|  | | Buddhist Wisdom | | 
| | | National SolidarityInterracial marriages are necessary for
national solidarity among Upper Burma, Lower Burma, Hill Tribes, and Plains people.
No Being is AfraidNo One Can Help You
If the trouble that you are in is of the kind that nobody can help you out of, then telling anybody about it will not do you any good.
No BenefitNo benefit will
accrue from two or three persons shouldering the responsibility that one man can bear. If you do anything that is of no benefit, you will not gain any benefit.
No Benefit Without Practice Preachers preach about the good results of charity, morality, and meditation, and the audience listen to the sermons, but none of them get down to practice; they are merely preaching and listening. The Dhamma that is just preached and listened to is not effective; only the Dhamma that is practised is effective.
Preaching the Dhamma for others to practise without practising it oneself is like playing a tape recording. You cannot achieve the highest moral purity by praying. You must work for the achievement. Neither monks nor laymen can cook and eat the seeds of charity, morality, and meditation. They must work to develop their perfections. Prayer alone is not enough to attain nibbāna. You must work to cultivate the ten perfections for enlightenment: generosity, morality, renunciation, wisdom, effort, patience, truthfulness,
resolution, kindness, and equanimity.
No GuaranteeIf you have not yet attained the state of moral purity, there is no guarantee that you have got the right view for your journey in samsāra.
Normal StandardsNo SelfPeople are striving for their own benefit, but there is really no ‘self’ to be found.
Not Only One LifeLook to the series of existences you have gone through, not only to your situation in this
transitory life.
Nothing StrangeThere is nothing strange. Everything under the sun comes into existence, and everything dies.
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