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1. Index of Similes
2. Index of Persons
3. Index of Subjects

Index of Similes[Go to top of page]

Note: Numbers refer to the translated passages (§) from the Canon.

Acrobat: 47
Ancient city: 239
Archer: 173
Baby boy: 61
Ball of saliva: 181
Ball of sealing wax: 142
Banyan tree: 128
Bathman: 150
Beauty queen: 40
Borrowed goods: 138
Bowl of water: 133
Bronze bowl: 57
Butcher: 30
Carpenter: 159
Carpenter's adze: 20
Cat: 157
Chain of bones: 138
Chariot: 150
City made of bones: 140
Cook: 35
Cowherd: 1
Dream: 138
Drops of water on heated iron pan: 60; 181
Drops of water on lotus leaf: 181
Earth: 180
Elephant: 33; 157; 163
Field: 220
Fire: 97; 180; 207
Fletcher: 59
Footprint of elephant: 79
Fruits of a tree: 138
Goldsmith: 182
Grass torch: 138
Guest house: 112
Hawk and quail: 37
Heated jar: 225
Hen and eggs: 20
House with windows: 234
Impenetrable darkness: 192
Impurities in gold: 132; 160
Insects falling into flame: 135
Iron ball: 68
Island in middle of river: 91
Ivory carver: 64
Ladle in soup: III/A
Leaves in hand: 188
Leper: 139
Light of moon: 79
Lotuses in pond: 150
Lump of flesh: 138
Man going from village to village: 64
Man holding quail: 161
Man in debt: 134
Man in love with woman: 59
Man in prison: 134
Man stabbed by spears: 193
Man standing on tall building: 64
Man walking quickly: 159
Man with good eyes: 159; 181
Man wrapped in white cloth: 150
Mirror: 6
Moisture: 220
Monkey trap: 38
Mountain cow: 162
Ocean: I/B; 18; 42
Ocean-going ship: 20
Pain in healthy person: 175
Painted picture: 142; 234
Park: 67
Person reflecting: 150
Pile of dust: 44
Pit of glowing embers: 138
Pool of water: 64; 144; 157
Pot: 108
Potter: 64
Potter's vessels: 19
Puddle in cow's footprint: 144
Puppets: 142
Quail in hand: 161
Rabbit: 157
Raft: 113; 114
Rag in road: 144
Rain of gold coins: 141
Rain on mountains: 125; 238
Reflection of one's face: 58, 64
Ridged roof: 75
River: 131
River Ganges: 13; 49; 90
Road through desolate country: 134
Royal frontier fortress: 73; 99
Sack of grain: 30
Salt crystal: 13
Scented woods: 77
Seed: 184; 220
Shadow: 8
Sheaves of reeds: 228
Sick man: 134; 144
Six animals tied together: 39
Slave: 134
Snap of fingers: 181
Sound of drums: 64
Space: 180
Spike of bearded wheat: 109
Spring-fed lake: 150
Stakes for impaling animals: 191
Strong man: 159; 181
Sun ray: 234
Thicket of views: 51
Thoroughbred horse: 177
Tree: 26; 128; 208
Tuft of cotton seed: 68
Turban on fire: 58
Turner: 30
Unbroken colt: 177
Vina: 86
Water: 180
Water jar: 150
Water tank: 150
Wheel of chariot: 8
Wind: 110; 180
Young woman or man: 58; 64; 159

Index of Persons [Go to top of page]

Note: Numbers refer to the translated passages (§) from the Canon.

Ajita Kesakambalin: 240
Ananda, Ven.: 36; 48; 64; 67; 68; 115; 152; 166; 174; 176; 181; 214; 220; 231; 237; 240
Anathapindika: 135; 187
Anuruddha, Ven.: 45; 161; 167
Bodhisatta: 1; 161; 239
Brahma: 124; 177
Byagghapajja (TigerPaw): 117
Ciravasi: 209
Dasama: 174
Dhammadinna, Sister: 105; 148; 204; 223
Frying Pan: 47
Gandhabhaka: 209
Gavampati, Ven.: 194
Godha: 116
Indra: 177
Jatila Bhagiya, Sister: 176
Jivaka: 142
Kaccayana, Ven.: 186
Kalamas: 2
Kundaliya: 92
Magandiya: 139
Maha Kassapa, Ven.: 56
Maha Kotthita, Ven.: 201; 228
Maha Moggallana, Ven.: 45; 57; 147
Mahanama: 116
Makkhali Gosala: 240
Mara: 24; 37; 221
Moliyasivaka: 14
Mundika: 61
Nigantha Nataputta: 240
Pañcakanga: 61
Paharada: 18
Pajapati: 177
Pakudha Kaccayana: 240
Pañcakanga: 61
Purana Kassapa: 240
Rahula, Ven.: 6; 180
Sandha, Ven.: 177
Sañjaya Belatthitaputta: 240
Sariputta, Ven.: 56; 57; 74; 89; 107; 144; 167; 172; 175; 198; 201; 202; 203; 216; 227; 228
Sona, Ven.: 86
Subha, Sister: 142
Subhadda, Ven.: 240
Udayin, Ven.: 60; 175; 176
Uggahamana: 61
Unnabha: 67
Uttiya, Ven.: 27; 99
Vassakara: 152
Visakha: 105; 148; 223

Index of Subjects[Go to top of page]

Note: Numbers refer to the page numbers from the 1996 printed edition of the book; the numbers in parentheses (§) refer to the translated passages from the Canon.

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Revised: Tue 2 November 1999