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A ..... Anguttara Nikaya
As ..... Adhikarana-samatha
Ay ..... Aniyata
BD ..... Book of Discipline
Cv ..... Cullavagga
D ..... Digha Nikaya
Dhp ..... Dhammapada
M ..... Majjhima Nikaya
Mv ..... Mahavagga
NP ..... Nissaggiya Pacittiya
Pc ..... Pacittiya
Pd ..... Patidesaniya
Pr ..... Parajika
Pv ..... Parivara
S ..... Samyutta Nikaya
Sg ..... Sanghadisesa
Sk ..... Sekhiya
Vism ..... Visuddhi Magga

Numbers in the references to Mv, Cv, and Pv denote chapter, section and sub-section; in the references to D and M, discourse (sutta); in the references to S and A, section (samyutta or nipata) and discourse; in the references to Dhp, verse; in the references to Vism, chapter and paragraph.

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Revised: Sun 3 October 1999