How to download texts from
Ñánavíra Thera Dhamma Page

Have you ever wondered if there is a quick way how to download all the texts made available on this site so that you can read them at your leisure off-line? Well, here is how you do it: First, you will need to create a directory on your hard drive. Let's say that you will want to save the texts in a directory called C:\NANAVIRA on your computer. Then, you will need to download the following file containing zipped (compressed) documents which you will subsequently unzip (decompress) in that directory. You can use any suitable utility for this purpose, such as Pkzip, WinZip or Newzip (freeware).

File name Directory name Size Last revised C:\NANAVIRA\ 1.6 MB 16 December 1999

If you follow the above procedure precisely as described, you should be able to open the Ñánavíra Thera Dhamma Page locally on your computer from C:\NANAVIRA\INDEX.HTM. You can then browse the texts off-line and all the links should be working. The only links which will not work are those to other web sites.

The Zip file will be updated from time to time, as I add new texts to the site and correct mistakes in the old ones. Therefore you should check this page regularly to download the latest version.

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