Buddhist Wisdom



Patch Up Your Own Boat

    If you can patch up another’s boat and cannot patch up your own, you will be drowned in midstream.

    Never mind others’ faults; know your own.

Path of Misery

    People are talking of trouble, but they are walking the path of misery. So the trouble-infected one will meet trouble in the midst of troubles.

    Today, people are following the path for the increase of greed, anger, and misery. They are not able to see the path that leads to peace and happiness.

    If people have much demerit, they will be afflicted with many diseases and will live a short life. They will live a miserable existence.

Peace Keepers?

    The stupid leaders of the world expect to get peace only through war. That’s why they are reinforcing their armies with men and hardware while talking glibly of peace.

People Love Trouble

    What one loves best gives one the worst trouble. For every love-object there is trouble. Many love-objects, many troubles. No love-objects, no trouble.


    Cultivating perfections for enlightenment is not easy. Although others contribute their efforts, you will only get as much as you earn.


    In doing any work, first, you must have general knowledge; second, you must be mentally active; third, you must discriminate between right and wrong, finally, you must have perseverance.

Pointing the Finger

    People are in the habit of pointing their fingers at others. They do not point at themselves. If they point at others, they point with just one finger while the other four are pointing at themselves.

    Don’t speak ill of others in their absence; don’t condemn them in their presence; don’t be hasty to blame them.

Pot of Gold

    People only consider charity as a gold pot, but morality and mental culture are also very precious. They are just as valuable as charity.

    Almsgiving entails spending money; observing moral precepts doesn’t need money, but it is more rewarding.

    The person who admonishes you by pointing out your faults and defects is like one who points out a pot of gold.

    If you are morally pure, you will be mentally pure. You will then experience a subtle joy which will develop into a mature joy, and thus you will have true happiness, physical well-being, and mental stability.

Practise Loving Kindness Always

    Loving kindness must be radiated always; while you are sitting, walking or lying down. Radiate loving-kindness always, if you are not asleep.

    Forest fires burn dry leaves more easily than wet leaves. The fire of immorality burns the man who has no kindness more easily than the man who saturates his mind with loving-kindness. If you have a weapon to defend yourself, no tiger will bite you. If you don’t have a weapon, even a cow will gore you. So depend on weapons. The most effective is loving-kindness.

Praying is Not Enough

    People are merely praying when there is a clear path to nibbāna.

    If mere praying will do, then all in the world will become Buddhas.

    You cannot get potential for enlightenment merely by praying. However, you can get it if you only practise without praying.

    Prayer is not essential; practice is.

Preparation for Insight Meditation

    First, contemplate the attributes of the Buddha so that you will adore the Buddha more. Then radiate loving-kindness for the welfare of all beings. Then only, start insight meditation by contemplating the impermanence of all things

Prestige is Not Important

    Gaining prestige is not important. Maintaining the prestige already gained is more important. Prestige is gained by right conduct, but sometimes it is gained by wrong means.


    If you are educated, wealthy or good-looking, don’t despise others.

Pride of Wealth

    People are proud as much as they are wealthy.


    Except in dying, be punctual in eating, going, and doing things.

Purify Your Mind

    If your ear is clean, you will hear better. If your eye is clear, you will see better. If your mind is pure, you will understand better.

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