Buddhist Wisdom



Happy Birthday

    A birthday is a reminder of your increasing age. You must admonish yourself, saying, “I am one year nearer to death. Those of my age, and those younger and older than I am, have died. As nothing is permanent, I am getting nearer to death. Before I die, I will try to reinforce my potential for future goodness. ”

Hard to Attain

    Few people are reborn as human beings. Even as human beings, few have come into the scope of the Buddha’s teachings. Even if one is a Buddhist, one can rarely become a true Buddhist.

Have A Liberal Outlook

    People are generally liberal in their outlook on secular matters, but they are not so liberal in religious matters.

Have Good Morality

    Truth is the opposite of falsehood. Nowadays the truth is weak. Even in the five precepts, avoiding lies has been featured. The person who has morality can get the rewards he wishes to have. If you don’t have good morality, you will either go to Hell or become an animal in your next existence. Even if you are reborn as a human being, you will be poor and foolish.

Heed the Buddha’s Advice

    The Buddha cannot save you if you take shelter in this dispensation without heeding his advice.

Heirs of the Dhamma

    The property that parents leave their children as a legacy will help them only in this life, but if parents can give them the Dhamma, it will benefit them throughout samsāra.

Humans and Animals

     Naturally, human beings have more benefit from good deeds than animals, and in doing bad deeds too, they surpass animals.

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