

DhammaTalk Masthead

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[ Come Beggar! ]

Indexes, Etcetera

There are several ways to look up information on BuddhaDust.

The Home Page provides an access point to what I would call "Themes." This includes the introductory course, an encapsulated version of the beginning part of this course in graphic form, several sections dealing with major suttas that have almost reached "school" status, and there are, on this page, links to all the other sections on BuddhaDust.


The Index Page provides a Table of Contents to formal Indexes of which there are several:
A Sutta Index which lists every sutta of the Digha Nikaya, Majjhima Nikaya, Anguttara Nikaya, and Samyutta Nikaya providing information as to where information can be found for the original Pali, for translations found in the Wisdom Publications books, the Pali Text Society translations, the Pali, translations and discussions to be found on Access to Insight, on Buddhadust and elsewhere.
Index of Proper Names This is an Index to the names of the "Pre-eminant Ones" named in the Book of the Ones. Good, thorough biographies of each of the major characters to be found in the suttas compiled from the Pali Text Society's Dictionary of Pali Proper Names and Psalms of the Sisters and other sources. As time permits this will be expanded to make it a true index to the locations on BuddhaDust where individuals are cited.
The Glossology Now in a reasonably mature state this is in the form of a subject index / glossary / comparative vocabulary. Major concepts link to the individual terms used in those concepts, individual terms link back to the major terms of which they are componants, and both link to locations on BuddhaDust where those terms are used. Tables of the translations of most well-known translators are given, and there are examples, definitions, references and discussions also included. In turn links throughout BuddhaDust connect to these terms. This is a central tool for presenting the 'take' given here on BuddhaDust while at the same time providing resources for the student to compare with other translators and judge for himself.
Buddha's India. This index, map and information sheet contains information on the geography of "The Middle Country"; India at the Time of the Buddha. This is in the very early stages of development.
The Garden of Edan. Not yet begun, this will be a section similar to Buddha's India, only this one for the flora and Fauna mentioned in the suttas.


The Search Tool. Not enough people have discovered this tool! A link to the Search tool is located on every page. This is an excellent "site" search engine which is able to understand "MozPali", the font used to display the Pali Diacriticals on BuddhaDust. Words can be looked up using plain English without diacriticals, using the Pali Text Society convention for dispalying diacriticals, or by using MozPali. This same search tool is used by Access to Insight (without the MozPali feature) and there is a search form for searching ATI on this page. The site is indexed reasonably frequently.
There is a mini course on how to do productive searches on the search page. This is something well worth learning.


The Links Page This is more than just a bunch of links. This is a carefully researched set of descriptions of and links to the most useful websites on early Buddhism out there.

[ DhammaTalk Contents ]

M.i.ke.O.l.d.s a.t B.u.d.d.h.a.D.u.s.t d.o.t o.r.g
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Friday, February 07, 2003 12:14 PM

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