Cyber Puja -- Devotion



He who is skill in his good / and who wishes to attain /
that state of calm / should act thus : /
He should be able, / upright, / perfectly upright, / obedient, / gentle, / and humble.

Contented, / easily supportable, / with few duties, / of light livelihood, /
controlled in senses, / discreet, / not imprudent, / not be greedily attached to families.

He should not / commit any slight wrong, / such that other wise men / might censure him. / May all beings be happy and secure./ May their minds be wholesome.

Whatever living beings there be : / feeble or strong, / long, stout or medium, /
short, small or large, / seen or unseen, / those dwelling far or near, / those who are born /
and those who are to be born / - may all beings, / without exception, be happy-minded!

Let not one / deceive another / nor despise any person / whatever / in any place. /
In anger or ill will, / let him not wish / any harm to another.

Just as a mother / would protect her only child, / even at the risk of her own life, /
even so / let him cultivate a boundless heart / towards all beings.

Let his thoughts / of boundless love / pervade the whole world :/ above, below and across /
without any obstruction, / without any hatred, / without any enmity.

Whether he stands, / walks, sits or lies down, / as long as he is awake, /
he should develop mindfulness. / This, they say, / is the Highest Conduct.

Not falling into error, / virtuous and endowed with insight, /
he gives up attachment to sense-desires.
/ He will surely not be born / in any womb again.

Return to Cyber Puja - Reflection on Dhammapada


Thus have I heard :

On one occasion / the Exalted One / was dwelling at the monastery / of Anathapindika, /
in Jeta's Grove, / near Savatthi./ Now / when the night was far spent, / a certain deity, /
whose surpassing splendour / illuminated the entire Jeta Grove, / came to the presence /
of the Exalted One, / and, / drawing near, / respectfully saluted Him /
and stood at one side. / Standing thus, / he addressed the Exalted One in verse :

Many deities and men, / yearning after good, / have pondered on Blessings. / Pray, /
tell me the Highest Blessing!

Not to associate with fools, / to associate with the wise, / and to honour those /
who are worthy of honour / - this is the Highest Blessing.

To reside / in a suitable locality, / to have done meritorious actions / in the past, /
and to set oneself / in the right course / - this is the Highest Blessing.

Vast-learning, / perfect handicraft, / a highly trained discipline, / and pleasant speech /
- this is the Highest Blessing.

The support of father and mother, / the cherishing of wife and children, /
and peaceful occupations / - this is the Highest Blessing.

Liberality, / righteous conduct, / the helping of relatives, / and blameless action /
- this is the Highest Blessing.

To cease / and abstain from evil, / forbearance / with respect to intoxicants, /
and steadfastness in virtue / - this is the Highest Blessing.

Reverence, / humility, / contentment, / gratitude /
and the opportune hearing of the Dhamma / - this is the Highest Blessing.

Patience, / obedience, / sight of the Samanas (Sanctified Ones), /
and religious discussions / at due seasons / - this is the Highest Blessing.

Self-control, / Holy life, / perception of the Noble Truths, /
and the realization of Nibbana / - this is the Highest Blessing.

He whose mind does not flutter / by contact with worldly contingencies, /
Sorrow less, Stainless, and Secure / - this is the Highest Blessing.

To them, / fulfilling matters / such as these, / everywhere invincible, /
in every way moving happily / - these are the Highest Blessings.

Return to Cyber Puja - Reflection on Dhammapada
