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"Buddha"m"m gacchaami..." [go to top]

Handa maya"m buddhassa bhagavato pubba-bhaaga-nama-kaara"m karoma se:
Now let us chant the preliminary passage in homage to the Awakened One, the Blessed One:

[Namo tassa] bhagavato arahato sammaa-sambuddhassa. (Three times.)
Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Rightly Self-awakened One.

* * *

Handa maya"m"m bha.naama se:

Buddha"m"m gacchaami.
I go to the Buddha for refuge.

Dhamma"m"m gacchaami.
I go to the Dhamma for refuge.

Sa"ngha"m"m gacchaami.
I go to the Sa"ngha for refuge.

Dutiyampi buddha"m"m gacchaami.
A second time, I go to the Buddha for refuge.

Dutiyampi dhamma"m"m gacchaami.
A second time, I go to the Dhamma for refuge.

Dutiyampi sa"ngha"m"m gacchaami.
A second time, I go to the Sa"ngha for refuge.

Tatiyampi buddha"m"m gacchaami.
A third time, I go to the Buddha for refuge.

Tatiyampi dhamma"m"m gacchaami.
A third time, I go to the Dhamma for refuge.

Tatiyampi sa"ngha"m"m gacchaami.
A third time, I go to the Sa"ngha for refuge.

* * *

"N'atthi me"m añña"m..." [go to top]

Handa maya"m sacca-kiriyaa gaathaayo bha.naama se:

N'atthi me"m añña"m
    Buddho me"m vara"m
Etena sacca-vajjena
    Sotthi me hotu sabbadaa.
I have no other refuge,
    The Buddha is my formeost refuge.
Through the speaking of this truth, may I be blessed always.

N'atthi me"m añña"m
    Dhammo me"m vara"m
Etena sacca-vajjena
    Sotthi me hotu sabbadaa.
I have no other refuge,
    The Dhamma is my formeost refuge.
Through the speaking of this truth, may I be blessed always.

N'atthi me"m añña"m
    Sa"ngho me"m vara"m
Etena sacca-vajjena
    Sotthi me hotu sabbadaa.
I have no other refuge,
    The Sa"ngha is my formeost refuge.
Through the speaking of this truth, may I be blessed always.

* * *

"Mahaa-kaaru.niko naatho..." [go to top]

Handa maya"m mahaa-kaaru.nikonaati-aadikaa-gaathaayo bha.naama se:

Mahaa-kaaru.niko naatho
    Atthaaya sabba-paa.nina"m
Puuretvaa paaramii sabbaa
    Patto sambodhim-uttama"m.
Etena sacca-vajjena
    Maa hontu sabbupaddavaa.
(The Buddha), our protector, with great compassion,
    For the welfare of all beings,
Having fulfilled all the perfections,
    Attained the highest self-awakening.
Through the speaking of this truth, may all troubles cease to be.

Mahaa-kaaru.niko naatho
    Hitaaya sabba-paa.nina"m
Puuretvaa paaramii sabbaa
    Patto sambodhim-uttama"m.
Etena sacca-vajjena
    Maa hontu sabbupaddavaa.
(The Buddha), our protector, with great compassion,
    For the benefit of all beings,
Having fulfilled all the perfections,
    Attained the highest self-awakening.
Through the power of this truth, may all troubles cease to be.

Mahaa-kaaru.niko naatho
    Sukhaaya sabba-paa.nina"m
Puuretvaa paaramii sabbaa
    Patto sambodhim-uttama"m.
Etena sacca-vajjena
    Maa hontu sabbupaddavaa.
(The Buddha), our protector, with great compassion,
    For the happiness of all beings,
Having fulfilled all the perfections,
    Attained the highest self-awakening.
Through the power of this truth, may all troubles cease to be.

* * *

"Bahu"m ve"m yanti..." [go to top]

Handa maya"m paridiipikaa-gaathaayo bha.naama se:

Bahu"m ve"m yanti
    Pabbataani vanaani ca,
    Manussaa bhaya-tajjitaa.
Many are those who go for refuge
    to mountains, forests,
Parks, trees, & shrines:
    People threatened with danger.

N'eta"m kho"m khema"m
    N'eta"m sara.nam-uttama"m,
N'eta"m sara.nam-aagamma,
    Sabba-dukkhaa pamuccati.
That is not the secure refuge,
    That is not the highest refuge,
That is not the refuge, having gone to which,
    One gains release from all suffering.

Yo ca buddhañca dhammañca
    Sa"nghañca"m gato,
Caattaari ariya-saccaani
    Sammappaññaaya passati:
But a person who, having gone to the Buddha,
    Dhamma, & Sa"ngha for refuge,
Sees the four Noble Truths
    with right discernment:

Dukkha"m dukkha-samuppaada"m,
    Dukkhassa ca atikkama"m,
Ariyañc'a.t.tha"ngika"m magga"m,
Stress, the cause of stress,
    The transcending of stress,
And the Noble Eightfold Path,
    The way to the stilling of stress.

Eta"m kho"m khema"m
    Eta"m sara.nam-uttama"m,
Eta"m sara.nam-aagamma,
    Sabba-dukkhaa pamuccati.
That is the secure refuge,
    That is the highest refuge,
That is the refuge, having gone to which,
    One gains release from all suffering.

Revised: Sun 3 October 1999