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One Sure Way

Imagine that timid little soul of yours, gripped in fear, feeling unloved by anything or anyone at all, all alone in the world.

That timid soul reacts to what it is experiencing -- blindly, heedlessly, without forethought, defensively, aggressively, forcefully, full of bluster, full of anger, speaking harsh words, cruel words, and performing greedy, shameful and injurious acts of body, speech and mind . . .

. . . the karmic consequences of which intimidate, instill fear, and provide no refuge or love or companionship either in this world or in the next.

Believing either end of the spectrum is "The True Self" is a mistake.

You need to step away.

"Neither end of the spectrum is 'The Me' of 'Me'" is what you must think to yourself.

And then . . .

. . . at the next occurance of a feeling of intimidation or fear, or feeling unloved or alone in the world with nothing and no one to companion you, you let these experiences pass.

And letting them pass, you let pass the impulse to act blindly, heedlessly, without forethought, defensively, aggressively, forcefully, full of bluster, full of anger, speaking harsh words, cruel words and performing greedy, shameful and injurious acts of body, speech and mind.

And from the very first instant that that dark deed is let to pass, the light begins to shine, and that deed becomes one that was "not done then", and "not done then" it is "not done then" for eternity without end.

And you can think to yourself: "I am becoming one identified with one who is heading for the deathless by one sure way."

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M.i.ke.O.l.d.s a.t B.u.d.d.h.a.D.u.s.t d.o.t o.r.g
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Friday, February 27, 2004 5:19 AM

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