Buddhist Wisdom



Face Up to Suffering

     If you are afraid of suffering, face up to it.

    Happiness does not beget more happiness. We can achieve it only by facing up to suffering.

Fame and Wealth Are Nothing

    Fame and wealth are, after all, nothing. When you die you have to depend on morality, concentration, and wisdom.

Fame Will Corrupt You

    If you don’t have enough intelligence, fame will probably corrupt you even in such a pure and clear religion as Buddhism.

Finding the Right Path

    It is vital to develop one’s intelligence and find the right path through religion.

    Effective ways to practice meditation are to be found in Buddhism.


     “All men are fools” is a saying that encourages people to do more foolish acts.

For the Benefit of Family

    Though one may be highly educated, very rich or hold a high official position, one still has to work for one’s family.

For the Good of Others

    A noble and pure person is one who sacrifices his interests for the good of others. He has to reduce his greed and ill-will.

Four Kinds of People

    One who comes out of the dark and is going into darkness; one who comes out of light and is going into darkness; one who comes out of darkness and is going into light; and one who comes out of light and is going into light: these are the four kinds of people. Try to become like the fourth.

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