Aïguttara Nikàya

026. Abhi¤¤àvaggo- Thorough knowing

1. Abhi¤¤àsuttàü- Thorough knowing.

026.01. Bhikkhus, these four are things. What four?

Bhikkhus, there are things to be thoroughly known and accurately perceived, there are things to be thoroughly known and dispelled, there are things to be thoroughly known and developped and there are things to be thoroughly known and realized.

Bhikkhus, what things should be thoroughly known and accurately perceived?

Bhikkhus, the five holding masses should be thoroughly known and accurately perceived.

Bhikkhus, what things should be thoroughly known and dispelled?

Bhikkhus, ignorance and the craving `to be' should be thoroughly known and dispelled.

Bhikkhus, what things should be thoroughly known and developped?

Bhikkhus, calm and insight should be thoroughly known and developped.

Bhikkhus, what things should be thoroughly known and realized?

Bhikkhus, knowledge and release should be thoroughly known and realized.

Bhikkhus, these are the four things.

2. Pariyesanàasuttaü- Searchings.

026.02. Bhikkhus, these four are not noble searchings. What four?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain one himself a subject of decay searches for decaying things. himself a subject of ailments searches for ailing things. himself a subject of death searches for dying things, himself subject to defiling searches defiling things.

Bhikkhus, these four are not noble searches.

Bhikkhus, these four are noble searchings. What four?

Here, bhikkhus, a certain one himself a subject of decay searches the not decaying extinction, the noble end of unpleasantness. Himself a subject of ailments searches the not ailing extinction, the noble end of unpleasantness. Himself a subject of death searches the not dying extinction, the noble end of unpleasantness. Himself subject to defile searches the not defiling noble end of unpleasantness.

Bhikkhus, these are the four noble searches.

3. Saõgahavatthusuttaü- Characteristics of sympathy.

026.03. Bhikkhus, these four are characteristics of sympathy. What four?

Liberality, kind speech, leading an useful life and showing understanding and wisdom.

Bhikkhus, these four are characteristics of sympathy.

4. Màlukyaputtasuttaü- To venerable Malukyaputta.

026.04. Venerable Malukyaputta approached The Blessed One, worshipped, sat on a side and said thus to The Blessed One.

Venerable sir, it is good, if The Blessed One would teach me in short, hearing it I would alienate from the crowd and abide diligent to dispel.

Malukyaputta, you an elderly decayed monk, this is childish talk for a bhikkhu to ask the Thus Gone One for advice in short.

Venerable sir, teach me in short, it will be of great benefit for me, hearing those words I will become the heir of the words of The Blessed One.

Malukyaputta, there are four ways in which craving arises to the bhikkhu. What four?

Malukyaputta, on account of robes craving arises to the bhikkhu. On account of morsel food, dwellings and on account of this and other desire, craving arises to the bhikkhu. Malukyaputta, these are the four ways in which craving arises to the bhikkhu

Malukyaputta when the bhikkhu has dispelled craving, pulled it out with the roots, made it a palm stump that would not grow again, it is said that he has destroyed craving, rolled back the bonds and rightfully overcoming measuring has made an end of unpleasantness.

Venerable Malukyaputta advised thus by The Blessed One getting up from his seat worshipped The Blessed One, circumambulated The Blessed One and went away.

Then venerable Malukyaputta alienated from the crowd and abiding diligently to dispel, before long, here and now, realized the noble end of the holy life, for which sons of clansmen rightfully leave the household and become homeless. He knew, birth is destroyed, the holy life is lived, what should be done is done, there is nothing more to wish. Venerable Malukyaputta became one of the arahants.

5. Kulasuttaü- In clans.

026.05. Bhikkhus, some clans prosper in wealth but do not continue to prosper long, owing to one or the other of these four reasons. What four?

Does not strive after when perishing, does not repair the decaying parts, does not limit the expenses for eatables and drinks and an unvirtuous woman or man is placed at the head.

Bhikkhus, some clans prosper in wealth but do not continue to prosper long, owing to one or the other of these four reasons.

Bhikkhus, some clans prosper in wealth and continue to prosper long, owing to one or the other of these four reasons. What four?

Strives after when perishing, repairs the decaying parts, limits the expenses for eatables and drinks and a virtuous woman or man is placed at the head.

Bhikkhus, soome clans prosper in wealth and continue to prosper long, owing to one or the other of these four reasons.

6. Pañhamàjànãyasuttaü- First on thoroughbreds.

026.06. Bhikkhus, endowed with four things the king's thoroughbred horse becomes royal property and royal by the sign. What four?

Here, bhikkhus the king's thoroughbred horse is endowed with beauty, power, speed and length and circumference. Bhikkhus, endowed with these four things the king's thoroughbred horse becomes royal property and royal by the sign.

In the same manner bhikkhus the bhikkhu endowed with these four things becomes worthy of offerings, hospitality, gifts and veneration with clasped hands. . . . . re. . . . ñhe incomparable field of merit for the world. What four?

Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu is endowed with beauty, power, speed and length and circumference.

Bhikkhus, how is the bhikkhu endowed with beauty?

Here, bhikkhus the bhikkhu abides with aroused effort cutting off demerit he abides observing the precepts. Thus the bhikkhu is endowed with beauty.

Bhikkhus, how is the bhikkhu endowed with power?

Here, bhikkhus the bhikkhu abides with aroused effort to dispel thoughts of demerit and for amassing thoughts of merit and becomes firm without giving up the main aim in meritorious things. Thus the bhikkhhu is endowed with power.

Bhikkhus, how is the bhikkhu endowed with speed?

Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu knows as it really is, this is unpleasant, . . . . re. . . . . . and this is the path leading to the end of unpleasantness. Thus the bhikkhu is endowed with speed.

Bhikkhus, how is the bhikkhu endowed with length and circumference?

Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu is a gainer of robes, morsel food, dwellings and requisites when ill. Thus the bhikkhu is endowed with length and circumference.

The bhikkhu endowed with these four things becomes worthy of offerings, hospitality, gifts and veneration with clasped hands. . . . . re. . . . ñhe incomparable field of merit for the world.

7. Dutitya-ajànãyasuttaü- Second on thoroughbreds.

026.07. Bhikkhus, endowed with four things the king's thoroughbred horse becomes royal property and royal by the sign. What four?

Here, bhikkhus the king's thoroughbred horse is endowed with beauty, power, speed and length and circumference. Bhikkhus, endowed with these four things the king's thoroughbred horse becomes royal property and royal by the sign.

In the same manner bhikkhus the bhikkhu endowed with these four things becomes worthy of offerings, hospitality, gifts and veneration with clasped hands. . . . . re. . . . ñhe incomparable field of merit for the world. What four?

Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu is endowed with beauty, power, speed and length and circumference.

Bhikkhus, how is the bhikkhu endowed with beauty?

Here, bhikkhus the bhikkhu abides virtuous . . . . re. . . . . observing the precepts. Thus the bhikkhu is endowed with beauty.

Bhikkhus, how is the bhikkhu endowed with power?

Here, bhikkhus the bhikkhu abides with aroused effort to dispel thoughts of demerit and for amassing thoughts of merit and becomes firm without giving up the main aim in meritorious things. Thus the bhikkhhu is endowed with power.

Bhikkhus, how is the bhikkhu endowed with speed?

Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu destroying desires, . . . . . re. . . . . and abides having realized. Thus the bhikkhu is endowed with speed.

Bhikkhus, how is the bhikkhu endowed with length and circumference?

Here, bhikkhus, the bhikkhu is a gainer of robes, morsel food, dwellings and requisites when ill. Thus the bhikkhu is endowed with length and circumference.

The bhikkhu endowed with these four things becomes worthy of offerings, hospitality, gifts and veneration with clasped hands. . . . . re. . . . ñhe incomparable field of merit for the world.

8. Balasuttaü- Powers.

026.08. Bhikkhus, these four are powers. What four?

The power of effort, the power of mindfulness, the power of concentration and the power of wisdom. Bhikkhus, these four are powers.

9. Ara¤¤asuttaü- In the jungle.

026.09. Bhikkhus, endowed with four things it is not proper that the bhikkhu should abound dwellings in jungles and jungle paths. What four?

Sensual thoughts, angry thoughts, hurting thoughts and with foolishness, saliva dripping, deaf and dumb.

Bhikkhus, endowed with these four things it is not proper that the bhikkhu should abound dwellings in jungles and jungle paths.

Bhikkhus, endowed with four things it is proper that the bhikkhu should abound dwellings in jungles and jungle paths. What four?

Non sensual thoughts, non angry thoughts, non hurting thoughts and not foolish without saliva dripping not deaf and not dumb.

Bhikkhus, endowed with these four things it is proper that the bhikkhu should abound dwellings in jungles and jungle paths.

10. Kammasuttaü- Action.

026.10. Bhikkhus, endowed with four things the foolish, not learned, not Great Man destroys himself, becomes faulty and blamed by the wise accrues much demerit. What four?

Faulty bodily action, faulty verbal action, faulty mental action and wrong view.

Bhikkhus, endowed with these four things the foolish, not learned, not Great Man becomes faulty and blamed by the wise accrues much demerit.

Bhikkhus, endowed with four things the wise learned, Great Man is not destroyed does not become faulty and praised by the wise accrues much merit. What four?

Faultless bodily action, faultless verbal action, faultless mental action and right view.

Bhikkhus, endowed with these four things the wise, learned, Great Man becomes faultless and praised by the wise accrues much merit.