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Samyutta Nikaya XXVII.1-10

Upakkilesa Samyutta

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Samyutta Nikaya XXVII.1

Cakkhu Sutta

The Eye

Context of this sutta

At Savatthi. "Monks, any desire & passion with regard to the eye is a defilement of the mind. Any desire & passion with regard to the ear...the nose...the tongue...the body...the intellect is a defilement of the mind. When, with regard to these six bases, the defilements of awareness are abandoned, then the mind is inclined to renunciation. The mind fostered by renunciation feels malleable for the direct knowing of those qualities worth realizing."

Samyutta Nikaya XXVII.2

Rupa Sutta


Context of this sutta

At Savatthi. "Monks, any desire & passion with regard to forms is a defilement of the mind. Any desire & passion with regard to sounds...aromas...flavors...tactile sensations...ideas is a defilement of the mind. When, with regard to these six bases, the defilements of awareness are abandoned, then the mind is inclined to renunciation. The mind fostered by renunciation feels malleable for the direct knowing of those qualities worth realizing."

Samyutta Nikaya XXVII.3

Viññana Sutta


Context of this sutta

At Savatthi. "Monks, any desire & passion with regard to eye-consciousness is a defilement of the mind. Any desire & passion with regard to ear-consciousness...nose-consciousness...tongue-consciousness...body-consciousness...intellect-consciousness is a defilement of the mind. When, with regard to these six bases, the defilements of awareness are abandoned, then the mind is inclined to renunciation. The mind fostered by renunciation feels malleable for the direct knowing of those qualities worth realizing."

Samyutta Nikaya XXVII.4

Phassa Sutta


Context of this sutta

At Savatthi. "Monks, any desire & passion with regard to contact at the eye is a defilement of the mind. Any desire & passion with regard to contact at the at the at the at the at the intellect is a defilement of the mind. When, with regard to these six bases, the defilements of awareness are abandoned, then the mind is inclined to renunciation. The mind fostered by renunciation feels malleable for the direct knowing of those qualities worth realizing."

Samyutta Nikaya XXVII.5

Vedana Sutta


Context of this sutta

At Savatthi. "Monks, any desire & passion with regard to feeling born of contact at the eye is a defilement of the mind. Any desire & passion with regard to feeling born of contact at the ear...feeling born of contact at the nose...feeling born of contact at the tongue...feeling born of contact at the body...feeling born of contact at the intellect is a defilement of the mind. When, with regard to these six bases, the defilements of awareness are abandoned, then the mind is inclined to renunciation. The mind fostered by renunciation feels malleable for the direct knowing of those qualities worth realizing."

Samyutta Nikaya XXVII.6

Sañña Sutta


Context of this sutta

At Savatthi. "Monks, any desire & passion with regard to perception (naming, labeling) of forms is a defilement of the mind. Any desire & passion with regard to perception of sounds...perception of aromas...perception of flavors...perception of tactile sensations...perception of ideas is a defilement of the mind. When, with regard to these six bases, the defilements of awareness are abandoned, then the mind is inclined to renunciation. The mind fostered by renunciation feels malleable for the direct knowing of those qualities worth realizing."

Samyutta Nikaya XXVII.7

Cetana Sutta


Context of this sutta

At Savatthi. "Monks, any desire & passion with regard to intentions involving forms is a defilement of the mind. Any desire & passion with regard to intentions involving sounds...intentions involving aromas...intentions involving flavors...intentions involving tactile sensations...intentions involving ideas is a defilement of the mind. When, with regard to these six bases, the defilements of awareness are abandoned, then the mind is inclined to renunciation. The mind fostered by renunciation feels malleable for the direct knowing of those qualities worth realizing."

Samyutta Nikaya XXVII.8

Tanha Sutta


Context of this sutta

At Savatthi. "Monks, any desire & passion with regard to craving for forms is a defilement of the mind. Any desire & passion with regard to craving for sounds...craving for aromas...craving for flavors...craving for tactile sensations...craving for ideas is a defilement of the mind. When, with regard to these six bases, the defilements of awareness are abandoned, then the mind is inclined to renunciation. The mind fostered by renunciation feels malleable for the direct knowing of those qualities worth realizing."

Samyutta Nikaya XXVII.9

Dhatu Sutta


Context of this sutta

At Savatthi. "Monks, any desire & passion with regard to the earth property is a defilement of the mind. Any desire & passion with regard to the liquid property...the fire property...the wind property...the space property...the consciousness property is a defilement of the mind. When, with regard to these six bases, the defilements of awareness are abandoned, then the mind is inclined to renunciation. The mind fostered by renunciation feels malleable for the direct knowing of those qualities worth realizing."

Samyutta Nikaya XXVII.10

Khandha Sutta


Context of this sutta

At Savatthi. "Monks, any desire & passion with regard to form is a defilement of the mind. Any desire & passion with regard to feeling...perception...fabrications...consciousness is a defilement of the mind. When, with regard to these five bases, the defilements of awareness are abandoned, then the mind is inclined to renunciation. The mind fostered by renunciation feels malleable for the direct knowing of those qualities worth realizing."

Revised: Sat 17 October 1998