Buddhasasana Home Page
English Section
Talks are an essential part of any meditation course, being both instructional and inspirational. The meditation teacher will ascertain that the theoretical information needed for the meditator's practice is given at the appropriate time and that encouragement and support is offered.
Meditation students who do not have the benefit of working personally with a meditation teacher, can use this series of talks from an actual retreat as part of a study of vipassana meditation techniques and as a guide and inspiration to its practice.
(1) Introduction and Preliminaries
(2) Walking Meditation
(3) Walking Meditation and the Six Primary Elements
(4) Practical Exercises, Mental Defilements, Noble Eightfold Path
(5) Mindfulness
(6) The Six Doors of the Senses
(7) The Two Levels of Understanding
(8) Daily Activities
Recommended Further Readings:
Satipatthana Vipassana by Ven Mahasi Sawadaw
The Power of Mindfulness by Ven Nyanaponika
The Art of Attention by Ven Pannyavaro
(These files can be retrieved from http://www2.hawkesbury.uws.edu.au/BuddhaNet/ftp10.htm)
Contact Addresses:
Home Page: BuddhaNet (Australia)
Email: Venerable Pannyavaro (Australia), Tel. +(61-2) 9212-3071
Postal:Buddha Dhamma Meditation Association Inc.
14 Smith St., Surry Hills
Sydney. NSW 2010. AUSTRALIA