3. Samyutta Nikaya
Collection ( of the Kindred Sayings ) of 7762 suttas of various length, generally short, arrange in a special order according to subject matter into five major divisions.


a. Sagatha Vagga Samyutta Pali
This major division contains 11 samyutta with discourses grouped according
 to characters appearing in them, the king of devas (celestial beings), the devas,
 the Brahma (higher beings), Mara (the Evil One), 
King of Kosala, Yakkha, bhikkhunis.etc.

b. Nidana Vagga Samyutta Pali
This second major division contains 10 samyuttas,
all dealing with fundamental aspects of the doctrine,
such as dependent co-arising, the incontruable beginnings of samsara & transmigration.

c. Khandha Vagga Samyutta Pali
The main theme of most of the sutta is the five aggregates (khandhas),
namely matter (rupa), sensation (vedana), perception (sanna) , mental formation (sankharas) and consciousness (vinnanna) that constitute what is regarded as a being.

Made up of 13 samyuttas, it forms an important collection of doctrinal discussion
on topics of self (atta), non-self (anatta), eternity and annihilation.

d. Salayatana Vaga Samyutta Pali
Consist of 10 samyuttas, it mainly deals with the six sense organs
(eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind) or six bases of contact,
six correspondence sense objects (visible form, sound, odor, taste, tangible things
and mind-objects) and the consciousness arises in relation to it.

e. Maha Vagga Samyutta Pali
This last division is made up of 12 samyuttas, which form the review of the fundamental basis, covering both the theoretical and practical aspects of the Buddha's teachings.
It also include the ultimate goal of the holy life, Nibbana - end of suffering.

In the opening sutta, it is pointed out that how friendship (the supporting factors) with the good and association with the virtuous is of immense help for the attainment of the Path and Perfection.
