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Sutta Resources

This section is an Index to the various materials available in book form and on line on the suttas of the Digha Nikaya, Majjhima Nikaya, Samyutta Nikaya, and Anguttara Nikaya. There is a listing for every single named sutta. The first few volumes of the Anguttara Nikaya do not name/number individual suttas, but give names only to groups of suttas. I have followed this scheme in this index, but where individual suttas have been translated, or where there is some other reference to an individual sutta within a group, I have made a special entry for that sutta.

This section constitutes an "infrastructure" into which useful reference materials will be placed as discovered/created, etc.

These are Nikaya-wide tables of contents listing materials in numerical order of the suttas according to the Pali. Included are Pali transliterations, Sutta Translations, Sutta specific discussions, outlines, etc. All the suttas from Access to Insight are linked and this list is kept up to date. Most, but not all the suttas and sutta discussions available on BuddhaDust are linked.

The structure parallels the structure of the Pali Text Society edition of the Pali texts.

Sutta Resources

(Accessible from the Home Page)

A list of the Contents Pages (Indexes) of the Nikayas

Digha Nikaya

Majjhima Nikaya

Anguttara Nikaya

Samyutta Nikaya

Vinaya Pitaka

The only thing available on the Vinaya is the material included in the Vinaya Resources Section.



M: Mike,
I've noticed that the Majjhima section has links to the Access to Insight translations where they exist. But no links to the translations by Sister Upalavanna. The complete index of suttas can be found here:



Following up on this suggestion, I checked once again with these translations. I think I will stick with my original note (at the top of the Majjhima section) where I said that although I think these translations have some value as being translated from a different perspective, their use of English is very flawed (something that I think results in outright mistranslations in some cases). I don't think I want to have them too easily available from here, and will just leave it as a single link with warning. Thanks again for the suggestion.

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M.i.ke.O.l.d.s a.t B.u.d.d.h.a.D.u.s.t d.o.t o.r.g
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Thursday, February 13, 2003 12:35 PM

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