|  | | Buddhist Wisdom | | 
| | | ObjectivesOfferings of FaithBhikkhus should not misuse the lay people’s offerings of the essential requisites, and thus commit an evil deed. Entrepreneurs carry on their
business to gain profit. Those who enter the Holy Order should work to gain merit. Do noble deeds so that there is no loss.
One Cannot See NibbānaIf you cannot see how your own mental process works, you cannot possibly see or know the state of ultimate purity
(nibbāna), which is transcendent, through ordinary intelligence and contemplation.
One Life is Very ShortCompared with the endless round of rebirths, one life is very short — just a moment. Consider your welfare in the long future of samsara, not just your
success in this life.
One-Man ShowOpportunityOppressionOthers Are Superior to You |
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