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[ Beginner's Questions ]

Incalculable is the Beginning

Sa³yutta-Nik¤ya, Nid¤na-vaggo, Anamatagga-sa³yuttam

I.1. Ti¼akaĀĀham

Evam me sutaµ//
ekaµ samayaµ Bhagav¤ S¤vatthiyaµ viharati Jetavane An¤thapi¼Ąikassa ¤r¤me// //
Tatra kho Bhagav¤ bhikkh ¤mantesi Bhikkhavo ti//
Bhadante ti te bhikkh Bhagavato paccassosuµ// //
Bhagav¤ etad avoca// //
Anamatagg¤yaµ bhikkhave saµs¤ro pubb¤koĀi na pa¾¾¤yati avijj¤nØvara¼¤naµ satt¤naµ ta¼h¤saµyojan¤naµ sandh¤vataµ saµsarataµ// //
Seyyath¤pi bhikkhave purisoyaµ imasmiµ JambudØpe ti¼akaĀĀhas¤kh¤ pal¤saµ tacchetv¤ ekajjhaµ saµharitv¤ caturaøgulaµ caturaøgulaµ ghaĀikaµ karitv¤ nikkhippeyya//
Ayaµ me m¤t¤ tass¤ me m¤tu ayam m¤t¤ ti// //
Apariy¤dinn¤ ca bhikkhave tassa purisassa m¤tu m¤taro assu//
atha imasmiµ JambudØpe ti¼akaĀĀhas¤kh¤pal¤saµ parikkhayam pariy¤d¤naµ gaccheyya// //
Taµ kissa hetu// //
Anamatagg¤yaµ bhikkhave saµs¤ro pubbakoĀi na pa¾¾¤yati avijj¤nØvara¼¤naµ satt¤naµ ta¼h¤saµyojan¤naµ sandh¤vataµ saµsarataµ// //
Evaµ dØgharattam kho bhikkhave dukkham paccanubhtaµ tibbam paccanubhtaµ vyasanaµ paccanubhtaµ kaĀasi vaĄĄhit¤// //
Y¤va¾cidam bhikkhave alam eva sabbasaøkh¤resu nibbindituµ alaµ virajjituµ alaµ vimuccitunti// //





Once upon a time Bhagava around Savatthi revisiting, Jeta-woods, Anathapindika's Park.

There to the Beggars gathered round he said:


And Broke Tooth, the Beggars responded.

Then Bhagava said:

Out of reach of the mind, beggars, is the start of one's run-around, not known is the beginning point of beings reigned in by blindness, bridled by thirst, rolled-up in this our run'n-round.

If it happened, beggars, that some man here crafted together all the thatch and twigs and branches and leaves in this RoseAppleLand, placing them together by hand quadrangle by quadrangle saying for each: "This is my mother; this is my mother's mother."

Not completely used up, beggars, would be that man's mother's mothers
but the thatch and twigs and branches and leaves in this RoseAppleLand would be thoroughly spent, thoroughly used up.

How come?

Out of reach of the mind, beggars, is the start of one's run-around, not known is the beginning point of
beings reigned in by blindness, bridled by thirst, rolled-up in this our run'n-round.

Many a long day, beggars, have you lived tortured by pain, tortured by terror, tortured by bad luck, filling the cemeteries.

Enough is enough, beggars! Enough to have had enough of every confounded thing, enough for disinterest in it, enough for freedom from it.



Fall'n on Hard Times

Sa³yutta-Nik¤ya, Nid¤na-vaggo, Anamatagga-sa³yuttam

II.1. Duggataµ

Ekaµ samayaµ Bhagav¤ S¤vatthiyaµ viharati//
Tatra kho// //
Anamatagg¤yam bhikkhave saµs¤ro pubb¤koĀi napa¾¾¤yati avijj¤nØvara¼¤naµ satt¤naµ ta¼h¤saµyojan¤naµ sandh¤vataµ saµsarataµ// //
Yaµ bhikkhave passeyy¤tha duggataµ durpetaµ niĀĀham ettha gantabbam Amhehi pi evarpaµ paccanubhtaµ imin¤ dØghena addhun¤ ti// //
Taµ kissa hetu// //
Anamatagg¤yaµ bhikkhave saµs¤ro pubbakoĀi na pa¾¾¤yati avijj¤nØvara¼¤naµ satt¤naµ ta¼h¤saµyojan¤naµ sandh¤vataµ saµsarataµ// //
Evaµ dØgharattam kho bhikkhave dukkham paccanubhtaµ tibbam paccanubhtaµ vyasanaµ paccanubhtaµ kaĀasi vaĄĄhit¤// //
Y¤va¾cidam bhikkhave alam eva sabbasaøkh¤resu nibbindituµ alaµ virajjituµ alaµ vimuccitunti// //




Once upon a time Bhagava around Savatthi revisiting, Jeta-woods, Anathapindika's Park.

There to the Beggars gathered round he said:


And Broke Tooth, the Beggars responded.

Then Bhagava said:

Out of reach of the mind, beggars, is the start of one's run-around, not known is the beginning point of beings reigned in by blindness, bridled by thirst, rolled-up in this our run'n-round.

Should you, beggars, happen to see one who has fallen on hard times, someone hard to look at, you can say: "Such is such as such as I in this long inconstant time gone bye."

How come?

Out of reach of the mind, beggars, is the start of one's run-around, not known is the beginning point of
beings reigned in by blindness, bridled by thirst, rolled-up in this our run'n-round.

Many a long day, beggars, have you lived tortured by pain, tortured by terror, tortured by bad luck, filling the cemeteries.

Enough is enough, beggars! Enough to have had enough of every confounded thing, enough for disinterest in it, enough for freedom from it.




Samyutta-Nikaya, Nidana-vaggo, Anamatagga-samyuttam, I. 1: Tinakattham;
PTS: The Book of the Kindred Sayings, II: The Nidana Book: Kindred Sayings on the Incalculable Beginning, 1: Grass and Brushwood, Rhys Davids, trans., pp118;
WP: Connected Discourses of the Buddha, Volume 1: II: Connected Discourses on Causation, IV:Connected Discourses on Without Discoverable Beginning, 1: Grass and Wood, Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans., pp657

Samyutta-Nikaya, Nidana-vaggo, Anamatagga-samyuttam, II. 1: Duggatam;
PTS: The Book of the Kindred Sayings, II: The Nidana Book: Kindred Sayings on the Incalculable Beginning, 11: Hard Lot, Rhys Davids, trans., pp118;
WP: Connected Discourses of the Buddha, Volume 1: II: Connected Discourses on Causation, IV:Connected Discourses on Without Discoverable Beginning, 11: Unfortunate, Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans., pp657

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M.i.ke.O.l.d.s a.t B.u.d.d.h.a.D.u.s.t d.o.t o.r.g
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Sunday, March 02, 2003 3:45 PM

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