The Anguttara Nikaya

The "Further-factored" Discourses  

Dasaka Nipāta Pali - Book of the Tens
(746 Suttas )

1. Anisamsavaggo- The section on benefits. : AN10.1 ~ AN10.10

1. Kimatthiyasuttam- For what reason are merits.
2. Cetanākaraniyasuttam- Intending.
3. Pathama-upanisasuttam- First that rests on causes
4. Dutiya-upanisasuttam - Second that rests on causes.
5. Tatiya-upanisasuttam- Third resting on causes.
6. Samādhisuttam- Concentration.
7. Sariputtasuttam- Venerable Sariputta.
8. Jhānasuttam- The higher states of the mind.
9. Santavimokkhasuttam- Appeasing releases.
10. Vijjāsuttam- Knowledge.

2. Nāthavaggo- The section on refuge : AN10.11 ~ AN10.20

1. Senāsanasuttam- Dwellings.
2. Pancangasuttam- Five factors.
3. Samyojanasuttam- Bonds.
4. Cetokhilasuttam- Arrows in the mind.
5. Appamādasuttam Diligence.
6. Ahuneyyasuttam- Reverential.
7. Pathamanāthasuttam -First on refuges.
8. Dutiyanāthasuttam- Second on refuges.
9. Pathama-ariyāvāsasuttam- First on noble ones' abidings.
10. Dutiya-ariyāvāsasuttam- Second on noble ones' abidings.

3. Mahāvaggo- The longer section : AN10.21 ~ AN10.30

1. Sihanādasuttam- The lion's roar.
2. Adhivuttipadasuttam- Designate attainments.
3. Kāyasuttam- The body.
4. Mahācundasuttam- Mahacunda.
5. Kasinasuttam- Mystic meditation signs.
6. Kālisuttam- The female lay disciple Kali.
7. Pathamamahāpanhasuttam- First on the important questions.
8. Dutiyamahāpanhasuttam- Second on the important question.
9. Pathamakosalasuttam- First in the country of Kosala
10. Dutiyakosalasuttam- Second on the country of Kosala.

4. Upalivaggo -The section to Upali : AN10.31 ~ AN10.40

1. Upalisuttam- To venerable Upali.
2. Pātimokkhatthapanāsuttam- Suspending the reciting of the higher code of rules.
3. Ubbāhikāsuttam- Expulsion of a bhikkhu.
4. Upasampadāsuttam- To give the higher ordination.
5. Nissayasuttam- To lay a foundation.
6. Sāmanerasuttam- Attending on a novice bhikkhu.
7. Sanghabhedasuttam- A split in the Community.
8. Sanghasāmaggisuttam- Unity in the Community.
9. Pathama-ānandasuttam- First to venerable Ananda.
10. Dutiya-ānandasuttam- Second to Ananda.

5. Akkosavaggo- The section on abusing : AN10.41 ~ AN10.50

1. Vivādasuttam- Disputes.
2. Pathamavivādamulasuttām- Origin of disputes.
3. Dutiyavivādamulasuttam- Second on the origin of disputes.
4. Kusinārasuttam- In Kusinara
5. Rājantepurappavesanasuttam- Entering the inner chamber of the palace.
6. Sakkassusttam - The Sakyas.
7. Mahālisuttam- The Licchavi Mahali.
8. Pabbajita-abhinhasuttam- Should be constantly reflected by one gone forth.
9. Saritthadhammasuttam- Things established in the body.
10. Bandanasuttam- Disputes.

6. Sacittavaggo- The section on one's mind : AN10.51 ~ AN10.60

1. Sacittasuttam- The mind.
2. Sāriputtasuttam- Venerable Sariputta.
3. Thitisuttam- Stability.
4. Samathasuttam- Appeasement.
5. Parihānasuttam Decrease.
6. Pathamasannāsuttam - First on perceptions.
7. Dutiyasannāsuttam - Second on perceptions.
8. Mulakasuttam- The origin.
9. Pabbajjāsuttam- Going forth.
10. Girimānandasuttam- Venerable Girimananda.

7. Yamakavaggo- Twin section : AN10.61 ~ AN10.70

1. Avijjāsuttam-Ignorance.
2. Tanhāsuttam- Craving.
3. Nitthangatasuttam- Attained perfection.
4. Aveccappasannasuttam- Unwavering faith.
5. Pathamasukhasuttam- First on pleasantness.
6. Dutiyasukhasuttam- Second on pleasantness.
7. Pathamanalakapānasuttam- First in Nalakapana. associating
8. Dutiyanalakapānasuttam- Second in Nalakapana.
9. Pathamakathāvatthusuttam- First on topics of conversation.
10. Dutiya kathāvatthusuttam- Second on the topics of conversation.

8. Akankhavaggo- Section on desires : AN10.71 ~ AN10.80

1. Akankhasuttam Desires.
2. Kantakasuttam- Thorns.
3. Itthadhammasuttam- Pleasant to the senses.
4. Vaddhisuttam- Growth.
5. Migasālāsuttam- The female lay disciple Migasala.
6. Tayodhammasuttam- Three things.
7. Kākasuttam- The crow.
8. Niganthasuttam- Freed from ties.
9. Aghātavatthusuttām- Occasions of ill will.
10. Aghātapativinayasuttam- Overcoming ill will.

9. Theravaggo- Elder bhikkhus : AN10.81 ~ AN10.90

1. Vāhanasuttam -The elder bhikkhu Vahana.
2. Anandasuttam- Venerable Ananda.
3. Punniyasuttam- Venerable Punniya.
4. Byākaranasuttam-Declaring.
5. Katthisuttam- Boasting.
6. Adhimānasuttam Conceit.
7. Nappiyasuttam-Not agreeable.
8. Akkosakasuttam- Abusing.
9. Kokālikasuttam- The bhikkhu Kokalika.
10. Khināsavabalasuttm- Powers of one who has destroyed desires.

10. Upālivaggo- The Section on Upali : AN10.91 ~ AN10.100

1. Kāmabhogisuttam -Enjoying sensual pleasures.
2. Bhayasuttam- Fear.
3. Kimditthikasuttam- What's your view?
4. Vajjiyamāhitasuttam- The householder Vajjiyamahi.
5. Uttiyasuttam- The wandering ascetic Uttiya.
6. Kokanudasuttam- The wandering ascetic Kokunada.
7. Ahuneyyasuttam- Worshipful.
8. Therasuttam- The elder bhikkhu.
9. Upalisuttam- Venerable Upali.
10. Abhabbasuttam- Impossible.

11. Samanasannāvaggo- Perceptions of a recluse : AN10.101 ~ AN10.112

1. Samanasannāsuttam- Perceptions of a recluse.
2. Bojjhangasuttam- Enlightenment factors.
3. Micchattamsuttam- Gone wrong.
4. Bijasuttam- Seedlings.
5. Vijjāsuttam- Knowledge.
6. Nijjarasuttam- Overcoming.
7. Dhovanasuttam- Washing.
8. Tikicchakasuttam- A physician.
9. Vamanasuttam- Medicine to vomit.
10. Niddhamaniyasuttam- Draining out.
11. Pathama-asekhasuttam- First on one gone beyond the training.
12. Dutiya-asekhasuttam- Second on one gone beyond the training.

12. Paccorohanivaggo- Stepping down : AN10.113 ~ AN10.122

1. Pathama-adhammasuttam- First on the unrighteous Teaching.
2. Dutiya-adhammasuttam- Second on the unrighteous Teaching.
3. Tatiya-adhammasuttam- Third on the unrighteous.
4. Ajitasuttam- The wandering ascetic Ajita.
5. Sangāravasuttam- The Brahmin Sangarava.
6. Orimatirasuttam- Hither shore.
7. Pathamapaccorohanisuttam -Going down to the holy fire.
8. Dutiyapaccorohanisuttam- Second on the Stepping down.
9. Pubbangamasuttam- The first sign.
10. Asavakkhayasuttam- Destruction of desires.

13. Parisuddhavaggo The section on purity : AN10.123 ~ AN10.133

1. Pathamasuttam- The first.
2. Dutiyasuttam- The second.
3. Tatiyasuttam- The third.
4. Catutthasuttam- The fourth.
5. Pancamasuttam- The fifth.
6. Chatthasuttam- The sixth.
7. Sattamasuttam- The first.
8. Atthamasuttam The eighth.
9. Navamasuttam- The nineth.
10. Dasamasuttam- The tenth.
11. Ekādasamasuttam- The eleventh.

14. Sādhuvaggo- The section on the profitable : AN10.134 ~ AN10.144

1. Sādhusuttam-The profitable.
2. Ariyadhammasuttam- The noble Teaching.
3. Akusalasuttam- Demerit.
4. Atthasuttam - The useful.
5. Dhammasuttam- The right Teaching.
6. Sāsavasuttam- With desires.
7. Sāvajjasuttam- The faulty Teaching.
8. Tapan
iyasuttam- Self torture.
9. Acayagāmisuttam-Accumulating for rebirth.
10. Dukkhudrayasuttam- Brings unpleasantness.
11. Dukkhavipākasuttam- Brings unpleasant results.

15. Ariyavaggo- Section about noble ones : AN10.145 ~ AN10.154

1. Ariyamaggasuttam- The noble path.
2. Kanhamaggasuttam- The impure path.
3. Saddhammasuttam- The rightful Teaching.
4. Sappurisadhammasuttam- The Teaching of Great Beings.
5. Uppādetabbasuttam- A sudden leap.
6. Asevitabbasuttam -Should be practiced.
7. Bhāvetabbasuttam- Should be developed
8. Bahulikātabbasuttam- Made much.
9. Anussaritabbasuttam- Should be recollected.
10. Sacchikātabbasuttam- Should be realized.

16. Puggalavaggo- The section on persons : AN10.155 ~ AN10.166

1. Sevitabbasuttam- Should be served.
2-12. Bhajitabbasuttāni- The should be associated.

17. Jānussonivaggo- The section to the Brahmin Janussoni : AN10.167 ~ AN10.177

1. Brāhmanapacorohanisuttam- The fire worship of the Brahmins.
2. Ariyapaccorohanisuttam-The noble attending to the holy fire.
3. Sangāravasuttam- The Brahmin Sangarava.
4. Orimasuttam - The hither shore.
5. Pathama-adhammasuttam-First on Unrighteousness.
6. Dutiya-adhammasuttam- Second on unrighteousness.
7. Tatiya-adhammasuttam- The third on unrighteousness.
8. Kammanidānasuttam- The roots of actions.
9. Parikkamanasuttam Accessible.
10. Cundasuttam- To Cundakammaraputta.
11. Jānussonisuttam - To the Brahmin Janussoni.

18. Sādhuvaggo- The section on good :  AN10.178 ~ AN10.188

1. Sādhusuttam- The good.
2. Ariyadhammasuttam- The noble Teaching.
3. Kusalasuttam- Meritorious.
4. Atthasuttam- The useful.
5. Dhammasuttam- The righteous.
6. Asavasuttam- Desires.
7. Vajjasuttam- Faulty.
8. Tapaniyasuttam- Torturing.
8. Acayagāmisuttam- Heaping up.
10. Dukkhudrayasuttam- Yielding unpleasantness.
11. Vipākasuttam- Results.

19. Ariyamaggavaggo : AN10.189 ~ AN10.198

1. Ariyamaggas uttam - Noble path.
2. Kanhamaggasuttam- The impure path.
3. Saddhammasuttam- The right thing.
4. Sappurisadhammasuttam- The Teaching of Great Beings.
5. Uppādetabbasuttam- A sudden leap.
6. Asevitabbadhammasuttam- Should be practiced.
7 .Bhāvetabbadhammasuttām- Should be developed.
8. Bahulikātabbasuttam -Made much.
9. Anussaritabbasuttam - Should be recollected.
10. Sacchikātabbasuttam- Should be realized.

20. Aparapuggalavaggo- Another on persons : AN10.199 ~ AN10.209

1. Nasevitabbādisuttāni- Should not be served.
2 ~ 20

21. Karajakāyavaggo- The section on the body sprung from action :  AN10.210 ~ AN10.220

1. Pathamanirayasaggasuttam- First on hell and heaven.
2. Dutiyanirayasaggasuttam- Second on hell and heaven.
3. Mātugāmasuttam- The woman.
4. Upāsikāsuttam- The female lay disciple.
5. Visāradasuttam- Confidence.
6. Samsappaniyasuttam- Creeping low.
7. Pathamasancetanikasuttām- First on intentional actions.
8. Dutiyasancetanikasuttām- Second on intentional actions.
9. Karajakāyasuttam- The body sprung from actions.
10. Adhammacariyāsuttam- Unrighteous behavior.

22. Sāmannavaggo- The general section : AN10.221 ~ AN10.236

23. Rāgapeyyālam- Repeats on greed : AN10.237 ~ AN10.746