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The "Thus-saids" -- Quotations from the Buddha

The Itivuttaka, the fourth book of the Khuddaka Nikaya, is a collection of 112 short suttas, arranged numerically (like the Anguttara Nikaya) by topic into four nipatas. Each sutta consists of both prose and verse addressing a single well-focused topic of ethical conduct or meditation.

The Itivuttaka takes its name from the Pali phrase that introduces each of the suttas: iti vuttam Bhagavata, "Thus was said by the Blessed One."

Selected suttas from the Itivuttaka

Note: Unless otherwise indicated, these suttas were translated from the Pali by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.

The four nipatas of the Ititvuttaka:

Revised: Fri 30 October 1998