[Mahasi] [Ledi] [Other] [Pesala] [Suttas]

Venerable Mahāsi Sayādaw

A Discourse on the Hemavata Sutta

Translated by U On Pe (Tet Toe)


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Editor’s Note

This was the first of the Sayādaw’s many discourses that I edited. That edition was published as a paperback in 1993, sponsored by Mrs Sarojini Fernando in memory of her parents. I thoroughly re-edited that first edition, reprinting it in pocket-sized format because the 500 copies of my first edition were used up.

The preface is by U Thein Han, who was one of the interpretors when I first practised at Mahāsi Yeikthā in 1979. A delightful and pious man, he devotedly served the Mahāsi organization for many years.

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(Updated 31/10/2003)
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