Buddhist Wisdom



Real Happiness

    Enjoyment of pleasures is for attaining happiness, but happiness resulting from mental stability is the most precious.

Real Work

    The real work of a man’s life lies in fulfilling perfections for enlightenment and cultivating a good mind; if prestige or status follows, it counts for nothing.

Reform Yourself

    If you do not reform yourself with a view to spiritual happiness, your life is a sham.

Refuge for All

    The poor mistake religion as the refuge of the upper classes.

    Religion is not anyone’s personal property; it is a common asset.

Religious People Beware!

    Religious people beware! Science will reject anything that does not conform to reason, anything that does not accord with the law of cause and effect.

Rowing Downstream

    Like someone who tries to row downstream in a boat that is already drifting down, some members of the Holy Order today are creating a bad impression, which pushes down the boat of the Buddha’s teachings.

    The Buddha’s dispensation is like a large boat with full sails set and all men at oars rowing downstream with the wind.

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