The Buddha's Teaching As It Is
An Introductory Course

Ten Audio lectures in MP3 format on the fundamentals of the Buddha's Teaching, the Dhamma
Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi

Published by

The Washington D.C. Buddhist Vihara
5017 16th Street, N.W.,
Washington, D.C.
Phone 202-723-0773

Recommended Reading Page 1 Page 2
Lecture 1 The Buddha Pali Glossary
Lecture 2 The Four Noble Truths Pali Glossary
Lecture 3 The True Nature of Existence Pali Glossary
Lecture 4 Dependent Arising Pali Glossary
Lecture 5 Rebirth and Kamma Pali Glossary
Lecture 6 Nibbana Pali Glossary
Lecture 7 The Noble Eightfold Path Pali Glossary
Lecture 8 Meditation Pali Glossary
Lecture 9 The Social Dimension of The Buddha's Teaching Pali Glossary
Lecture 10 The Sangha Pali Glossary
The Six Sets of Reciprocal Social Duties

Audio recordings Copyright by Buddhist Vihara Society - Washington DC. The works on this CD may not be copied for resale purposes

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