sañjananaṃ Producing sañjanito Arisen, produced sañjāti Birth, origin sañjānanaṃ Perceiving sañjānāti To think, suppose; to recognize, perceive, comprehend; to call, name sañjāyati To arise, be produced or born sañjīvo Alive sañjhā Evening saññato see saṃyato saññato Tied, fastened; restrained, self-controlled saññā Sense, consciousness, perception; intellect, thought; sign, gesture; name saññākkhandho see saññā saññāṇaṃ Perception; sign, monument saññāto see sañjānāti saññatto see sañjānāti saññāya see sañjānāti saññāyati see sañjānāti saññāpanaṃ Pacifying, etc. saññāpeti see sañjānāti saññāmeti To restrain saññāmo see saṃyamo, restraint, self control, abstinence, sobriety saññito Called, named saññī Conscious, perceiving; thinking, imagining saññutto Joined, connected saññutto see saṃy- saññogo see saṃy- saññogo Union, bond; connexion, association, society saññojanaṃ see saṃy- saññyojanaṃ Bond, attachment saṭṭhi Sixty saṭṭho Sixtieth saṭṭhyaṃ Villainy, fraud saṭhilo Crafty, treacherous saṭho Crafty, treacherous, fraudulent saṇiṃ Slowly, softly, quickly saṇikaṃ Slowly; softly; quickly saṇṭhahati To stand saṇṭhāti To stand saṇṭhānaṃ Form, figure; mark; position, station saṇṭhāpanaṃ Arranging, fixing saṇṭhiti Position, station saṇṭhito see saṇṭhahati saṇḍāso A smith's tongs saṇḍo and (saṇḍaṃ) An assemblage of lotuses saṇḍo A multitude saṇho Smooth; soft, gentle, mild; delicate, minute, subtle, abstruse sataṃ see santo sataṃ A hundred satakaṃ A hundred satakkhattuṃ A hundred times satato Continual satapatto The Indian crane satapadī A centipede satabhisajo Name of a nakkhatta satamūlī Asparagus racemosus sataraṃsi The sun satavaṅko A sort of fish satāvarī Asparagus racemosus sati Recollection; active state of mind, fixing the mind strongly upon any subject, attention, attentiveness, thought, reflection, consciousness satiko Belonging to a hundred, consisting of a hundred, costing a hundred satipaṭṭhānaṃ Fixing the attention, earnest meditation. satimā Of retentive memory or active mind, thoughtful, reflecting sativinayo Name of one of the adhikaraṇasamathas. "It is a method of procedure by which the innocence of a monk falsely accused of a crime is proclaimed; when the offence has been inquired into by a chapter and the accused honourably acquitted, he is declared blameless, and exhorted to keep steady in the path of duty." sateratā Lightning sato Recollecting, mindful, attentive, thoughtful, conscious satta Seven sattaṃ Substance, thing; form, body; sentient being; strength; breath, life sattakaṃ A collection of seven sattakkhattuṃ Seven times sattaguṇo Sevenfold sattaṭṭha Seven or eight sattati Seventy sattadasa Seventeen sattadhā In seven ways, in seven pieces sattapaṇṇo The tree echites scholaris sattamo Best, excellent sattamo Seventh sattarasa Seventeen sattalā A sort of jasmine sattaloko World of sentient being sattā Existence sattāvāso Abode of beings sattāhaṃ A week sattāhiko Belonging to a week, hebdomadal, weekly satti Ability, power; an iron spear, javelin sattī A knife sattu An enemy sattu Barley meal, or flour generally, also a cake made of meal sattuko An enemy satto A being creature, animal, sentient being, man satto Able, strong satto see sajati satthaṃ A weapon, sword; iron, steel satthaṃ A treatise, book; a science or art satthakaṃ A small weapon satthā A teacher, master satthi The thigh satthi Ability, power; an iron spear, javelin satthuko Belonging to a teacher sattho A troop, caravan satraṃ A sacrifice; munificence, liberality sadattho One's own advantage or good sadanaṃ A house sadā Always sadācāro Good manners, right or virtuous conduct sadātano Perpetual sadāro One's own wife sadisatā and (sadisattaṃ)Similarity sadiso Like, similar sadumaṃ A house sadevako Together with the devas or deva-world sadeviko Accompanied by his queen saddanaṃ Making a noise saddalo Grassy saddahati To believe, to have faith saddūlo A leopard. At the end of a compound used in the sense of "excellent, pre-eminent" saddo Sound, noise; voice; a word saddhaṃ Alms offered to petas, or the manes of deceased relatives saddhammo Good doctrine, true religion, the true faith, the religion of Buddha; good condition saddhā Faith saddhāyiko Trustworthy saddhālū Believing saddhiṃ With saddhivihārī and (saddhivihāriko)A fellow or brother monk, one who lives at the same monastery with another saddho Faithful, believing sadhano Rich sadhammī Practising similar duties sanaṃ Always sanantano Perpetual; ancient, primeval sanābhiko Having a nave of a wheel sanāmako Having a name sanito Sounding sanemiko Having a felly or tire sangāho Collecting, taking santako Belonging to santajjeti To menace, abuse, threaten santataṃ Continually santatā Goodness santati Extension, continuity, duration; lineage santatto Scorched, burnt santappeti To satisfy santarati To be in haste, to be agitated, to tremble santarabāhiro Inside and out santavā Tranquil, calm santāno Spreading, extension; lineage; name of a tree in heaven santāpanaṃ Burning up santāpeti To burn, scorch, inflame, torment santāpo Burning, fire; torment santāsī Trembling, fearful santāseti To terrify santi Calm, tranquillity, peace; nirvāṇa; bliss; pacification, settlement santiko Near santiṭṭhati see saṇṭhahati, to stand santuṭṭhi Contentment, satisfaction, happiness santussako Contented, satisfied santussati To be satisfied, pleased, happy santo tranquilled calmed; see sammati santo Wearied, tired santo Being; good; wise santoso Contentment, happiness, satisfaction santhanaṃ Appeasing, calming down santhambhati To restrain oneself santharati To spread, strew santhavo Acquaintance, intimacy, friendship santhāgāraṃ A royal rest-house, a building at which kings transacted business when travelling in the provinces santhāro A layer, stratum; a couch santhuto Praised sandaṭṭho Bitten, compressed sandati To flow sandano A war chariot sandassanaṃ Showing, exhibition sandasseti To show, teach sandahati To connect; to get ready, arrange sandānaṃ A cord sandāleti To break sandiṭṭhiko Visible, actual, belonging to this life sandiṭṭho Seen sandiddho Smeared sandeso News; a message, communication sandeho Doubt; accumulation sando Thick, coarse sandoho An assemblage sandhātā One who joins or reconciles sandhānito Bound sandhāya see sandahati sandhāreti To hold back, repress; to bear, carry sandhāvati To run through, traverse sandhi Junction, union; agreement; a joint of the body sandhūpāyati To smoke sandheti To connect; to get ready, arrange sannakaddu The tree buchanania latifolia sannaddho see sannayhati sannayhati To bind, fasten sannāmeti To bend, contract sannāho Armour, mail sannikāso Resembling sannikkhepo Placing sannicayo Piling up, accumulation, hoarding sanniṭṭhānaṃ Conclusion, consummation; ascertainment, resolve sannidhānaṃ Proximity sannidhāpeti To bring about, cause to come to pass sannidhi Proximity; presence, visibility sannidhīyati To be combined sanninno Bent, inclined sannipatati To assemble, meet together sannipāto Union, collocation, assemblage; assembly, congregation sannibho Resembling sanniyojeti To appoint, enjoin, command sannirumbhati To impede, restrain, block sannirumhati To impede, restrain, block sannivāso Living with, association sanniveso Construction, preparation; station, encampment sannisajjā Sitting together sannisīdati To subside, to be quiet sannissito Connected with; devoted to sannihito Stored up sanneti To mix, knead sanno see sīdalī sapaco A pariah, out-caste sapati To swear; to revile sapatto Hostile sapatho An oath sapadānaṃ In the common phrase sapadānaṃ piṇḍāya carati, which is explained to mean "goes his begging rounds uninterruptedly", that is, from house to house in regular succession, without passing any by sapadi Instantly saparattho One's own good, and the good of others sapariyanto Limited saparivāro Accompanied by an escort or attendants sapāko A pariah, caṇḍāla sapiṇḍo A near kinsman saputto Together with his son sapuriso Accompanied by attendants sappaccayo Having a cause sappañño Wise sappaṭibhayo Dangerous, beset with fear sappaṭibhāgo Resembling sappabho Brilliant sappāṇako Containing insects or animalculae sappāyo Desirable, advantageous, beneficial sappi Clarified butter, ghee sappītiko Joyful sappuriso A good or pious man sappo A snake saphaṃ A horse's hoof sapharī The fish cyprius sophore saphalo Bearing fruit. Metaphorically, having its reward sabalo Variegated, mottled, spotted sabbako All, every sabbaṅgapaccaṅgī Provided with greater and less members or requisites, complete in all its parts sabbañjaho Leaving everything sabbaññutā and (sabbaññūtā)Omniscience sabbaññū Omniscient. This is a common epithet of a Buddha, the only being who is omniscient sabbato From every side sabbattatā "Identification of all beings with oneself", i.e. universal goodwill sabbattha and (sabbatra)Everywhere sabbatthakaṃ Everywhere sabbathattā In every way sabbathā In every way, thoroughly sabbadā Always sabbadhi Everywhere, on every side, in every respect sabbabhummo A universal monarch sabbaso Wholly, altogether, from beginning to end, throughout sabbāvā Entire sabbo All, every; whole, entire sabbhi see santo sabbhūto Real, true sabrahmako Including the Brahma sabrahmacārī One who practises religious duties in association with others, a fellow student, fellow monk sabhatto Accepting an invitation to a meal sabhā An assembly; a hall, court, mansion; a court of justice sabhāgo Common, shared by all, identical sabhāgo Own share sabhājanaṃ Courtesy sabhāyaṃ A hall of assembly sabhāvo Natural state, nature sabhikkhuko Containing monks sabhogo Wealthy sabhyo Polite, well-bred, refined samaṃ see samo samako Equal, same, similar samaggo All, entire; friendly, harmonious, reconciled samaṅgī Possessing, endowed with samacariyā Living tranquilly samacārī Living tranquilly samacittatā Equanimity samacchati To sit down samacchinno Cut off samajātiko Of equal birth, of the same caste samajjā An assembly samaññā Name, designation, term samaṇako A bad or contemptible ascetic samaṇamacalo An epithet of the sotāpanna, sramaṇa rock samaṇī see samaṇo samaṇo An ascetic; a Buddhist ascetic or monk, a Buddhist priest samatalaṃ A level surface samatā Sameness, equality samatiṃsa see samo samatikkamati To cross over a stream, to elapse of time samatikkamo Rising above, getting beyond samatitthiko Said of the Ganges when quite brimming samativijjhati To penetrate samattaṃ Equality samatto Concluded; complete, entire, all samatthanaṃ Allaying disputes samattho Fit, able, adequate, competent, strong; significant samatho Tranquillity, calm, quietude; cessation samadhigacchati To attain samadhiṭṭhahati To practise resolutely samanaṃ Stopping, suppression samanantarā and (samanantaraṃ) Immediately after samanuggāhiyamāno Being taken up, about a false assertion, being pressed, closely questioned samanuññāto Approved, allowed samanupassati To see, perceive samanupassanā Consideration samanubandhati To start together in pursuit samanubhāsati To join in addressing a person samanubhāsanā Addressing samanuyuñjiyamāno Being inquired about samanusāsati To direct, rule, exhort samanto All, entire samannāgato Endowed with samannesati To seek samanvito Possessed of samappeti To put, deposit, fix; to consign, commit, deliver; to give back samabhivaḍḍheti To encourage samabhivāhī Leading up together samabhisiñcati To sprinkle or inaungurate as a king samayo Agreement, combination; multitude; season, time; custom, rule,religious obligation; order, precept; religious belief, doctrine samaro and (samaraṃ) Battle samalaṅkaroti To adorn splendidly, decorate samavaṭṭhito Ready samavāyo Combination, union; multitude samaveti To be united samavhayo A name samasamo Exactly the same samasyati To be compounded samassāseti To console, encourage; to relieve, refresh samā A year samākaḍḍhati To pull along; to attract, entice samākiṇṇo Covered, crowded samākulo Covered, filled samāgacchati To assemble; to associate with samāgamo Assembly; intercourse, society samācaraṇaṃ Good manners samācarati To follow, practise; to act, behave samācāro Conduct, manners samāciṇṇo Practised, performed samācito Overspread samājiko A member of an assembly samājo An assembly samādapeti see samādiyati samādahati To put together samādānaṃ Undertaking; taking, acquiring samādāya see samādiyati samādinnattaṃ Fact of having been undertaken samādiyati To take with one, take away; to take upon oneself, solemnly undertake samādisati To indicate; to command samādhi Agreement, peace, reconciliation; tranquillity, self-concentration, calm samādhiko Connected with self-absorption samādhijo Originating in self-absorption samādhiyati see samādahati samānattatā Impartiality, feeling towards others as towards oneself samāneti To bring together, put together; to assemble; to compare samāno Similar, equal, same samāno Being samāpajjati To come into, enter upon, undergo, attain samāpatti Attainment samāpanaṃ Conclusion, completion samāpeti To complete, conclude samāyogo Combination, multitude samārako Including the Māra world samārabhati To begin, undertake samārambho Undertaking; injury, obstruction samāruhati To ascend samālapati To speak samāsanno Near samāseti To abbreviate, condense samāsetha Associate with the good samāso An abridgment samāharati To collect together samāhāro Collection samāhito Steadfast, firm, fixed; tranquil; attentive; established in samiṃsu see sameti samikkhaṃ Investigation samijjhati To succeed, prosper, take effect. Of business prospering, a wish or prayer being fulfilled or realized samijjhanaṃ Success, accomplishment samiñjati To be moved, tremble, falter samitaṃ see sameti samitattaṃ State of being quelled or removed samiti Union; an assembly samito see sammati samiddhi Success, prosperity samiddho see samijjhati samidhā Firewood samī The tree acacia suma samīpako At the end of a compound samīpa samīpago Approaching samīpaṭṭho Standing near samīpo Near. Of time, proximate, recent samīraṇo Air, wind; name of a plant samīrati To be moved samīro Air, wind samukkaṃsati To elevate, exalt, praise samuggato Arisen samuggahīto Accepted, understood samuggo A box, basket samugghāto Removal, abolishing samuccayo Collection, accumulation samuccinati To select, appoint samucchindati To extirpate; to break off, put an end to samucchedo Extirpation, rooting out samujjalito and (samujjalo) Blazing, resplendent, brilliant; ratanasamujjalo e.g., blazing with jewels samujjhito Abandoned samuṭṭhahati To rise up; to come to life again samuṭṭhānaṃ Rising, origination samuttejeti To stir, excite, fill with delight samutrāsanaṃ Frightening samudayo Rise, origin, commencement; origination, cause; multitude samudāgamo Beginning samudācarati To treat, behave towards; to lay claim to samudācāro Behaviour, practice samudāyo Quantity, entirety samudāhaṭo "Brought forward, produced, got ready" samudeti To arise samuddiṭṭho Pointed out, illustrated samuddo A sea samuddhaṭo Entirely removed, extirpated, rooted out samunnadati To utter loud cries samupagacchati To approach samupaṭṭhati To serve, supply samupabbūḷho Set up, heaped, in full swing samupamo Resembling samupasobhito Splendidly adorned samupāgacchati To come to samupeti To approach, meet samuppanno Arisen, produced samuppādo Arising, production, origination samubbahati To pull out samubbhavo Springing up, production samullapanaṃ Speaking with samussayo Accumulation; the body, as an assemblage of various constituents, comp. kāya samusseti To raise, lift up samūlako Roots and all samūhananaṃ Removal, abolishing samūhanti To remove, abolish samūheti To bring together, assemble samūho Multitude, assemblage, aggregation, mass samekkhito Considered, reflected upon samecca Having acquired, learnt, known sameti To meet together; to harmonize; to be equal to, correspond with sameti see sammati sameto Brought into contact with, connected with, possessing samo Tranquillity samo Toil, fatigue samo Even, level; like, similar, same, equal; upright, just, impartial; full, complete, entire samokirati To sprinkle all over samotarati To descend, disembark samodhānaṃ Combination samodhāneti To join, connect samoruyha Having descended samosaraṇaṃ Union, junction samosarati To come together sampakampati To tremble, be shaken violently sampakāsito Displayed sampakiṇṇo Strewn, crowded sampakkhandanaṃ Leaping forward, aspiration sampaggaho Favour, patronage sampajaññaṃ Consciousness, intelligence sampajāno Knowing, understanding, conscious sampajjati To turn out, happen; to succeed, prosper; to be obtained, fall into any one's possession sampajjalito Kindled, burning sampaṭiggaho Favourable reception, welcome sampaṭicchati To assent, agree; to accept, receive, take sampaṭicchanaṃ Assent sampati Now sampatti Success, prosperity, glory, magnificence, beauty; successful attainment, attainment sampatto see sampāpuṇāti sampadā Success, happiness, blessing; successful attainment, success in obtaining, attainment, possession sampadānaṃ Giving. In gram. a name of the dative relation sampadāleti To cleave, rend sampaduṭṭho Impure, wicked sampadhūpāyati To send forth clouds of smoke sampayāto Gone away sampayutto Connected with, dependent on, resulting from sampayogo Union samparāyiko Relating to the future state samparāyo Futurity, the future state, future life, the next world samparivattati To roll oneself, grovel; to turn, revolve samparivāreti To surround sampavaṅko A friend, companion sampavattanaṃ Causing to proceed sampavatteti To set going sampavāreti To cause to refuse sampavedhati To be shaken violently sampavedhī Shaky, loose sampasādanaṃ Making serene, tranquillization sampasīdati To be tranquillized, re-assured sampassati To behold, discern, see clearly sampahaṃsā and (sampahaṃsanaṃ) Satisfaction, pleasure, approval sampahaṃseti To gladden, delight; to express approbation of a person, to praise sampahāro Wounding; strife, battle sampāto Fall, descent sampādanaṃ Effecting, accomplishment; preparing, obtaining sampādanīyo To be prepared or effected sampādeti see sampajjati sampāpako Causing to obtain, bringing, procuring sampāpuṇāti To attain; to come to, find, meet with sampāleti To protect, keep sampiṇḍati To be added together sampiyo Friendly sampuṭo A box, casket sampuṇṇo Filled, full sampūjeti To venerate sampūrito Filled, full samphappalāpo Frivolous talk, idle talk samphasso Contact samphullito In full blossom samphusati To come in contact with, touch sambandhati To bind sambandhanaṃ Binding sambandho Connection; relationship, kinship sambarī Jugglery sambaro Name of an asura sambalaṃ Provision for a journey sambahulo Many sambādheti To oppress, afflict sambādho Pressure, crowding, difficulty, obstruction sambāhati To rub, shampoo sambāhanaṃ Rubbing the body, shampooing sambuko A bivalve shell sambujjhanaṃ Knowing thoroughly sambuddho Thoroughly known or understood; one who is thoroughly enlightened, has known or discovered the Truth, a Buddha sambojjhaṅgo see bojjhaṅgo sambodhi Perfect knowledge or enlightenment; perception of the truth, attainment of Buddhaship; Buddhahood, Buddhaship sambhaggo Broken sambhajjati To be broken sambhatto Devoted, faithfully attached of a friend imagination, idea, reflection sambhamo Confusion, excitement; fear; respect sambhavati To arise, be produced, spring from; to meet with sambhavo Production, birth; origin, cause; union; semen sambhāro Preparation; materials; necessaries; constituent part, element sambhāvanā and (sambhāvanaṃ) Honour, fame sambhāsā and (sambhāsanaṃ) Conversation sambhinno Broken, interrupted sambhīto Terrified sambhuñjati To eat with sambhū Progeny, off spring, descendants, issue sambhūto see sambhavati sambhedo Confluence of two rivers; difference sambhogo Sensual enjoyment; happiness, enjoyment; use samma A term of familiar address, used by equals, or by a superior to an inferior, my good sir! friend! sammaggato Walking rightly, living a blameless life sammajjati To sweep sammajjanaṃ Sweeping sammajjanī A broom sammaṭṭho see sammajjati sammati To be appeased or calmed; to cease sammato see sammannati sammattaṃ Correctness, truth sammatto Delighting in, intoxicated with sammadeti To intoxicate, exhilarate, cause drowsiness sammado Exhilaration, drowsiness sammaddati To trample, tread under foot sammanteti To consult together sammannati To agree to, decide, resolve; to sanction, approve, select sammappadhānaṃ Right exertion, right effort sammasati To seize, grasp sammā The pin of a yoke sammā Fully, thoroughly, accurately, rightly, properly, well, really, truly; sammadakkhāto i.e., well preached, sammadaññhā, perfect knowledge sammānaṃ and (sammānanaṃ) Honour, veneration sammāpāso see yāgo sammāsati see sati sammiñjeti To bend back or together, double up sammisso Mixed sammukhatā Presence, confrontation sammukho Face to face with, in the presence of sammuñjanī see sammajjanī, A broom sammuti Consent, authorization, permission; choice, selection; general consent or use sammuyhati To be stupefied, bewildered, paralyzed sammūḷho see sammuyhati sammodati To agree with, be in harmony with, be friendly with sammoso Confusion sammoho Bewilderment, infatuation, error sayaṃ Oneself, by oneself, spontaneously sayaṃvarā A maiden who chooses a husband sayaṅkato Made by oneself sayañjāto Sprung up spontaneously sayati To lie down sayati To go, to take refuge sayathu Swelling sayanaṃ Lying, sleeping; a bed, couch sayaniggahaṃ A sleeping-room, bed-chamber sayanigharaṃ A sleeping-room, bed-chamber sayampabho Self-resplendent, self-brilliant sayambhū Self-produced, self-sufficient, independent sayo Lying, sleeping sayhati To endure saraṃ see saro sarako and (sarakaṃ)A drinking vessel saraṭo A chameleon saraṇaṃ Remembrance saraṇaṃ Refuge, protection, salvation; nirvāṇa; a protector; a house, home sarati see sumarati, to remember sarado A year; autumn, the two months succeeding the rains sarabū A lizard sarabhaṅgo Indistinctness of the voice, or broken articulation sarabhaññaṃ A particular mode of reciting or intoning sacred compositions sarabhū Name of a river sarabho A sort of deer saralo The tree pinus longifolia saravo Noisy saravyaṃ A target sarasi see saro sarasī A large pond sarasvatī Name of a river sarahasso Along with the Upanishads sarāgo Coloured; affected with rāga or passion sarājako Including the king sarābhyāso Archery sarāvo A shallow cup, saucer sarāsanaṃ A bow sarikkho Resembling, having similarlity to saritā One who remembers saritā A river sarito Flowing, running sarīraṃ The body sarīrī An animal, man sarūpaṃ Own form, natural state, nature sarūpo Resembling, having similarity to saro Flowing, going saro The reed saccharum sara; an arrow saro Sound; voice; musical sound, tone; a vowel saro and (saraṃ) A large sheet of water, a lake saroruhaṃ A lotus salaṃ A porcupine's quill salakkhaṇaṃ see sāmañño salabho A grasshopper or moth salākā A peg, slip, bit of wood; a blade or sprout salāṭu Unripe salābho One's own advantage, self-gain salilaṃ Water sallaṃ A javelin; an arrow; a stake, splinter sallakattiyaṃ and (sallakattikaṃ)The art of the surgeon or physician sallakatto A surgeon, physician sallakī The tree boswellia thurifera sallako A porcupine sallakkhanaṃ Distinguishing, testing sallakkheti To observe, perceive, distinguish, consider, intend sallapati To talk with sallavejjo A surgeon or physician sallahuko Light sallāpo Conversation sallīno Bent together, cowering, depressed shrink back in fear sallekhiyaṃ Scratching out, erasing sallekho Scratching out, erasing sallo A javelin, arrow, stake, etc. a porcupine; the shrub vangueria spinosa saḷāyatanaṃ The six organs of sense savaṅko A sort of fish savati To flow savanaṃ Hearing; the ear savanaṃ Flowing savanīyo Pleasant to hear savano Name of a nakkhatta savali Wrinkled saviññāṇako Possessed of intelligence or consciousness, animate savibhatti Having inflections savupādiseso see upādiseso savo Flowing, dripping savyo Left, on the left hand savhayo Called, named sasako A hare, rabbit sasakkaṃ Certainly sasaṅko The moon sasaṅkhāriko Induced by others sasanaṃ Slaughter sasī The moon sasīso Together with the head sasuro Father-in-law sasenako Accompanied by an army saso A hare sasneho Loving sassaṃ Corn in the field, crop sassatiko Eternal sassato Perpetual, eternal sassamaṇabrāhmaṇo Together with monks and brahmins sassāmiko Having a master sassirīko Auspicious, glorious, blessed sassū Mother-in-law saha With, together with sahaṃ Power sahakāro A sort of fragrant mango tree sahagato Accompanying or associated with, joined to sahagāmī Accompanying sahajāti Name of a town in India sahajāto Born at the same time sahajīvī Living with sahajo A uterine brother sahati To bear, endure, resist, overcome sahattho One's own hand sahadhammiko Practising the same religious duties sahadhenuko Accompanied by a cow sahanaṃ Endurance sahano Enduring sahabhāvo Endurance sahampati This is an epithet of Mahābrahma, who is often called by the name of Sahampatibrahmā or Sahampatimahābrahmā sahavyatā Companionship sahasā Hastily, arbitrarily sahassaṃ A thousand sahassadhā In a thousand ways sahāyako A companion, ally, friend sahāyatā and (sahāyattaṃ)Companionship sahāyo A companion, ally, friend sahitā One who endures sahito Endowed with, accompanied by; united sahiriko Modest sahetuko Having a cause saho Enduring sahodako Containing water sā A dog sāṃalo Brown, dark sākacchā Conversation sākaṭāno and (sākaṭāyano)A proper name sākaṭiko Belonging to a cart sākalyaṃ Totality sākāro With its characteristics sākāso Near sākiyo Name of the princely family to which Gautama Buddha belonged sākuṇiko A fowler sāketaṃ Name of the city Ayodhyā sāko and (sākaṃ)A potherb sākkharappabhedo Together with the distinction of letters sākhalyaṃ see sakhilo sākhā A branch sākhī A tree sāgaro An ocean sāgalā and (sāgalaṃ)Name of a city, the capital of King Milinda sāṅgo Together with its aṅgas of the veda; with its divisions sājīvaṃ Rule of life, precept governing the monastic life of the buddhist monks sāṭako and (sāṭakaṃ) Cloth; a cloth, an outer garment, tunic, cloak sāṭikā An upper robe, mantle, cloak sāṭī A garment, mantle sāṭṭhakatho Together with the commentary sāṭheyyaṃ Craft, treachery sāṇaṃ Hempen cloth, coarse cloth sāṇī A curtain, screen, tent sāṇo A touchstone; a grindstone sātakumbhaṃ Gold sātaccaṃ Constantly, perseveringly sātatiko Persevering, continuing steadfastly sāti Name of a nakkhatta sātireko Excessive sātisayo Excessive sāto Joyful sātthako Useful, profitable sāttho Together with the meaning sādaro Reverential; affectionate; enthusiastic sādāno Having attachment to the world, worldly, unconverted sādikkho Similar sādiyati To be willing, like, acquiesce, accept, permit, agree sādissaṃ Resemblance sādu Sweet, agreeable sādeti see sīdati sādo Taste sāddho Practicable sāddhyo Practicable sādhako Accomplishing sādhanaṃ Accomplishment, effecting; materials sādhāraṇo Common, joint, general sādhiṭṭho Best s sādhiyo Practicable sādhiyyo Better sādhu Good, excellent, right, proper; respectable, well-born sādhukaṃ Well, thoroughly sādhukāro Saying sāddhu, approval, congratulation sādhutaro Better sādheti To accomplish, effect, prepare sānu Table-land sānucaro Together with followers or dependents sāno A dog sāntvaṃ Conciliation, calmness, pacification sāpateyyaṃ Property, wealth sāpadeso Figurative of speech sāpado A beast of prey, tiger sāpekkhatā Longing sāpo Oath, curse; abuse sāmaṃ Conciliation; name of one of the three vedas sāmaggī Concord, unity, harmony sāmacco Accompanied by ministers of state sāmaññaṃ State of being an ascetic, śramaṇaship, sāmaññatā śramaṇaship sāmaññeva Of one's own accord sāmañño General, universal, common sāmaṇako Belonging to a monk or Buddhist priest sāmaṇero A Buddhist monk in deacon's orders, a novice, neophyte sāmatthiyaṃ Strength; ability, competence sāmanto Neighbouring, bordering sāmayiko Temporary sāmalatā The creeper ichnocarpus sāmā see sāmo sāmi Half; blamably sāmiko Lord, master; husband sāminī see sāmī sāmiso Having food sāmī Lord, master, owner; husband sāmīci Correctness, propriety, proper or respectful act or duty sāmīpiko Proximate sāmuddo Marine sāmo Black, dark sāmyaṃ Equality, equipoise sāyaṃ see sāyo sāyako An arrow; a sword sāyaṇho Evening sāyati To taste sāyamāso /Evening meal, supper sāyikā Lying, sleeping sāyī Lying sāyo Evening sāraṅgo The bird cuculus melanoleucus; a deer sārajjaṃ Modesty, timidity, shyness sāratā Reality, strength sāratto Impassioned, inflamed with desire sārattho Essential or true meaning sārathi A charioteer, coachman sāradiko Autumnal sārado Autumnal; the autumn season sāraddho su-āraddho sārameyyo A dog sārambho Clamour, angry talk sārambho Accompanied with danger or injury sāraso The Indian crane sārāgo Affection, passion sārāṇīyo In the phrase sammodanīyaṃ kathaṃ sārāṇīyaṃ vītisāretvā, which Burnouf happily renders, "exchanged with him the compliments of friendship and civility", "that which should be reminded" sāri A piece or man at chess, draughts, etc. sārikkho Similar sāriputto Name of a famous apostle, a contemporary of Gotama; one of the chief disciples of Buddha sāriphalako A chess-board sāribā Name of a plant sārī Going sārīriko Corporeal, bodily sāruppo Fit, proper, suitable, in conformity with sāreti To remind sāro Essence, substance, choicest part, pith, marrow; main point, real truth; strength, vigour; wealth sālapaṇṇī The shrub hedysarum gangeticum sālā A house, hall, room sālākiyaṃ A branch of surgery sāli Rice, especially hill paddy sālikā The maynah bird, gracula religrosa sāliko Belonging to paddy sālūkaṃ Root of the water-lily sāleyyo Fit for rice sālo The tree shorea robusta; a tree in general sālo A brother-in-law sālohito A blood or near kinsman, sapiṇḍa sāḷuro A dog sāvako A hearer, listener, pupil; a disciple sāvajjo Censurable, faulty, wrong, sinful sāvaṇo Name of a month sāvatthī Name of a town in India, the capital of Kosala sāvaseso Imperfect, incomplete sāvikā see sāvako sāvitthī The vedic verse sāvitrī sāvetā One who informs sāveti see suṇoti sāvo Dark brown, bay sāsaṅko Dangerous sāsati To command sāsanaṃ Order, command; message; epistle; instruction, discipline; scripture; Buddhist religion or dispensation sāsapo A mustard-seed sāso Asthma sāhacariyaṃ Association sāhasaṃ Violence; punishment, fine sāhasiko Violent, cruel, ferocious sāhassiko Belonging to a thousand, costing a thousand sāhu Good. Softened form of sādhu siṃsapā The tree dalbergia sisu sikatā Sand sikkā A string by which a weight is suspended; the strings of a balance; the strings of a kāja sikkhati To learn, train oneself sikkhanaṃ Training, learning, study sikkhā Learning, study, training sikhaṇḍako A tuft or lock of hair sikhaṇḍī A peacock sikhaṇḍo A tuft or lock of hair; a peacock's tail sikharaṃ and (sikharo) A peak, top; the point of a sword sikharī A tree; a mountain sikhā Peak, point, summit; crest, top-knot sikhī Fire; a peacock; name of a Buddha sigālo A jackal siggu The tree hyperanthera moringa siṅgaṃ A horn; a peak, summit; height, dignity, pre-eminence siṅgakaṃ A horn siṅgāro Love, sexual passion siṅgivaṇṇo Gold-coloured siṅgiveraṃ Ginger siṅgī Horned siṅgī A kind of gold; name of a plant siṅghāṭakaṃ A place where four roads meet siṅghāṭo Name of a plant siṅghāṇikā Mucus of the nose sijjhati To be accomplished, take place, succeed siñcati To sprinkle sitaṃ A smile sitabbho Camphor sito White sito Bound sito Clinging, devoted to; resting upon sitthaṃ and (sitthakaṃ) Beeswax; a lump of boiled rice sithilo Loose, flabby, bending, yielding siddhattho White mustard; Gautama Buddha's name when a prince siddhanto Religious belief, dogma siddhi Formation, accomplishment; success, prosperity siddho see sijjhati sinānaṃ Bathing, washing siniddho Oily, greasy; smooth, glossy; affectionate sineru A name of Mount Meru sinehako An intimate friend sinehito Lustful, connected with desire or covetousness sineho Oil; friendship, affection, love; lust, desire sindī Name of a tree, khajjurī sinduvāro The tree vitex negundo sindūraṃ Red lead sindhavo Belonging to sindh, sindhavo, a sindh horse sindhu The sea, ocean; the sindh country sindhuro An elephant sindhū A river sippaṃ A mechanical art; a fine art; a piece of work, a job; skill, proficiency sippiko and (sippiyo) An artisan, artificer sippī An artisan, artificer sippī A pearl oyster sibbati To sew, stitch sibbanaṃ Sewing sibbanī Desire simbalī and (simbalo) The silk-cotton tree bombax heptaphyllum sirā A nerve, tendon; a vein, artery siriṃsapo A snake; any creeping thing, such as a centipede, chameleon, etc. sirī Fortune, prosperity; a name of Lakshmi; majesty, royalty; magnificence, glory sirīso The tree acacia sirīsa siro and (siraṃ) The head; top of a tree; acme, elevation silatthambho A stone pillar silā A stone, rock silāghati To praise silāghā Praise silābhū A sort of snake silāmayo Made of stone silāsanaṃ A stone seat or throne siliṭṭho Adhering, connected siluccayo A mountain silutto A rat snake silesumo Phlegm sileseti To embrace sileso Embrace; union siloko Fame; a verse, stanza sivā A jackal sivikā A litter, palanquin sivī Name of a people sivo Auspicious, blest, happy, fortunate sisiro Cold sissako A pupil sissānusissakaṃ From pupil to pupil, through a succession of pupils sisso A pupil sīkaro Drizzling rain sīgho /Quick, swift sītalo Cold, cool sītā A furrow sītālū Chilled sītibhūto Cold, calm, tranquil, impassible sītuṇhaṃ Cold and heat sīto Cold, cool sīdati To sink, subside, settle; to be dejected, despond, yield, give way sīdanaṃ Sinking sīpadaṃ Elephantiasis of the leg sīmantini A woman sīmanto A boundary; a mode of parting the hair sīmā A boundary, limit sīro A plough sīlaṃ Nature, character; habits, customs, practice, conduct; moral practice, piety, morality; a moral precept sīlabbataṃ Religious practice or rites sīlamayo Consisting of moral conduct, virtuous sīlavā Observing the sīla precepts, moral, virtuous sīlī Having a habit or disposition sīvathikā A charnel-house, place where dead bodies are thrown to rot away instead of being burned sīsaṃ Lead sīsaṃ The head; front sīsako Heading, with the head towards sīsato Head-ways, towards the head sīsiko One who carries something on his head; carried on the head sīhanādaṃnadati To roar sīhapañjaraṃ Window sīhalo Sinhalese sīhaseyyā Lying on the right side like a lion sīho A lion su and sudaṃ(1) and assu(2) A particle used generally in asking questions, but sometimes also in narration. With preceding kathaṃ: kathaṃ su tarati oghaṃ kathaṃ su tarati aṇṇavaṃ, how does he cross the flood ? how does he cross the ocean ? su A particle used only as an inseparable prefix, and implying excellence, or facility, or excess subhāsito, well spoken, well preached or uttered suṃsumāro A crocodile sukatī Fortunate sukato and (sukaṭo) Good, virtuous sukandako An onion sukaro Easy, feasible sukumāro see sukhumālo, Youthful, tender, delicate, soft, graceful suko A parrot sukkaṃ Semen sukkaṃ see sukko sukkavāro Friday sukko White, bright, pure, good sukkhati see sussati sukkho Dry, dried up sukhavihārī Having a feeling of ease or serenity sukhāyati To be pleased, contented sukhāvaho Bringing happiness sukhāvāhī A well-trained horse, one that carries a person comfortably sukhito Happy, blest; pleased, contented; healthy sukhī Happy, blest; healthy sukhuccāraṇaṃ Facility of pronunciation, euphony sukhumālo see sukumāro, Youthful, tender, delicate, soft, graceful sukhumo Small, minute; subtle; accurate; delicate, exquisite sukhūpapatti Blissful birth sukheti To make happy sukhedhito Delicate sukhesī Seeking pleasure or ease sukho Blest, happy; delightful, pleasant; easy sugati Happy condition, being reborn in heaven; heaven, svarga sugati Righteous sugato Who walks well, happy, blest sugandhi (sugandho) Fragrant sugahaṇo Well held, tight sugahito see suggahīto, Grasped tightly suggati see sugati suggahīto see sugahito, Grasped tightly suṅkaṃ and (suṅko) Tax, tribute, revenue sucarito Well done, right, good suci Bright, clear, pure, clean, white sucitto Much variegated or ornamented sucimā Pure suciraṃ For a very long time succhanno Well covered or roofed sujano A good man sujampati Husband of Sujā, a name of Sakka sujā A sacrificial ladle sujā Name of the wife of Sakka sujāti Of high family sujāto Of good or noble birth, well born; well grown, fine sujīvo Easy to live sujjhati To be pure suññato Empty, void suññāgāraṃ An empty place where there are no houses or people suñño Empty, void, deprived of suṭṭhito Well-established, firm suṭṭhu Well; exceedingly suṇāti see suṇoti, To hear suṇo A dog suṇoti To hear suṇhā and suṇisā(1) and husā(2) A daughter-in-law sutavā Learned in religious literature, mighty in the scriptures suti Oozing suti Hearing; the ear; sound; report, rumour; tradition; the veda; in music, one of the twenty-two quarter tones or intervals suto A son suto Flowing, dripping suto Heard; renowned suttaṃ A string, thread; a portion of the Buddhist scriptures; a rule, aphorism suttantiko Versed in the sutta piṭaka suttanto A sutta in the tipiṭaka sense suttaso Sutta by sutta sutti A pearl oyster suttiko Belonging to a thread sutto Sewn, stitched sutto Asleep sutthiro Firm sudaṃ see su sudatto A name of Anāthapiṇḍika sudanto Thoroughly subdued or tamed sudassano Beautiful sudassī Seeing well sudasso Easily seen, obvious sudujjayo Very difficult to conquer or win suduttaro Very difficult to cross, or to escape from sududdaso Very difficult to see, invisible suddo A śūdra suddhanto Women's apartments, harem suddhavaṃsatā Purity of lineage suddhājīvī Living a pure life suddhāvāso Pure abode suddhi Purity, purification; nirvāṇa suddho see sujjhati suddhodani Son of Suddhodana, an epithet of Gautama Buddha suddhodano Name of a king of Kapilavatthu, the father of Gautama the Buddha sudhammā Name of Sakka's hall of justice sudhā Ambrosia or nectar; whitewash sudhāsī A deva or angel sudhī Wise sunakho A dog sunisannakaṃ The pot-herb marsilia quadrifolia sundaro Beautiful; good supakko Thoroughly ripe supaṇṇo A garuḷa, a kind of fairy bird supati To sleep supantho A good road supinaṃ Sleep suppagabbho Very bold suppaṭividdho Thoroughly understood suppatiṭṭhito Firmly established; well placed suppatīko Name of one of the elephants at the eight points suppatīto Overjoyed suppabuddho Wide awake, vigilant suppasanno Very joyful, or full of faith suppo and (suppaṃ)A winnowing basket subahu Very much, a great many subbaco Compliant, meek subbato Virtuous, pious, devout subbattaṃ Good practice, piety subbuṭṭhi Abundance of rain, opposed to dubbuṭṭhi subhakiṇho and (subhakiṇṇo and subhakiṇṇako) Entirely lustrous subhago Beloved, amiable, agreeable subhaddo Name of Gautama Buddha's last convert; name of a renegade monk who tried to stir up schism among the monks immediately after Gautama's death subharo Easily supported by others, frugal subhāsubho Good and bad subhikkho Having abundance of food, fertile subho Radiant, lustrous; beautiful; good; auspicious, happy sumati Wise sumanakūṭo "Adam's Peak", a mountain in Ceylon, so called because the deva Sumana occupies it. sumanā The great-flowered jessamine sumano Satisfied, happy sumanoharo Very charming sumarati see sarati, To remember sumānaso Joyful sumutto Happily released sumedhaso and (sumedho) Wise sumeru Mount Meru sumo The moon surataṃ Sexual intercourse suratto Very red surabhi Fragrant surammo Very delightful surā Spirituous liquor suriyo The sun suruṅgā A mine, pit suruciro Resplendent, brilliant surusuru A word initative of the sound made when curry and rice is eaten hastily. surūpī Handsome surūpo Handsome suro A deva, deity sulabho Easy to obtain or meet with suvaco see subbaco, Compliant, meek suvaṇṇo Of good colour, bright, brilliant; good-looking, of good mien or complexion, comely suvatthi see sotthi, Health, welfare, blessing, happiness suvānayo Easily led suvāno see soṇo suvīro Name of Sakka's son suvuṭṭhikā Abundance of rain suvupasanto Thoroughly calmed suve see sve, Tommorrow suvo see suko, A parrot susanā Exquisite beauty susarī The plant momordica charantia susānaṃ A cemetery or charnel house, an enclosed ground in which bodies are burned susānako A caṇḍāla employed in a susāna susiro Full of holes, perforated susī A hole in the ground susu A boy, lad susuko A child or youth; an alligator or crocodile; the gangetic porpoise suseno The karamadda tree sussati To be dried up, waste away sussanaṃ Desiccation, drying out sussaratā Melodiousness of voice sussaranaṃ Good news sussute To be heard sussuto Well known sussūsati To listen, attend sussūsā Desire to hear, obedience, attention, service suhajjo A friend suhadayo Friendly suhado Friendly, affectionate suhito Satiated suhuju see sūju, Very upright, conscientious suhuṭṭhito Clearly arisen sūkariko A boar-hunter sūkaro A hog, boar sūcako Informing, indicating sūcanaṃ Indicating, exhibiting sūci A needle sūceti To indicate, show; to inform against, betray sūju Very upright, conscientious sūṇā A slaughter-house sūti Birth, childbirth sūto A charioteer, a son of a khattiya by a brahmin woman; a bard, poet-laureate sūdati To distil, flow, exude sūdanaṃ Destruction sūdo A cook sūnu A son, a child sūpo Soup, broth, sauce, condiment, the gravy of curry and rice sūyati see suṇoti sūrato Compassionate, tender sūrattaṃ Heroism sūrī Wise sūro A hero, valiant man; the sun sūlaṃ and (sūlo) Any sharp pointed instrument, a pike, lance, stake; severe pain, colic, rheumatism sūlī A name of Śiva sūḷāro Magnificent sūsū Sho! sho!, a noise made to frighten away a bird seko Sprinkling sekhariko The plant achyranthes aspera sekharo A crest, chaplet sekhiyo Connected with training sekho One who is under training. This term is applied to the first seven ariyapuggalas, the eighth or arhat being asekho. It implies that they have still a remainder of human passion to eradicate, still duties to perform, still a probation to be passed through seceti To cause to sprinkle seṭṭhatā Superiority, eminence seṭṭhi Ashes; foreman of a guild; a cashier, treasurer; a wealthy merchant seṭṭho Best, excellent, eminent, supreme seṇi and (seṇī) A line, row; a multitude, community; a guild of artisans setaṅbo A sort of mango setacchattaṃ A white parasol or umbrella, an emblem of royalty; kingship, royalty setacchado A goose setaṭṭhikā Blight or mildew setaṇgo White-bodied seti see sayati, to lie down setībho A white elephant setu A bridge, embankment, dike, causeway; a cause seto White sethillaṃ Looseness sedajo Sprung from moisture, insects, worms, etc. are sedaja sedito Steamed, heated sedo Sweat, moisture, boiling steam senaṃ see sayanaṃ, lying, sleeping; a bed, couch senā An army senānī A general senāpaccaṃ Post of general or commander-in-chief senāpati A general or commander-in-chief senāsanaṃ see sayanaṃ seniyo Belonging to an army seno A hawk sepaṇṇikā Names of two sorts of plants sepaṇṇī Names of two sorts of plants sephālikā Name of a plant semhaṃ and (semho) Phlegm, the phlegmatic humour semhiko Phlegmatic, produced by phlegm seyyathā As, just as seyyā Lying, sleeping; a bed, couch seyyo Better, excellent serī Self-willed sereyyako The plant barleria cristata selanaṃ Noise, shouting selu The tree cordia myxa seleyyaṃ Benzoin selo Rocky sevako Serving, following, devoted to sevati To serve, follow, practise; to resort to, to use, enjoy sevanā and (sevanaṃ) Service, following, practising, devotion to sevā Service sevālo The aquatic plant vallisneria sesako Remaining, omitted seseti To omit, leave seso Remaining so Own so He; this; that sokaro Swinish, belonging to pig sokavā Sorrowful sokī Sorrowful soko Sorrow, grief, mourning sokhiyaṃ Happiness sogato Belonging to the sugata, Buddhist sogandhikaṃ The white lily; one of the high numerals, 10,000,000(to the 13th power), or 1 followed by 91 ciphers socati To mourn socanaṃ Mourning, sorrow sociko A tailor soceyyaṃ Purification, purity soceyyo A washerman soṇitaṃ Blood soṇī The buttock soṇo sūno(1) sāno(2) svāno(3) and suvāno(4) A dog soṇo Red, crimson soṇḍā A tavern; an elephant's trunk soṇḍiko A distiller and seller of spirituous liquors soṇḍī and (soṇḍikā) A natural tank in a rock, a rocky pool soṇḍo An elephant's trunk soṇḍo Addicted to drink; intoxicated soṇṇaṃ see svaṇṇaṃ, Gold sotaṃ The ear or organ of hearing sotaṃ and (soto) Stream, flood, torrent sotā A hearer sotāpatti The state of a sotāpanna, conversion, sanctification sotāpanno One who has entered the stream, one who has attained the first grade of sanctification, a converted man sotthānaṃ Blessing, prosperity sotthi see suvatthi, Health, welfare, blessing, happiness sotthi That woman sotthiko and (sotthiyo) A brahmin sotho Swelling sodako Containing water sodariyo A uterine brother sodaro A uterine brother sodhako One who cleanses sodhanaṃ Cleansing sodhanī A broom sodheti see sujjhati sonako The tree calosanthes indica sopakāro Useful, helpful sopacāraṃ Accompanied with civility, deferential sopānaṃ Stairs, staircase soppaṃ (soppanaṃ) Sleep sopho Swelling sobbhaṃ A hole; an excavation containing water, pool, pond sobbhānu The ascending node sobhaggaṃ Auspiciousness, fortune, prosperity sobhañjano The tree hyperanthera moringa sobhaṇo Shining, resplendent, beautiful, good sobhati To shine, to be radiant or beautiful sobhā Splendour, radiance, light; beauty somanassaṃ Satisfaction, enjoyment, joy somavakko The tree acacia catechu somavallikā Name of a plant, bākucī somo The moon; soma juice sommo Beautiful, pleasing soraccaṃ Tenderness, sympathy sorabbho A name of Kuvera sorasa see soḷasa soḷasa Sixteen soḷasakaṃ A collection of sixteen soḷasakkhattuṃ Sixteen times soḷasamo Sixteenth soḷaso Sixteenth sovaggiko Connected with the devaloka, tending to heaven sovacassaṃ and (sovacassatā) Meekness sovaṇṇiko Belonging to gold sovaṇṇo Golden sovidallo An attendant on the harem sovīraṃ Sour gruel sosāniko Visiting a cemetery soso Drying up; phthisis sohajjaṃ Friendship sohado A friend sohiccaṃ Satiety sneho see sineho, Oil; friendship, affection, love; lust, desire syāmraṭṭhaṃ Siam svaṇṇaṃ see soṇṇaṃ, Gold svappo Very little or few svassa So assa svākkhāto Well told or shown or taught svāgataṃ see sāgataṃ, Welcome, salutation svātano Belonging to tommorrow svāno see soṇo sve see suve, Tommorrow sveva So eva ha An emphatic particle haṃsiyati To bristle haṃso A goose, a swan hajjo Dear, beloved, pleasant haṭo Seized; carried away haṭṭhacitto Joyful haṭṭhalomo Astonished; overjoyed haṭṭho Bristling; joyful, delighted haṭho Violence, force, rapine hatattaṃ Destruction hatāvakāso One who has removed all occasions for good and evil, said of an Arahā hato Killed, destroyed; injured, spoilt; removed, put an end to hatthakammaṃ Manual labour hatthagato Passed into a person's hands, in his power or possession, secure, certain hatthago In one's power, in one's possession, secure hatthaṅgato Passed into a person's hands, in his power or possession, secure, certain hatthatalaṃ The palm of the hand hatthapāso The side of the hand, vicinity hatthappatto Come to hand, received, hatthassaṃ Elephants and horses hatthānīkaṃ The elephants of an army, elephant-host hatthāroho One who rides on an elephant, an elephant driver, mahout hatthiko Carried in the hand hatthinakho A covered way covering the access to the gate of a town hatthinikā A she-elephant for riding hatthipo An elephant's keeper or driver hatthiliṅgo A sort of vulture with a bill like an elephant's trunk hatthī An elephant hattho The hand; an elephant's trunk; name of a nakkhatta; a cubit, the measure from the elbow to the tip of the little finger; a quantity hadayaṃ The heart; the mind; the breast hadayago Going to the heart, vital hadayaṅgato Learnt by heart hadayaṅgamo Going to the heart, touching, affectionate, kind hadayālū Good-hearted, kind hadayī Benevolent, kind hananaṃ Killing, destroying; removing hanāpeti To cause to be killed hanu The jaw hanuti To conceal oneself haneti To cause to be killed hantā One who strikes or kills hanti To strike, to beat; to kill, to murder; to destroy, to put an end to, to remove handa Come! alas! hambho Here! sirrah! hammiyaṃ A house hayānīkaṃ Cavalry hayo A horse haraṇaṃ Removal; taking; stealing harati To carry, to convey, to bring; to carry away, to remove; to take, to seize; to steal, to plunder; to bring, to offer; to charm harāpeti To cause to be removed hari Green, yellow, tawny hari The colour green or yellow; gold Vishṇu haricandanaṃ and (haricandano)Yellow sandal wood hariṇo A deer or antelope haritattaṃ Yellowness haritālaṃ Yellow orpiment harito Green harītakī and (harītako)Yellow myrobolan hare Here! sirrah! Ab. haro Taking, seizing haro Shiva halaṃ This is another form of alaṃ; halaṃ dāni pakāsituṃ, no use to proclaim halaṃ A plough halahalo A sort of poison haliddā Turmeric halidyābho Yellow havanaṃ Sacrifice havi An oblation, sacrifice; clarified butter have Indeed, certainly havo A summons, challenge havyaṃ An oblation hasati To laugh, to be merry hasanaṃ Laughter hasamānako Laughing, merry hasito Smiling, laughing, merry hasso Ridiculous hā Ah! oh! alas! hāṭakaṃ Gold hātabbo That ought to be abandoned hānaṃ Relinquishing, falling away from hāni Abandonment: loss, diminution, decay, deterioration hāpeti To dismiss, to forego, to forsake; to neglect; to lose; to omit hāyati see jahāti hāyanaṃ Dimunition, decay hāyano A year hārako One who takes hāri Handsome hāriṇiko A deer-hunter hāriyo To be taken, removed, etc. hārī Taking, robbing; captivating hāreti To cause to be carried; to take away, to remove hāro Taking; a pearl necklace hāliddo Yellow hāvako One who sacrifices hāvo Coquetry, dalliance hāso Laughter; mirth, joy hi For, because; certainly, indeed; alas! hiṃsati To hurt, to injure; to kill hiṃsanaṃ Injuring, killing hiṃsā Hurting, killing hiṃsāpanaṃ Injury hiṅgulako Vermilion hiṅguli Vermilion hitakaro A benefactor hito Fit, suitable; beneficial hintālo A sort of palm himavā and (himavanto)Cold, snowy himācalo The Himalaya mountain himo Cold, frost, snow, dew hiyyo Yesterday hiraññaṃ Gold, bullion, treasure hiriottappaṃ Shame and fear of sinning hirimano Modest hiriveraṃ A perfume, andropogon schoenanthus hirī Shame, modesty; the shame which deters a man from sinning hirīmā Modest hirottappaṃ Shame and fear of sinning hilādati To be glad hilādo Pleasure hīnako Deprived of. Used at the end of a compound, as a substitute for hīno hīnajacco Of low family, low-caste hīnappaṇītatā Inferiority and superiority, goodness and badness hīnasīlaṃ Keeping the moral precepts imperfectly, or from unworthy motives hīno Wasted, decayed; low, bad, inferior; poor, wretched; forsaken; deprived hīyattano Of yesterday hīyo Yesterday hīrahīraṃ In the phrase hīrahīraṃ karoti, to cut to pieces, chop up hīḷito Ashamed huṅkāro Making a noise, roaring hutavā That has sacrificed hutāvaho Fire hutāvī That has sacrificed hutāso Fire huto Sacrificed huttaṃ Sacrifice huraṃ In the other world, in another birth or existence hurāhuraṃ In various existences, in successive births husā A daughter-in-law hūti Calling, challenge hūhuṃ Sho! sho! a noise made to frighten away a bird he Oh! heṭṭhato Below, underneath heṭṭhā Under, below, low down heṭṭhimo Lower, lowest; last heṭheti To injure, to harass heti A weapon hetu Cause; reason, motive; origin; the reason or middle term of an inference hetu On account of, by reason of, by means of, for the sake of hetuko Having a cause; causing, instrumental hetujo Produced by a cause hetuppabhavo Proceeding from a cause, having its origin in a pre-existing cause hetumā Having a cause hetuso Causally, necessarily hemaṃ Gold hemanto The cold season, winter hemo A sort of elephant heyyo To be abandoned heraññiko A royal treasurer helā Sport, dalliance heva Quite, just, even hevaṃ "not so," "certainly not" hesati To neigh hesā Neighing hesitaṃ Neighing hessati see bhavati hehiti A fut. from bhavati hotabbo see bharitabbo hotabbo That ought to be offered or sacrificed hoti see bhavati, To be; to exist; to become; to take place; to befall; to behave homo An oblation