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Ajahn Sumedho

Ajahn Pasanno

Ajahn Amaro

Ajahn Sundara

Ajahn Jitindriya

Talks by Ajahn Jitindriya

Ajahn Jitindriya

Ven. Jitindriya was born in Sydney, Australia in 1963. While studying art at college, she became more deeply interested in spiritual questions and investigating the nature of perception and consciousness. After graduating with a Diploma in Visual Art and working for a couple of years, 'the search' took the form of travel through South-East Asia, India and Europe. While living and working in England in 1987, she became seriously interested in meditation and the teachings of the Buddha. Feeling a strong connection with the community at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery and the teachings of Ajahn Chah and Ajahn Sumedho, she decided to live and practice in the way of the monastic Sangha there. She took Anagarika (Eight-precept) ordination in 1988 and Siladhara (Ten-precept) ordination in 1990. After living & training in the monasteries in England, as well as spending some time in Australia, a growing need to spend more time alone to focus on and develop the formal practice of meditation has brought her to Abhayagiri, where she has been offered the opportunity to do an extended period of solitary retreat.

Click on the talk below to listen.