Aïguttara Nikàya
1. Ekakanipàta

III. Akammanãya Vagga
Not manageable

21.Bhikkhus, I do not know of a thing so unmanageable as the undevelopped mind. The undevelopped mind is unmanageable. This is the first.

22. Bhikkhus, I do not know a thing so adaptable as the developped mind. The developped mind is adaptable This is the second.

23.Bhikkhus, I do not know a thing so detrimental as the undevelopped mind. The undevelopped mind is detrimental. This is the third.

24.Bhikkhus, I do not know a thing so harmless as the developped mind. The developped mind is harmless. This is the fourth.

25. Bhikkhus, I do not know a thing so detrimental as an undevelopped, secretive mind. The undevelopped secretive mind is detrimentalòhis is the fifth.

26. Bhikkhus, I do not know a thing so harmless as the developped manifest mind. The developped, manifest mind is harmlessòhis is the sixth.

27. Bhikkhus, I do not know a thing that is so detrimental as an undevelopped mind that has no practise. The not practising, undevelopped mind is very detrimentalòhis is the seventh.

28. Bhikkhus, I do not know a thing that is so harmless as a developped mind that makes much of it. The practising developped mind is harmlessòhis is the eighth.

29. Bhikkhus, I do not know a thing that brings unpleasantness as an undeveloped mind. The undevelopped mind brings unpleasantness. This is the nineth.

30.. Bhikkhus, I do not know a thing that brings pleasantness as a practising developped mind. The practising developped mind brings pleasantness.òhis is the tenth.