Buddhist Wisdom



Lack of Friends

    There is no lack of friends for the wealthy, the educated or the high-ranking officer, whereas no one comes near the poor, the uneducated or the lower class.

Leave Human Society

    One who has a noble mind should leave human society after dealing with people according to the moral code.

Let the Dogs Bark

    While fleeing from a chasing tiger, don’t heed the dog’s barking.

Life Goes On

    Life is not static; it is always moving. We are all going on a journey. So we should know where we come from and where we are going.


    One’s life-span is not shorter because of living a good life, nor is it longer by living in dissipation.

Like A Sinking Boat

    Our religion is like a boat that is sinking while rowing. Although religious devotees give the monks the necessities of life, and although the monks are learning and teaching the Dhamma, there is no progress in confidence in Buddhism, observance of morality, and attainment of wisdom.

Lip Service

    In this mendacious world, people are using their lips to utter boastful words. Lip service will not produce solid work.

Look Beneath the Surface

    Contemplating on the thirty-two component parts of the body is better than just looking at the surface.

Lower Classes

    When people reach the upper classes, they regard lower class people with contempt; while those in the lower classes usually have envy and jealousy.

Lower Realms

    In this universe there is a hell, and the animal kingdom, ghosts, fools, and poor people. All will die one day. Be careful!

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