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"To set a-roll'n the Dhamma Wheel
I get me off to Kasi town
beating the drum of deathlessness
in a world gone blind."

--The story of Upaka

Resources for researching the Buddha's First Sutta

Sa¸yutta Nik¤ya, V:
MahaVagga, 12:
SakkyaSa¸yutta, ii:
Dhammacakkapavattanavaggo, 1:
DhammaCakkappaVattana Sutta
(SN V: 12.ii.11; SN LVI 11)



Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta

The Pali




A Roll'n a-tha Dhamma Wheel




The Challenge


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M.i.ke.O.l.d.s a.t B.u.d.d.h.a.D.u.s.t d.o.t o.r.g

Those sending in correct responses will be given a key that accesses a description of this problem and a solution.
Challenge Issued: Sunday, March 14, 2004 11:49 AM
Responses to date: 2  Correct responses: 0




Introduction to the Buddha's First Discourse

by Narada Maha Thera




Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Dhamma

Translated by Bhikkhu Bodhi




Foundation of the Kingdom of Righteousness

Translated by Rhys Davids


From the Rhys Davids Introduction: "It would be difficult to estimate too highly the historical value of this Sutta. There can be no reasonable doubt that the very ancient tradition accepted by all Buddhists as to the substance of the discourse is correct, and that we really have in it a summary of the words in which the great Indian thinker and reformer for the first time successfully promulgated his new ideas. And it presents to us in a few short and pithy sentences the very essence of that remarkable system which has had so profound an influence on the religious history of so large a portion of the human race."



Setting Rolling the Wheel of Truth

Translated by Ñanamoli Thera




The Formula of the Revolution of the Wheel of Experience

Translated by Venerable Punnaji




Setting in Motion the Wheel of Truth

Translated from the Pali by Piyadassi Thera




Setting the Wheel of Dhamma in Motion

Translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu




Dhammacakka Pavattana Sutta
The setting rolling of the wheel of Dhamma

Translated with commentary by Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw

Light of the Buddha: Vol. III, No. 4, 1958


A presentation of the events leading up to the delivery of the sutta:

The Great Discourse On The Wheel Of Dhamma (Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta) Mahasi Sayadaw Of Myanmar



Discourse on the Wheel of truth

Translation of Sayadaw Bhaddanta Pañña Dipa




In Spanish

Para Fijar Rodar la Rueda de Dhamma



In French

Dhamma Cakkappavattana Sutta (extrait du Samyutta nikya, Sacca samyutta) La Roue de la Loi



In German

Vom Vollendeten Gesprochenes Dhammacakka-ppavattana Vagga



In Russian

The DhammaCakkappaVattana Sutta in Russian



In Norwegian

Buddhas første tale: Om de fire edle sannheter Translated from the Pali Mahavagga by Kåre A. Lie



In Swedish

Lärans Hjul sätts i rörelse Översatta till svenska Kerstin Jönhagen



In Spanish

El Discurso De La Puesta En Movimiento De La Rueda De La Doctrina Texto traducido del pali por Bhikkhu Nandisena

Para Fijar Rodar la Rueda de Dhamma Edited "Machine Translation" of the Mike Olds translation. I have no real idea if this translation makes good sense, comments welcome.



Additional References:

An audio discussion concerning the origin and authenticity of the suttas. The Buddhist Society of Western Austrialia The Hidden Structure of the Buddhist Scriptures This is a fascinating and important listen for anyone interested in getting down to the original teachings of the Buddha! Ajahn Sujato's well argued thesis (based precisely on comparing sutta with sutta) is that the original teachings of the Buddha are found in the Samyutta Nikaya, with some spill-over into the Digha, Majjhima and Anguttara Nikayas. He proposes that the term "sutta" in the idea of "comparing sutta with sutta" has the specific meaning of a discourse presented as a direct statement by the Buddha; that discourses from disciples are a second category, the Vibhanga or Analysis category, and are recognizable by their predominantly question-and-answer format. He suggests that the Samyutta originally began with the Dhamma-Cakkappa-Vattana Sutta and that this Nikaya, and therefore the original layout of the whole of the Dhamma was organized according to the scheme of the Four Truths. His most controversial point is that the Satipatthana is a likely late amalgam (his word is forgery! haha) of bits and scraps found in the Samyutta. The next FREE Please! publication for some scholar/meditator/translator to contemplate is a new book of translations organized according to Ajahn Sujato's scheme.

PTS, L. Feer, Samyutta-Nikaya V: Maha-vagga XII: Sacca-Samyutta 2: Dhammacakkapavattana-vaggo, pp 420
PTS, F.L. Woodward, trans., The Book of the Kindred Sayings V: The Great Chapter XI: Kindred Sayings about the Truths II: Foundation of the Kingdom of the Norm, pp 356
WP, Bhikkhu Bodhi, trans., The Connected Discourses of the Buddha II: The Great Book 12: Connected Discourses on the Truths 2: Setting in Motion the Wheel of the Dhamma, pp1843 (same as above)

The First Sermon An inspirational presentation of the first sutta, reworked from existing translations and commentaries. Put together by someone calling themselves "dhamma grandmother".


Han-da d¤-ni bhikkhave! £-manta-y¤-mi vo:
"Va-ya-dh'amm¤ sa¸-kh¤r¤. A-p-pa-m¤d'ena sam'p¤-deth-¢-ti."




There you are, then, Beggars! I craft this councel for you:

The own-made is a flighty thing, I say
get yourselves out of this sputtering madness!


This was the final word of the Tathagata.
Digha Nikaya II #16: Mah¤ Parinibb¤na Suttanta -- mo, trans

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M.i.ke.O.l.d.s a.t B.u.d.d.h.a.D.u.s.t d.o.t o.r.g
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Wednesday, March 03, 2004 6:41 AM

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