Buddhist Wisdom



Gain Knowledge While Young

     Whatever art or knowledge it may be, we must acquire it at an early age. There will always be a difference in status between the educated and the uneducated.

Getting on Well

    People think that one gets on well only when one wins a lottery or does good business. However, if one contemplates natural phenomena and purify one’s mind, one gets on very well indeed.

    It is not that one has happiness if one is in a good position materially; it is only when one has less desire and anger that one attains happiness.

Getting the Better of Others

    People have the habit of getting the better of others, and scorning and condemning them.

    If you get the better of another, people will side with you, but if they get the better of you, they will change sides. That’s natural.

Give and Take

    Buddhist monks shouldn’t be only on the side of taking; they should also give. What are they to give? They should give education to children, preach the Dhamma to the laity, and contribute their efforts to the welfare of the country.

Give As Good As You Get

     If someone offers you one pound, you must do something worth two.

Go From Strength to Strength

     Merit cannot be obtained without really trying. You must work hard to earn merit. The confidence in Dhamma you have now should be used to cultivate more confidence. The diligence that you use now will augment the diligence you will have in the future.

Good Begets Good

    It is natural that good deeds produce good results.

Good Results Take Time

    Good results take time to mature whereas bad results are often instant.

Gradual Attainment of Happiness

    Prosperity resulting from good intentions and meritorious deeds will prevail not only now but also in the future until you attain the state of perfection. Merit leads to gradual attainment of happiness. Those who pursue material prosperity do not know this. They should try to understand it.


    If there is no religion and no culture, there will be no gratitude; then human society will degenerate completely.


    Greed should be allowed within limits. One can be allowed to have desire for one’s food, clothing, and shelter, but once desire exceeds a reasonable limit it cannot be controlled.

    In giving charity, if you hanker for popularity and prestige, and desire celestial realms in your next existence, then all these desires are motivated by greed.

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