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Sutta Nipata V.10


Kappa's Question

For free distribution only, as a gift of Dhamma

Context of this sutta

For one stranded in the middle of the lake,
in the flood of great danger -- birth --
overwhelmed with aging & death:
    Tell me the island, dear sir,
    and show me the island
    so that this may not happen again.
The Buddha:
For one stranded in the middle of the lake,
in the flood of great danger -- birth --
overwhelmed with aging & death,
    I will tell you the island, Kappa.

Having nothing,
clinging to no thing:
    That is the island,
    there is no other.
That's Unbinding, I tell you,
the total ending of aging & death.

Those knowing this, mindful,
        fully unbound
        in the here & now,
    do not serve as Mara's servants,
    do not come under Mara's sway.

Revised: Sat 17 October 1998