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After the Patimokkha

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Sacca-kiriyaa gaathaa [go to top]

Handa maya"m buddhassa bhagavato pubba-bhaaga-namakaara"m karoma se:
Now let us chant the preliminary passage in homage to the Awakened One, the Blessed One:

[Namo tassa] bhagavato arahato sammaa-sambuddhassa. (Three times.)
Homage to the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the Rightly Self-awakened One.

Handa maya"m sacca-kiriyaa gaathaayo bha.naama se:

[N'atthi me"m añña"m]
    Buddho me"m vara"m
Etena sacca-vajjena
    Sotthi me hotu sabbadaa.
I have no other refuge,
    The Buddha is my formeost refuge.
Through the speaking of this truth, may I be blessed always.

N'atthi me"m añña"m
    Dhammo me"m vara"m
Etena sacca-vajjena
    Sotthi me hotu sabbadaa.
I have no other refuge,
    The Dhamma is my formeost refuge.
Through the speaking of this truth, may I be blessed always.

N'atthi me"m añña"m
    Sa"ngho me"m vara"m
Etena sacca-vajjena
    Sotthi me hotu sabbadaa.
I have no other refuge,
    The Sa"ngha is my formeost refuge.
Through the speaking of this truth, may I be blessed always.

Siiluddesa-paa.tha [go to top]

[Bhaasitam-ida"m] tena Bhagavataa jaanataa passataa arahataa sammaa-sambuddhena: "Sampanna-siilaa bhikkhave viharatha sampanna-paa.timokkhaa. Paa.timokkha-sa"mvara-sa"mvutaa viharatha aacaara-gocara-sampannaa. A.numattesu vajjesu bhaya-dassaavii samaadaaya sikkhatha sikkhaapadesuuti."

Tasmaa tih'amhehi sikkhitabba"m: "Sampanna-siilaa viharissaama sampanna-paa.timokkhaa. Paa.timokkha-sa"mvara-sa"mvutaa viharissaama aacaara-gocara-sampannaa. A.numattesu vajjesu bhaya-dassaavii samaadaaya sikkhissaama sikkhaapadesuuti." Evañhi no sikkhitabba"m.

This was said by the Blessed One, the One who Knows, the One who Sees, the Worthy One Rightly Self-awakened: "Live consummate in virtue, monks, and consummate in the Patimokkha. Live restrained with the restraint of the Patimokkha, consummate in your behavior & sphere of activity Train yourselves, having undertaken the training rules, seeing danger in the slightest faults"

Therefore we should train ourselves: "We will live consummate in virtue, consummate in the Patimokkha. We will live restrained with the restraint of the Patimokkha, consummate in our behavior & sphere of activity. We will train ourselves, having undertaken the training rules, seeing danger in the slightest faults." That's how we should train ourselves.

Taayana-gaathaa [go to top]

[Chinda sota"m] parakkamma
    Kaame panuuda
Nappahaaya muni kaame
Having striven, brahmin, cut the stream.
    Expel sensual passions.
Without abandoning sensual passions
    a sage encounters no oneness of mind.

Kayiraa ce kayiraathena"m
    Da.lhamena"m parakkame
Sithilo hi paribbaajo
    Bhiyyo aakirate raja"m
Akata"m dukka.ta"m seyyo
    Pacchaa tappati dukka.ta"m
Katañca sukata"m seyyo
    Ya"m katvaa naanutappati
If something's to be done, then work at it firmly,
for a slack going-forth kicks up all the more dust.
It's better to leave a misdeed undone.
A misdeed burns you afterward.
Better that a good deed be done
that, when you've done it,
    you don't regret.

Kuso yathaa duggahito
Saamañña"m dupparaamattha"m
Ya"nkiñci sithila"m kamma"m
    Sa"nkili.t.thañca ya"m vata"m
Sa"nkassara"m brahma-cariya"m
    Na ta"m hoti, mahapphalanti.
Just as sharp-bladed grass, if wrongly held,
wounds the very hand that holds it --
the contemplative life, if wrongly grasped,
drags you down to hell.
Any slack act, or defiled observance,
or fraudulent life of chastity
    bears no great fruit.

Ovaada-paa.timokkha Gaathaa [go to top]

Uddi.t.tha"m kho tena Bhagavataa jaanataa passataa arahataa sammaa-sambuddhena: Ovaada-paa.timokkha"m tiihi gaathaahi.
This was summarized by the Blessed One, the One who Knows, the One who Sees, the Worthy One Rightly Self-awakened: the Patimokkha Exhortation in three verses:

Khantii parama"m tapo tiitikkhaa
    Nibbaana"m parama"m vadanti buddhaa,
Na hi pabbajito paruupaghaatii hoti para"m vihe.thayanto
Patient forbearance is the foremost austerity.
    Liberation is foremost: that's what the Buddhas say.
He is no monk who injures another;
    nor a contemplative, he who mistreats another.

    Eta"m buddhaana-saasana"m.
The non-doing of any evil,
    The performance of what's skillful,
The cleansing of one's own mind:
    This is the Buddhas' teaching.

Anuupavaado anuupaghaato
    Paa.timokkhe ca sa"mvaro
Mattaññutaa ca bhattasmi"m
    Pantañca sayan'aasana"m.
Adhicitte ca aayogo:
    Eta"m buddhaana-saasananti.
Not disparaging, not injuring,
    Restraint in line with the monastic code,
Moderation in food,
    Dwelling in seclusion,
Commitment to the heightened mind:
    This is the Buddhas' teaching.

Revised: Sun 3 October 1999