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[ Sitting Practice ]

Temporary Vimutti

Here are two that are important to meditators today for two reasons: the first is, of course, the information given directly: what things cause one to lose one's High. The second is more significant today: a clear statement that "vimutti", freedom, a synonym for Nibbana, can be attained "samaya," temporarily.

Temporarily Freed[1]


"Beggars! These five lead to coming down for one who has gained temporary freedom.
What five?

Delight in activity.

Delight in gab.

Delight in sleep.

Delight in company.

And he does not reflect on the freedom of heart he has attained.

Indeed, Beggars, these five lead to coming down for one who has gained temporary freedom.

Temporarily Freed[2]


"Beggars! These five lead to coming down for one who has gained temporary freedom.
What five?

Delight in activity.

Delight in gab.

Delight in sleep.

Delight in leaving unguarded the doors of the senses.

And delight in immoderate eating.

Indeed, Beggars, these five lead to coming down for one who has gained temporary freedom.


[1]Anguttara Nikaya III, V, xv, 149
PTS: The Book of the Gradual Sayings, III: The Book of the Fives: XV: Three Thorn Grove: 149: Occasional release, pp131

[2]Anguttara Nikaya III, V, xv, 150
PTS: The Book of the Gradual Sayings, III: The Book of the Fives: XV: Three Thorn Grove: 149: The same, pp131

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M.i.ke.O.l.d.s a.t B.u.d.d.h.a.D.u.s.t d.o.t o.r.g
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Saturday, March 01, 2003 11:55 AM

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