4. Anguttara Nikaya

A Collection (of Gradual Sayings) of progressive numerical order of the Discourses. 
Containing 9557 short suttas, it is divided into eleven division known nipatas, 
where each nipata is divided again into groups (vagga)
 which usually contain 10 suttas.

Anguttara Nikaya constitutes an important source book on Buddhist psychology and ethics, 
which provides an enumerated summary of all the essential features concerning
 the theory and practice of the Dhamma ( teachings of the Buddha ).

e.g. The book of Four, contains four items of dhamma which form the subject matter
  of discourses given by the Buddha.

1. Ekaka Nipata Pali ( Book of the ONE ) ~ 611 suttas

2. Duka Nipata Pali (book of the TWO) ~ 246 suttas

3. Tika Nipata Pali (book of the THREE) ~ 169 suttas

4. Catukka Nipata Pali (book of the FOUR) ~ 271 suttas

5. Pancaka Nipata Pali (book of the FIVE) ~ 1,151 suttas

6. Chakka Nipata Pali (book of the SIX) ~ 124 suttas

7. Sattaka Nipata Pali (book of the SEVEN) ~ 1132 suttas

8. Atthaka Nipata Pali (book of the EIGHT) ~ 626 suttas

9. Navaka Nipata Pali (book of the NINE) ~ 432 suttas

10. Dasaka Nipata Pali (book of the TEN) ~746 suttas

11. Ekadasaka Nipata Pali (book of the ELEVEN) ~ 501 suttas
