a. Sagatha Vagga Samyutta Pali
SN1.x Devatas Samyutta - Devas
  SN2.x Devaputta Samyutta - Sons of the Devas
  SN3.x Kosala Samyutta - King Pasenadi of Kosala SN4.x Mara - Stories of Mara challenging the Buddha and trying in vain to outwit him. SN5.x Bhikkhuni - Nuns.
Stories of Mara's attempts to lure the nuns away from their meditation spots in the forest by asking them provocative questions. Without exception, these wise women conquer Mara decisively.
  • [SN5.1] Alavika Sutta  -- Sister Alavika
    Mara: Why bother meditating? Why not just enjoy life's pleasures?
  • [SN5.2] Soma Sutta -- Sister Soma
    Can women achieve Awakening? Ven. Sister Soma conquers this misguided question.
  • [SN5.3] Gotami Sutta -- Sister Gotami
    Mara: Why bother sitting in solitude in the forest?
  • [SN5.4] Vijaya Sutta  -- Sister Vijaya.
    Mara: Why don't we just put the meditation aside for awhile and go out dancing?
  • [SN5.5] Uppalavanna Sutta  -- Sister Uppalavanna.
    Mara: Why don't you give up the solitude and danger of the forest for somewhere that's safer?
  • [SN5.6] Cala Sutta  -- Sister Cala
    Mara: What's wrong with being reborn, anyway?
  • [SN5.7] Upacala Sutta -- Sister Upacala
    Mara: Why not just settle for a happy rebirth among the devas?
  • [SN5.8] Sisupacala Sutta  -- Sister Sisupacala.
    Sister Sisupacala shows Mara how following the path of Dhamma doesn't mean buying into to a fixed philosophy.
  • [SN5.9] Sela Sutta -- Sister Sela.
    Mara tries to trip up Ven. Sister Sela with metaphysical questions.
  • [SN5.10] Vajira Sutta -- Sister Vajira.
    Have you ever found yourself getting pulled out of meditation by some fascinating -- but utterly speculative -- train of thought? Ven. Sister Vajira shows how to deal with this situation.
  • SN6.x Brahma Samyutta - Brahma Deities
      SN7.x Brahmana Samyutta - Brahmins SN8.x Vangsira - Ven Vangsira SN9.x Vana - The Forest SN10.x Yakkha - Yakkha Demons SN11.x Sakka - The Deva King