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Foregone Conclusions


One more shot at this, this time in some detail with the entire focus being on making the underlying meaning comprehensible to us (American English Speaking) today (Monday, July 14, 2003 12:11 PM).
Relax! Do not try to force this into a linear (time-bound) structure. This is how it is for the Arahant, one who is "Akalika:" not bound up in this Time stuff.
This is not intended to be all-enclusive.

Given This, the Result is That
Cut Down This to Cut Down That


Not Seeing that:

I. Whatsoever can be called "This"[1] is inherantly painful[2];

That is:

Birth is inherantly painful

Aging is inherantly painful

Sickness is inherantly painful

Death is inherantly painful

Grief and Lamentation are inherantly painful

Pain and Misery are inherantly painful

and Despair is inherantly painful

Association with what is not liked is inherantly painful

Not Getting what is wished for is inherantly painful

In a word:

The 5-Dimensional Stockpiles of Existance

Anything that has materialized is inherantly painful

Sense Experience is inherantly painful

Perception is inherantly painful

The Made Personal is inherantly painful

Individualized Consciousness[3] is inherantly painful

Or stated another way:

The All

The Eye and Sights are inherantly painful

The Ear and Sounds are inherantly painful

The Nose and Scents are inherantly painful

The Tongue and Tastes are inherantly painful

The Body and Touches are inherantly painful

The Mind and Ideation are inherantly painful

Or stated another way:

The Six Great Elements

Earth (or Solidity) is inherantly painful

Water (or Liquidity) is inherantly painful

Fire (or Heat) is inherantly painful

Wind (or Motion) is inherantly painful

Space is inherantly painful

Individualized Consciousness is inherantly painful

II. That Pain is the result of Thirst:

A. For Pleasure;

For Pleasurable Materializations

For Pleasurable Sense Experiences

For Pleasurable Perceptions

For A Pleasurable personal world

Made by Identification with the intent to create pleasure[4] with Actions of Body and the resulting attachment of an idea of "Me" or "My" to the consequences

Made by Identification with the intent to create pleasure with Actions of Word-Thought and Speech and the resulting attachment of an idea of "Me" or "My" to the consequences

Made by Identification with the intent to create pleasure with Actions of Mind and the resulting attachment of an idea of "Me" or "My" to the consequences

For Pleasurable States of Individualized Consciousness

Consciousness of Pleasurable Sights

Consciousness of Pleasurable Sounds

Consciousness of Pleasurable Scents

Consciousness of Pleasurable Tastes

Consciousness of Pleasurable Touches

Consciousness of Pleasurable Thoughts

B. For Living;

In worlds characterized by Sensual Indulgence

Indulgence in Sights

Indulgence in Sounds

Indulgence in Scents

Indulgence in Tastes

Indulgence in Touches

Indulgence in Thoughts

Hell Worlds

Ghost Worlds

Demonic Worlds

Animal Worlds

Human Worlds

Lower Godly Worlds

In worlds characterized only by Materiality

The Realm of the Gods of Radiance

The Realm of the Gods of Luminescence

The Realm of the Gods of Abundant Fruit

In worlds characterized by Non-Materiality

The Realm of the Gods of Non-Percipience

The Realm of Limitless Space

The Realm of Limitless Consciousness

The Realm of No-Thing There

The Realm of Neither Perception nor Non-Perception

C. For Unliving; Re-Living; and More-living;

III. That the eradication of Thirst results in the Eradication of Pain:

That is, eradication of thirst

A. For Pleasure;

1. For Pleasurable Materializations

2. For Pleasurable Sense Experiences

3. For Pleasurable Perceptions

4. For A Pleasurable personal world

a. Made by Identification with the intent to create pleasure with Actions of Body and the resulting attachment of an idea of "Me" or "My" to the consequences

b. Made by Identification with the intent to create pleasure with Actions of Word-Thought and Speech and the resulting attachment of an idea of "Me" or "My" to the consequences

c. Made by Identification with the intent to create pleasure with Actions of Mind and the resulting attachment of an idea of "Me" or "My" to the consequences

For Pleasurable States of Individualized Consciousness

Consciousness of Pleasurable Sights

Consciousness of Pleasurable Sounds

Consciousness of Pleasurable Scents

Consciousness of Pleasurable Tastes

Consciousness of Pleasurable Touches

Consciousness of Pleasurable Thoughts

B. For Living;

In worlds characterized by Sensual Indulgence

Indulgence in Sights

Indulgence in Sounds

Indulgence in Scents

Indulgence in Tastes

Indulgence in Touches

Indulgence in Thoughts

Hell Worlds

Ghost Worlds

Demonic Worlds

Animal Worlds

Human Worlds

Lower Godly Worlds

In worlds characterized only by Materiality

The Realm of the Gods of Radiance

The Realm of the Gods of Luminescence

The Realm of the Gods of Abundant Fruit

In worlds characterized by Non-Materiality

The Realm of the Gods of Non-Percipience

The Realm of Limitless Space

The Realm of Limitless Consciousness

The Realm of No-Thing There

The Realm of Neither Perception nor Non-Perception

C. For Unliving; Re-Living; and More-living;

IV. That The Way to end Thirst is this Aristocratic Multidimensional High Way:

A. High Thesis:

1. Whatsoever can be called "This" [Repeat I] is Pain;

2. That Pain is the result of Thirst [Repeat II]:

3. That the end of Thirst [Repeat III] results in the End of Pain; and

4. That the way to end Thirst is this Aristocratic Multidimensional High Way:

High Thesis [Repeat IV: A-H -- Infinite Loop]
High Principles
High Talk
High Works
High Lifestyle
High Self Control
High Mental Preparation
High Getting High

B. High Principles:

1. Dumping, Giving up, Letting Go, Renunciation

2. Non-Harm; non physical injury

3. Non-Deviation from The Way [Repeat IV: A-H -- Infinite Loop]

C. High Talk:

Abstention from Untrue Speech

Abstention from Harmful/Cruel Speech

Abstention from Talk about what is not-Dhamma [by inference: only talk about The Way: Repeat IV: A-H -- Infinite Loop]

D. High Works:

Abstention from Deceitful Works

Abstention from Harmful/Cruel Works

Abstention from Works that deviate from The Way [Repeat IV: A-H -- Infinite Loop]

E. High Lifestyle:

Making a Lifestyle of identifying the components of one's behavior in accordance with The Way [Repeat IV: A-H -- Infinite Loop] and disguarding those elements found to deviate from that.

F. High Self Control:

1. Exerting Energy to Restrain those components of one's behavior

a. Made by Identification with the intent to create pleasure with Actions of Body

b. Made by Identification with the intent to create pleasure with Actions of Word-Thought and Speech

c. Made by Identification with the intent to create pleasure with Actions of Mind

that are present in the here and now that are not in accordance with The Way [Repeat IV: A-H -- Infinite Loop]

2. Exerting Energy to Refrain from those components of one's behavior [Repeat F:1:a-c] that are present in the here and now that are not in accordance with The Way [Repeat IV: A-H -- Infinite Loop]

3. Exerting Energy to Obtain those components of behavior [Repeat F:1:a-c] that are not present in the here and now that are in accordance with The Way [Repeat IV: A-H -- Infinite Loop] , and

4. Exerting Energy to Retain those components of one's behavior [Repeat F:1:a-c] that are present in the here and now that are in accordance with The Way [Repeat IV: A-H -- Infinite Loop] .

G. High Minding

1. Living in a Body, Live Overseeing the Body ardently developing

a. Penetrating Knowledge

i. of one's own body

a1. seeing how it comes to be

b1. seeing how it comes to end

c1. seeing how it comes to be only to come to end

ii. of external bodies

a1. seeing how they come to be

b1. seeing how they come to end

c1. seeing how they come to be only to come to end

iii. of one's own and external bodies

a1. seeing how they come to be

b1. seeing how they come to end

c1. seeing how they come to be only to come to end

iv. developing just sufficient attention to establish the conscious awareness that "Such is the Nature of Body"

b. and Release -- such that one is able

i. To Let go of one's Angry [Deviating from The Way], Downbound, Longing [Thirst -- Repeat II] and Misery [Pain -- Repeat I] -- To Exercise Self Control [Repeat High Self Control]

ii. To rising above it all [Repeat High Lifestyle],

iii. While being Watchful and Diligent [= High Minding Repeat G], and

iv. Minding [Repeat G],

v. Reviewing (by way of High Thesis -- Repeat A], and

vi. Calming Down (by way of High Getting High -- Repeat H)

vii. Overcoming any Thirst [Repeat II] that may appear

viii. Bound up bound up in nothing at all in the world [="This"]

c. By Minding the Breathing

d. By Minding the Positioning of the Body

e. By Minding the Actions of the Body

f. By Minding the Foulness of the Components of the Body

g. By Minding the Composition of the Body in terms of the Four Great Elements

h. By Minding the Mortality of the Body by comparison with the various states of decay of a Dead Body.

2. Living in a the Senses, Live Overseeing the Senses ardently developing

a. Penetrating Knowledge

i. of one's own senses

a1. seeing how they come to be

b1. seeing how they come to end

c1. seeing how they come to be only to come to end

ii. of external senses

a1. seeing how they come to be

b1. seeing how they come to end

c1. seeing how they come to be only to come to end

iii. of one's own and external senses

a1. seeing how they come to be

b1. seeing how they come to end

c1. seeing how they come to be only to come to end

iv. developing just sufficient attention to establish the conscious awareness that "Such is the Nature of the Senses"

b. and Release -- such that one is able

i. To Let go of one's Angry [Deviating from The Way], Downbound, Longing [Thirst -- Repeat II] and Misery [Pain -- Repeat I] -- To Exercise Self Control [Repeat High Self Control]

ii. To rising above it all [Repeat High Lifestyle],

iii. While being Watchful and Diligent [= High Minding Repeat G], and

iv. Minding [Repeat G],

v. Reviewing (by way of High Thesis -- Repeat A], and

vi. Calming Down (by way of High Getting High -- Repeat H)

vii. Overcoming any Thirst [Repeat II] that may appear

viii. Bound up bound up in nothing at all in the world [="This"]

c. By minding the Pleasant Sensations Downbound to the World

d. By minding the Unpleasant Sensations Downbound to the World

e. By minding the Not-Unpleasant-but-not-Pleasant Sensations Downbound to the World

f. By minding the Pleasant Sensations Not Downbound to the World

g. By minding the Unpleasant Sensations Not Downbound to the World

h. By minding the Not-Unpleasant-but-not-Pleasant Sensations Not Downbound to the World

3. Living in a the Emotions, Live Overseeing the Emotions ardently developing

a. Penetrating Knowledge

i. of one's own Emotions

a1. seeing how they come to be

b1. seeing how they come to end

c1. seeing how they come to be only to come to end

ii. of external Emotions

a1. seeing how they come to be

b1. seeing how they come to end

c1. seeing how they come to be only to come to end

iii. of one's own and external Emotions

a1. seeing how they come to be

b1. seeing how they come to end

c1. seeing how they come to be only to come to end

iv. developing just sufficient attention to establish the conscious awareness that "Such is the Nature of the Emotions"

b. and Release -- such that one is able

i. To Let go of one's Angry [Deviating from The Way], Downbound, Longing [Thirst -- Repeat II] and Misery [Pain -- Repeat I] -- To Exercise Self Control [Repeat High Self Control]

ii. To rising above it all [Repeat High Lifestyle],

iii. While being Watchful and Diligent [= High Minding Repeat G], and

iv. Minding [Repeat G],

v. Reviewing (by way of High Thesis -- Repeat A], and

vi. Calming Down (by way of High Getting High -- Repeat H)

vii. Overcoming any Thirst [Repeat II] that may appear

viii. Bound up bound up in nothing at all in the world [="This"]

c. By minding the heart full of lust

d. By minding the heart free of lust

e. By minding the heart full of anger

f. By minding the heart free of anger

g. By minding the low-mind

h. By minding the high-mind

i. By minding the narrow-mind

j. By minding the broad-mind

k. By minding the closed-mind

l. By minding the open-mind

m. By minding the less than superior mind

n. By minding the mind that is nothing less than superior

o. By minding the unbalanced mind

p. By minding the balanced mind

q. By minding the unliberated mind

r. By minding the free mind

4. Living in a the Dhamma, Live Overseeing the Dhamma ardently developing

a. Penetrating Knowledge

i. of the Dhamma as it applies to one's self

a1. seeing how Dhamma applies as things come to be

b1. seeing how Dhamma applies as things come to end

c1. seeing how Dhamma applies as things come to be only to come to end

ii. of the Dhamma as it applies to the external

a1. seeing how Dhamma applies as things come to be

b1. seeing how Dhamma applies as things come to end

c1. seeing how Dhamma applies as things come to be only to come to end

iii. of the Dhamma as it applies to one's own and external Emotions

a1. seeing how Dhamma applies as things come to be

b1. seeing how Dhamma applies as things come to end

c1. seeing how Dhamma applies as things come to be only to come to end

iv. developing just sufficient attention to establish the conscious awareness that "Such is the Nature of the Dhamma"

b. and Release -- such that one is able

i. To Let go of one's Angry [Deviating from The Way], Downbound, Longing [Thirst -- Repeat II] and Misery [Pain -- Repeat I] -- To Exercise Self Control [Repeat High Self Control]

ii. To rising above it all [Repeat High Lifestyle],

iii. While being Watchful and Diligent [= High Minding Repeat G], and

iv. Minding [Repeat G],

v. Reviewing (by way of High Thesis -- Repeat A], and

vi. Calming Down (by way of High Getting High -- Repeat H)

vii. Overcoming any Thirst [Repeat II] that may appear

viii. Bound up bound up in nothing at all in the world [="This"]

c. By Minding the Dhamma by way of the Bindups

d. By Minding the Dhamma by way of The Five Dimensional Stockpile of Existance

e. By Minding the Dhamma by way of the Realm of the Senses

f. By Minding the Dhamma by way of the Seven Dimensions of Self-Awakening

g. By Minding the Dhamma by way of the Four Aristocratic Truths.

H. High Getting High

Abandoning the Bindups

Find a Solitary Place

Get Focused by Minding [Repeat G]

Find Enjoyment in the Peace and Calm of Solitude and by that enter into and abide in The First Burning

From there Enter into the Empty

The Pointless

The Signless

Abandon Thinking

Get Focused by Minding HighGetting

Find Enjoyment in HighGetting and by that enter into and abide in the Second Burning

From there Enter into the Empty

The Pointless

The Signless

Abandon Enjoyment and Entheusiasm

Get Focused by Minding Ease

Find Ease and by that enter into and abide in the Third Burning

From there Enter into the Empty

The Pointless

The Signless

Abandon Ease

Get Focused on Detachment

Find Detachment and by that enter into and abide in the Fourth Burning

From there Enter into the Empty

The Pointless

The Signless

the Result is

Own-making (sa¸+kara); Co-Founding (sa¸+kara): the making of the personal world by identification with intentional acts of mind, speech and body where the intention is to create pleasant sensations for one's self[2]; which result is experienced according to the previous store of pleasant, unpleasant, or not unpleasant but not pleasant previously set up kammic consequences attributable to the "life-stream" known as "so-and-so" together with whatever other mental and material substances (nama/rupa: earth, water, fire, wind, space and consciousness; the eye and sights, the ear and sounds, the nose and scents, the tongue and tastes; the body and touches, the mind and thoughts; material substances, sense experiences, perceptions, own-made co-foundings, and consciousness) are required to form the picture (world) that conveys those sensations.




Given Own-Making Co-Founding:

Identification with the intent to create:

Pleasant Sights

Pleasant Sounds

Pleasant Scents

Pleasant Tastes

Pleasant Touches, or

Pleasant Mental States

by way of acts of Mind (intent, wishing, scheming, willing), acts of speech, or acts of body,

the Result is Recognition (re-cognition, Individualized Consciousness, Self-awareness);[3]

Conscious awareness of the Amalgam created by the intent of the individual, the opportunity given by that intent to the scope of the pleasant, unpleasant, or not unpleasant but not pleasant kammic results available to the individual, and the other materials available for the creation of the results, set rolling by the intent, experienced as conscious awareness of what is thought of as "My": I. Seeing

II. Hearing

III. Scenting

IV. Tasting

V. Touching

VI. Thinking




Given Recognition (re-cognition, Individualized Consciousness, Self-awareness)

of what is considered to be "My" Seeing, Hearing, Scenting, Tasting, Touching, and Thinking,

the Result is Identified Things:

The identification (names) given to sights, sounds, scents, tastes, touches, and ideas together with their corresponding material manifestations.[1]




Given Identified Things

the Result is Recognition (re-cognition, Individualized Consciousness, Self-awareness)




Given Recognition

the Result is The Six-fold Sense Spheres




Given the Six-fold Sense Spheres

the Result is Contact




Given Contact

the Result is Sense Experience




Given Sense Experience

the Result is Thirst




Given Thirst

the Result is Getting Involved




Given Getting Involved

the Result is Living




Given Living

the result is Birth




Given Birth

the result is Aging and Death

Grief and Lamentation

Pain and Misery

and Despair




Given Aging and Death, Grief and Lamentation, Pain and Misery and Despair

the Result is Seeking




Given Seeking

The Result is Hearing Dhamma

Cut Down Not Seeing

Cuts Down Own-making

Cut Down Own-Making

Cuts Down Recognition

Cut Down Recognition

Cuts Down Identified Things

Cut Down Identified Things

Cuts Down Consciousness

Cut Down Consciousness

Cuts Down the Six-fold Sense Spheres

Cut Down the Six-fold Sense Spheres

Cuts Down Contact

Cut Down Contact

Cuts Down Sense Experience

Cut Down Sense Experience

Cuts Down Thirst

Cut Down Thirst

Cuts Down Getting Involved

Cut Down Getting Involved

Cuts Down Living

Cut Down Living

Cuts Down Birth

Cut Down Birth

Cuts Down Aging and Death

Grief and Lamentation

Pain and Misery

and Despair




Given Hearing Dhamma

the Result is Testing the Truth




Given Testing the Truth

the Result is Evaluating Results




Given Evaluating Results

the Result is Trusting Dhamma




Given Trusting Dhamma

the Result is Effort at Self-Control




Given Effort at Self-Control

the Result is Mental Preparation




Given Mental Preparation

the Result is Getting High together with Seeing by way of Dhamma




Given Getting High together with Seeing by way of Dhamma

the Result is Disgust (no-taste for) for all the things of the World




Given Disgust

the Result is Detachment




Given Detachment

the Result is Freedom




Given Freedom

the Result is Knowledge of Freedom


[1]Being whatever has resulted from this Not Seeing. See: "Own-Making"

[2]"inherantly" because there are many things which are passing fair (distortion of old term): pleasant for a short time but bring pain on ending.

[3]Vi¾¾¤¼¤: Individualized Consciousness. "Individualized" means in any way or form held to belong to a self (whether human or God, self or soul, whether single or multiple, universal or diverse, high or low), to have come to be, or to endure over time.

[4]Being the intent of every intentional act, including those intended to inflict pain on others, to attain nibbana by the creation of sensations which are not unpleasant but not unpleasant; and to just waste time with no specific idea of creating pleasure or pain, etc. Don't quibble.

[5]Consciousness informed by an idea of self or "own-ness." The result of Own-making Co-founding conditioned by any point of view other than High View. Since one who saw and was able to completely act in accordance with High View would not "Own-make Co-found" at all, this means any Own-made or Co-founded thing, which is another way of saying: "This." This statement is made conditionally this way by me to account for the phenomena of the Streamwinner, Once Returner, and Non-Returner who do "see" High View in principle, but who could be said to have "blind spots" resulting in painful consequences.

[6]In this system, and in Indian thought generally, "thoughts" are considered "things" objects.




Samyutta Nikaya, II: #65: Nagaram, pp 104

PTS: The Book of the Kindred Sayings, II #65: The City, Mrs. Rhys Davids, trans, pp72

WP: The Connected Discourses of the Buddha, I, II The Book of Causation #65: The City, Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans, pp600

ATI: Samyutta Nikaya XII.65 Nagara Sutta The City Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.

BD: The Lost Citadel, mo translation of SN II.#65: Nagara

M.i.ke.O.l.d.s a.t B.u.d.d.h.a.D.u.s.t d.o.t o.r.g
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Friday, September 19, 2003 1:05 PM

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