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Announcing![ Come Beggar! ]

What's New on BuddhaDust?

Tuesday, March 23, 2004 5:00 AM
One Meal A Day A page focused on the practice of eating only one meal a day; a daily routine for Buddhist Bhikkhus; a "sabbath" observation for lay practitioners; a healthy practice for one and all.



Monday, March 22, 2004 6:24 AM
The Art of War An arsenal of techniques aimed at assisting the modern lay seeker in his battle to attain ultimate freedom.



Sunday, March 14, 2004 11:30 AM

Up to A Challenge?


Are you up to a challenge?


Tuesday, March 02, 2004 5:01 AM
A Roll'n a-tha Dhamma Wheel
A new translation of the Buddha's First Sutta by mo.



Friday, February 20, 2004 4:32 AM
Two small sutta translations on the subject of Anicca:
SN IV: 35.I.7: KoÂÂhiko (a teaching "in brief")
SN IV: 36:i.9: The Unsettled (Anicca)



Wednesday, January 28, 2004 12:25 PM
Green Tea On the Invisible Consciousness (Vinnana Anidassana) and on knowing when it is time to Quit. A Summary Essay with links to a new resources section on this topic vital to understanding the distinction between the Mahayana position and that of the Pali.



Tuesday, January 13, 2004 6:45 AM
Good Form, a new section which just sort of appeared. A collection of the various bits and scraps of information I have gathered over the years concerning proper behavior of a Beggar who wishes to develop or maintain power.
Lingo, an add-on to the Glossology section which will be used to store information on various odd terms and items of information that do not fit in with the scope of the Glossology proper; this could evolve into a general subject index. Only a few items there at this time.



Tuesday, December 30, 2003 6:44 AM

3rd Anniversary
12/29/00 to 12/29/03

[ see site statistics ]



Saturday, December 27, 2003 9:00 AM
Ud¤yin New Translation of this sutta which deals with the question of how to make the idea that even consciousness is to be considered as "not-self."



Sunday, December 21, 2003 9:17 AM
Added the Pali for Majjhima Nikaya I #43: Maha Vedalla Sutta. This is now cross-linked with the discussion/outline on DhammaTalk: Outlining the Mahavedallasutta



Wednesday, December 03, 2003 8:19 AM

This Dhamma is for the Precise, a "new" sutta following after a teaching of Sariputta.



Friday, September 19, 2003 12:54 PM

A new translation (re-telling) of SN.ii#65: Nagara: The Lost Citadel, mo translation
The Buddha describes his discovery of the meaning of the Paticca Samuppada and likens it to the discovery of a lost fortified city. In this translation I have made a strong effort to bring the paticca samuppada into clear focus in every-day American English. I have also made explicit in this translation break-away renderings of the terms vi¾¾¤¼¤, upadana, and samudaya.



Thursday, September 04, 2003 7:11 AM
A new translaton of AN.III. 5s xx.8: The Well-Said
Outlines the criteria for identifying the well-said. Being able to distiguish between the well-said and what is not well-said is a basic attribute of one capable of making progress in this system.



Thursday, August 28, 2003 11:01 AM
A new translation of AN.III.5s iv.41: The Tree-trunk. This sutta describes Sariputta telling his companions how a Man of Power is able to fix the properties of matter in any of a number of ways. It was a missing citation from a note to my translation of the Sangiti Sutta, The Tens, Note 10.2
Additionally this citation was requested by someone quite some long time ago...and now, of course, I have forgotten who that was! So I will say, as regards contacting the person, what I said about posting the citation: I'll contact you when I come across the recollection of who you are.
Oh yes! and one more thing: I have used a different setup for this sutta. I came across a site, dhamma.ru Dhamma Wheel, which used a side-by-side comparison of the Pali and it's translation (into Russian) and found it to be an interesting possiblity. So I have tried it on this sutta.



Monday, July 14, 2003 5:21 PM
The Stream On the danger of grasping at straws. In Graphical format.



Friday, July 11, 2003 5:07 AM
New Translation of DN II #15: MahaNidana Sutta: The Great Downbinding Spell, Michael Olds, trans. A new translation of this important sutta using the vocabulary found on BuddhaDust; sections linked to the Pali.



Wednesday, May 28, 2003 3:42 PM
The Seat: Graphical version of the technique for taking a seat for sit-down meditation.



Monday, May 26, 2003 9:17 PM
A new section has been added to the graphical version of The Gradual Course. This is The 10 Questions -- aka The Boy's Questions. This was an original part of the Little Magic Kitbag mentioned below and formed the basis for the second part of the current text version of The Gradual Course.



Wednesday, May 14, 2003 3:43 PM
The Plain Text version of BuddhaDust has been removed. Because of space and maintenance considerations, and because the whole site has been coded such that there was hardly any difference in download times between the Plain Text version and the regular version and because usage statistics indicate that this fact is pretty well recognized by users, the Plain Text version of BuddhaDust is being taken off line. It served it's purpose as the transition between the excessive coding and download times of Front Page generated sites and the hand-coding and Cascading Style Sheets I now use for the site.



Wednesday, May 07, 2003 10:09 AM
The Little Magic Kitbag The Gradual Course, Graphical Version, has been completely revised. At one point in time, round about 1980, I sat down to put together what I understood to be the Buddha's system. The end result was The Pali Line plus a few other things, including the The Root of All Evil (The Mulapariyaya Sutta) all jumbled together in one massively complex "sutta". This was also the time when I learned the method of lettering I call American Pictogram, which had it's origins in visions of the dhamma I was seeing in meditation where the letters were all organic forms made from flames. When this work was first completed (after about 2 years of intense nearly non-stop work) I became indifferent to the whole thing and put it away for another couple of years. Then I made a series of smaller books out of it, the first of which, The Little Magic Shitbag, looked very much like, but not identical to this material I now present here.
In this case one new feature is a background which is supposed to represent the gold "plates" on which the Dhamma was sometimes "scratched" in the early days of writing.
This section is graphically intensive, and I have emphasized quality of the image over optimized download. Be warned.



Saturday, April 19, 2003 1:01 PM
Did you notice? Short descriptive lines added to DhammaTalk contents page.



Wednesday, April 16, 2003 12:18 PM
Vesali: A new sutta constructed from parts of other suttas covering The Meditation on the Foul, Meditation on In- and Out-breathing, the story of the mass suicide of Bhikkhus studying the Meditation on the Foul, and the story of the Third Rule (against taking human life).



Sunday, April 13, 2003 6:04 PM
The story of Upaka the Naked Ascetic, the first human to speak with the Buddha after his enlightenment. Nothing outstanding, but points out the difficulty rendering indriyani as "sense organs or faculties" in at least this case. I have always had a liking for Upaka, seems like the sort of fellow I might have been...face-to-face with the Buddha, he is not convinced. Happy ending.



Saturday, April 05, 2003 4:59 PM

I finally reached the point where link-checking made some sense. I downloaded a freeware link-checking program: XENUXENU Link Sluth (recommended to webmasters!), and generated a report. I have 2098 links on BuddhaDust and had some 150 broken links and have eliminated, to the best of my knowledge, all of them. There remain broken links in downloadable files, and there will be the occasional failure due to server problems. I dislike getting broken links myself, so apologies to one and all for the grief caused by them on this site to this point. In future this problem should be under control.



Wednesday, April 02, 2003 11:33 AM

A Riddle for you. What would you answer, friends, were you to be asked by seekers:

'What, friend, is the root of all things?
What brings all things to life?
What is the support of all things?
What is the confluence of all things?
What is at the interface of all things?
Ruled over by what are all things?
Directed at what are all things?
What is at the heart of all things?
What is the pitfall of all things?
What is the end of all things?'

Thus questioned by seekers, friends, what would you answer, what explanation would you make of this?

For the Buddha's answer, see: The Root Try to answer for yourself before looking up the answer.



Monday, March 31, 2003 3:19 PM

The search engine has been slightly modified. It will now no longer ignore common words (the, etc.). With only slightly more disk usage (.16Mb) all words were able to be indexed. This makes search results much more comprehensible. I urge everyone to use this tool as it is both quick and accurate, and now that the materials in the forum are on the main site, all resources available on BuddhaDust are being indexed. Plus...it recognizes the MozPali font.



Friday, March 28, 2003 8:22 AM

Dialogues of the Buddha, Volume 1

T.W.Rhys David's translation of the first 13 Suttas of the Digha Nikaya, published by the Pali Text Society. These are files of the html pages of the suttas from this volume. You will need the MozPali Font to view Pali words with diacriticals.
The links between dialogues in this file have been converted to correctly link between off-line suttas (cross-fingers); links to external URLs will attempt to bring up your browser and go on line.
Anyone who wants to make a project of setting up the index, and making the linking to BuddhaDust and other on-line resources comprehensive, should contact me.

Files and Downloads



The Dialogues of the Buddha, Volume 1

Download    .30MB

Download    .30MB


Read Dialogues of the Buddha, Volume 1 on line

This download also available from the Files and Downloads Links Page



Sunday, March 23, 2003 7:20 AM
[21 March 2003] Access to Insight turns 8!
This month Access to Insight begins its ninth year on the World Wide Web.
[21 March 2003] Print edition of Thanissaro Bhikkhu's sutta translations
A print edition of Thanissaro Bhikkhu's sutta translations is available in a four-volume book entitled, Handful of Leaves. Volume 1, which includes suttas from the Digha and Majjhima Nikayas, is available free of charge upon request from:
Sati Center for Buddhist Studies
PO Box 2021
Santa Cruz, CA 95063-2021
Volume 2 (Samyutta Nikaya) is expected by the end of March, 2003.



Sunday, March 09, 2003 6:01 AM
I have merged the DhammaExaminations section with the DhammaTalk section as their functions overlaped completely. For a time this is going to result in broken links and links that refer to the new sections (meaning extra clicks to get to the topic). Apologies ahead of time. I am doing this merge in a similar way to the way I migrated the topics from the forum -- one discussion at a time.
In the end I believe we will have a much more useful BuddhaDust. I have been doing considerable editing to the topics, and I am able in straight html to do much more linking to relevant side-trips and reference materials.



Wednesday, February 19, 2003 7:45 AM
Noble Conversation. Not new on BuddhaDust, new on Access to Insight, a "Study Guide" by Bhikkhu Thanissaro: "Several passages in the Canon list ten ideal topics for such conversation: modesty, contentment, seclusion, non-entanglement, arousing persistence, virtue, concentration, discernment, release, and the knowledge & vision of release. The purpose of this study guide is to illustrate each of these topics with passages from the Canon, and to provide meditators with the incentive to integrate conversation of this sort into their practice."



Wednesday, February 12, 2003 12:53 PM
New Sutta Translation: SN.III.93: Nadi -- The River, or Grasping at Straws, together with the Pali.
River -- Translation
Nadi -- The Pali



Tuesday, February 11, 2003 12:36 PM
Under the "Give Ear" Forum, the Thread "Flowers has been made into two files: one, which contains the Pali for Samyutta Nikaya III: Khandhavagga I: Khandhasamyutta: II.V. Pupphavaggo (SN iii.94) at: ../../sutta/sn/kv/Pali/sn.III.94_puppham.htm and another which contains a new translation by mo at: ../../sutta/sn/kv/suttas/sn.III.94_flowers.htm



Sunday, February 09, 2003 2:11 PM
The material from DhammaTalk Forum/Give Ear/Buddha's First Sutta has been moved to the main site. It can now be found at: ../../dhammatalk/give_ear/first_sutta.htm
In revising this thread I added several new versions of this sutta. This is now more like a Resources Table of Contents for the First Sutta.

[ DhammaTalk Contents ]

M.i.ke.O.l.d.s a.t B.u.d.d.h.a.D.u.s.t d.o.t o.r.g
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Wednesday, December 03, 2003 8:22 AM

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