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[ Dhamma Talk ]


Lay Arahants


The topic of whether or not it is possible for a layman to attain arahantship is a subject of debate going way back. As far as I can tell the doubt begins after the compilation of the suttas; I can't find anything in the suttas to indicate that there is any reason to think that it is impossible. The selection below would indicate that it was certainly possible, but there is some doubt about the authority of the passage. Anathapindika, for one, is pretty clearly stated to have become a Non-Returner elsewhere (citation missing of course). Does this mean that the meaning of "seeing the deathless, going on to realization of the deathless" should be taken to mean the state of Non-Returner? This in turn is complicated by the definition of Arahant (as well as the other stages) as including those "on the way to attainment..."

Why is this important? For motivation. There are a few out there I know of who are really going at this system full tilt. They live alone, don't work, are celibate or are working on celibacy, eat one meal a day or very moderately, and meditate. Like the Karate Master who, wanting to make his punch really powerful, invisions not only hitting the target, but penetrating the target, the meditator needs to really be able to see that he can attain the goal if he works at it.

Personally, I think it can be done. The very weakest take on this collection of little suttas would say that there was no question of attaining Non-Returning.

Anguttara Nikaya III: The Book of the Sixes: #131-151

Translated from the Pali by Michael Olds


[Pali] Having mastered six dhammas, bhikkhus, the housefather Tapusso, taking his stand on the Tathagata, has seen the deathless, has gone on to realization of the deathless.

What six?

Unquestionable faith in the Buddha, unquestionable faith in the Dhamma, Unquestionable faith in the Sangha, the ethical culture of the Aristocrat, the knowledge of the Aristocrat, the freedom of the Aristocrat.

Indeed, beggars, having mastered six dhammas, the housefather Tapusso, taking his stand on the Tathagata, has seen the deathless, has gone on to realization of the deathless.


Having mastered six dhammas, bhikkhus, the housefather Bhallika, taking his stand on the Tathagata, has seen the deathless, has gone on to realization of the deathless.


Having mastered six dhammas, bhikkhus, the housefather Sudatta An¤thapi¼Àika, taking his stand on the Tathagata, has seen the deathless, has gone on to realization of the deathless.


Having mastered six dhammas, bhikkhus, the housefather Citta Macchik¤sa¼Àika, taking his stand on the Tathagata, has seen the deathless, has gone on to realization of the deathless.


Having mastered six dhammas, bhikkhus, the housefather Hatthaka £²avaka, taking his stand on the Tathagata, has seen the deathless, has gone on to realization of the deathless.


Having mastered six dhammas, bhikkhus, the housefather Mah¤n¤ma Sakka, taking his stand on the Tathagata, has seen the deathless, has gone on to realization of the deathless.


Having mastered six dhammas, bhikkhus, the housefather Ugga Ves¤lika, taking his stand on the Tathagata, has seen the deathless, has gone on to realization of the deathless.


Having mastered six dhammas, bhikkhus, the housefather Uggata, taking his stand on the Tathagata, has seen the deathless, has gone on to realization of the deathless.


Having mastered six dhammas, bhikkhus, the housefather S¬ra AmbaÂÂha, taking his stand on the Tathagata, has seen the deathless, has gone on to realization of the deathless.


Having mastered six dhammas, bhikkhus, the housefather J¨vaka Kom¤rabhacca, taking his stand on the Tathagata, has seen the deathless, has gone on to realization of the deathless.


Having mastered six dhammas, bhikkhus, the housefather Nakulapit¤, taking his stand on the Tathagata, has seen the deathless, has gone on to realization of the deathless.


Having mastered six dhammas, bhikkhus, the housefather Tavaka¼¼ika, taking his stand on the Tathagata, has seen the deathless, has gone on to realization of the deathless.


Having mastered six dhammas, bhikkhus, the housefather P¬ra¼a, taking his stand on the Tathagata, has seen the deathless, has gone on to realization of the deathless.


Having mastered six dhammas, bhikkhus, the housefather Isidatta, taking his stand on the Tathagata, has seen the deathless, has gone on to realization of the deathless.


Having mastered six dhammas, bhikkhus, the housefather Sandh¤na, taking his stand on the Tathagata, has seen the deathless, has gone on to realization of the deathless.


Having mastered six dhammas, bhikkhus, the housefather Vijaya, taking his stand on the Tathagata, has seen the deathless, has gone on to realization of the deathless.


Having mastered six dhammas, bhikkhus, the housefather Vajiyamahita, taking his stand on the Tathagata, has seen the deathless, has gone on to realization of the deathless.


Having mastered six dhammas, bhikkhus, the housefather Me¼Àaka, taking his stand on the Tathagata, has seen the deathless, has gone on to realization of the deathless.


Having mastered six dhammas, bhikkhus, the lay disciple V¤seÂÂha, taking his stand on the Tathagata, has seen the deathless, has gone on to realization of the deathless.


Having mastered six dhammas, bhikkhus, the lay disciple AriÂÂha, taking his stand on the Tathagata, has seen the deathless, has gone on to realization of the deathless.


Having mastered six dhammas, bhikkhus, the lay disciple S¤rangga, taking his stand on the Tathagata, has seen the deathless, has gone on to realization of the deathless.

What six?

Unquestionable faith in the Buddha, unquestionable faith in the Dhamma, Unquestionable faith in the Sangha, the ethical culture of the Aristocrat, the knowledge of the Aristocrat, the freedom of the Aristocrat.

Indeed, beggars, having mastered six dhammas, the housefather S¤rangga, taking his stand on the Tathagata, has seen the deathless, has gone on to realization of the deathless.




The Pali [ back ]:

Chahi bhikkhave dhammehi samann¤gato Tapusso gahapati Tath¤gate niÂÂhaµ gato amataddaso amataµ sacchikatv¤.
Katamehi chahi?
Buddhe aveccapas¤dena, dhamme aveccappas¤dena, sa¸ghe aveccappas¤dena, ariyena s¨lena, ariyena ¾¤¼ena, ariy¤ya vimuttiy¤.
Imehi kho bhikkhave chahi dhammehi samann¤gato Tapusso gahapati Tath¤gate niÂÂhaµ gato amataddaso amataµ sacchikatv¤ iriyat¨ ti.




Anguttara Nikaya III: The Book of the Sixes: #131-151, pp450-451

PTS: The Book of the Gradual Sayings, III: The Book of the Sixes: #131-151: He sees the deathless; E.M. Hare, trans, pp 314

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Wednesday, February 11, 2004 2:08 PM

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