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Sutta Nipata V.9


Todeyya's Questions

For free distribution only, as a gift of Dhamma

Context of this sutta

One in whom
there dwell no sensualities;
one in whom
no craving is found;
one who has crossed over perplexity --
    his emancipation:
    what is it like?
The Buddha:
One in whom
there dwell no sensualities;
one in whom
no craving is found;
one who has crossed over perplexity --
    his emancipation
    is not other than that.
Is he without desire,
or desiring?
Discerning or
still acquiring discernment?
Describe the sage to me, Sakyan
with the all-around eye,
so that I may recognize
what he is like.
The Buddha:
He's without desire,
    not desiring;
not still acquiring discernment.
Recognize the sage, Todeyya,
as having    nothing,
    in sensuality
        & becoming.

Revised: Sat 17 October 1998