Buddhist Wisdom



Make Good Efforts

    If you want to obtain good results make good efforts. People want to enjoy benefits without really trying.

Make Your Own Good Luck

    Make your own good luck by doing good deeds; if you wait it may never come.

Making Headway

     If you want to make headway in life, try to become proficient according to your age.

    With good behaviour, a good mind, and a good education, I will make headway in life. Otherwise, I will get into a rut.

Man of Courage

    A man of high morals performs his duties as a human being while he is alive, and so leaves the world with courage.

Materialists are Fools

    Those who encourage materialism to flourish in the world are fools.

May the Buddha’s Teaching Last Long

    I am not striving just for my own benefit. I am trying to maintain the noble attributes of the Buddha’s teachings that tradition has established so that the dispensation may continue to prevail.

Measuring Things

    Everybody measures things with the yardstick of his own views.

Morality is Always Beneficial

    Morality confers happiness both here and hereafter. Loving-kindness, compassion, truthfulness, and forbearance, too, are always beneficial.

Morality is Better Than Charity

    You are gradually approaching the end of this life and a transfer to the next existence. It is better to have high morality than charity for the next life. If you have sufficient store of morality, you can be happy in your next life even if you don’t have much charity. It is best to observe eight precepts with right livelihood as the eighth, which is observed by good people.

More Difficult

    It is more difficult to have dealings with someone you respect than with someone you don’t.

    Attaining wisdom is more difficult than gaining fame and influence.

Mothers Should Work Hard

    Children remain idle because parents are busy. To ensure that their children are good and clever, mothers should work at least as hard as their men.

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