Errata to "Clearing the Path" (Path Press, Colombo 1987) ________________________________________________________ Last modified: 26 June 1998 * = recent additions page comment ix line 18up read: 4 - p. 25, 65 x line 8 read: Sa^myutta 7: iii,16-18 xii line 2 read: for "Le Myth" read "Le Mythe" xii line 14: for "a French" read "an Italian" xii line 16up read: for "Grenier, Jean," read "Grenier, Jean." xiii line 16up read: for "M'Taggart" read "McTaggart" xiv line 10 read: La Mort dans l'^ame xiv line 4up: for "Routledge, Kegan" read "Routledge & Kegan" 8 line 1up: for "Cardiff, 1955" read "Cardiff 1955" 38 line 9up: for "a.t.thangiko" read "a.t.tha^ngiko" 44 line 3up read: ) 45 line 2 read: (See 45 line 8up: for "upaadiyim" read "upaadiyi^m" 55 line 1up: for "I,v,]1." read "I,v,$1." 63 line 9 read: note 13.) 64 line 13up: for "'reflection,'" read "'reflexion,'" 65 line 16up: for ")." read "4)." 66 line 16up: for "judgments" read "judgements" 66 line 15 up: for "judgment" read "judgement" 73 line 11up: for "mahaabhuuta" read "mahaabhuutaa" 77 line 13 read: A NOTE ON PA.TICCASAMUPPAADA $5]; 77 line 21up: for "PA.TICCASAMUPPAADA [G]," read "PA.TICCASAMUPPAADA [G]]," 78 line 13up: for "rupa^m rupattaya" read "ruupa^m ruupattaaya" 89 line 19: for "phassso" read "phasso" 93 line 9: for "(ibid. ii" read (ibid. ii,8" 97 line 11: for ")" read ")" 101 line 8: for "[See SAKKAAYA]" read "[see SAKKAAYA]" 104 line 14: for "vi~n~naa.n'upaadaanakkhandhaa" read "vi~n~naa.n'upaadaanakkhandha" 106 line 20up: for "(Theragaathaa v.716)" read "(Theragaathaa v. 716)" 110 line 14: for "pathama^m" read "pa.thama^m" 111 line 11: for "however - e.g." read "however, - e.g." 118 line 14up: the numbers in "o1 and o2 and o3" should be lower indexes 124 line 11up: for "thhing" read "thing" 139 line 17up: after "Bala - power, strength." add a new entry: "bahiddhaa - outside, external, objective." 139 line 10up: for "ma~n~nana" read "ma~n~nanaa" 140 line 14up: after "micchaadi.t.thi.)" add a new entry: "sassatadi.t.thi - eternalist-view. (Opp. ucchedadi.t.thi.)" 144 line 20up: for "viruulhi^m" read "viruu.lhi^m" 144 line 13up: for "naamaruupa" read "naamaruupe" 144 line 5up: for "itthata^m" read "itthatta^m" 151 line 1: for "6. LETTERS" read "LETTERS" 172 line 16up: for "Preface (f)." read "Preface (f).)" 189 line 1: for "IV:" read "IV." 189 line 5: "Wheel" should be in italics 192 line 8: "Wheel" should be in italics 200 line 10 read: any first-year student knows 203 line 14up read: for "i,30-32>" read "i,30-31>" 204 line 2: for "'Better," read "Better," 209 line 12: for "unneccessarily" read "unnecessarily" 210 line 6up: for "work the for weal of" read "work for the weal of" 212 line 15: for "Arogya" read "Aarogya" 212 line 14up: for "(Arogyaparamaa" read "(Aarogya paramaa" 213 line 10: for "see saying" read "see, saying" 214 line 9 read: near the end as follows: 'This 218 line 18up: for "skillfully;" read "skilfully;" 219 line 3up: for "Have you every noticed" read "Have you ever noticed" 225 line 19: for "Unawareness" read "(Unawareness" 239 line 10up: for "P. S." read "P.S." 245 line 1: for "V:" read "V." 246 line 18up read: an-upaadisesa-nibbaanadhaatu 251 line 1, for "VI:" read "VI." 252 line 17up: for "author in a non-Sinhala" read "author is a non-Sinhala" *256 line 16up: for "Cuula-" read "" 256 line 15up read: i,175-8.2) 259 line 22: for "connexion the note" read "connexion, the note" 259 line 14up: for "connexion" read "connection" 262 line 8up: for "p. 77)." read "p. 77)" 268 line 13: for "diplomat. this" read "diplomat. This" 269 line 2up: for "of ruupa and" read "of ruupa' and" 273 line 10up: for "ideas.)" read "ideas)." 276 line 10: for "(Th. 407)" read "(Thag. 407)" 280 line 21up: for "part.)" read "part)." 284 line 17up: for "Pa~n~nati" read "Pa~n~natti" 285 line 1up: for "the right" read "the right path;" 286 line 14: for "the fact])a" read "the fact]a" 286 line 2up: for "(see" read "(See" 294 line 8: for "Alexander's Army" read "Alexander's army" 294 line 10up: for "Head of the State" read "Head of State" 316 line 12: for "wishful thinking." read "wishful thinking.)" 322 line 10: for "protruberance" read "protuberance" 328 line 10: for "thinking nothing" read "thinking, nothing" 336 line 20up: for "(i) the" read "(i) The" 336 line 11up: for "(iii) the" read "(iii) The" 337 line 10up: for "And as for plan," read "And as for a plan," 340 line 6: for "kayasa^nkhaaraa" read "kaayasa^nkhaaraa" 345 line 19: for "series] the" read "series], the" 345 line 22: for "cakkhuvi~n~naa.nadhaatuyaa"); for the Pali" read "cakkhuvi~n~naa.nadhaatuyaa)"; for the Pali" 346 line 14: for "Dhammasa^ngani" read "Dhammasa^nganii" 352 line 17: for "point. the Ven." read "point. The Ven." 354 line 2: for "[L.85]" read "[L. 85]" 360 line 3: for "philosophy." read "philosophy.)" 362 line 23: for "breaks up.)" read "breaks up)." 365 line 20: for "Pali Texts" read "Pali texts" 365 line 10up: for "4 March 1964" read "4 April 1964" 367 line 9up: for "example, even" read "example), even" 367 line 7up: for "phala - see CITTA - sekha" read "phala) - see CITTA - sekhaa" 371 line 13up: for "The Ekayaano" read "The Ekaayano" 372 line 11: for "iii,2891 - and" read "iii,2891) - and" 377 line 2up: for "say 'Cheerio!'?" read "says 'Cheerio!'?" 384 line 16: for "highest pleasure.1" read "highest pleasure.2" 388 line 17: for "udhacca-kukkucca" read "uddhacca-kukkucca" 388 line 1up: for "bhagini" read "bhaginii" 389 line 4: for "bhikkhunis" read "bhikkhuniis" 389 line 5: for "bhikkhuni" read "bhikkhunii" 389 line 6: for "bhikkhunis as bhagini." read "bhikkhuniis as bhaginii." 391 line 3up: for "to be practiced." read "to be practised." 393 line 15: for "bhikkhunis" read "bhikkhuniis" 398 line 14up: for "written would would" read "written word would" 407 line 5: for "he acknowledge his" read "he acknowledges his" 408 line 16up: for "(M. 22: 1,140)" read "(M. 22: i,140)" 413 line 1: for "VII:" read "VII." 413 line 18up: for "sexual matter" read "sexual matters" 413 line 1up: for "affair for as few" read "affair for a few" 420 line 14up: for "a blotter', (B&N," read "a blotter' (B&N," 432 line 5: for "congoscitur," read "cognoscitur," 437 line 1: for "VIII:" read "VIII." 439 line 7: for "mathematician is a small way," read "mathematician in a small way," 443 line 3: for "then at normal" read "than at normal" 443 line 17: for "charnal grounds" read "charnel grounds" 445 line 6: for "Augustine, certainly" read "Augustine certainly" 453 line 21 read: Jaatijaraamara.nadhammaana^m aavuso 454 line 6up: should be accent over first e in "s'ecoule" 457 lines 12, 14 and 17: for "lust hate and" read "lust, hate and" 465 line 5up: for "Jayatilleka's" read "Jayatilleke's" 466 line 7up: for "apophatique]" read "apophantique]" 469 line 7up: should be accent over e in "aimes" 473 line 17up: for "tu.nhiim" read "tu.nhim" 473 line 16up: for "^m" read "bahubhaa.nina^m" 477 line 7up: for "a~n~naana^m" read "^m" 478 line 8up: for "dukkha (For the" read "dukkha (for the" 479 line 1: for "IX:" read "IX." 479 line 3: for "Upaasika" read "Upaasikaa" 480 line 19: for "pa~ncas'upadaanaakkhandhesu" read "pa~ncas'upaadaanakkhandhesu" 480 line 20: for "cakkhupaadaa" read "cakkhuppaadaa" 480 line 21: for "sabba^m tam" read "sabba^m ta^m" 481 line 20up: for "mahaabhuutana^m upaadaayo" read "mahaabhuutaana^m upaadaaya" 482 line 13: for "ariyapugglaa" read "ariyapuggalaa" 482 line 20: for "kaayasakkhii, di.t.thisampanno," read "kaayasakkhi, di.t.thipatto," 484 line 12: for "khi.naasava," read "khii.naasava," 484 line 19: for "ti ane~nja^m)," read "ti aane~nja^m)," 485 lines 8 and 10up: for "sa.laayatanaa" read "sa.laayatana" 486 line 1up: for "change..." read "change...." 495 line 17: for "'There is, Kassapa," read "There is, Kassapa," 495 line 1up: for "di.t.thipattaa" read "di.t.thipatta" 496 line 2: PTS has a new address: 73 Lime Walk, Headington, Oxford OX3 7AD, England 496 line 11: for "" read "" 497-508 headers: for "(pages" read "(pp." and for "(page" read "(p." 498 line 17up: for "to ceasing to calm" read "to ceasing, to calm" 504 first paragraph: not in italics 504 line 21: for "L. 4, $4)." read "L. 4, $5)." 506 line 18: for "practise" read "practice" 507 line 2up: for "$5" read "$6" 509 line 7: for "palipitations" read "palpitations" 510 line 11up: for "understand this" read "understands this" 511 line 1up: for "book." read "book.)" 512 line 17up read: [L. 44] Sartre's waiter: For the paragraph on the waiter, see pp. 59-60 of Barne's translation. 514 line 5: for "L. 58." read "L. 85." 514 line 12: for "A. X.29:" read "A. X,29:" 514 line 1up: for "in indivisible." read "is indivisible." 515 line 1up: for "not only be queerer" read "not only queerer" 519 line 8: for "(see." read "(see" 519 line 13up: for "hundred of texts." read "hundreds of texts." 519 line 2up: for "Mahava^msa" read "Mahaava^msa" 521 line 14up: for "A. VI: 68:" read "A. VI,68:" 522 line 7up: for "sastisfactory;" read "satisfactory;" 522 line 1up: should be accent over e in "Abbe" 528 line 17up: for "nivara.naa" read "" 528 line 13up: for "investigation of Dhamma" read "investigation of phenomena" 531 line 10: for "because ne does" read "because he does" 531 line 17up: after "without knowing." add "It is an entirely new landscape." 534 line 4: for "Sarvastavaadin" read "Sarvaastivaadin" 534 line 6: for "bhikkhunis" read "bhikkhuniis" 538 line 9up: for "a little fruit,'" read "a little fruit.'" 538 line 6up: for "sometime" read "sometimes" 541 line 14: should be accent over first e in "eminence" 541 lines 20-22: replace by "... was first published by Mr. Weerasinghe in 1952. It was reissued by the BPS in 1964, with the help of Irene Quittner. The first publication was cyclostyled." 542 header should refer to: (pp. 417-434) 543 line 10up: for "Liasons" read "Liaisons" 543 line 2up: for "Praj~naaparamitaa" read "Praj~naapaaramitaa" 544 header should refer to: (pp. 449-464) 544 line 5: for "Praj~naaparamitaa Sutra" read "Praj~naapaaramitaa Suutra" 544 line 5 read: for "by M. Bernard-Thierry." read "by Ms. Bernard-Thierry." 549 line 2: for "become. Which are" read "become or assisting those seeking to be. Which are" 550 header should refer to: (pp. 469-481) 550 line 1up: for "$2." read "$3." 551 line 11: for "provided hereby the" read "provided here by the" 552 line 17: for "a~n~na" read "a~n~naa" 552 line 3up: for "aparapaccayaa" read "aparapaccaya" 553 line 14: for "idappaccayataa" read "ida(p)paccayataa" 553 line 14up: for "non-determined" read "non-determined." 553 line 4up: for "assaasapassaasa" read "assaasapassaasaa" 553 line 1up: for "57." read "57" 554 in header: for "t. th," read "t, th," 554 line 22: for "leprosy" read "leper" 554 line 14up: for "khi.naasavaa - destruction of the cankers." read "khii.naasava - one who has destroyed the cankers." 554 line 9up: for "cakkhupaadaa" read "cakkhuppaada" 554 line 9up: for "di.t.thipattaa" read "di.t.thipatta" 554 line 4up: for "citt'ekaggata" read "citt'ekaggataa" 555 line 3: for "niivara.naa" read "" 555 line 17up: for "pa.tibaddhaa" read "pa.tibaddha" 556 line 10up: for "bodhipakkhiyaa" read "bodhipakkhiya" 556 line 3up: for "bhagini" read "bhaginii" 557 line 4up: for "satta-bojjha^nga" read "satta-bojjha^ngaa" 557 line 2up: for "sattami" read "sattamii" 558 line 6: for "saddhaavimuttaa" read "saddhaavimutta" 558 line 10: for "Good Men" read "Good Man" 558 line 10up: for "sa.laayatanaa" read "sa.laayatana" 560 line 17: for "aarogyaa" read "aarogya" 560 line 8up: for "attaa hi attaano" read "attaa hi attano" 561 lines 16up-7up read: Camus, Albert: 61; on existentialism, 43, 62, 141; on friends, 62; on suicide, death, 20, 88; and Transcendence, 135; Exile and the Kingdom, 59, 62; The Fall, 129; Myth of Sisyphus, 62, 130, 141; Noces (Nuptials), 62; The Plague, 109; The Rebel, 61 563 line 20: for "di.t.thipattaa" read "di.t.thipatta" 566 line 16up: for "Jayatilleka" read "Jayatilleke" 566 line 5: for "Jouhendreau" read "Jouhandeau" 566 line 15: for "Kaama Sutra" read "Kaama Suutra" 567 line 3: for "Mahaakaccana" read "Mahaakaccaana" 569 line 10up: for "nikong" read "nikang" 570 line 8 read: pain: 12, 15, 28, 109, 114, 115, 120 570 line 10: delete "58," 571 line 11: for "vimuttaa," read "vimutta," 571 line 10up: for "Saappadasa" read "Sappadaasa" 572 line 3 read: self-correction 572 line 4 read: self-identity 574 line 5: for "uccaasayanamahaasayanaa" read "uccaasayana-mahaasayanaa" 574 line 6: for "udhacca-kukkucca" read "uddhacca-kukkucca" 574 line 13: for "unstablemindedness" read "unstable-mindedness" 574 line 23: for "Vassana" read "Vassaana" 574 line 6up: for "vi~n~naa.nam anidassanam" read "^m anidassana^m" 574 line 5up: for "vi~n~naa.nacaayatana" read "" 575 line 6: for "Khuddhaka" read "Khuddaka" 575 line 7: for "Theratherigaathaa" read "Theratheriigaathaa" 575 line 18up: for "17 [ii. 199]" read "17 [ii, 198]" 575 line 16up: for "22 [ii. 305-12]" read "22 [ii, 305-12]" 575 line 15up: for "75 [i,500]" read "74 [i,500]" 575 line 10up: for "9 [i, 46]" read "9 [i, 46-47]" 575 line 9up: for "102 [ii,234]: 9-10" read "102 [ii,234]: 10" 575 line 6up: for "10 [i,57-8]" read "10 [i,56-9]" 575 line 1up: for "27 [i,175-8]" read "27 [175]" 576 line 7: for "107&108" read "107" 576 line 14: for "38 [iii, 38]" read "37 [iii, 38]" 576 line 16: for "68 [iii,422-23]: 522" read "68 [iii,422-23]: 521" 576 line 23: for "Sa.laaytana" read "Sa.laayatana" 576 line 16up: for "188 [iv,192]" read "204 [iv,192]" 576 line 10up: for "18 [17]" read "58 [71]" 576 line 6up: for "10 [iv,371]" read "10 [iv,400]" 576 line 5up: for "30 [v,89-90]: 551" read "30 [v,89-90]: 488, 551" __________ In the whole book, the titles Mr (Mr.) and Mrs (Mrs.) should be standardized to "Mr." and "Mrs."