Metta Bhavana

Meditation on Lovingkindness*

May I be well, happy and peaceful.
May no harm come to me,
May no difficulty come to me,
May no problem come to me.
May I always meet with success.
May I also have patience, courage,
understanding and determination to
meet and overcome inevitable difficulties,
problems and failures in life.

May my parents be well, happy and peaceful.
May no harm come to them,
May no difficulty come to them,
May no problem come to them.
May they always meet with success.
May they also have patience, courage,
understanding and determination to
meet and overcome inevitable difficulties,
problems and failures in life.

May my teachers be well, happy and peaceful.
May no harm come to them,
May no difficulty come to them,
May no problem come to them.
May they always meet with success.
May they also have patience, courage,
understanding and determination to
meet and overcome inevitable difficulties,
problems and failures in life.

May my relatives be well, happy and peaceful.
May no harm come to them,
May no difficulty come to them,
May no problem come to them.
May they always meet with success.
May they also have patience, courage,
understanding and determination to
meet and overcome inevitable difficulties,
problems and failures in life.

May my friends be well, happy and peaceful.
May no harm come to them,
May no difficulty come to them,
May no problem come to them.
May they always meet with success.
May they also have patience, courage,
understanding and determination to
meet and overcome inevitable difficulties,
problems and failures in life.

May all indifferent persons be well, happy and peaceful.
May no harm come to them,
May no difficulty come to them,
May no problem come to them.
May they always meet with success.
May they also have patience, courage,
understanding and determination to
meet and overcome inevitable difficulties,
problems and failures in life.

May my enemies be well, happy and peaceful.
May no harm come to them,
May no difficulty come to them,
May no problem come to them.
May they always meet with success.
May they also have patience, courage,
understanding and determination to
meet and overcome inevitable difficulties,
problems and failures in life.

May all beings be well, happy and peaceful.
May no harm come to them,
May no difficulty come to them,
May no problem come to them.
May they always meet with success.
May they also have patience, courage,
understanding and determination to
meet and overcome inevitable difficulties,
problems and failures in life.

*Borrowed from
The Bhavana Society,
Rt. 1 Box 218-3
High View, WV 26808 USA
