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Bhikkhupàtimokkhapàëi Home Page

Pàëi 1
Pàëi 2
BJT Text


Table of Contents

Editor's Preface

âràdhanà     (Nidànuddeso)

(Pàràjikuddeso)     (Saïghàdisesuddeso)

(Aniyatuddeso)     (Nissaggiyapàcittiyà)

(Suddhapàcittiyà)     (Pàñidesanãyà)

(Sekhiyà)     (Adhikaraõasamathà)

Word Index

Rule Index

Sinhala Character Version of BJT Pàtimokkha in Word Document Format (332 KB)

Editor's Preface

The readings for this edition of the Bhikkhupàtimokkhapàëi are substantially a transliteration of the text of the rules as they appear in Pàràjikapàëi & Pàcittiyapàëi, which constitute the first two volumes in the Buddha Jayanti Tripitaka Series (Vols I & I(I)).1 The Pàtimokkha is not printed there as a separate item but is embedded within the Suttavibhaïgha, which contains, wherever appropriate, the origin stories, the various recensions the rules went through, the final rule, the permutations, the exceptions, and a word commentary on the rule itself.

The BJT editors were somewhat inconsistent in providing titles for the rules, and in certain cases omitted them altogether. The deficiency in this regard has been made up from the ChS edition as printed on the Chaññha Saïgàyana CD-ROM (Version 3). In the original edition there were many cases where the text was inconsistent in its use of punctuation and layout. Here an attempt has been made to present a more standardized version of the text in this regard, but these sort of changes have not been noted. Other changes and corrections made by the present editor that affect the substance of the text have been recorded in the notes.

This work has been produced in order to assist in making known the teachings of the Buddha, please remember that many people have contributed their time and energy to this gift of the Dhamma. Anyone with similar aims who wishes to use the document or its database is welcome to do so. If you use this document in any way please make an acknowledgement to the Sri Lanka Tipitaka Project.


(Pàràjikuddeso)     (Saïghàdisesuddeso)

(Aniyatuddeso)     (Nissaggiyapàcittiyà)

(Suddhapàcittiyà)     (Pàñidesanãyà)

(Sekhiyà)     (Adhikaraõasamathà)

Word Index

Rule Index

End Note

1 The readings for the nidàna come from Vol 3 of the same series.