The Anguttara Nikaya

The "Further-factored" Discourses  

Chakka Nipāta Pali - Book of the Sixes
(124 Suttas )

1. Ahuneyyavaggo  : AN6.1 ~ AN6.10

1. Pathama-āhuneyyasuttam- First on worshipfulness
2. Dutiya-āhuneyyasuttam- Second on worshipfulness.
3. Indriyasuttam-Faculties.
4. Balasuttam- Powers.
5. Pathama-ājāniyasuttam- First on thoroughbreds.
6. Dutiya-ājāniyasuttam- Second on thoroughbreds
7. Tatiya-ājāniyasuttam- Third on thoroughbreds.
8. Anuttariyasuttam- The ideal.
9. Anussatitthānasuttam- Things to be recollected.
10. Mahānāmasuttam- Mahanama, the Sakya.

2. Sāraniyavaggo- For fraternal living : AN6.11 ~ AN6.20

1. Pathamasāraniyasuttam- First on gladness.
2. Dutiyasāraniyasuttam- Second on gladness.
3. Nissāraniyasuttam- Driven out.
4. Bhaddasuttam- Auspicious.
5. Anutappiyasuttam- Causes remorse.
6. Nakulapitusuttam- The householder Nakula.
7. Soppasuttam- Sleeping.
8. Macchabandhasuttam- Fishing.
9. Pathamamaranasatisuttam- First on mindfulness of death.
10. Dutiyamaranasatisuttam- Second on mindfulness of death.

3. Anuttariyavaggo- The Ideal : AN6.21 ~ AN6.30

1. Sāmakasuttam- At Samagama.
2. Aparihāniyasuttam- Not decreasing.
3. Bhayasuttam- Fear.
4. Himavantasuttam- The Himalayas
5. Anussatitthānasuttam- Things to be recollected.
6. Mahakaccānasuttam- Venerable Mahakaccana.
7. Pathamasamayasuttam- First right time to approach the advisory bhikkhu.
8. Dutiyasamayasuttam- Second on the right time.
9. Udayisuttam- To venerable Udayi.
10. Anuttariyasuttam- Ideal things.

4. Devatāvaggo- Gods : AN6.31 ~ AN6.42

1. Sekhasuttam- The trainer.
2. Pathama-aparihānasuttam- First for non- decrease.
3. Dutiya-aparihāniyasuttam- Second on non-decrease.
4. Mahamoggallānasuttam- Venerable Mahamoggallana.
5. Vijjābhāgiyasuttam- Conducive to wisdom.
6. Vivādamulasuttam- The cause of disputes.
7. Chalangadānasuttam- Gifts endowed with six factors.
8. Attakārisuttam- The one who is doing
9. Nidānasuttam- The origin.
10. Kimbilasuttam- Venerable Kimbila.
11. Dhārukkhandasuttam- A mass of firewood.
12. Nāgitasuttam- Venerable Nagita.

5. Dhammikavaggo : AN6.43 ~ AN6.54

1. Nāgasuttam- The great elephant.
2. Migasālasuttam - The lay female disciple Migasala.
3. Inasuttam- Debts.
4. Mahacundasuttam- Venerable Mahacunda.
5. Pathamasanditthikasuttam - First, on the Teaching is here and now.
6. Dutiyasanditthikasuttam - Second, on the Teaching is here and now.
7. Khemasuttam- Venerable Khema.
8. Indriyasanvarasuttam- Control of the mental faculties.
9. Anandasuttam- Venerable Ananda.
10. Khattiyasuttam- Warriors
11. Appamādasuttam - Diligence.
12. Dhammikasuttam- Venerable Dhammika.

6. Mahavagga.-The longer section : AN6.55 ~ AN6.64

1. Sonasuttam-Venerabe Sona.
2. Paggunasuttam- Venerable Pagguna.
3. Chalabhijātisuttam - The six species.
4. Asavasuttam- Desires.
5. Dhārukammikasuttam- The Woodcutter, a householder.
6. Hatthisariputtasuttam - Venerable Hatthisariputta.
7. Majjhesuttam -In the middle.
8. Purisindriyannānasuttam-Knowledge evident to the faculties of a Great Man.
9. Nibbedikasuttam- Seeing with penetration.
10. Sihanādasuttam - The lion's roar.

7. Anagamivaggo : AN6.65 ~ AN6.74

1.Anāgāmiphalasuttam- Results of non-returner.
2. Arahattasuttam- Worthiness.
3. Mittasuttam- Companionship.
4. Sanganikārāmasuttam- Attachment to get into contact with another.
5. Devatāsuttam- A god.
6. Samādhisuttam- Concentration.
7. Sakkhibhabbasuttam- Eye witness.
8. Balasuttam- Power.
9. Pathamajjhānasuttam- The first higher state of mind.
10. Dutiya-ajjhānasuttam- The second on higher states of mind.

8. Arahattavaggo- On worthy ones : AN6.75 ~ AN6.84

1. Dukkhasuttam- Unpleasantness.
2. Arahattasuttam- Worthiness.
3.Uttrimanussasuttam- A distinction above human.
4. Sukhasomanassasuttam- Pleasantness and pleasure.
5. Adhigamasuttam - Attainments.
6. Mahantattasuttam- Comes to greatness.
7. Pathamanirayasuttam- The first on hell.
8. Dutiyanirayasuttam- The second on hell.
9. Aggadhammasuttam- Highest Thing.
10. Rattidivāsuttam- Night or day.

9. Sitivaggo- Becoming cold : AN6.85 ~ AN6.95

1. Sitibhāvasuttam- Become cold.
2. Avaranasuttam- Obstructions.
3. Voropitasuttam- Depriving life.
4. Sussusaisuttam-To have a wish to hear.
5. Appahāyasuttām- Without giving up.
6. Pahinasuttam- Giving up.
7. Abhabbasuttam- Impossible.
8. Pathama-abhabbatthānasuttam- First on impossibilities.
9. Dutiya -abhabbatthānasuttam- Second on impossibilities.
10. Tatiya-abhabbatthānasuttam- Third on impossibilities.
11. Catutta-abhabbatthānasuttam- Fourth on impossibilities.

10. Anisansavaggo- Benefits : AN6.96 ~ AN6.106

1. Pātubhāvasuttam- Arisings.
2. Anisansasuttam- Benefits.
3. Aniccasuttam- Impermanence.
4. Dukkhasuttam- Unpleasantness.
5. Anattasuttam- Lacking a self.
6. Nibbānasuttam- Extinction.
7. Anavattttitasuttam-
8. Ukkhittāsikasuttam -With raised sword.
9. Atammayasuttam- Arrogance.
10. Bhavasuttam- Being.
11. Tanhāsuttam- Craving.

11. Tikavaggo- The section on threes : AN6.107 ~ AN6.116

1. Rāgasuttam- On greed.
2. Duccaritasuttam- Misbehaviour.
3. Vitakkasuttam- Thoughts.
4. Sannāsuttam- Perceptions.
5. Dhātusuttam- Elements.
6. Assādasuttam –Enjoyment.
7. Aratisuttam- Not inclined.
8. Santutthitāsuttām- Satisfaction.
9. Dovacassatāsuttam- Unruliness.
10. Uddhaccasuttam- Excitement.

12. Sāmannavaggo- On recluseship : AN6.117 ~ AN6.124

1. Kāyānupassisuttum- Mindfulness of the body.
2. Dhammānupassisuttam- Reflecting the Teaching.
3. Tapussasuttam- The householder Tapassu.
4. Bhallikādisuttām- The householder Bhallika and others.
5. Rāgapeyyālam- Repeats on Greed.