e. Maha Vagga Samyutta Pali

SN45.x Magga-samyutta -- On the Noble Eightfold Path

SN46.x Bhojhanga - The Seven Factors of Awakening.

SN47.x Satipatthana - the Four Frames of Reference (Foundations of Mindfulness).

Sn48.x Indriya - The Five Faculties

SN49.x Sammappadhana - The Four Right Exertions

SN50.x Bala - The Five Strengths

SN51.x Iddhipada - The Four Bases of Power

SN52.x Anuruddha - Ven. Anuruddha.

SN53.x Jhana - Jhana (mental absorption).

SN54.x Anapana -- On mindfulness of breathing

SN55.x Sotapatti - Stream-entry.

SN56.x Sacca -- On the Four Noble Truths
