|  | | Buddhist Wisdom | | 
| | | I Don’t Want HeavenI don’t want an existence in the
celestial realms. There I won’t have much chance to do meritorious deeds. Here in the human world, we can do meritorious deeds and serve others’ interests. The human realm is much better.
If the Buddha Did Not AppearIf the sun did not appear in the world the
people would be groping in the dark and some would fall into a chasm. If the Buddha did not appear, there would be no knowledge of the Dhamma, and people would fall into the chasm of Hell. It is because the Buddha appeared that wisdom prevails to distinguish Hell from nibbāna, celestial realms and so forth. Otherwise, there would be profound ignorance.
Ignorance is Worse Than Poverty
Ignorance is worse than poverty. It is worse than not practising the Dhamma, but wrong view is worse than non-practice.
IndulgenceYou should enjoy pleasures only for a limited portion of your leisure time.
If you are in for serious work, no work is as easy as eating and drinking.
InjusticeIn this unjust world, there is one injustice after another. Conducting one’s
life righteously is difficult.
Insight MeditationIf you practise insight meditation, you will gain wisdom. If you have developed wisdom, you can remove ignorance. Insight meditation requires constant practice, or one will be just the same as any other person. Just as you take your meals at regular hours, you should practise insight meditation regularly.
Instead of Weeping
Instead of weeping when your parents are dead, you should look after them well when they are alive.
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