Stanzas of the Dhammapada 

Selection 1

Mind is the forerunner of all evil states. Mind is chief; mind-made are they. If a person speaks or acts with a wicked mind, suffering follows him like the cart-wheels follow the hoofs of the ox that draws the cart.

Mind is the forerunner of all good states. Mind is chief; mind-made are they. If a person speaks or acts with a pure mind, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him.

“He abused me, he beat me, he defeated me, he robbed me.” In those who do not harbour such thoughts, hatred will cease.

For hatred is not overcome by hatred, hatred is overcome by love. This is an eternal rule.

Those who mistake false for true, and true for false, their abode is wrong-mindedness - they cannot arrive at the Truth.

Those who know true as true, and false as false, their abode is right-mindedness - they can arrive at the Truth.

As rain gets into an ill-thatched house, so lust gets into an ill-trained mind.

As rain does not get into a well-thatched house, so lust does not get into a well trained mind.

Selection 2

Heedfulness is the path to the deathless. Heedlessness is the path to death.

The heedful do not die. The heedless are as if dead already.

Having understood this clearly, those who are advanced in heedfulness, delight in heedfulness, and rejoice in the attainment of Truth.

These wise people - meditative, steady, always possessed of strong powers - attain to Nibbana, the highest happiness.

If a heedful person is energetic, mindful, pure in deed, considerate, self-controlled, right living, then his glory will steadily increase.

By sustained effort, earnestness, discipline, and self-control, the wise person makes for himself an island which no flood can overwhelm.

Heedful among the heedless, wide awake among the sleepers, the wise person advances like a swift horse, leaving the old horses behind.

I go the Buddha for refuge. I go to the Dhamma for refuge. I go to the Sangha for refuge.

Selection 3

This is the Dhammapada, the way of Truth, practiced by those who are followers of the Buddha.

Good people shine from afar like the snow mountains. Bad people, though near, are concealed like arrows shot by night.

If a person caused pain to others, wishes to obtain pleasure for himself, he entangled in the bonds of selfishness, will never be free from hatred.

Let a person overcome anger by love. Let him overcome evil by good.

Speak the truth, do not yield to anger; when asked, you should give though there be little. By these three virtues, you will become divine.

Let a person remove his own impurities, as a smith removes the impurities of silver, one by one, little by little.

Lead others, not by violence, but by righteousness and justice.

There is no fear in the awakened person, whose mind is free from craving, done alike with good and with evil.

Selection 4

Leader Long is the night to him who is awake. Long is life to those ignorant of the Truth.

Better than living a hundred years, is one day in the life of a person who sees the highest Truth.

Better than living a hundred years, is one day in the life of a person who sees the highest Truth.

Though one should conquer thousands upon thousands of men in battle, yet he who has conquered himself is the greatest of all conquerors.

The best of ways is the Eightfold Path. There is none other that brings to Perfect Peace.

The gift of Truth excels all gifts. The sweetness of Truth excels all sweetness.

As a pure lotus grows upon a heap of rubbish, so the follower of the Buddha outshines in wisdom among those who walk in darkness.

I go to the Buddha for refuge. I go the Dhamma for refuge. I go the Sangha for refuge.

Selection 5

After having learnt the Doctrine, let your purified heart find delight in performing what is good.

Generosity, courtesy, loving kindness and unselfishness - these are to the world what the linchpin is to the chariot.

The good things of this world pass away, but the treasures earned through righteous living do not perish and never pass away.

He who is compassionate is everywhere beloved. By the kind and good, he is prized as a friend; and at death, his heart is full of peace.

To cease from evil; to keep it far away from one; to shun intoxicating liquors; to listen carefully to the teaching - these are great blessings.

By yourself must the effort be made: the Tathagatas only make known the Way. Those devoted to meditation arrive at the release from the bonds of ignorance.

As he instructs others, so should he himself act. With himself fully controlled, he controls others. Oneself, indeed, is hard to control.

Oneself, indeed, is one’s saviour, for what other saviour could there be? With oneself well controlled, one obtains a saviour who is hard to find.

Selection 6

If by giving up a lesser happiness, one may behold a greater one, let the wise person give up the lesser happiness in consideration of the greater happiness.

He who wishes to gain happiness by causing pain to others is not released from hatred, being himself entangled in hatred.

Even if a person has power over others yet he ought to be gentle with the weak.

With a pure heart full of love, one should act towards others exactly as one would towards oneself.

Courtesy is the most precious of jewels. Beauty without courtesy is like a garden without flowers.

The marks of true teachings are goodwill, love, truthfulness, purity, nobility and goodness.

Best of paths is the Eightfold Path. Best of truths are the Four Noble Truths. Best of states is non-attachment. Best of men is the Seeing One.

I go to the Buddha for refuge. I go to the Dhamma for refuge. I go to the Sangha for refuge.

Selection 7

The ignorant have themselves as their greatest enemies, for they do evil deeds which must bear bitter fruit.

As long as the evil deed has not fruition, the ignorant think it is like honey. But when it ripens, then they suffer grief.

Even if an ignorant person be associated with wise person all his life, he will understand the truth as little as a spoon tastes the flavor of soup.

If an intelligent person be associated for only one minute with a wise person, he will understand the truth as the tongue tastes the flavour of soup.

The disciples of the Buddha are always well awake, and their thoughts day and night are always set on the Buddha.

The disciples of the Buddha are always well awake, and their thoughts, day and night are always set on the Teaching.

The disciples of the Buddha are always well awake, and their thoughts, day and night are always set on the Sangha.

Neither readiness in speech nor a handsome appearance gives grace to a person who is envious, greedy and false.

Selection 8

Guard against misdeeds caused by the mind, and control the mind. Give up evil conduct in the mind and practice virtue with the mind.

The wise who control their body, who control their tongue; the wise who control their mind, are indeed well controlled.

When rust appears upon iron, even by that is the iron eaten away. In like manner, a person’s own evil deeds lead him off to states of woe.

Better than sovereignty over the earth, better than going to heaven, better than lordship over all worlds is the fruit of a stream-winner (the first stage of sainthood).

All the Buddhas teach the same Truth. They point out the path to those who go astray.

To cease from evil, to cultivate the good, to purify one’s mind. This is the advice of all the Buddhas.

Happy is the arising of the Buddhas. Happy is the teaching of the sublime Dhamma. Happy is the unity of the Sangha. Happy is the discipline of the united ones.

I go to the Buddha for refuge. I go to the Dhamma for refuge. I go to the Sangha for refuge.

Selection 9

Let each person establish himself first to what is proper, then let him teach others. Thus a wise person will not defiled.

Not in the sky, nor in mid-ocean, nor in a mountain cave, is there a place on earth where one could stay to escape from the fruits of one’s evil deeds.

Do not disregard evil, saying, “It will not come to me.” By drops of falling water is a jar gradually filled. Likewise, the foolish person fills himself with evil, little by little.

From greed come grief, from greed comes fear. He who is free from greed knows neither grief nor fear.

He who has gone for refuge to the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha, and with clear understanding sees the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path - he has taken the safe refuge, the Supreme refuge. By seeking such a refuge, he is delivered from all suffering.

He who is perfect in virtue, established in the Dhamma, has realized the Truths, and fulfills his own duties - he is beloved by the world.

The fault of others is easily seen, but one’s own fault is difficult to see.

If a person looks for the fault of others, and is ever irritable, his own passion will grow. He is far from the destruction of passions.

Selection 10

A person is not called wise cause he talks much. But he who is patient, thoughtful, free from hatred and fear, he is called wise.

He who speaks much is not a person well versed in the Dhamma. But he who hears the Dhamma and practices what he has learnt is one who knows the Dhamma.

A person will never be accomplished, even though fair in complexion or good in speech, if he is greedy, envious and deceitful.

He in whom all these defilement are cut off, uprooted and extinct, and who is free from hatred, is one who is called accomplished.

If a person is tossed about by evil thoughts, full of strong passions, and yearning only for what is pleasurable, his craving will grow more and more. He will indeed make his fetters strong.

The craving of a heedless person grows like a creeper. He runs from life to life, like a monkey seeking fruit in the forest.

For him who overcomes this fierce craving, which is difficult to conquer in this world, his sufferings fall off from him, like water slips from a lotus leaf.

I go to the Buddha for refuge. I go to the Dhamma for refuge. I go to the Sangha for refuge.

Selection 11

It is good to tame the mind, which is difficult to hold on and flighty, wandering wherever it wishes. A tamed mind brings happiness.

Let the wise person guard his thoughts, for they are difficult to perceive, extremely subtle, wandering wherever they wish. A well-guarded mind brings happiness.

If a person’s mind is not steadfast, if he does not know the true doctrine, if his faith wavers, his wisdom will never be perfect.

If a person’s mind is not soaked in lust, if he is unaffected by hatred, if he has transcended good and evil, for such a watchful one, there is no fear.

Like a beautiful flower, full of colour but without scent, are the fine but fruitless words of him who does not act accordingly.

Like a beautiful flower, full of colour and full of scent, are the fine and fruitful words of him who acts accordingly.

If you see a person who shows you what is to be avoided, who corrects you, and is intelligent, follow that wise person as one who tells you of hidden treasures.

Let him advise, let him teach, let him dissuade one from evil. He will be beloved by the good; by the bad, he will be disliked.

Selection 12

As a solid rock is not shaken by the wind, wise people remain unshaken amidst blame and praise.

Wise people, after listening to the Teaching, become serene like a deep, clear and still lake.

Few are they among people who cross over to the further shore. Others run up and down the nearer shore.

Those who follow the Dhamma, which is well taught, will pass over the dominion of death and reach Nibbana, so difficult to cross.

He who has no wound on his hand may touch poison with his hand; poison does not affect one who has no wound. There is no danger for one who does not commit evil.

If he offends a harmless, pure and innocent person, evil falls back upon him, like fine dust thrown up against the wind.

Let no one neglect his own welfare for the sake of others, however great. Clearly perceiving his own duty, let him always be attentive to his own goal.

I go to the Buddha for refuge. I go to the Dhamma for refuge. I go to the Sangha for refuge.

Selection 13

The person of restless mind, of passions fierce, with eyes only for the pleasing - craving in him grows great. He forges a heavy chain.

The one who takes delight in the stilling of thought, who lets his mind dwell on the unpleasant, by this will he cut through and destroy ignorance.

Should you find a good companion to walk with and who is steadfast and upright, you should walk with him with joy so as to overcome all dangers.

If no such companion is found, it is better to travel alone like a king who has left his kingdom, or an elephant which has left its companions.

Take delight in heedfulness. Guard your mind well. Draw yourself out of the evil way, just as the elephant sunk in the mud draws himself out.

Arise! Do not be negligent! Walk the Good Way of Dhamma! He who walks in the Way of Dhamma will be happy in this and in all other worlds.

He who is ever respectful to the elders, four blessings grow in him - long life, beauty, happiness and health.

Better than a hundred years lived foolishly and without control, is a single day lived wisely and meditative.

Selection 14

Irrigators conduct water where they will, Fletchers shape the arrow. Carpenters bend the wood to their will. The wise discipline themselves

Should a person perform a good action, he should do it again and again: he should find happiness in this. Blissful is the accumulation of merit.

Far surpassing the fragrance of sandalwood, or incense, or lotus, or jasmine, is the fragrance of virtue.

The fragrance of flowers, or sandalwood, or incense, or jasmine, is not wafted against the wind, but the fragrance of the good person is wafted against the wind. The good person diffuses fragrance in all directions.

A person who harms living beings is not a noble one (ariya). Through harmless deeds towards all living being is he considered a noble one.

Not by birth does one become a high cast; not by birth does one become a low caste. By deeds one becomes a low caste.

Not because a person has much to say is he a supporter of the Dhamma. He who may have heard little of the Dhamma but observes it well, is in deed, the supporter of the Dhamma. He is not heedless of the Dhamma.

I go to the Buddha for refuge. I go to the Dhamma for refuge. I go to the Sangha for refuge.

Selection 15

As a fletcher straightens his arrow, a wise person straightens his fickle and unsteady thoughts, which are difficult to guard and guide.

Hard to control is the mind, unstable and ever in quest of delight. A controlled mind brings happiness.

Do not associate with evil friends; do not associate with mean people. Associate with good friends; associate with noble people.

He who practices the Dhamma abides in happiness with a peaceful mind. The wise person delights in the Dhamma revealed by the Noble Ones.

He who controls his anger when aroused is like a skillful driver controlling a fast carriage. Others without control over anger are like those who merely hold the reins.

Conquer the angry person with love. Conquer the ill-natured person with goodness. Conquer the miser with generosity. Conquer the liar with truth.

He whose senses are mastered as well trained horsed under a charioteer, who has destroyed pride and overcome defilement, is held dear, even by the goods.

One who is free from all credulity, who understands Nibbana, who has cut off the links and overcome desire, he is a supreme man.

Selection 16

All tremble at the rod. Life is dear to all. Comparing others with oneself, one should neither strike nor cause a strike.

He who seek happiness through hurting others, cannot find happiness for himself.

There is no fire like lust, no grip like hate, no net like delusion, no river like craving.

From craving arises sorrow, from craving arises fear. For him who is entirely free from craving, there is neither sorrow nor fear.

‘Impermanence is all component things.’ When the wise person understands this, he grows weary of pain. This is the Path of Purity.

‘Sorrowful is all conditioned things.’ ‘All forms are without a soul.’ When the wise person understands this, he grows weary of pain. This is the Path of Purity.

Control of speech, control of thought, control of actions. Keep these roads of actions clear and find the Way made known by the wise.

I go to the Buddha for refuge. I go to the Dhamma for refuge. I go to the Sangha for refuge. Better than a hundred verses devoid of meaning, is one verse of the Teaching that brings peace.
