Pali-English Conversion Table

(It should be noted that these equivalents are valid within the context of this particular work only.)

Attá self
Abhijánáti to recognize
Avijjá nescience
Asmíti chanda desire 'I am'
Upádána habitualness, stability of attitude or of mode of craving
Kamma action
Cetaná intention
Jánáti, Ñána to cognize, cognition
Tanhá craving, gradient of feeling
Dhamma nature (i.e. essence), idea, field, habit, attitude
Námarúpa significant or oriented object, world of objects
Pajánáti, Paññá to understand, understanding
Patigha resistance
Papañca dispersion
Parijánáti to see completely
Phassa encounter
Bhava being, existence
Maññati to conceive
Manasikára attention
Mano mind
Mána conceit
Vijánáti, Viññána to be conscious, consciousness
Vedaná feeling
Sankhára structure (the word is used in the present work in three senses, (i) 'mode of (ontological) structure', (ii) 'structural component', (iii) 'what has (ontological) structure', 'what is individualized or determined' -- by sankhára the last is intended)
Sañjánáti, saññá to perceive, perception, quality
Sampajánáti, Sampajañña to be aware, awareness
Saláyatana five-senses-and-mind, orientation

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