Buddhist Wisdom



Kamma Always Follows You

    Kamma is the deed done with good or bad intention. So long as one has not got rid of ignorance and desire, the consequences of kamma will not fade out. Like the embers covered with ashes, these consequences will flare up when the occasion arises.

     Heedless people’s thoughts tend towards evil deeds so the chances of unwholesome consequences always follow them.

Kamma is Not to Blame

    People put the blame on kamma. They believe that good fortune will come when kamma is on the rise, and that they will meet failure and misfortune when their kamma is down. They are labouring under this misconception. One should not depend entirely upon one’s kamma; there is a saying, “If one treads on thorns one will still have one’s foot pricked. ”

    People blame everything on kamma. The Buddha advised improvement by intelligence and diligence. If people blame kamma they are ignoring the Buddha’s teaching, and simultaneously do a disservice to the nation by their fatalistic view.

Keep to the Straight Path

    If you do anything in contravention of the monastic discipline, everything will go awry.

Keeping One’s Prestige

    Keeping one’s prestige is more difficult than to achieve it.

Know Your Own Character

    Don’t tell others about your own character. It is for you to know if your character is good or bad.

Knowledge and Practice

    In the scope of the Buddha’s teachings there are as many things to know as there are things to practise.

    The Buddhist religion means the teachings of the Buddha: morality, concentration, and wisdom.

    In the round of rebirths, relatives are of no account; being of noble morality is the only thing of value.

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