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Winds in the Upper Atmosphere[1]

There are Winds in the Upper Atmosphere, Beggars, that will tear some Small Bird that wanders there limb from limb in the same way as a hurricane can . . . so that here is a wing, here the breast bones, there a foot, there the tail feathers and there also, the head.

In the same way, Beggars, some Beggar here, setting out on his trek for food, not having enveloped himself in Satisfaction, without having set a guard at the doors of the senses, wanders into town And there, having dressed recklessly in the morning, with her blouse incompletely protecting her Charms from view, Laughing, Singing, and Dancing at some gathering place, is The Fairest Lass In the Land.

Imagine, Beggars, The Fairest Lass In the Land:

She is not too tall
She is not too short
She is not too dark
She is not too pale
She is not too fat
She is not too thin
She is not overly busty
She is not underly busty
Her thighs are warm in the winter
Cool in the summer
She is just 16
In the very first flower of her youth
With a Beauty just touching on the Devine
. . . soft is the touch of the down
on the arms of The Fairest Lass In the Land.

Then imagine, Beggars, the Din and Clamor of the Throng
As she Laughs, and Sings, and Dances,
Displaying her youthful Charms.
And imagine, Beggars, That Beggar as he comes along,Ol'Begga Ols with 'es Ol' Beggas Bowl
With his bowl brim full up
And Mara, track'n close behind, with sword uplifted, tell'n 'im:
"That's the way, Man, carry on that way!
But remember!
Spill even onesoma drop-a apo liquid from that brim full upsoma bowl there . . . And it's Off With Your Head!"
What do you think, Beggars? Would that Lass, seeing that, not Laugh, and Sing, and Dance with even greater abandon?

And that Beggar, Beggars, not having enveloped himself in Satisfaction, not having set a guard at the door of the senses, is torn apart with lust there and then, and returning to his hut, he renounces the training and returns to the lower life. . . and one here gets his kit bag, and one gets his strainer, and one his robes, and he also, his bowl.

Wherefore, Beggars: train yourselves this way: "We shall envelope ourselves in Satisfaction, and set a guard at the doors of the senses, and not let Lust get a hold on our Hearts!"


[1]A blending of two bits from two different suttas as I Hear Tell.

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M.i.ke.O.l.d.s a.t B.u.d.d.h.a.D.u.s.t d.o.t o.r.g
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Sunday, March 16, 2003 3:13 PM

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